Eradicate Multiculturalism - Ban Foreign Language Use


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
We need to dispose of all the foreign language usage that has been inserted into our society. This includes telephone recordings, voting ballots, TV and radio broadcasting, newspapers, billboards, etc. We need to clearly establish that our national language is American English. The insertion of foreign language (esp. Spanish) has been a dleiberate political act, to encourage illegal immigration into our country, from Mexico and other Latin American countries, to add to the counts of Democrat Party VOTES.

This is harmful to America. Not only does it encourage illegal immigration and increase it, it also deters foreign language speaking people from learning English, and makes us a multicultural society, thereby establishing conflict whereby people cannot communicate with each other.

Language if the foundation of nationality. A NATION is a community of people with a distinctive language and culture (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.) Language is the reason why/how nations came to exist.

In past years, immigrants came to America legally,learned English and assimilated into our American culture. They had no telephone recordings, foreign language TV shows,or any other external assistance. And they did fine. One of the ways we can "make America great again" is to return to those days when immigrants came here legally, without changing America into a "tangle of squabbling nationalities" as ex-President Theodore Roosevelt stated it.

To be truly a NATION, we must have ONE clearly defined national language, or else we will be a mish-mash, not a nation. Either you have a nation, or you don't.
Just ban all foreigners. Maybe we can deport them.
A truly silly idea that would require a change to our Constituion. Unlikely going to happen.
Just ban white people. What's the point in idiots Iike us.

The same white people who built this country to be the greatest in the world?
Imagine if sports teams banned / fired their best players?
Makes perfect sense in the backward world of Bizarre-O Land.
You can't ban foreign language use in the U.S. and as a matter of fact it's a violation of the 1st Amendment if you try. What you can do is stop catering to foreign language users. Personally I'm tired of wading through instructions in Spanish when I buy a new tool or appliance. Sometimes the instruction booklet gets so thick with French and German as well as Spanish that you have to tear it apart. This ain't Canada and there is no law that we accept any other language except English. Remember when the Peanut man tried to force Americans to use the metric system and highway signs were in metric and even cars had metric speedometers? How did that work out?
You can't ban foreign language use in the U.S. and as a matter of fact it's a violation of the 1st Amendment if you try. What you can do is stop catering to foreign language users. Personally I'm tired of wading through instructions in Spanish when I buy a new tool or appliance. Sometimes the instruction booklet gets so thick with French and German as well as Spanish that you have to tear it apart. This ain't Canada and there is no law that we accept any other language except English. Remember when the Peanut man tried to force Americans to use the metric system and highway signs were in metric and even cars had metric speedometers? How did that work out?
What concerns me is not understanding what is written in Spanish on labels. For example, I was buying some biodegradable cleaning solution at Home Depot to get the winter crap off a tarp. I didn't buy any because I was worried there'd be some secret Spanish message "hombres buy this shit cause it will kill the gringos."
Just ban white people. What's the point in idiots Iike us.

The same white people who built this country to be the greatest in the world?
Imagine if sports teams banned / fired their best players?
Makes perfect sense in the backward world of Bizarre-O Land.
I don't watch sport.

I wouldn't think so...that's a past time practiced by real American's.
White people are all fags and gang stalkers with gender confusion. Why bother with such rubbish?
It's a testament to the sewage of this forum that this thread gets serious responses.
A truly silly idea that would require a change to our Constituion. Unlikely going to happen.
Doesn't require change to the Constitution. Liberals need to stop saying "Unlikely going to happen" They should have learned their lesson when Trump got elected. They're slow learners.
You can't ban foreign language... that's speech. Now, I am in favor of not having to teach kids in a foreign language. We have a problem here in my Parish where kids refuse to speak English and thereby the school system is forced to hire additional teachers in order to teach these kids in their native tongue. That's absurd.
As long as kids of people whose first language is Spanish (or whatever) cannot get college educations without being English fluent, immigrants will continue assimilating.

And that's not to argue against having closed/secure borders.
"Continue" assimilating ? what gave you the idea they were assimilating ?
We need to dispose of all the foreign language usage that has been inserted into our society. This includes telephone recordings, voting ballots, TV and radio broadcasting, newspapers, billboards, etc. We need to clearly establish that our national language is American English. The insertion of foreign language (esp. Spanish) has been a dleiberate political act, to encourage illegal immigration into our country, from Mexico and other Latin American countries, to add to the counts of Democrat Party VOTES.

This is harmful to America. Not only does it encourage illegal immigration and increase it, it also deters foreign language speaking people from learning English, and makes us a multicultural society, thereby establishing conflict whereby people cannot communicate with each other.

Language if the foundation of nationality. A NATION is a community of people with a distinctive language and culture (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.) Language is the reason why/how nations came to exist.

In past years, immigrants came to America legally,learned English and assimilated into our American culture. They had no telephone recordings, foreign language TV shows,or any other external assistance. And they did fine. One of the ways we can "make America great again" is to return to those days when immigrants came here legally, without changing America into a "tangle of squabbling nationalities" as ex-President Theodore Roosevelt stated it.

To be truly a NATION, we must have ONE clearly defined national language, or else we will be a mish-mash, not a nation. Either you have a nation, or you don't.
A Steve Bannon disciple.
Just admit it. You and Bannon are trying to make America white again.
Ain't going to happen you white supremacist neonazi.
Just ban white people. What's the point in idiots Iike us.

The same white people who built this country to be the greatest in the world?
Imagine if sports teams banned / fired their best players?
Makes perfect sense in the backward world of Bizarre-O Land.
I don't watch sport.

I wouldn't think so...that's a past time practiced by real American's.
White people are all fags and gang stalkers with gender confusion. Why bother with such rubbish?

Wow... just wow.

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