Erdogan-supporters are beating, torturing, and killing soldiers

Photo of dozens of Turkish soldiers bound together after being stripped of their uniforms following their arrest.

Probably all killed by now.....after being cruelly tortured by Erdogan Islamic thugs.

May God have pity on them.

what do you think we would do with soldiers that attempted a coup? tickle them?

What side are you on??????

you make me sick!
generally speaking i'm on the side of democratically elected governments and not on military coups.

how about you? why did you want to see the nato nation and u.s. ally overthrown by this particular group of officers?
Photo of dozens of Turkish soldiers bound together after being stripped of their uniforms following their arrest.

Probably all killed by now.....after being cruelly tortured by Erdogan Islamic thugs.

May God have pity on them.

what do you think we would do with soldiers that attempted a coup? tickle them?

What side are you on??????

you make me sick!
generally speaking i'm on the side of democratically elected governments and not on military coups.

how about you? why did you want to see the nato nation and u.s. ally overthrown by this particular group of officers?

Because I am not for Sharia Law, ok? I am for a secular Turkey.

F*** Erdogan.
This doesn't show that you know what you are talking about.
Endrogan is facing 2 enemies ISIS and the PKK Kurds. He is fighting ISIS relentlessly. I'm sure you don't know that either.
He allowed US airbase operate inside Turkey. Did you see the mass supporting endrogan? Did you see the mass trying to stop these renegades?
Countries like Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Saudi etc........... Cannot run the country by being pussy. They have to be tough in order to maintain peace and order.
he is buying isis oil.......ggeeez

Doont you remember the story of Russia or US lighting up bunch of their transports flowing freely over Turkish border......

for those who do not know "globalresearch" is a VIRULENTLY NAZI organization------very classical
goebbelian shit------and nothing more
So nazis outed nazis.....LLMAAOOOOOO

Happens all the time------islamo Nazis kill each other regularly ---and the next day COLLABORATE with each other. Your statement reveals that you know nothing about the nature of the UMMAH----In fact lately muslims, themselves --VERY PROUDLY state----Islamic violence kills more muslims than non muslims---<<<< Probably true
"I militari hanno giocato d'anticipo per evitare l'epurazione e la sharia"

The military tried to pre-empt removal (of secular officers) and introduction of sharia law. In essence the military knew that secular judges and military officers (Ataturk loyalists) were going to be purged and attempted to save Turkey. They lost, Turkey and the country Turks, the disgusting Islamists will turn Turkey into a less secular state that the Ottoman Empire.

I militari hanno fatto filtrare la notizia secondo cui il golpe è stato deciso per evitare l'ennesima epurazione del governo filo-islamico delle forze kemalista e guleniste presenti ancora nell'esercito turco. I militari hanno fatto sapere che Erdogan era pronto ad introdurre la sharia, la legge islamica dopo aver eliminato il divieto di indossare il velo islamico negli uffici pubblici e e le università. I militari turchi, i seguaci di Kemal Ataturk e i difensori della laicità del Paese sul Bosforo, dopo essere stati messi all'angolo cinque anni fa da una serie di sentenze della magistratura che aveva mandato in galera in massa i vertici delle forze armate, hanno ripreso l'iniziativa politica e sul terreno."

I militari hanno giocato d'anticipo per evitare l'epurazione e la sharia
The military did not try to preempt a damned thing.
It was an orchestrated event by Erdogan involving a limited number of military troops as a "readiness exercise."
The troops surrendered without major incidents and one could see on live television footage as they were escorted away by plain clothes security forces just by holding their hands on both sides as a gesture of capture and some "prisoners" still having their weapons. The troops believed it was an exercise and did not shoot at the plain clothes security forces. Then, shit started to turn serious and now they are sacrificed on the altar of Erdogan for political gain.
Photo of dozens of Turkish soldiers bound together after being stripped of their uniforms following their arrest.

Probably all killed by now.....after being cruelly tortured by Erdogan Islamic thugs.

May God have pity on them.

what do you think we would do with soldiers that attempted a coup? tickle them?

What side are you on??????

you make me sick!
generally speaking i'm on the side of democratically elected governments and not on military coups.

how about you? why did you want to see the nato nation and u.s. ally overthrown by this particular group of officers?

the Erdogan slob ---deposed -----does not DESTROY TURKEY
"I militari hanno giocato d'anticipo per evitare l'epurazione e la sharia"

The military tried to pre-empt removal (of secular officers) and introduction of sharia law. In essence the military knew that secular judges and military officers (Ataturk loyalists) were going to be purged and attempted to save Turkey. They lost, Turkey and the country Turks, the disgusting Islamists will turn Turkey into a less secular state that the Ottoman Empire.

I militari hanno fatto filtrare la notizia secondo cui il golpe è stato deciso per evitare l'ennesima epurazione del governo filo-islamico delle forze kemalista e guleniste presenti ancora nell'esercito turco. I militari hanno fatto sapere che Erdogan era pronto ad introdurre la sharia, la legge islamica dopo aver eliminato il divieto di indossare il velo islamico negli uffici pubblici e e le università. I militari turchi, i seguaci di Kemal Ataturk e i difensori della laicità del Paese sul Bosforo, dopo essere stati messi all'angolo cinque anni fa da una serie di sentenze della magistratura che aveva mandato in galera in massa i vertici delle forze armate, hanno ripreso l'iniziativa politica e sul terreno."

I militari hanno giocato d'anticipo per evitare l'epurazione e la sharia
The military did not try to preempt a damned thing.
It was an orchestrated event by Erdogan involving a limited number of military troops as a "readiness exercise." The troops surrendered without major incidents and one could see on live television footage as they were escorted away by plain clothes security forces just by holding their hands on both sides as a gesture of capture and some "prisoners" still having their weapons. The troops believed it was an exercise and did not shoot at the plain clothes security forces. Then, shit started to turn serious and now they are sacrificed on the altar of Erdogan for political gain.

sheeeesh------weird enough to be true
Photo of dozens of Turkish soldiers bound together after being stripped of their uniforms following their arrest.

Probably all killed by now.....after being cruelly tortured by Erdogan Islamic thugs.

May God have pity on them.

what do you think we would do with soldiers that attempted a coup? tickle them?

What side are you on??????

you make me sick!
generally speaking i'm on the side of democratically elected governments and not on military coups.

how about you? why did you want to see the nato nation and u.s. ally overthrown by this particular group of officers?

Because I am not for Sharia Law, ok? I am for a secular Turkey.

F*** Erdogan.
oh i see. you know better than the people of turkey how they should be governed.

tell me, what did the coup stand for?
Photo of dozens of Turkish soldiers bound together after being stripped of their uniforms following their arrest.

Probably all killed by now.....after being cruelly tortured by Erdogan Islamic thugs.

May God have pity on them.

what do you think we would do with soldiers that attempted a coup? tickle them?

What side are you on??????

you make me sick!
generally speaking i'm on the side of democratically elected governments and not on military coups.

how about you? why did you want to see the nato nation and u.s. ally overthrown by this particular group of officers?

Because I am not for Sharia Law, ok? I am for a secular Turkey.

F*** Erdogan.
oh i see. you know better than the people of turkey how they should be governed.

tell me, what did the coup stand for?

For liberty and freedom and secularism.
what do you think we would do with soldiers that attempted a coup? tickle them?

What side are you on??????

you make me sick!
generally speaking i'm on the side of democratically elected governments and not on military coups.

how about you? why did you want to see the nato nation and u.s. ally overthrown by this particular group of officers?

Because I am not for Sharia Law, ok? I am for a secular Turkey.

F*** Erdogan.
oh i see. you know better than the people of turkey how they should be governed.

tell me, what did the coup stand for?

For liberty and freedom and secularism.
sure. liberty and freedom. by overthrowing a democratically elected government.

where do you get the idea that they were for secularism?
Photo of dozens of Turkish soldiers bound together after being stripped of their uniforms following their arrest.

Probably all killed by now.....after being cruelly tortured by Erdogan Islamic thugs.

May God have pity on them.

what do you think we would do with soldiers that attempted a coup? tickle them?

What side are you on??????

you make me sick!
generally speaking i'm on the side of democratically elected governments and not on military coups.

how about you? why did you want to see the nato nation and u.s. ally overthrown by this particular group of officers?

Because I am not for Sharia Law, ok? I am for a secular Turkey.

F*** Erdogan.
oh i see. you know better than the people of turkey how they should be governed.

tell me, what did the coup stand for?

Not known-----part of Erdogan's program does include the
imposition of the filth of shariah-----therefore it is possible that
anti shariah people wanted him out. So far------the "WHY" has not been revealed
Photo of dozens of Turkish soldiers bound together after being stripped of their uniforms following their arrest.

Probably all killed by now.....after being cruelly tortured by Erdogan Islamic thugs.

May God have pity on them.

what do you think we would do with soldiers that attempted a coup? tickle them?

What side are you on??????

you make me sick!
generally speaking i'm on the side of democratically elected governments and not on military coups.

how about you? why did you want to see the nato nation and u.s. ally overthrown by this particular group of officers?

the Erdogan slob ---deposed -----does not DESTROY TURKEY

not funny OG----just fact
Photo of dozens of Turkish soldiers bound together after being stripped of their uniforms following their arrest.

Probably all killed by now.....after being cruelly tortured by Erdogan Islamic thugs.

May God have pity on them.

what do you think we would do with soldiers that attempted a coup? tickle them?

What side are you on??????

you make me sick!
generally speaking i'm on the side of democratically elected governments and not on military coups.

how about you? why did you want to see the nato nation and u.s. ally overthrown by this particular group of officers?

the Erdogan slob ---deposed -----does not DESTROY TURKEY

not funny OG----just fact
no, it's funny. depose erdogan through a coup and you are guaranteed to have all kinds of problems.

you may not like him, but he is the elected leader and the people clearly supported him over the coup. now i don't think turkey is headed in the right direction, but i do know that change through military force isn't likely to correct that.
When Erdoğan first became Prime Minister, in 2003, he was the Islamic world’s great democratic hope, a leader of enormous vitality who would show the world that an avowedly Islamist politician could lead a stable democracy and carry on as a member of NATO, too.

Those hopes evaporated quickly. Erdoğan, who was elected Turkey’s president in 2014, has taken a page from Vladimir Putin’s playbook, using democratic institutions to legitimize his rule while crushing his opponents, with an eye to ultimately smothering democracy itself. Over the past decade, Erdoğan has silenced, marginalized, or crushed nearly anyone in the country who might oppose him, including newspaper editors, university professors, aid workers, and dissident politicians. (What an irony that Erdoğan, who has imprisoned so many journalists, and gone to great lengths to censor Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, may have saved his Presidency by using FaceTime to make an early Saturday appearance on a Turkish television news channel.) President Obama and other Western leaders, seeing Erdoğan as a bulwark against chaos, largely gave him a pass. In his most recent grab for authoritarian powers, Erdoğan pushed through a law that stripped members of parliament of immunity from prosecution, a measure that his critics fear, with good reason, that he will use to remove the few remaining lawmakers who still oppose him. The Purge Begins in Turkey - The New Yorker

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