Eric Holder Signed Off On Search Warrant For James Rosen Emails: NBC News

I'm a liberal. Even though what Holder did was legal because of the Patriot Act, this is exactly what progressives don't want out of a transparent government that is truly accountable to the people. I voted for Obama both times. Still would considering the competition, but this is NOT acceptable to me as a progressive. And this taken with the IRS scandal, the seeming cluelessness or ignorance of the President over that matter and others (as John Stewart so deftly pointed out), and the expansion of drone strikes - some on American citizens - convinces me that, although I'm not a Democrat, the Republicans - a party of primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts -actually have a point, despite the hypocrisy. And when the GOP take the White House in 2016 because of the energized base and moderates that fall for the poignant campaign ads that year, and rub it in our faces, we'll have no one else to blame but Obama.
Such a beautiful state you live in. Such irrational hatred for people you have never met.

I don't hate them, I was describing them. I grew up in Idaho, I have met them. My description wasn't irrational, it was a generalization. They murder abortion doctors, want to roll back contraceptive access for women, teach creationism in science classes, make the government into a theocracy, have a Bible-based society, put everyone in prison for every little infraction, roll back civil rights for minorities, outlaw homosexuality, and destroy the environment for money. And then there are some who are just fiscally conservative who I disagree with on policy- but they are RINOs. I'm okay with them.
Legal is legal. How can you prosecute someone for doing something legal? Share that plan with us.
It was not legal though. He lied to congress about having knowledge or involvement into that investigation. That was false.

Leave it to you though to ignore that fact and try and point to something that was legal to cover it up. This is just to add onto the other things that have been occurring under this admin.
I'm a liberal. Even though what Holder did was legal because of the Patriot Act, this is exactly what progressives don't want out of a transparent government that is truly accountable to the people. I voted for Obama both times. Still would considering the competition, but this is NOT acceptable to me as a progressive. And this taken with the IRS scandal, the seeming cluelessness or ignorance of the President over that matter and others (as John Stewart so deftly pointed out), and the expansion of drone strikes - some on American citizens - convinces me that, although I'm not a Democrat, the Republicans - a party of primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts -actually have a point, despite the hypocrisy. And when the GOP take the White House in 2016 because of the energized base and moderates that fall for the poignant campaign ads that year, and rub it in our faces, we'll have no one else to blame but Obama.
Sorry but your bull is just that, bull. The first bold is ironic as both cannot be true. If these actions truly were unacceptable, then you would not vote for him. The reality is that those actions are fully supported by you and those that are like you. When you vote for someone, you are supporting the actions that they take. Stating that they are acceptable.

The second bold illustrates how partisan you are being. Sorry, there is no party that is filled with ‘primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts.’ That is your over active imagination making the opponents to your political ideology a despised enemy. That might help you slee3p at night after you vote for the trash that you have but I can assure you that those in the democrat party are no more or less genuine Americans that truly do care for their country and where it is going than you do.

Then again, I don’t feel the need to demonize the other side just to cast my vote.

I'm sorry but McCain/Palin and/or Romney/Ryan would, I believe, based on the record of the Bush/(especially)Cheney Administration and the proposals of the GOP leadership regarding civil rights and freedoms (i.e. profiling, among others) been worse than the Democrats. I don't like Democrats, for the most part, but the Republicans have been even more unacceptable. Its the choice between bad and worse and I didn't choose worse.

I wasn't demonizing the Republican party, I was painting with a broad brush. SOME of them aren't as I described.

Actually, you WERE demonizing the Republican Party and you weren't "painting with a broad brush" you were throwing cans of paint at a wall.

I'm a Republican. I'm an agnostic. I have zero problem with same sex marriage. I'm pro choice. I have no problem with sensible gun control laws.

You turned down Mitt Romney in the last election...a moderate Republican with both a history of working across the aisle and an understanding of how businesses and economies work. Instead you chose to reelect an ideologue with zero executive expertise and absolutely no skills AT ALL when it comes to working with the opposition. I'm from Massachusetts, a State that is as liberal as they come yet we have a long history of electing Republican Governors. Why? Because they fix things. Romney would have been the perfect guy to fix things at the national level but we didn't get him...we got another four years of Barry and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight...think about that as we go forward.
You describe yourself as "Rational and proud of it"? Was Barack Obama REALLY a "rational" choice?
It was not legal though. He lied to congress about having knowledge or involvement into that investigation. That was false.

Leave it to you though to ignore that fact and try and point to something that was legal to cover it up. This is just to add onto the other things that have been occurring under this admin.

Sorry but your bull is just that, bull. The first bold is ironic as both cannot be true. If these actions truly were unacceptable, then you would not vote for him. The reality is that those actions are fully supported by you and those that are like you. When you vote for someone, you are supporting the actions that they take. Stating that they are acceptable.

The second bold illustrates how partisan you are being. Sorry, there is no party that is filled with ‘primitive, ignorant, credulous, insane, self-centered, bigoted, religious nuts.’ That is your over active imagination making the opponents to your political ideology a despised enemy. That might help you slee3p at night after you vote for the trash that you have but I can assure you that those in the democrat party are no more or less genuine Americans that truly do care for their country and where it is going than you do.

Then again, I don’t feel the need to demonize the other side just to cast my vote.

I'm sorry but McCain/Palin and/or Romney/Ryan would, I believe, based on the record of the Bush/(especially)Cheney Administration and the proposals of the GOP leadership regarding civil rights and freedoms (i.e. profiling, among others) been worse than the Democrats. I don't like Democrats, for the most part, but the Republicans have been even more unacceptable. Its the choice between bad and worse and I didn't choose worse.

I wasn't demonizing the Republican party, I was painting with a broad brush. SOME of them aren't as I described.

Actually, you WERE demonizing the Republican Party and you weren't "painting with a broad brush" you were throwing cans of paint at a wall.

I'm a Republican. I'm an agnostic. I have zero problem with same sex marriage. I'm pro choice. I have no problem with sensible gun control laws.

You turned down Mitt Romney in the last election...a moderate Republican with both a history of working across the aisle and an understanding of how businesses and economies work. Instead you chose to reelect an ideologue with zero executive expertise and absolutely no skills AT ALL when it comes to working with the opposition. I'm from Massachusetts, a State that is as liberal as they come yet we have a long history of electing Republican Governors. Why? Because they fix things. Romney would have been the perfect guy to fix things at the national level but we didn't get him...we got another four years of Barry and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight...think about that as we go forward.

Hey, whatever you want to believe. You are the exception. The party you support has shown itself ignorant on science, progress, human and civil rights, and the environment. Reading your description of yourself, I have to wonder why you support the GOP at all. The Democrats are idiots as well. Just not as much as the Republicans.

I don't worship or even feel good about Obama, its just that I think Romney was worse. Some of the Republicans think Obama is a socialist, a marxist, a muslim, a Kenyan. I've never heard him say anything to support those perceptions. I did hear Romney say that 47% of Americans don't take rewponsibility for themselves. I have read many racist posts by conservatives on this board not to mention the racist things I hear them say ALL THE TIME. I hear the religious right proclaim the crazy shit that it does. Sorry, I can't vote for that.
You describe yourself as "Rational and proud of it"? Was Barack Obama REALLY a "rational" choice?

Yes. He more closely represented policies and ideals that I support than did the McCain/Palin or Romney/Ryan campaigns. That's what a rational person does: votes for the candidate that most closely represents their views.

A rational person uses logic and evidence to come to their conclusions. That means NO RELIGIOUS policies and that stance precludes voting for the GOP everytime. Business needs to be shackled, not let free to run over the little people of this country or the world. Capitalism is the best economic system. It isn't perfect. Democracy is the best government for US, not every coulture in the world. It isn't perfect. Therefore we need stricter regulations- smarter as well, but I can not support unfettered capitalism or invading other nations on a lie.

3rd party candidates are awesome, unless you live in a purple state. So I vote AGAINST the GOP and picked a lousy but not awful candidate. I mean, c'mon, Palin? Romney was a silver spoon fed Mormon! No, not gonna vote for those kinds of candidates. Maybe if Christie runs I'll think about it.
I'm sorry but McCain/Palin and/or Romney/Ryan would, I believe, based on the record of the Bush/(especially)Cheney Administration and the proposals of the GOP leadership regarding civil rights and freedoms (i.e. profiling, among others) been worse than the Democrats. I don't like Democrats, for the most part, but the Republicans have been even more unacceptable. Its the choice between bad and worse and I didn't choose worse.

I wasn't demonizing the Republican party, I was painting with a broad brush. SOME of them aren't as I described.

Actually, you WERE demonizing the Republican Party and you weren't "painting with a broad brush" you were throwing cans of paint at a wall.

I'm a Republican. I'm an agnostic. I have zero problem with same sex marriage. I'm pro choice. I have no problem with sensible gun control laws.

You turned down Mitt Romney in the last election...a moderate Republican with both a history of working across the aisle and an understanding of how businesses and economies work. Instead you chose to reelect an ideologue with zero executive expertise and absolutely no skills AT ALL when it comes to working with the opposition. I'm from Massachusetts, a State that is as liberal as they come yet we have a long history of electing Republican Governors. Why? Because they fix things. Romney would have been the perfect guy to fix things at the national level but we didn't get him...we got another four years of Barry and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight...think about that as we go forward.

Hey, whatever you want to believe. You are the exception. The party you support has shown itself ignorant on science, progress, human and civil rights, and the environment. Reading your description of yourself, I have to wonder why you support the GOP at all. The Democrats are idiots as well. Just not as much as the Republicans.

I don't worship or even feel good about Obama, its just that I think Romney was worse. Some of the Republicans think Obama is a socialist, a marxist, a muslim, a Kenyan. I've never heard him say anything to support those perceptions. I did hear Romney say that 47% of Americans don't take rewponsibility for themselves. I have read many racist posts by conservatives on this board not to mention the racist things I hear them say ALL THE TIME. I hear the religious right proclaim the crazy shit that it does. Sorry, I can't vote for that.

The biggest racist I know is a Democrat from Long Island...what does that prove? There are racists in lots of places. I don't dislike Barack Obama because of his pigmentation...I dislike him because of his policies. I don't think he's a Marxist...I think he's a Progressive.

I'm curious...what made Romney "worse" than Obama in your eyes? Please don't tell me that you fell for the "narrative" that was put out there about him by the Obama camp. Mitt Romney is about as moderate a Republican as you can find...just as John McCain was in the election before that...yet both were demonized as "extreme" in their views. If you can show me any "crazy shit" that Romney ever visited upon Massachusetts while he was Governor there I'd be all ears. To be quite blunt, MountainMan...I think you got sold a bill of goods and you bought into it hook, line and sinker.
You describe yourself as "Rational and proud of it"? Was Barack Obama REALLY a "rational" choice?

Yes. He more closely represented policies and ideals that I support than did the McCain/Palin or Romney/Ryan campaigns. That's what a rational person does: votes for the candidate that most closely represents their views.

A rational person uses logic and evidence to come to their conclusions. That means NO RELIGIOUS policies and that stance precludes voting for the GOP everytime. Business needs to be shackled, not let free to run over the little people of this country or the world. Capitalism is the best economic system. It isn't perfect. Democracy is the best government for US, not every coulture in the world. It isn't perfect. Therefore we need stricter regulations- smarter as well, but I can not support unfettered capitalism or invading other nations on a lie.

3rd party candidates are awesome, unless you live in a purple state. So I vote AGAINST the GOP and picked a lousy but not awful candidate. I mean, c'mon, Palin? Romney was a silver spoon fed Mormon! No, not gonna vote for those kinds of candidates. Maybe if Christie runs I'll think about it.

With all due respect, Mountain Man...just because someone talks a good game doesn't mean they'll follow through on the rhetoric.

You want to "shackle" business? Sigh, might I point out that businesses are not the enemy. They are the backbone of the country. They don't need to be shackled...they need to be supported.
No need to worry, Eric Holder is investigating. I'm sure he'll get to the bottom of it.
Actually, you WERE demonizing the Republican Party and you weren't "painting with a broad brush" you were throwing cans of paint at a wall.

I'm a Republican. I'm an agnostic. I have zero problem with same sex marriage. I'm pro choice. I have no problem with sensible gun control laws.

You turned down Mitt Romney in the last election...a moderate Republican with both a history of working across the aisle and an understanding of how businesses and economies work. Instead you chose to reelect an ideologue with zero executive expertise and absolutely no skills AT ALL when it comes to working with the opposition. I'm from Massachusetts, a State that is as liberal as they come yet we have a long history of electing Republican Governors. Why? Because they fix things. Romney would have been the perfect guy to fix things at the national level but we didn't get him...we got another four years of Barry and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight...think about that as we go forward.

Hey, whatever you want to believe. You are the exception. The party you support has shown itself ignorant on science, progress, human and civil rights, and the environment. Reading your description of yourself, I have to wonder why you support the GOP at all. The Democrats are idiots as well. Just not as much as the Republicans.

I don't worship or even feel good about Obama, its just that I think Romney was worse. Some of the Republicans think Obama is a socialist, a marxist, a muslim, a Kenyan. I've never heard him say anything to support those perceptions. I did hear Romney say that 47% of Americans don't take rewponsibility for themselves. I have read many racist posts by conservatives on this board not to mention the racist things I hear them say ALL THE TIME. I hear the religious right proclaim the crazy shit that it does. Sorry, I can't vote for that.

The biggest racist I know is a Democrat from Long Island...what does that prove? There are racists in lots of places. I don't dislike Barack Obama because of his pigmentation...I dislike him because of his policies. I don't think he's a Marxist...I think he's a Progressive.

I'm curious...what made Romney "worse" than Obama in your eyes? Please don't tell me that you fell for the "narrative" that was put out there about him by the Obama camp. Mitt Romney is about as moderate a Republican as you can find...just as John McCain was in the election before that...yet both were demonized as "extreme" in their views. If you can show me any "crazy shit" that Romney ever visited upon Massachusetts while he was Governor there I'd be all ears. To be quite blunt, MountainMan...I think you got sold a bill of goods and you bought into it hook, line and sinker.

Look, I'm not some idiot who gets his information from MSNBC or isn't skeptical of a campaign that has an obvious interest in tearing down its opposition. Mitt Romney was by his own words: severely conservative. By his own words he said the 47% thing. That wasn't spun- it didn't need it. I watched the debates, I listened to what Romney and the other candidates had to say. And I saw what happened witht the GOP. For a while Donald Trump was the front runner, then Michelle "I heard the HPV vaccine makes you retarded" Bachman, then Rick "Oops" Perry, then Herman "9-9-9" Cain, then Newt Gingrich, then Rick "fundamentalist" Santorum, and FINALLY Mitt Romney. Even the GOP didn't want him. How was I sold that? Mitt said things I don't agree with. Even though he WAS a moderate in Mass. his positions had changed to severe conservative described with his own words: against abortion in all cases, self deportation, 47%, etc. etc. etc.

And yes, there are racists of all political stripes. But Democrats nominated a black man and voted to make him the leader of the free world. The GOP attempted to lower minority voting, not just through ID cards, but also through limiting voting outreach programs (Florida), getting rid of early voting (Ohio, Florida, Virginia), having shorter hours for polling places in Democratic heavy (i.e. minority) districts but longer hours of operation in conservative districts (Ohio). So until the GOP starts putting its money where its mouth is, its the party of racism.

And let's not get into ALL the other issues on which the GOP is backwards.
You describe yourself as "Rational and proud of it"? Was Barack Obama REALLY a "rational" choice?

Yes. He more closely represented policies and ideals that I support than did the McCain/Palin or Romney/Ryan campaigns. That's what a rational person does: votes for the candidate that most closely represents their views.

A rational person uses logic and evidence to come to their conclusions. That means NO RELIGIOUS policies and that stance precludes voting for the GOP everytime. Business needs to be shackled, not let free to run over the little people of this country or the world. Capitalism is the best economic system. It isn't perfect. Democracy is the best government for US, not every coulture in the world. It isn't perfect. Therefore we need stricter regulations- smarter as well, but I can not support unfettered capitalism or invading other nations on a lie.

3rd party candidates are awesome, unless you live in a purple state. So I vote AGAINST the GOP and picked a lousy but not awful candidate. I mean, c'mon, Palin? Romney was a silver spoon fed Mormon! No, not gonna vote for those kinds of candidates. Maybe if Christie runs I'll think about it.

With all due respect, Mountain Man...just because someone talks a good game doesn't mean they'll follow through on the rhetoric.

You want to "shackle" business? Sigh, might I point out that businesses are not the enemy. They are the backbone of the country. They don't need to be shackled...they need to be supported.

Didn't I just write that "Capitalism is the best economic system"? Yes, I did. Did I write that business is the enemy? No, I didn't. Why do you think I think business is the enemy? Because FOX news, Rush Limbaugh, or whichever rightwing news outlet told you that liberals hate business? That liberals are socialist marxists who want the government to run everything? What liberal has ever taken those stances or even said that?!

I support small business, local business over corporate multinational business. I don't think business should be allowed to run ramshackle over anyone that gets in the way of profit. That means there needs to be regulation- yes, SMART regulation and not stupid or redundant regulation, but regulation nonetheless. No polluting, no exploitation of its workers, no lying to its customers, no unaccountability to the people, and business needs pay its taxes and fees because in our society that is the cost of doing business.
Hey, whatever you want to believe. You are the exception. The party you support has shown itself ignorant on science, progress, human and civil rights, and the environment. Reading your description of yourself, I have to wonder why you support the GOP at all. The Democrats are idiots as well. Just not as much as the Republicans.

I don't worship or even feel good about Obama, its just that I think Romney was worse. Some of the Republicans think Obama is a socialist, a marxist, a muslim, a Kenyan. I've never heard him say anything to support those perceptions. I did hear Romney say that 47% of Americans don't take rewponsibility for themselves. I have read many racist posts by conservatives on this board not to mention the racist things I hear them say ALL THE TIME. I hear the religious right proclaim the crazy shit that it does. Sorry, I can't vote for that.

The biggest racist I know is a Democrat from Long Island...what does that prove? There are racists in lots of places. I don't dislike Barack Obama because of his pigmentation...I dislike him because of his policies. I don't think he's a Marxist...I think he's a Progressive.

I'm curious...what made Romney "worse" than Obama in your eyes? Please don't tell me that you fell for the "narrative" that was put out there about him by the Obama camp. Mitt Romney is about as moderate a Republican as you can find...just as John McCain was in the election before that...yet both were demonized as "extreme" in their views. If you can show me any "crazy shit" that Romney ever visited upon Massachusetts while he was Governor there I'd be all ears. To be quite blunt, MountainMan...I think you got sold a bill of goods and you bought into it hook, line and sinker.

Look, I'm not some idiot who gets his information from MSNBC or isn't skeptical of a campaign that has an obvious interest in tearing down its opposition. Mitt Romney was by his own words: severely conservative. By his own words he said the 47% thing. That wasn't spun- it didn't need it. I watched the debates, I listened to what Romney and the other candidates had to say. And I saw what happened witht the GOP. For a while Donald Trump was the front runner, then Michelle "I heard the HPV vaccine makes you retarded" Bachman, then Rick "Oops" Perry, then Herman "9-9-9" Cain, then Newt Gingrich, then Rick "fundamentalist" Santorum, and FINALLY Mitt Romney. Even the GOP didn't want him. How was I sold that? Mitt said things I don't agree with. Even though he WAS a moderate in Mass. his positions had changed to severe conservative described with his own words: against abortion in all cases, self deportation, 47%, etc. etc. etc.

And yes, there are racists of all political stripes. But Democrats nominated a black man and voted to make him the leader of the free world. The GOP attempted to lower minority voting, not just through ID cards, but also through limiting voting outreach programs (Florida), getting rid of early voting (Ohio, Florida, Virginia), having shorter hours for polling places in Democratic heavy (i.e. minority) districts but longer hours of operation in conservative districts (Ohio). So until the GOP starts putting its money where its mouth is, its the party of racism.

And let's not get into ALL the other issues on which the GOP is backwards. view Mitt Romney as "severely conservative"? Really? Gotta be honest with you, Mountain Man...just that statement alone shows me that you're not viewing things in a rational manner. Name another Republican candidate that was more moderate than Mitt Romney was? You can't because he was the most moderate of ALL the GOP candidates...yet somehow all those racist, bible thumping homophobes that you're convinced make up the GOP nominated HIM and before him, John McCain as their candidate? Does that make any sense to you? Think about it "rationally".
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You've elected Barack Obama because you bought into the whole "Hope & Change" thing. You got scammed, Mountain Man! You may not want to admit it to yourself but you got SCAMMED by a bunch of Chicago Machine politicians into voting for someone with neither the skills to do the job nor the inclination to learn those skills. Barack Obama is floundering because he's totally unsuited for the job he finds himself in. You were so focused on those "evil" Republicans that you let yourself get used.
The biggest racist I know is a Democrat from Long Island...what does that prove? There are racists in lots of places. I don't dislike Barack Obama because of his pigmentation...I dislike him because of his policies. I don't think he's a Marxist...I think he's a Progressive.

I'm curious...what made Romney "worse" than Obama in your eyes? Please don't tell me that you fell for the "narrative" that was put out there about him by the Obama camp. Mitt Romney is about as moderate a Republican as you can find...just as John McCain was in the election before that...yet both were demonized as "extreme" in their views. If you can show me any "crazy shit" that Romney ever visited upon Massachusetts while he was Governor there I'd be all ears. To be quite blunt, MountainMan...I think you got sold a bill of goods and you bought into it hook, line and sinker.

Look, I'm not some idiot who gets his information from MSNBC or isn't skeptical of a campaign that has an obvious interest in tearing down its opposition. Mitt Romney was by his own words: severely conservative. By his own words he said the 47% thing. That wasn't spun- it didn't need it. I watched the debates, I listened to what Romney and the other candidates had to say. And I saw what happened witht the GOP. For a while Donald Trump was the front runner, then Michelle "I heard the HPV vaccine makes you retarded" Bachman, then Rick "Oops" Perry, then Herman "9-9-9" Cain, then Newt Gingrich, then Rick "fundamentalist" Santorum, and FINALLY Mitt Romney. Even the GOP didn't want him. How was I sold that? Mitt said things I don't agree with. Even though he WAS a moderate in Mass. his positions had changed to severe conservative described with his own words: against abortion in all cases, self deportation, 47%, etc. etc. etc.

And yes, there are racists of all political stripes. But Democrats nominated a black man and voted to make him the leader of the free world. The GOP attempted to lower minority voting, not just through ID cards, but also through limiting voting outreach programs (Florida), getting rid of early voting (Ohio, Florida, Virginia), having shorter hours for polling places in Democratic heavy (i.e. minority) districts but longer hours of operation in conservative districts (Ohio). So until the GOP starts putting its money where its mouth is, its the party of racism.

And let's not get into ALL the other issues on which the GOP is backwards. view Mitt Romney as "severely conservative"? Really? Gotta be honest with you, Mountain Man...just that statement alone shows me that you're not viewing things in a rational manner. Name another Republican candidate that was LESS moderate than Mitt Romney was? You can't because he was the most moderate of ALL the GOP candidates...yet somehow all those racist, bible thumping homophobes that you're convinced make up the GOP nominated HIM and before him, John McCain as their candidate? Does that make any sense to you? Think about it "rationally".

Romney SAID that he was SEVERELY CONSERVATIVE. He represented himself that way. I liked Jon Huntsman, despite his Mormonism. He never represented himself as SEVERELY CONSERVATIVE. I go by the evidence. That is rational. Romney had been a moderate but by all of the evidence he had transformed into a severe conservative. There was the video of him actaully saying the 47% comment. That is evidence. He denied evolution on stage. That is evidence. He said he was aginst same-sex marriage. That is evidence. On Mike Huckabee Romney said he was against all abortions. That is evidence. I saw all this with my own eyes. I saw his ad accusing Obama of waiving the work requirements for welfare, when it wasn't an easing of the regulation but empowering the governors who requested the waiver (some of whom were Republicans) to institute new programs that still required the recipients to work. That was a lie. I saw the ads Romney's campaign put out about the Jeep factories moving to China. That was a lie. ALL of that is evidence. I made a rational decision NOT to support Romney. Yes, it was rational - based on evidence.
You've elected Barack Obama because you bought into the whole "Hope & Change" thing. You got scammed, Mountain Man! You may not want to admit it to yourself but you got SCAMMED by a bunch of Chicago Machine politicians into voting for someone with neither the skills to do the job nor the inclination to learn those skills. Barack Obama is floundering because he's totally unsuited for the job he finds himself in. You were so focused on those "evil" Republicans that you let yourself get used.

So now you can read my mind better than I know it? I don't think so. Yes, I voted against the Republicans, but I voted for change as well. After 8 years a disastrous Bush/Cheney/Rove/GOP policies I wanted change. I am a progressive, and in that position is the inherent desire for progress. Obama said he wanted change. Am I disappointed in Obama? Yes and no. He's done some things that I support. He's fucked up others. But that's inevitable. There is no perfect candidate or perfect president. I'm pissed about the Patriot Act not being repealed or even attempted. I'm pissed about the drone war. I'm pissed about his fuck ups while running (kind of) his administration. I'm pissed that there is a lack of accountability. I don't think it would've been better under a McCain or Romney administration. I think it would've been much worse. Obama was an idealist, I support some of those ideals. Seems like he sucks as an executive. Oh well. Its still better than an old warmonger and his bimbo running a strict, well-managed administration (which I find unlikely) doing things that really bother me; or a Mormon born into incredible wealth and a dundamentalist Catholic running a well-managed administration also doing things that stymied or even turned back progress. Obama sucks. The GOP and its candidates suck worse. I'd vote 3rd party if I weren't throwing away my vote in this state.
“In regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material – this is not something I’ve ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy,” Holder said during the hearing.

Holder has lied to Congress again. This time he won't just be censured, this is perjury on an issue that has bipartisan condemnation.

It is humorous watching the leftists on this board rationalize, justify, condone the actions of this administration. Parroting any excuse for the actions of the IRS and Justice by Salon, Motherjones, The Nation--hypocrites would have hung Bush for this.
“In regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material – this is not something I’ve ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy,” Holder said during the hearing.

Holder has lied to Congress again. This time he won't just be censured, this is perjury on an issue that has bipartisan condemnation.

It is humorous watching the leftists on this board rationalize, justify, condone the actions of this administration. Parroting any excuse for the actions of the IRS and Justice by Salon, Motherjones, The Nation--hypocrites would have hung Bush for this.

Some of us tried to. But you stopped us. If Holder perjured himself, then he's done. I still haven't seen any evidence implacating Obama. Either he has plausible deniability, he's running a loosey goosey anything goes administration that he has little control over, or he's innocent and plagued by bad luck, right wing witch hunting and poor timing.

Personally, I think he sucks as an executive, but is only guilty of incompetence.
Yes. He more closely represented policies and ideals that I support than did the McCain/Palin or Romney/Ryan campaigns. That's what a rational person does: votes for the candidate that most closely represents their views.

A rational person uses logic and evidence to come to their conclusions. That means NO RELIGIOUS policies and that stance precludes voting for the GOP everytime. Business needs to be shackled, not let free to run over the little people of this country or the world. Capitalism is the best economic system. It isn't perfect. Democracy is the best government for US, not every coulture in the world. It isn't perfect. Therefore we need stricter regulations- smarter as well, but I can not support unfettered capitalism or invading other nations on a lie.

3rd party candidates are awesome, unless you live in a purple state. So I vote AGAINST the GOP and picked a lousy but not awful candidate. I mean, c'mon, Palin? Romney was a silver spoon fed Mormon! No, not gonna vote for those kinds of candidates. Maybe if Christie runs I'll think about it.

With all due respect, Mountain Man...just because someone talks a good game doesn't mean they'll follow through on the rhetoric.

You want to "shackle" business? Sigh, might I point out that businesses are not the enemy. They are the backbone of the country. They don't need to be shackled...they need to be supported.

Didn't I just write that "Capitalism is the best economic system"? Yes, I did. Did I write that business is the enemy? No, I didn't. Why do you think I think business is the enemy? Because FOX news, Rush Limbaugh, or whichever rightwing news outlet told you that liberals hate business? That liberals are socialist marxists who want the government to run everything? What liberal has ever taken those stances or even said that?!

I support small business, local business over corporate multinational business. I don't think business should be allowed to run ramshackle over anyone that gets in the way of profit. That means there needs to be regulation- yes, SMART regulation and not stupid or redundant regulation, but regulation nonetheless. No polluting, no exploitation of its workers, no lying to its customers, no unaccountability to the people, and business needs pay its taxes and fees because in our society that is the cost of doing business.

Coloradomtnman, the Obama Administration has shackled business with more regulations than Pres. Bush Since 2010, the new regulations hitting small business has regularly been over 800. The economy certainly hasn't improved with all the new regulations, and in 2013 there are even more regulations in the pipeline, which will cost businesses billions of dollars.

2/06/2013 @ 12:03PM
Small Business Regulations Surge Under Obama
Despite President Obama’s claims to have issued fewer rules than predecessor George W. Bush (“In fact, I’ve approved fewer regulations in the first three years of my presidency than my Republican predecessor did in his.”), rules impacting small business have bumped upward in the past several years.

As the table below shows, at year-end 2012, overall rules in the pipeline (active, completed, and long-term) affecting small business according to federal agencies stand at 854.

In fact, the number of rules with small-business impacts under Obama since 2010 has regularly exceeded 800. The last time rules in this category exceeded 800 was back in 2003. Policy makers at least should be aware of the matter and should examine the rules in question, and administration claims of less regulation, in more detail.

Year RFA Req’d RFA Not Req’d Total
2005 390 398 788
2006 377 410 787
2007 375 382 757
2008 397 356 753
2009 372 386 758
2010 428 417 845
2011 418 404 822
2012 470 384 854

Small Business Regulations Surge Under Obama - Forbes
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“In regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material – this is not something I’ve ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy,” Holder said during the hearing.

Holder has lied to Congress again. This time he won't just be censured, this is perjury on an issue that has bipartisan condemnation.

It is humorous watching the leftists on this board rationalize, justify, condone the actions of this administration. Parroting any excuse for the actions of the IRS and Justice by Salon, Motherjones, The Nation--hypocrites would have hung Bush for this.

Some of us tried to. But you stopped us. If Holder perjured himself, then he's done. I still haven't seen any evidence implacating Obama. Either he has plausible deniability, he's running a loosey goosey anything goes administration that he has little control over, or he's innocent and plagued by bad luck, right wing witch hunting and poor timing.

Personally, I think he sucks as an executive, but is only guilty of incompetence.

Then I say you don't know this man's history.

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