Eric Adams mayor of NYC showing extreme Racism

Why do Ku Kluxxers spend so much time hunting for dark skinned racists? It won`t justify their own racism.
Why do Ku Kluxxers spend so much time hunting for dark skinned racists? It won`t justify their own racism.
We live in a society now where every word, every syllable is met with derision if someone finds anything remotely offensive. It is almost impossible to speak perfectly unless we all speak lawyer talk.
The Adams administration is planning to hand out fliers to asylum-seekers at the southern border discouraging them from coming to New York City.

I would think all he'd have to do is hand out PICTURES of NYC in order to discourage anyone from ever wanting to move there!

Funny he doesn't just fire off a letter to his leader Joe Biden for sending them!
Maybe it's just that Adams knows a replacement going on when he sees one....Give it a couple more generations and blacks will be given about the same attention as Native Americans in the minority pecking order. Thing is they won't even have casinos to offer. ;)
Yep....if the blacks don't start voting Republican they are screwed.
Yep....if the blacks don't start voting Republican they are screwed.
the saddest examples of ethnic violence have consisted of one
oppressed group fighting over low level jobs with THE OTHER
oppressed group. With apologies to sensitive persons----
at the end of the 19th century, New York Irish workers were attacking
and even murdering Blacks who had fled Southern oppression and
represented competition in the job market
Adams is just another Democrat hypocrite. They’re all for welcoming in unskilled, uneducated, low class illegal aliens - as long as they stay in Texas and New Mexico.

Just look at the reaction of the white liberal elites in Martha’s Vineyard when 50 of them came there. They had they shipped out within 24 hours.
the saddest examples of ethnic violence have consisted of one
oppressed group fighting over low level jobs with THE OTHER
oppressed group. With apologies to sensitive persons----
at the end of the 19th century, New York Irish workers were attacking
and even murdering Blacks who had fled Southern oppression and
represented competition in the job market
You wouldn’t have wanted to be in Brooklyn in the 50s. My mother told me that the blacks were very violent against the North Koreans - and all they wanted to do was set up little shops and eke out a living.
the saddest examples of ethnic violence have consisted of one
oppressed group fighting over low level jobs with THE OTHER
oppressed group. With apologies to sensitive persons----
at the end of the 19th century, New York Irish workers were attacking
and even murdering Blacks who had fled Southern oppression and
represented competition in the job market
It's happening again only this time it's the blacks being pushed aside...and the latin gangs have made blacks a target. In less than five years blacks will not be safe in California.
Adams is just another Democrat hypocrite. They’re all for welcoming in unskilled, uneducated, low class illegal aliens - as long as they stay in Texas and New Mexico.

Just look at the reaction of the white liberal elites in Martha’s Vineyard when 50 of them came there. They had they shipped out within 24 hours.
But...but....give me your tired and your poor!
It's happening again only this time it's the blacks being pushed aside...and the latin gangs have made blacks a target. In less than five years blacks will not be safe in California.
I’m not even sure it’s the gangs. Latinos tend to be very family oriented and they look down on blacks due to their large illegitimacy rate.
But...but....give me your tired and you’re poor!
….just keep them away from me!

That’s what we see in liberal Montgomery County, MD. The wealthy areas of Bethesda and Chevy Chase are ultra-lib, but of course they live in $1+ million homes and send their children to private school. In the “down-county” areas where the working class live - and estimates are as high as 25% illegal - there are more Republican voters. The illegals have destroyed the schools.

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