Eric Holder to try 9-11 master mind as criminals in New York as criminals.

It's the proper venue and they will face harsher punishment - they don't deserve to be treated like enemy combatants by a military court (which doesn't even have a definition of terrorism). They deserve to be treated like the lowly criminals that they are.

Good move.

This has never been done in the 200 year history of our country. We are still at war, they are prisoners of war, never in our history have we tried prisoners of war in U.S civilian courts. In so doing they are granted protection under the U.S constitution. That means, that if the judge detemines that any of their rights have been violated, such as Miranda rights, they could be released and freed to do more terror. This will be a circus and it will make a mockery of our justice system.

Calling them prisoners of war is incorrect - they are not. Prisioners of war are soldiers who fight for their country and who adhere to a soldier's code of conduct.

The asswipes are just semi-organized thugs and murders. They do not deserve the honor of military justice. Common murdering riff raff like these assholes have litered our civilian courts since we convened the very first one under a tree somewhere.

It's stupid to try to twist this into some historic event.
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I expected nothing else from Holder. I can see this turning into a giant expensive clusterfuck. Look how long it to to trie that fuckwad, the 20th highjacker. Anyone who wants to trie these guys as criminals is seriously lacking in the brain dept. These guys aren't criminals. They are terrorists. Most were picked up on battlefields killing or trying to kill our soldiers. They are not covered by the Geneva Convention and should have been tried by tribunals long ago. I lay that at Bush's and the militaries door.

Our Govt seems to want to go back to pre 9-11 mindset that thought of these guys a criminals. Hell, our glorious leader can't even say the word terrorist. Big mistake and one that will cost us dearly.

We are still at war with terrorists, muslim extremists, we don't try people in military tribunals until the war is over. They are considered enemy combatants until the war is over. Our predecessors knew that if you set enemy combatants free when the war was still on they would go back and fight you some more. Unfortunately, Obama does not seem to be aware of this scenario.:lol:
Perhaps he is aware of it but this is all having to do with appeasing his like minded kindred spirits like KSM.
Imagine bringing them to trial in the vicinity of their crimes and asking for the death penalty. How crazy is that?
Thanks Maple wasn't aware of that.

Well then just leave them down in Gitmo. Oh Christ forgot. He wants to close the perfect place for all these dirtbags. Wonder if they will be coming to a prison in a city near you???

Oh yeah. So much easier to just get the info and shoot them. No problems that way. I know they reciprocate so I don't feel bad at all.
It's the proper venue and they will face harsher punishment - they don't deserve to be treated like enemy combatants by a military court (which doesn't even have a definition of terrorism). They deserve to be treated like the lowly criminals that they are.

Good move.

This has never been done in the 200 year history of our country. We are still at war, they are prisoners of war, never in our history have we tried prisoners of war in U.S civilian courts. In so doing they are granted protection under the U.S constitution. That means, that if the judge detemines that any of their rights have been violated, such as Miranda rights, they could be released and freed to do more terror. This will be a circus and it will make a mockery of our justice system.

Calling them prisoners of war is incorrect - they are not. Prisioners of war are soldiers who fight for their country and who adhere to a soldier's code of conduct.

The asswipes are just semi-organized thugs and murders. They do not deserve the honor of military justice. Common murdering riff raff like these assholes have litered our civilian courts since we convened the very first one under a tree somewhere.

It's stupid to try to twist this into some historic event.

who was assigned to collect the forensics?
It's the proper venue and they will face harsher punishment - they don't deserve to be treated like enemy combatants by a military court (which doesn't even have a definition of terrorism). They deserve to be treated like the lowly criminals that they are.

Good move.
Seriously, you're such a lockstep liberal Obamabot moron that you've become completely disgusting.

9/11 was AN ACT OF WAR. A war that was declared on the US back in 1998 by OBAMA Bin Laden himself.

You think this is a good move, asshole?

Tell that to the families of the victims who will now be forced to listen to the mockery that will no doubt come from those scumbags.

Bottom line, dipshit. Those scumbags are enemy combatants in A DECLARED WAR. They do not deserve the rights enjoyed by citizens of this great country. They do not deserve the HONOR of stepping one foot on this sacred soil.

But then, you've already admitted that you're an anti-american, self avowed communist piece of shit. So, your backwards way of thinking comes as no surprise.
Common criminal low-lifes
they don't deserve the honor of a military justice. It bestows a legitimacy on them that their acts have not earned.
A political goldmine for Republicans!

You nailed it Willow tree, it is a political goldmine for Republicans, as if the Republicans don't already have enough ammo, the libs just keep piling it on, giving more and more damaging evidence of their glaring ignorance and stupidity.

Can you imagine the late night comedians with this in their arsenol?:lol: I wonder who SNL will get to play the 9-11 mastermind?:lol: Hell, they will have sooooooooooo much stuff on this that they will forget all about Palin.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Obama- steppin in it again.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Lets see, we'll start with speedy trial. Then we'll move on to: We cannot get a fair trial in NYC. I expect then we will hear at least 25 other briefs before the actual trial is set to begin. Dig deep into your pockets because we are going to have to pay for this circus.

Obama is an idiot.
This is a huge mistake.

It's a huge mistake and an unprecedented one, never in history have we tried enemy combatants, prisoners of war in civilian courts. The Nazi's were tried in the world court over war crimes, this is entirely different.

They will make a mockery of our justice system, never in 200 years of our history has this been done, it has just turned 200 years of history on it's head and given enemy combatants rights and protections under the U.S constitution, as though these terrorists are U.S citizens.

Now we are going to have lawyers up on the national stage showboating and giving the terrorists a microphone to spread more of their agenda.

the world court?

hahahaha, yeah sure.
Thanks Maple wasn't aware of that.

Well then just leave them down in Gitmo. Oh Christ forgot. He wants to close the perfect place for all these dirtbags. Wonder if they will be coming to a prison in a city near you???

Oh yeah. So much easier to just get the info and shoot them. No problems that way. I know they reciprocate so I don't feel bad at all.

they will be released, teabag your dog and falafel your house. on christmas.
Unheard of, bringing the Gitmo detainees to a prison in Brookland to try them as war criminals.

They are prisoners of war, not criminals, they are terrorists. Get ready for the circus show. Ridiculous, but I am not surprised considering who we have in the White house as President. I hope all you cool-aid drinkers feel nice, warm and snuggly when you go to bed at night, because I sure don't.

Holder Announces Plan to Send Alleged Sept. 11 Conspirators to New York Court -

Most of these guys wanted to plead guilty years ago. Now they will be given ACLU lawyers and the only reason this is going to civilian courts is to put the US and CIA on trial.

You are dead on right about that, Holder does not really want to try the terrorists he wants to try our own CIA.

Think for 5 seconds. Why would the Obama administration want to commit certain political suicide by deliberately trying to handle these cases in such a way that would somehow get them off??
I read elsewhere that Texans were too afraid to have the trials in their state.
To bring these Terrorists back to New York , and to bring them to justice in a civilian court of law, is
all wrong. We did not bring any Japanese Zero pilots that bombed Pearl Harbour, during World War II to any civilian courts during the 1940's ? , I submit to you all, we have the same situation now. These Terrorists must be tried by a
U.S. Army millitary tribunal, not in any civilian court of law , were they might be found not guilty, by reason of being tortured. 9/11 was an act of War, and should be delt with as such.

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