Eric Holder Signed Off On Search Warrant For James Rosen Emails: NBC News

I made sure I got a huff puff link too LOL.. No Libs out there want to deny this
The federal government is imploding in a systemic failure. This is what happens when rent seeking career politicians and their unionized "army" think of themselves as being the taxpayers' masters.
He's a despicable piece of shit. Corrupt Chicago assholes like him simply relocated to Washington. And either Obama is an accomplice, or he's just an ignorant puppet.
I told my senators to block his confirmation, they didn't and I had the displeasure of calling the one that is left and saying I told him so. Considering his history, nothing Holder does surprises me and he should have never been confirmed in the first place.
On the bright side, many even in the Left/Globalist MSM are beginning to wake up. This is an awful time for our Nation. A brutal Chicago Gang is currently in power. Arrests have to be made. Period, end of story.
Is anyone TRULY shocked??

Not really...

The only thing this does is help show definitively who the hyper-partisan DEMs are.. who gets lumped in with the TDMs and Black_Labels of the world most likely signed the warrant...but Obama said Holder shares his concerns over this and will investigate what happened.
Am I missing something?
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He would authorize it.
It is simply atrocious. No, worse. It is a total disregard for the 1A and the purpose of the press in a free society. The warrant was drafted in disregard of law and department policy. It was meant to and has chilled press sources. If it stands it will be a very dangerous precedent.

Seems these folks missed the whole Bush warrantless wiretapping thing. They were like "If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care" as they rifled through library records, airplane manifests, medical records, emails, phone calls..and tons of other stuff.


It's a concern.


Its only a concern if the President is a Democrat.

Seems these folks missed the whole Bush warrantless wiretapping thing. They were like "If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care" as they rifled through library records, airplane manifests, medical records, emails, phone calls..and tons of other stuff.


It's a concern.

So then I assume you are OK with it?

You know...becuase you feel someone else may be a gives you reason to be OK with it?

Wow. Talk about allowing the actions of those you disagree with dictate your convictions.
FOr what?

Seems these folks missed the whole Bush warrantless wiretapping thing. They were like "If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care" as they rifled through library records, airplane manifests, medical records, emails, phone calls..and tons of other stuff.


It's a concern.


Its only a concern if the President is a Democrat.

So it is not a concern to you?

Becuase people you see as hypocrites felt it is only bad when it is a democrat...then to you that menas it is good?

Talk about the epitome of being a sheep.

You decide what you agree with based on the sentiments of those you disagree with.

How pathetic is that?
He would authorize it.
It is simply atrocious. No, worse. It is a total disregard for the 1A and the purpose of the press in a free society. The warrant was drafted in disregard of law and department policy. It was meant to and has chilled press sources. If it stands it will be a very dangerous precedent.

So....the warrent WAS illegal?

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