ER survey proves Obamacare is a failure


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
No easing of burden at emergency rooms.

Obamacare's biggest failure

Health insurance and health care are two different things.

America's politicians, White House speechwriters, and way too much of the news media should be forced to write the above sentence 1,000 times. Because they just don't seem to understand that getting millions more Americans signed onto to some kind of health insurance is absolutely nothing to be proud of unless those people actually get better and affordable care. And there's also nothing to celebrate about Obamacare if there's been no easing of the burden for emergency rooms where we have cared for so many uninsured people at such a high cost for so long.

So far it looks like the ACA is 0 for 2. It's already been well documented that the Obamacare plans are leaving millions of Americans struggling to find doctors who actually accept their new insurance plans. And now it turns out America's emergency rooms aren't getting a break either. A just-released poll by the American College of Emergency Physicians, shows that 75% of the 2,099 ER doctors it surveyed are seeing either a major surge or at least a slight increase in the volume of patients coming into their emergency departments. Again, not only are the ER's not seeing any easing of traffic but their burden to care for those unable to find accessible health care has increased in the past year. So much for all those millions of Americans who were supposed to have great new choices and great new access to care.

Who could have predicted this? It turns out almost everyone who was honest about the ACA, myself included, has been predicting this for more than five years. It certainly didn't take a genius to see it coming, especially when the same thing happened in states like Hawaii and Massachusetts when those states gave their citizens the lemon we know as mandatory health insurance coverage. But the real tip off was when we learned that so many people signing up for Obamacare were being shoved into Medicaid. a system that has been struggling for years to find enough doctors to accept its ridiculously low reimbursement structure. And since Obamacare doesn't do anything to encourage more young people to go into medicine, there was the simple math problem of too many patients and not enough doctors to treat them. You can have all the nice laminated insurance cards you can carry, but they aren't worth a thing if you can't find a doctor who can treat you.

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All of this would be bad enough if implementing Obamacare came for free. But the costs of the ACA are exorbitant and already at least $250 billion more than President Obama promised when he signed it into law in 2010. And don't forget the political price we had to pay as the nation was torn apart over yet another new wedge issue. The dozens and dozens of Democrats who lost their seats in the Senate and the House of Representatives in 2010 and 2014 because of their support for Obamacare probably think the cost for this ineffective clunker was too high as well.

MORE: Obamacare the ER
I am sure others will join in the debate, but I have to ask....just what were people expecting ?

Not the OP...but in general.

While we can argue about Obummercare (I certainly don't like it) and all the good/bad it might have done....the one thing that matters most in my opinion is bringing down the percentage of GDP we spend on health care.

Whether it is with or without OCare.
I have a shit ACA policy. But at least the premiums are subsidized. Before the ACA I could have purchased the same shit policy, without the subsidized premiums. Of course, I didn't plan on needing medical care, but I did- twice in one week. Both times at the ER.

Bottom line, I'm gaming this shit for what it's worth. Just like in 2009 when I bought this house and was given an $8K first-time home buyer's tax credit.

If Obama wants to play these games, then I'm game. More power to me.

Other than that, fuck that semi-Negro Kenyan Muslim non-resident Alien with a false birth certificate and a fraudulent Social Security number. :fu:
Gee, you mean insured people who are in need of emergency care are showing up at the hospital near their home instead of the County facility?

Their insurance is paying for it instead of the County taxpayers. Thank you Mr. President.
Gee, you mean insured people who are in need of emergency care are showing up at the hospital near their home instead of the County facility?

Their insurance is paying for it instead of the County taxpayers. Thank you Mr. President.
Problem is, they don't need emergency care, they just need to see a doctor, and they cant find one except at the ER.

So, instead of paying 50 bucks for a visit to the dr. to get over a cold, it's costing us 500 bucks for them to go to the ER.

And no, county taxpayers aren't paying for it, all Americans are, at least those with a job.

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