Eric Holder Signed Off On Search Warrant For James Rosen Emails: NBC News

Last I checked one needed a Judge to sign those things.

Even with the Patriot Act?

If what he did was illegal, full steam ahead with investigations. BUT, if it is currently legal, can anyone explain why we are investigating LEGAL actions?
I don't know. Singling out and targeting individual citizens because you don't like the way they do their job might be a tad over the top, don't you think?

After all, if publishing released classified documents is made illicit, why we can close down all the media outlets right away.

Of course.

But that’s not the case here.
Even with the Patriot Act?

If what he did was illegal, full steam ahead with investigations. BUT, if it is currently legal, can anyone explain why we are investigating LEGAL actions?
I don't know. Singling out and targeting individual citizens because you don't like the way they do their job might be a tad over the top, don't you think?

After all, if publishing released classified documents is made illicit, why we can close down all the media outlets right away.

Of course.

But that’s not the case here.
There is no legitimate reason to investigate Rosen. He was doing his job, and within the limits of the law.

Now, of course, he'll be lucky to have any CI work with him at all.

I wonder what will be the response when the next Republican President does this to stop leaks that are 'harmful' to the country?
Who knows whether Obama was involved, but if he wasn't, this is the most clueless President about EVERYTHING that is happening in his administration ever. I mean how many more times can he say he wasn't told, he wasn't in that loop, that was somebody else's call, somebody else decided that, etc. etc. etc.? And how long will his dutiful press secretary be able to stall the questions with deflections, obfusications, and artful dodges? Sooner or later the buck is going to have to stop somewhere.

Or maybe not. When you have a media that does not demand answers or even as questions that reporters once routinely asked, and you have an adoring, gullible public who willl believe that anybody you blame is guilty, you can get away with anything.
One did:

And the OP is proven once again to be a liar, as the AG didn’t ‘sign-off’ on anything, making it appear as if Holder ‘signed’ a warrant himself, with no judicial oversight.

The title was perfectly correct. Holder did sign off on the order to do so, as he would have to as AG. Quit obfuscating.

“And a federal magistrate judge made an independent finding that probable cause existed to approve the search warrant.”

Start comprehending.

Physician, heal thyself.
Holder previously said he recused himself from the AP subpoena because he had been questioned as a witness in the underlying investigation into a leak about a foiled bomb plot in Yemen. His role in personally approving the Rosen search warrant had not been previously reported until NBC News reported it on Thursday.
A law enforcement official. who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said Holder's approval of the Rosen search, in the spring of 2010, came after senior Justice officials concluded there was "probable cause" that Rosen's communications with Kim met the legal burden for such searches.
Who knows whether Obama was involved, but if he wasn't, this is the most clueless President about EVERYTHING that is happening in his administration ever. I mean how many more times can he say he wasn't told, he wasn't in that loop, that was somebody else's call, somebody else decided that, etc. etc. etc.? And how long will his dutiful press secretary be able to stall the questions with deflections, obfusications, and artful dodges? Sooner or later the buck is going to have to stop somewhere.

Or maybe not. When you have a media that does not demand answers or even as questions that reporters once routinely asked, and you have an adoring, gullible public who willl believe that anybody you blame is guilty, you can get away with anything.

If his aides didnt tell him, Obama should fire them. If they did tell him, he should resign.

Seems these folks missed the whole Bush warrantless wiretapping thing. They were like "If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care" as they rifled through library records, airplane manifests, medical records, emails, phone calls..and tons of other stuff.


It's a concern.


A trigger of a Bush warrantless wiretap was communication from suspected Islamo terrorists originating from overseas. What's the Holder DOJ trigger(s) to initiate surveillance of records?
FOr what?

Seems these folks missed the whole Bush warrantless wiretapping thing. They were like "If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care" as they rifled through library records, airplane manifests, medical records, emails, phone calls..and tons of other stuff.


It's a concern.


A trigger of a Bush warrantless wiretap was communication from suspected Islamo terrorists originating from overseas. What's the Holder DOJ trigger(s) to initiate surveillance of records?

Writing things that contradict the Obama Administration's views.
Seems these folks missed the whole Bush warrantless wiretapping thing. They were like "If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care" as they rifled through library records, airplane manifests, medical records, emails, phone calls..and tons of other stuff.


It's a concern.


A trigger of a Bush warrantless wiretap was communication from suspected Islamo terrorists originating from overseas. What's the Holder DOJ trigger(s) to initiate surveillance of records?

Writing things that contradict the Obama Administration's views.

That is why you never support the ceding of freedoms in the first place. Sure, Bush said that he would only use the patriot act to target terrorists but what about the next ten presidents? Sure, Obama says he is not going to use the clause in the NDAA to cart Americans off to GITMO but what about the next one? Obama will not use drone strikes on American soil but what…..

Power is abused 100 percent of the time. At some point, any power that you give the government will be abused. Don’t give the government more power (or anything for that matter) than you absolutely must.

"... the Obama administration’s steadily escalating war on leaks, the most militant I have seen since the Nixon administration, has disregarded the First Amendment and intimidated a growing number of government sources of information — most of which would not be classified — that is vital for journalists to hold leaders accountable."
Leonard Downie: Obama?s war on leaks undermines investigative journalism - The Washington Post
LOL, in your ill-informed opinion of course.

Even with the Patriot Act?

If what he did was illegal, full steam ahead with investigations. BUT, if it is currently legal, can anyone explain why we are investigating LEGAL actions?
I don't know. Singling out and targeting individual citizens because you don't like the way they do their job might be a tad over the top, don't you think?

After all, if publishing released classified documents is made illicit, why we can close down all the media outlets right away.

Of course.

But that’s not the case here.

For what?

He reviewed a legal warrant. SO?

An appeals court is the only other authority here. They may later find that the DOJ overreached. But it's looking like James Rosen may have crossed a line into soliciting of national security info. Why was he setting up all those secret email accounts etc.

A judge issued the warrant, not Holder, you dolts.

There's a big difference between a whistle blower and what this was -- A SECURITY LEAK.

You teabag idiots are so funny when you try to play lawyer.

For what?

He reviewed a legal warrant. SO?

An appeals court is the only other authority here. They may later find that the DOJ overreached. But it's looking like James Rosen may have crossed a line into soliciting of national security info. Why was he setting up all those secret email accounts etc.

A judge issued the warrant, not Holder, you dolts.

There's a big difference between a whistle blower and what this was -- A SECURITY LEAK.

You teabag idiots are so funny when you try to play lawyer.

The desperation and denial is running strong.
Holder had to authorize getting the warrant. Initially he said he had recused himself. Then it came out he did in fact authorize it. So he lied.
The warrant was based on a 1917 law and criminalizes ordinary journalism, the kind protected by the 1A.

And of course if Bush had done this the Left would be screaming that Bush was a tyrant.

For what?

He reviewed a legal warrant. SO?

An appeals court is the only other authority here. They may later find that the DOJ overreached. But it's looking like James Rosen may have crossed a line into soliciting of national security info. Why was he setting up all those secret email accounts etc.

A judge issued the warrant, not Holder, you dolts.

There's a big difference between a whistle blower and what this was -- A SECURITY LEAK.

You teabag idiots are so funny when you try to play lawyer.

So what? The Attorney General of the United States lied to Congress when he testified that he didn't know anything about this. He not only knew about it...he signed the order that made it happen!

I know that you're willing to bend over backwards to excuse the conduct of this Administration, Hazlnut but surely even YOU can see a problem here?:cuckoo:
And the judge issued the order because the Justice Department lied about Rosen being a co-conspirator. You can't blame the judge when the information that he is making his judgement with is total bullshit. That blame falls squarely on Holder.
Holder intentionally misled the judge. Did any other judge refuse to sign it before Holder found one that would?

Answer the questions Mr. Holder.
Did the Attorney General think Obama would use another "executive privilege" to prevent people from finding out that he signed the freaking request to invade James Rosen's privacy or did he trust the mainstream media to ignore it? It seems that he might have lied about it during a congressional hearing.
This is pretty ugly stuff going on in this White House. Accountability is the key. There will have to be accountability. Personally, i won't be satisfied until i see Eric Holder in cuffs and wearing a prison jumpsuit.
Even with the Patriot Act?

If what he did was illegal, full steam ahead with investigations. BUT, if it is currently legal, can anyone explain why we are investigating LEGAL actions?
I don't know. Singling out and targeting individual citizens because you don't like the way they do their job might be a tad over the top, don't you think?

After all, if publishing released classified documents is made illicit, why we can close down all the media outlets right away.

Of course.

But that’s not the case here.


How Prosecutors Fought to Keep Rosen's Warrant Secret : The New Yorker

They did all they could to keep Rosen, FOX, and the public from ever knowing about the trails:

May 24, 2013
How Prosecutors Fought to Keep Rosen’s Warrant Secret
Posted by Ryan Lizza

The Obama Administration fought to keep a search warrant for James Rosen’s private e-mail account secret, arguing to a federal judge that the government might need to monitor the account for a lengthy period of time.

The new details are revealed in a court filing detailing a back and forth between the Justice Department and the federal judges who oversaw the request to search a Gmail account belonging to Rosen, a reporter for Fox News. A 2009 article Rosen had written about North Korea sparked an investigation; Ronald C. Machen, Jr., the U.S. Attorney who is prosecuting Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, a former State Department adviser who allegedly leaked classified information to Rosen, insisted that the reporter should not be notified of the search and seizure of his e-mails, even after a lengthy delay.

E-mails, Machen wrote, “are commonly used by subjects or targets of the criminal investigation at issue, and the e-mail evidence derived from those compelled disclosures frequently forms the core of the Government’s evidence supporting criminal charges.”

He argued that disclosure of the search warrant would preclude the government from monitoring the account, should such a step become necessary in the investigation. Machen added that “some investigations are continued for many years because, while the evidence is not yet sufficient to bring charges, it is sufficient to have identified criminal subjects and/or criminal activity serious enough to justify continuation of the investigation.”

Machen insisted the investigation would be compromised if Rosen was informed of the warrant, and also asked the court to order Google not to notify Rosen that the company had handed over Rosen’s e-mails to the government. Rosen, according to recent reports, did not learn that the government seized his e-mail records until it was reported in the Washington Post last week.

The new details indicate that the government wanted the option to search Rosen’s e-mails repeatedly if the F.B.I. found further evidence implicating the reporter in what prosecutors argued was a conspiracy to commit espionage.

According to recently unsealed documents in the case, the Obama Justice Department sought an extensive amount of information from Rosen’s e-mail account. In addition to Rosen’s correspondence with Kim, the government wanted to know about Rosen’s contacts with other government officials, including “records or information relating to the Author’s communication with any other source or potential source of the information disclosed in the Article.”

The government, which accused Rosen of being an “aider, abettor, and/or co-conspirator” in the Kim case, cast a wide net in its search of Rosen’s e-mail. Among other things, the search warrant requested access to:

—“Records or information related to Stephen Kim’s or the Author’s knowledge of laws, regulations, rules and/or procedures prohibiting the unauthorized disclosure of national defense or classified information.”

—“Any classified document, image, record, or information, and any communications concerning such documents, images, records, or information.”

—“Any document, image, record, or information concerning the national defense, including but not limited to documents, maps, plans, diagrams, guides, manuals, and other Department of Defense, U.S. military, and/or weapons material, as well as sources and methods of intelligence gathering, and any communications concerning such documents, images, records, or information.”

—“Records or information related to the state of mind of any individuals seeking the disclosure or receipt of classified, intelligence and/or national defense information.”

In addition, the Justice Department searched the account for any Internet services Rosen may have accessed and records of “data transfer volume,” suggesting the government was looking for evidence that Rosen downloaded large quantities of potentially classified information.

The new documents show that two judges separately declared that the Justice Department was required to notify Rosen of the search warrant, even if the notification came after a delay. Otherwise: “The subscriber therefore will never know, by being provided a copy of the warrant, for example, that the government secured a warrant and searched the contents of her e-mail account,” Judge John M. Facciola wrote in an opinion rejecting the Obama Administration’s argument.

Machen appealed that decision, and in September, 2010, Royce C. Lamberth, the chief judge in the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia, granted Machen’s request to overturn the order of the two judges.

Rosen was not indicted in the case. Kim was indicted for making unauthorized disclosures of national defense information and for making false statements to F.B.I. agents about his contacts with Rosen.

Yesterday, hours after President Obama said, in a speech at National Defense University, that he had asked Attorney General Eric Holder to review the Justice Department’s policies concerning investigations of the media, NBC News reported that the warrant to search Rosen’s e-mail account was personally approved by Holder.

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