Eric Holder Signed Off On Search Warrant For James Rosen Emails: NBC News

I made sure I got a huff puff link too LOL.. No Libs out there want to deny this

The heat is on--but let's face it--Obama has kept him on all the way through Fast n Furious and did nothing--so I don't expect anything to come of this.


Editorial: Holder crosses a line in going after leaks - Editorials - The Sacramento Bee

Editorial: Holder crosses a line in going after leaks
By the Editorial Board
By the Editorial Board
Last modified: 2013-05-22T16:23:35Z
Published: Wednesday, May. 22, 2013 - 12:00 am | Page 12A
Last Modified: Wednesday, May. 22, 2013 - 9:23 am

Federal judges should be on notice: The U.S. Justice Department seems fully prepared to stretch the truth – or worse, spread falsehoods – to obtain search warrants. That's what it did in labeling a journalist as an espionage "co-conspirator" for simply doing what reporters have always done – attempting to solicit information from government employees.

As has now been revealed by the Washington Post, the FBI obtained a search warrant in 2009 allowing it to track the emails and phone records of James Rosen, a Fox News reporter. Rosen was working on a story about how North Korea was likely to react to U.N. sanctions. Rosen reportedly received information from Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, a State Department adviser who had received a top-secret CIA memo predicting that the North Koreans might conduct a nuclear missile test in response to U.N. sanctions.

No one is questioning the Obama administration's decision to investigate and prosecute Kim. As Slate columnist Fred Kaplan has written, "Officials with security clearances sign a contract pledging not to share material with the outside world – and they know they could face criminal penalties if they do."

Yet it is another matter entirely to label a reporter as "co-conspirator" for attempting to obtain that kind of information. That's what FBI agent Reginald Reyes did in successfully obtaining a search warrant against Rosen from Alan Kay, a U.S. magistrate judge. Reyes stated that Rosen encouraged Kim to disclose sensitive information by "employing flattery and playing to Mr. Kim's vanity and ego."


That's the warrant Holder signed off on.

Did Holder mislead Congress about targeting reporters like James Rosen? | Fox News

Did Holder mislead Congress about targeting reporters like James Rosen?

By Karl Rove

Published May 24, 2013


NBC News is reporting that Mr. Holder “signed off on a controversial search warrant that identified Fox News reporter James Rosen as a ‘possible co-conspirator’ in violations of the Espionage Act and authorized seizure of his private emails,” per NBC conversations with a law enforcement official.

In the case of the government’s subpoena for the phone records of as many as 100 Associated Press editors and writers, Mr. Holder left the decision for a deputy to make after he recused himself.

But if NBC News is right, then the attorney general himself green-lighted the FBI to seek a subpoena for Mr. Rosen’s private emails in the spring of 2010.

If true, then Mr. Holder has a difficulty. He might have recently misled Congress in a profound way. Some might even say he lied.

On May 15, before the House Judiciary Committee, Congressman Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) asked the attorney general, “We also have an old law that would allow for prosecution of anyone who published the classified information, isn’t that correct?”

In the course of a rambling answer, Mr. Holder said, “You've got a long way to go to try to prosecute people—the press for the publication of that material. This has...not fared well in American history."

So far, so good: Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder apparently agree. "The focus should be on those people who break their oath and put the American people at risk, not reporters who gather this information. That should not be the focus...of these investigations," the attorney general went on to say.

But Mr. Holder also proclaimed, "With regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material, that is not something I've ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy."

But that’s exactly what the government was trying to do in the case of James Rosen, then a Fox News reporter on the State Department beat, now Fox News’ chief Washington correspondent.

The FBI sought Mr. Rosen’s phone records and private emails because they alleged there was “probable cause to believe” Mr. Rosen was a “co-conspirator and/or aider and abettor…committing the criminal offense…”

If NBC is right and Mr. Holder approved going after Mr. Rosen, then the attorney general has a lot of explaining to do to Congress.

He would authorize it.
It is simply atrocious. No, worse. It is a total disregard for the 1A and the purpose of the press in a free society. The warrant was drafted in disregard of law and department policy. It was meant to and has chilled press sources. If it stands it will be a very dangerous precedent.

You seem to, conveniently, forget, that most of you folks didn't care at all when this was being done under Bush.

You folks rejected strong whistle blower laws.

And you folks were the ones that supported the Patriot Act.

And now you are supporting it. Hypocrisy runs deep in you.

I suppose you will come back with a bullshit ‘I don’t support the patriot act’ but all the previous posts attempting to deflect to Bush show that as the hollow statement that it is. I don’t care who supported what 5 years ago, we are discussing bullshit violations of basic rights here and no one should support that.

Also, who supported the patriot act in this thread on its inception? I am betting that you are simply assuming about many of the posters here. There were a lot of us that were vehemently against it. Lastly, your side followed Bush to a key, reauthorizing the Patriot Act when it was largely unpopular and the government was firmly in Democrat hands. IOW, the left is being just as hypocritical as the right ever was here.
He would authorize it.
It is simply atrocious. No, worse. It is a total disregard for the 1A and the purpose of the press in a free society. The warrant was drafted in disregard of law and department policy. It was meant to and has chilled press sources. If it stands it will be a very dangerous precedent.

You seem to, conveniently, forget, that most of you folks didn't care at all when this was being done under Bush.

You folks rejected strong whistle blower laws.

And you folks were the ones that supported the Patriot Act.

And now you are supporting it. Hypocrisy runs deep in you.

I suppose you will come back with a bullshit ‘I don’t support the patriot act’ but all the previous posts attempting to deflect to Bush show that as the hollow statement that it is. I don’t care who supported what 5 years ago, we are discussing bullshit violations of basic rights here and no one should support that.

Also, who supported the patriot act in this thread on its inception? I am betting that you are simply assuming about many of the posters here. There were a lot of us that were vehemently against it. Lastly, your side followed Bush to a key, reauthorizing the Patriot Act when it was largely unpopular and the government was firmly in Democrat hands. IOW, the left is being just as hypocritical as the right ever was here.

Damn fine post.
It's the Chicago Way folks. Many of us saw this awful stuff coming. Very dark times for our Nation.
The Obama Admin is hoping that this will die down over the three day weekend.

As if.
The Obama Admin is hoping that this will die down over the three day weekend.

As if.

It's a very sad mess. The Chicago criminals have seized power. And Obama is either an accomplice, or just a pathetic puppet. My personal opinion is that he's been well-aware of all this corruption. These are his People. These criminals made him who he is. We need justice. Arrests have to be made. Anything less is absolutely unacceptable.
What's amusing to me is that when the Patriot Act was signed into law many progressives howled about how conservatives would use these new powers to infringe on the Constitutional rights of American citizens. All that noise about how conservatives couldn't be trusted and the Bush Administration used the Patriot Act to go after terrorists just as the law was intended.

Fast forward to the Obama Administration and their use of the Patriot Act to spy on reporters. Isn't it ironic that the people who couldn't be trusted to use the Patriot Act properly turned out to be progressives?
Last edited:

Last I checked one needed a Judge to sign those things.

One did:

“After extensive deliberations, and after following all applicable laws, regulations and policies, the Department sought an appropriately tailored search warrant under the Privacy Protection Act,” said a department official, referring to a federal law that governs under what circumstances information can be subpoenaed from the news media. “And a federal magistrate judge made an independent finding that probable cause existed to approve the search warrant.”

DOJ confirms Holder OK'd search warrant for Fox News reporter's emails - Open Channel
And the OP is proven once again to be a liar, as the AG didn’t ‘sign-off’ on anything, making it appear as if Holder ‘signed’ a warrant himself, with no judicial oversight.
Was it illegal?

Last I checked one needed a Judge to sign those things.

One did:

“After extensive deliberations, and after following all applicable laws, regulations and policies, the Department sought an appropriately tailored search warrant under the Privacy Protection Act,” said a department official, referring to a federal law that governs under what circumstances information can be subpoenaed from the news media. “And a federal magistrate judge made an independent finding that probable cause existed to approve the search warrant.”

DOJ confirms Holder OK'd search warrant for Fox News reporter's emails - Open Channel
And the OP is proven once again to be a liar, as the AG didn’t ‘sign-off’ on anything, making it appear as if Holder ‘signed’ a warrant himself, with no judicial oversight.

The title was perfectly correct. Holder did sign off on the order to do so, as he would have to as AG. Quit obfuscating.
You almost gotta laugh when Hussein takes a line from the old movie "Casablanca" and says " I am shocked, shocked that gambling is going on in this establishment", here are your winnings Captain".
Last I checked one needed a Judge to sign those things.

One did:

“After extensive deliberations, and after following all applicable laws, regulations and policies, the Department sought an appropriately tailored search warrant under the Privacy Protection Act,” said a department official, referring to a federal law that governs under what circumstances information can be subpoenaed from the news media. “And a federal magistrate judge made an independent finding that probable cause existed to approve the search warrant.”

DOJ confirms Holder OK'd search warrant for Fox News reporter's emails - Open Channel
And the OP is proven once again to be a liar, as the AG didn’t ‘sign-off’ on anything, making it appear as if Holder ‘signed’ a warrant himself, with no judicial oversight.

The title was perfectly correct. Holder did sign off on the order to do so, as he would have to as AG. Quit obfuscating.

“And a federal magistrate judge made an independent finding that probable cause existed to approve the search warrant.”

Start comprehending.

Seems these folks missed the whole Bush warrantless wiretapping thing. They were like "If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care" as they rifled through library records, airplane manifests, medical records, emails, phone calls..and tons of other stuff.


It's a concern.


Ha,ha, that's so funny - they completely reverse themselves then tell us we're crazy! :cuckoo:
Was it illegal?

Last I checked one needed a Judge to sign those things.

Even with the Patriot Act?

If what he did was illegal, full steam ahead with investigations. BUT, if it is currently legal, can anyone explain why we are investigating LEGAL actions?
I don't know. Singling out and targeting individual citizens because you don't like the way they do their job might be a tad over the top, don't you think?

After all, if publishing released classified documents is made illicit, why we can close down all the media outlets right away.
FOr what?

Seems these folks missed the whole Bush warrantless wiretapping thing. They were like "If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care" as they rifled through library records, airplane manifests, medical records, emails, phone calls..and tons of other stuff.


It's a concern.


Ha,ha, that's so funny - they completely reverse themselves then tell us we're crazy! :cuckoo:

You and your moron pal seem to have forgotten that we supported wiretapping on foreigners on known terrorist lists, calling INTO the US.

But you go ahead and twist what you think you remember so you can sleep at night.
FOr what?

Seems these folks missed the whole Bush warrantless wiretapping thing. They were like "If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care" as they rifled through library records, airplane manifests, medical records, emails, phone calls..and tons of other stuff.


It's a concern.


Ha,ha, that's so funny - they completely reverse themselves then tell us we're crazy! :cuckoo:

You are. You're the ones in a perpetual state of denial. :cuckoo:

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