Eric Clapton Helps Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Raise Millions At Private Fundraiser

The science…lmfao. The science clearly proves the vax is ineffective and potentially harmful. Wake the fuck up.

What you call science is propaganda.
In the entire world, only Murdoch Scumbags and GOP rubes believe that crap....
He was vax injured. Lost use of his hands immediately after the shot was administered. He thought he’d never play again. He publicly spoke of this and was immediately condemned by the corporate media. Further proof the corporate media is controlled.
Interesting this was a chimp virus-based "vaccine." There is a gain-of-function phenomenon between ape and man for the the thumb. H. sapiens' is an improvement in thumb evolution. Did Clapton give any details about the hands?
Yes. What should enlighten all to the fraud that is the vax is how the media immediately attacked Clapton after he spoke of his injury. He didn’t even criticize big pharma, yet the media labeled him a nut and as we see from some duped posters in this thread, they believe the lying media.
A temporary bad reaction is no reason to stop vaccinations. This is how Republicans died 4 to 1 over Democrats
The science…lmfao. The science clearly proves the vax is ineffective and potentially harmful. Wake the fuck up.

What you call science is propaganda.
The duped magically believe the mRNA "vaccine" is literally oozing from the surfaces of mouth, nose and throat to attack incoming viruses when in fact it is absolutely not effective for these surfaces.
Interesting this was a chimp virus-based "vaccine." There is a gain-of-function phenomenon between ape and man for the the thumb. H. sapiens' is an improvement in thumb evolution. Did Clapton give any details about the hands?
This is the Oxford Astrazeneca vaccine which had problems and is now rare except for the Third World....
Everything you know about the vax, Clapton, and RFK is wrong, because you get all your information from state controlled corporate media.
One answer is to acquire The Real Anthony Fauci and keep it as a reference.
Does he currently live here?
He is not a US citizen, if that’s what you’re asking. I do believe he has a home in the US.

At any rate, all humans on the planet are affected by the US Empire. So you can see why he would support someone like RFK, who isn’t a warmongering psychopath like most candidates for potus of the two criminal gangs.
Eric Clapton - Bio, Net Worth, Married, Wife, Son, Age, Family, Facts, Bands, Awards, Health, Trivia, Nationality, English Guitarist, Personal Life
Why is Biden not approving RFK Jr's secret service protection?... just how far will Biden go to win an election....
Will he have his rivals killed?... what kind of monster is Joe?....
That is the science, Eric got better but he's a conspiracy nut now along with RFK Junior...

Ah yes, the "science":

of course the vac doesn't work. Trump did it. (joke)

The vaccines are effective and my wife is alive, and the guy who used to work on my roof is ... not climbing roofs anymore
of course the vac doesn't work. Trump did it. (joke)

The vaccines are effective and my wife is alive, and the guy who used to work on my roof is ... not climbing roofs anymore

Your first sentence was the view of nearly all DemoKKKrats in 2020, including Joe Biden and Kamala Harris...

of course the vac doesn't work. Trump did it. (joke)

The vaccines are effective and my wife is alive, and the guy who used to work on my roof is ... not climbing roofs anymore
You're cherry-picking genomes and there's no way you can prove the "vaccines" were effective. To do that you would have had to have proof of SARS2 infecting the "vaxxed" and proof by daily testing of viral titers with which to construct a graph.

Once having constructed the graph, you would have to do the impossible: excise the influence of the host's immune system from the equation to leave only the influence of the vaccine, which is not a vaccine.
That is indeed a problem.
basically, only people who are brainwashed functional morons and don't get vaccinated die. the first vaccine was 94% effective so basically you wouldn't get it. Now it's down to 50% but that is still enough to end the pandemic if you morons would get vaccinated... People who said it would stop transmission apologized within minutes but you carry on with the total BS, dupes.

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