Eric Holder Signed Off On Search Warrant For James Rosen Emails: NBC News

And how exactly should the Administration ‘pay’ if its actions were legal.

Yes, we are sure to get to the bottom of yet another fucking scandal by this asshole and his minion... After all, they investigate themselves so thoroughly and always manage to never know the who's who or the what's what of every god damned scandal.

Where are the indictments?

Yes, dear, now there's a telling question from an Obama apostle if ever there were one~
Yes, we are sure to get to the bottom of yet another fucking scandal by this asshole and his minion... After all, they investigate themselves so thoroughly and always manage to never know the who's who or the what's what of every god damned scandal.

Where are the indictments?

Yes, dear, now there's a telling question from an Obama apostle if ever there were one~

You’ve still answered neither question.

You could have simply said: “I don’t know.”

Or: “Since the Administration’s actions were legal, there’ll be nothing to ‘pay’ and there’ll be no ‘indictments.’
It's rather hard to even BEGIN an investigation into whether there is wrongdoing that's taken place when questions are met by Administration members either taking the 5th or saying that they have no memory of what the questioner is asking or saying that because it's an "on going" investigation they can't comment.

All of these things are what Administrations commonly do when they are trying to stonewall an investigation...and that is typically done when an Administration has something to hide. So if this Administration has nothing to hide from the American people then why are they doing the things that they ARE doing?
Where are the indictments?

Yes, dear, now there's a telling question from an Obama apostle if ever there were one~

You’ve still answered neither question.

You could have simply said: “I don’t know.”

Or: “Since the Administration’s actions were legal, there’ll be nothing to ‘pay’ and there’ll be no ‘indictments.’
Targeting organizations based on their political beliefs is illegal.
Turning over confidential information to parties outside the gov't is illegal.

We dont know the scope of the IRS activities yet. That's why Congress is investigating.
Seems these folks missed the whole Bush warrantless wiretapping thing. They were like "If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care" as they rifled through library records, airplane manifests, medical records, emails, phone calls..and tons of other stuff.


It's a concern.


Ha,ha, that's so funny - they completely reverse themselves then tell us we're crazy! :cuckoo:

You and your moron pal seem to have forgotten that we supported wiretapping on foreigners on known terrorist lists, calling INTO the US.
And you're sure that they only wiretapped foreigners on known terrorist lists? Ha,ha, you are even more naive than you know.

But you go ahead and twist what you think you remember so you can sleep at night.
Since apparently you are unaware of what was really going on you are able to sleep at night. Ignorance is bliss for some.
Seems these folks missed the whole Bush warrantless wiretapping thing. They were like "If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care" as they rifled through library records, airplane manifests, medical records, emails, phone calls..and tons of other stuff.


It's a concern.


Ha,ha, that's so funny - they completely reverse themselves then tell us we're crazy! :cuckoo:

You are. You're the ones in a perpetual state of denial. :cuckoo:

Like I said - :cuckoo:
As I said before, Mert...what strikes me as ironic is that liberals like yourself were foaming at the mouth over how "right wing facists" would use the Patriot Act to deprive Americans of their Constitutional rights and then it turns out that the people who couldn't resist doing THAT were fellow liberals.

That's funny shit...
Keep listening to the gloom and doom, new scandal (based on old news) every week Pub propaganda machine- no wonder you're nuts, as well as functional morons...
Yes, dear, now there's a telling question from an Obama apostle if ever there were one~

You’ve still answered neither question.

You could have simply said: “I don’t know.”

Or: “Since the Administration’s actions were legal, there’ll be nothing to ‘pay’ and there’ll be no ‘indictments.’
Targeting organizations based on their political beliefs is illegal.
Turning over confidential information to parties outside the gov't is illegal.

We dont know the scope of the IRS activities yet. That's why Congress is investigating.
You're right. Congress shouldn't have to be making sure corrupt people in the administration are doing right. They're actually just doing what the COC wants them to do. "Do what wrong you have to do and make sure I don't know about it so I will not be blamed for it."

Obama thinks the rest of America hasn't got it figured out yet. :evil:
I'm a liberal. Even though what Holder did was legal because of the Patriot Act, this is exactly what progressives don't want out of a transparent government that is truly accountable to the people. I voted for Obama both times. Still would considering the competition, but this is NOT acceptable to me as a progressive. And this taken with the IRS scandal, the seeming cluelessness or ignorance of the President over that matter and others (as John Stewart so deftly pointed out), and the expansion of drone strikes - some on American citizens - convinces me that, although I'm not a Democrat, the Republicans - a party of primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts -actually have a point, despite the hypocrisy. And when the GOP take the White House in 2016 because of the energized base and moderates that fall for the poignant campaign ads that year, and rub it in our faces, we'll have no one else to blame but Obama.
I'm a liberal. Even though what Holder did was legal because of the Patriot Act, this is exactly what progressives don't want out of a transparent government that is truly accountable to the people. I voted for Obama both times. Still would considering the competition, but this is NOT acceptable to me as a progressive. And this taken with the IRS scandal, the seeming cluelessness or ignorance of the President over that matter and others (as John Stewart so deftly pointed out), and the expansion of drone strikes - some on American citizens - convinces me that, although I'm not a Democrat, the Republicans - a party of primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts -actually have a point, despite the hypocrisy. And when the GOP take the White House in 2016 because of the energized base and moderates that fall for the poignant campaign ads that year, and rub it in our faces, we'll have no one else to blame but Obama.

Then perhaps you can answer some questions:

How does a given administration maintain ‘transparency’ yet conduct a war on terror?

Should a given administration simply allow government officials to leak classified information to the press absent any punitive measures?

Should a given administration allow the press unfettered access to classified information, even if it compromises National security, efforts to combat terrorism, or even endangers Americans’ lives.

And what if a given administration allowed all of the above and another 3000 innocent Americans were killed in a 9/11 type attack? What would be the political and legal consequences of a given administration that clearly failed to keep the American people safe?
I'm a liberal. Even though what Holder did was legal because of the Patriot Act, this is exactly what progressives don't want out of a transparent government that is truly accountable to the people. I voted for Obama both times. Still would considering the competition, but this is NOT acceptable to me as a progressive. And this taken with the IRS scandal, the seeming cluelessness or ignorance of the President over that matter and others (as John Stewart so deftly pointed out), and the expansion of drone strikes - some on American citizens - convinces me that, although I'm not a Democrat, the Republicans - a party of primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts -actually have a point, despite the hypocrisy. And when the GOP take the White House in 2016 because of the energized base and moderates that fall for the poignant campaign ads that year, and rub it in our faces, we'll have no one else to blame but Obama.

Then perhaps you can answer some questions:

1. How does a given administration maintain ‘transparency’ yet conduct a war on terror?

2. Should a given administration simply allow government officials to leak classified information to the press absent any punitive measures?

3. Should a given administration allow the press unfettered access to classified information, even if it compromises National security, efforts to combat terrorism, or even endangers Americans’ lives.

4. And what if a given administration allowed all of the above and another 3000 innocent Americans were killed in a 9/11 type attack? What would be the political and legal consequences of a given administration that clearly failed to keep the American people safe?

1. By being transparent on the war on terror?

2. The people deserve to know where their tax dollars are being spent. That's why we call it "freedom of the press." The only reason you make any issue of it is because it involved a Fox News reporter.

3. We have known about the North Korean nuclear program for almost 25 years, what that confidant revealed to James Rosen would not have done anything to harm national security.

4. Your penchant for hyperbole is astounding, Clayton. You liberals all live off of "what if." The rest of us live off of "what is." How does informing people on the behavior of our government constitute the behavior of our government towards the media? If this administration wants to keep us safe, they need to keep us informed. That's it.
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I'm a liberal. Even though what Holder did was legal because of the Patriot Act, this is exactly what progressives don't want out of a transparent government that is truly accountable to the people. I voted for Obama both times. Still would considering the competition, but this is NOT acceptable to me as a progressive. And this taken with the IRS scandal, the seeming cluelessness or ignorance of the President over that matter and others (as John Stewart so deftly pointed out), and the expansion of drone strikes - some on American citizens - convinces me that, although I'm not a Democrat, the Republicans - a party of primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts -actually have a point, despite the hypocrisy. And when the GOP take the White House in 2016 because of the energized base and moderates that fall for the poignant campaign ads that year, and rub it in our faces, we'll have no one else to blame but Obama.

Then perhaps you can answer some questions:

How does a given administration maintain ‘transparency’ yet conduct a war on terror?

Should a given administration simply allow government officials to leak classified information to the press absent any punitive measures?

Should a given administration allow the press unfettered access to classified information, even if it compromises National security, efforts to combat terrorism, or even endangers Americans’ lives.

And what if a given administration allowed all of the above and another 3000 innocent Americans were killed in a 9/11 type attack? What would be the political and legal consequences of a given administration that clearly failed to keep the American people safe?

Total unadulterated horse manure, Clayton. That's what ALL of that was. This Administration didn't stop being transparent because of national security. That's simply the excuse that they are using to hide their abuse of power. They used the IRS to target political opponents...they used the Justice Department to spy on news organizations that weren't parroting the Obama party line...they used national security to attempt to hide how badly they screwed up in Benghazi.

I'm not big on hyperbole but we've reached the point with this Administration where THEY are the number one threat to American freedoms...not some Islamic terrorist.
This is a dangerous area that we are now treading and play partisan politics is just giving the government power to continue to do this. This is an issue to unite the freedom loving people of America to stop the government of the people, for the people and by the people, their abuse of power. We see the abuse in the IRS and in Dept. of Justice.

This isn't a partisan issue, it is a freedom issue, it is an abuse of a government and it's power. We need to end it, and call out the government on the issue, we need to voice a strong united voice to let these politicians and future politicians, that this will not happen!
The Obama Administration has been abusing it, now they need to pay.

Even if legal doesn't mean it wasn't unethical, abusive, and immoral.

Legal is legal. How can you prosecute someone for doing something legal? Share that plan with us.
It was not legal though. He lied to congress about having knowledge or involvement into that investigation. That was false.

Leave it to you though to ignore that fact and try and point to something that was legal to cover it up. This is just to add onto the other things that have been occurring under this admin.
I'm a liberal. Even though what Holder did was legal because of the Patriot Act, this is exactly what progressives don't want out of a transparent government that is truly accountable to the people. I voted for Obama both times. Still would considering the competition, but this is NOT acceptable to me as a progressive. And this taken with the IRS scandal, the seeming cluelessness or ignorance of the President over that matter and others (as John Stewart so deftly pointed out), and the expansion of drone strikes - some on American citizens - convinces me that, although I'm not a Democrat, the Republicans - a party of primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts -actually have a point, despite the hypocrisy. And when the GOP take the White House in 2016 because of the energized base and moderates that fall for the poignant campaign ads that year, and rub it in our faces, we'll have no one else to blame but Obama.
Sorry but your bull is just that, bull. The first bold is ironic as both cannot be true. If these actions truly were unacceptable, then you would not vote for him. The reality is that those actions are fully supported by you and those that are like you. When you vote for someone, you are supporting the actions that they take. Stating that they are acceptable.

The second bold illustrates how partisan you are being. Sorry, there is no party that is filled with ‘primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts.’ That is your over active imagination making the opponents to your political ideology a despised enemy. That might help you slee3p at night after you vote for the trash that you have but I can assure you that those in the democrat party are no more or less genuine Americans that truly do care for their country and where it is going than you do.

Then again, I don’t feel the need to demonize the other side just to cast my vote.
I'm a liberal. Even though what Holder did was legal because of the Patriot Act, this is exactly what progressives don't want out of a transparent government that is truly accountable to the people. I voted for Obama both times. Still would considering the competition, but this is NOT acceptable to me as a progressive. And this taken with the IRS scandal, the seeming cluelessness or ignorance of the President over that matter and others (as John Stewart so deftly pointed out), and the expansion of drone strikes - some on American citizens - convinces me that, although I'm not a Democrat, the Republicans - a party of primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts -actually have a point, despite the hypocrisy. And when the GOP take the White House in 2016 because of the energized base and moderates that fall for the poignant campaign ads that year, and rub it in our faces, we'll have no one else to blame but Obama.
Such a beautiful state you live in. Such irrational hatred for people you have never met.
The Obama Administration has been abusing it, now they need to pay.

Even if legal doesn't mean it wasn't unethical, abusive, and immoral.

Legal is legal. How can you prosecute someone for doing something legal? Share that plan with us.
It was not legal though. He lied to congress about having knowledge or involvement into that investigation. That was false.

Leave it to you though to ignore that fact and try and point to something that was legal to cover it up. This is just to add onto the other things that have been occurring under this admin.
I'm a liberal. Even though what Holder did was legal because of the Patriot Act, this is exactly what progressives don't want out of a transparent government that is truly accountable to the people. I voted for Obama both times. Still would considering the competition, but this is NOT acceptable to me as a progressive. And this taken with the IRS scandal, the seeming cluelessness or ignorance of the President over that matter and others (as John Stewart so deftly pointed out), and the expansion of drone strikes - some on American citizens - convinces me that, although I'm not a Democrat, the Republicans - a party of primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts -actually have a point, despite the hypocrisy. And when the GOP take the White House in 2016 because of the energized base and moderates that fall for the poignant campaign ads that year, and rub it in our faces, we'll have no one else to blame but Obama.
Sorry but your bull is just that, bull. The first bold is ironic as both cannot be true. If these actions truly were unacceptable, then you would not vote for him. The reality is that those actions are fully supported by you and those that are like you. When you vote for someone, you are supporting the actions that they take. Stating that they are acceptable.

The second bold illustrates how partisan you are being. Sorry, there is no party that is filled with ‘primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts.’ That is your over active imagination making the opponents to your political ideology a despised enemy. That might help you slee3p at night after you vote for the trash that you have but I can assure you that those in the democrat party are no more or less genuine Americans that truly do care for their country and where it is going than you do.

Then again, I don’t feel the need to demonize the other side just to cast my vote.

I'm sorry but McCain/Palin and/or Romney/Ryan would, I believe, based on the record of the Bush/(especially)Cheney Administration and the proposals of the GOP leadership regarding civil rights and freedoms (i.e. profiling, among others) been worse than the Democrats. I don't like Democrats, for the most part, but the Republicans have been even more unacceptable. Its the choice between bad and worse and I didn't choose worse.

I wasn't demonizing the Republican party, I was painting with a broad brush. SOME of them aren't as I described.
I'm a liberal. Even though what Holder did was legal because of the Patriot Act, this is exactly what progressives don't want out of a transparent government that is truly accountable to the people. I voted for Obama both times. Still would considering the competition, but this is NOT acceptable to me as a progressive. And this taken with the IRS scandal, the seeming cluelessness or ignorance of the President over that matter and others (as John Stewart so deftly pointed out), and the expansion of drone strikes - some on American citizens - convinces me that, although I'm not a Democrat, the Republicans - a party of primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts -actually have a point, despite the hypocrisy. And when the GOP take the White House in 2016 because of the energized base and moderates that fall for the poignant campaign ads that year, and rub it in our faces, we'll have no one else to blame but Obama.

Great post, until you went loony with the stereotypes. You almost had it.

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