Erdogan goes after CHP after jailing HDP deputies and journalists


Nov 14, 2012
Erdogan´s war against the opposition didn´t come to an end with the imprisoning of HDP deputies and journalists. Now he sues all CHP MPs (133). With their statement about the HDP arrests, they have insulted the President, Erdogan claims. Up to 5 years and 4 months of jail await those who insult Erdogan. Meanwhile, Germany declared to be open to Turkish asylum seekers that suffer or fear political persecution.

"In the declaration, the CHP accused the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) of serving terrorism by arresting deputies.

“The arrest of deputies without due process is against the Constitution and rulings of the Constitutional Court. These unlawful practices should come to an end,” said the declaration."
Erdoğan files complaint against CHP leader, party council members over insult charges - Turkish Minute

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