Eric Holder Signed Off On Search Warrant For James Rosen Emails: NBC News

STILL defending Holder, OohPoo?

The guy's a lying piece of shit. He has been since he got Marc Rich off in the waning hours of the Clinton Administration!

You folks on the Left are always moaning about how Republicans are the party that is in the pocket of the rich but where is your outrage over a blatant payoff to an outgoing Democratic President for a pardon? Holder never should have been able to hold office as the town dogcatcher after what he did back then...let alone Attorney General of the United States.
STILL defending Holder, OohPoo?

The guy's a lying piece of shit. He has been since he got Marc Rich off in the waning hours of the Clinton Administration!

You folks on the Left are always moaning about how Republicans are the party that is in the pocket of the rich but where is your outrage over a blatant payoff to an outgoing Democratic President for a pardon? Holder never should have been able to hold office as the town dogcatcher after what he did back then...let alone Attorney General of the United States.

Would you like to discuss the law?
Big Brother's Police State grows larger and more bold by the day. Dissension cannot and will not be tolerated.
Would you like to discuss the law?

Your guy's awful abuse of the Espionage Act of 1917 is unforgivable and indefensible. But you go on defending the indefensible. Whatever gets you through the day i guess.

The administration seems to like digging up old laws, like the Lacey Act, to punish its enemies. The Espionage Act is part of that.
And remember, everything the Nazis did was legal.
STILL defending Holder, OohPoo?

The guy's a lying piece of shit. He has been since he got Marc Rich off in the waning hours of the Clinton Administration!

You folks on the Left are always moaning about how Republicans are the party that is in the pocket of the rich but where is your outrage over a blatant payoff to an outgoing Democratic President for a pardon? Holder never should have been able to hold office as the town dogcatcher after what he did back then...let alone Attorney General of the United States.

Would you like to discuss the law?

I'd like to discuss the hypocrisy of people like yourself that piss and moan about rich people getting preferential treatment from government but don't have a problem with Eric Holder setting up a Clinton Presidential pardon in the last hours of the Clinton White House for a convicted felon on the lam in Europe. Why don't you tell me the rationale for Marc Rich's pardon, OohPoo? It wasn't against the law...but BOY WAS IT SLEAZY!!!

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