Eric Holder: Lets Track Gun Owners With 'Smart Gun' Bracelets


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
So the gun grabbing loons must think we are as stupid as they are. The left is hiding behind the commerce aspect of a gun movement meant to track, register and ultimately confiscate weapons.

They chip away at your civil rights slowly



While the national debate about gun control has simmered, anti-gun activists are hard at work behind the scenes to come up with new ways to push their agenda.

The most recent attempt comes from Attorney General Eric Holder, who is suggesting gun owners be tracked with smart gun bracelets tied to handguns. Naturally, he's doing it under the guise of "gun safety" and "common sense reforms."

Attorney General Eric Holder said on Friday that gun tracking bracelets are something the Justice Department (DOJ) wants to “explore” as part of its gun control efforts.

When discussing gun violence prevention programs within the DOJ, Holder told a House appropriations subcommittee that his agency is looking into technological innovations.

The Justice Department has requested $382.1 million in increased spending for its fiscal year 2014 budget for “gun safety.”

Included in the proposal is $2 million for “Gun Safety Technology” grants, which would award prizes for technologies that are “proven to be reliable and effective.”

Read the rest here: Eric Holder: Lets Track Gun Owners With 'Smart Gun' Bracelets - Katie Pavlich
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why not just tattoo them?

this administration is full of damn scary people and reminds me of Hitler more every day
Was this 'Gun Safety' included in the package during "Fast And Furious"?
Every single one in this administration should have ankle bracelets as soon as they serve JAIL TIME

I can't wait for these pukes to be out of our lives...I can't believe this what the PEOPLE in this country voted for, it makes me sick
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