Eric Holder Signed Off On Search Warrant For James Rosen Emails: NBC News

I have long believed the U.S. federal government was completely out of control and was assuming powers the Constitution never intended that it should have. And this is just the newest chapter in the overreach and how dangerous that is to our deepest held love of liberty and ability to direct our own futures.

If this is allowed to stand--if a reporter can be investigated for criminal activity just by doing his job as a reporter--if questioning a public official is deemed to be a criminal activity--if the government is allowed to get away with using its powers to intimidate, threaten, and muzzle the free press, we might as well hang it up. America is done. It's over. The great experiment has totally and completely failed.

And we are in terrible danger of that when even now we see those who are defending and exhonerating Eric Holder and Barack Obama in this matter, and who don't see anyting wrong with it.

Holder should already have been fired or at least suspended pending results of a serious investigation, and Barack Obama should already have appointed a special prosecutor to find out how deep the rabbit hole goes in the Justice Department. The fact that he has not done that suggests the rabbit hole may have some lateral tunnels outside of the Justice Dept as well would it not?
The bottom line is this...

Progressives have shown themselves to be quite willing to trample on the Constitution because they fervently believe that because their "causes" are so right that the end justifies the means. What they are learning is how slippery that slope can be...
As for Eric Holder still holding his job? This is a man who should have been disqualified from ever holding public office for his part in the Marc Rich pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton Administration. When you bring people with no moral compass into your Cabinet it should come as no great surprise to subsequently discover that they are doing things that are immoral.
Holder acts/has acted at the bequest of Obama...anyone pretending otherwise is not to be trusted with an opinion.
If you support these tactics under the Obama administration will you support them being used under a Republican one? On the flip side if your opposed to Obama using these tactics would you also oppose it under a Republican? Would you show the same support or opposition no matter which party it was or does it change depending on which party is doing it?
Holder acts/has acted at the bequest of Obama...anyone pretending otherwise is not to be trusted with an opinion.

And wouldn't we all love to have the ability to investigate and decide for ourselves whether we deserved that speeding ticket or whether we had cheated on our taxes or whether we sort of 'borrowed' something that didn't belong to us? Sure would simplify the legal system and empty out the jails and prisons wouldn't it.
Holder acts/has acted at the bequest of Obama...anyone pretending otherwise is not to be trusted with an opinion.

And wouldn't we all love to have the ability to investigate and decide for ourselves whether we deserved that speeding ticket or whether we had cheated on our taxes or whether we sort of 'borrowed' something that didn't belong to us? Sure would simplify the legal system and empty out the jails and prisons wouldn't it.

Obama has been the epitome of a thin-skinned arrogant asshole from the very beginning!

He is an emerging megalomaniac never sated by the ever increasing reach of his power.

Holder acts/has acted at the bequest of Obama...anyone pretending otherwise is not to be trusted with an opinion.

And wouldn't we all love to have the ability to investigate and decide for ourselves whether we deserved that speeding ticket or whether we had cheated on our taxes or whether we sort of 'borrowed' something that didn't belong to us? Sure would simplify the legal system and empty out the jails and prisons wouldn't it.

Obama has been the epitome of a thin-skinned arrogant asshole from the very beginning!

He is an emerging megalomaniac never sated by the ever increasing reach of his power.


Well for sure assigning the Attorney General to do an investigation of himself is pretty strange. :)
Well, it's not strange if you don't really want a fair investigation.

What's "strange" is the number of liberals on this board that don't see it as strange. This is about as clear cut a case for a special investigator as there ever has been but Barry gives the job to Holder? It's obvious that he's scared to death about what a real investigation would uncover.
The sad thing is that Barack Obama feels that the main stream media is STILL so biased on his behalf that he can get away with something as blatant as this. The HOWLS of protest if this were a GOP President that was behind things like the IRS, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, AP and James Rosen scandals would be deafening. Instead you hear some minor chirping. "Journalism" as it was intended is all but a dying art in this country.
The Obama Administration has been abusing it, now they need to pay.

Even if legal doesn't mean it wasn't unethical, abusive, and immoral.
The Obama Administration has been abusing it, now they need to pay.

Even if legal doesn't mean it wasn't unethical, abusive, and immoral.

And how exactly should the Administration ‘pay’ if its actions were legal.

Yes, we are sure to get to the bottom of yet another fucking scandal by this asshole and his minion... After all, they investigate themselves so thoroughly and always manage to never know the who's who or the what's what of every god damned scandal.
The Obama Administration has been abusing it, now they need to pay.

Even if legal doesn't mean it wasn't unethical, abusive, and immoral.

And how exactly should the Administration ‘pay’ if its actions were legal.

For starters, it should lose the main stream media "shield" that it's been hiding behind for the past five years. If this Administration was ever judged by an unbiased media it wouldn't be pulling the stupid shit it is right now because they'd be EXPOSED!
The Obama Administration has been abusing it, now they need to pay.

Even if legal doesn't mean it wasn't unethical, abusive, and immoral.

And how exactly should the Administration ‘pay’ if its actions were legal.

Yes, we are sure to get to the bottom of yet another fucking scandal by this asshole and his minion... After all, they investigate themselves so thoroughly and always manage to never know the who's who or the what's what of every god damned scandal.

Where are the indictments?
And how exactly should the Administration ‘pay’ if its actions were legal.

Yes, we are sure to get to the bottom of yet another fucking scandal by this asshole and his minion... After all, they investigate themselves so thoroughly and always manage to never know the who's who or the what's what of every god damned scandal.

Where are the indictments?

A better question would be...where are the investigations into this behavior?

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