Eric Holders rant

He doesn't think he's being abused.

He's complaining because he, like all the elitist, entitlement minded yahoos currently in our admin, thinks he should be above the law.

Way to live up to the negative sterotypes of your color, Eric!
So would both the Clintons and the Obamas, and most of their minions.

Oh wait...most of the minions are already doing time...
Holder and Obama, along with the entire Democrat party, have repeated this fallacy over and over: that the treatment of this administration is unprecedented. It is as if the entire eight years of Bush was completely wiped from their memory.

Holder is unaware of the grilling John Ashcroft received from congress. Obama is completely ignorant of the treatment--including questioning and insulting the legitimacy of his presidency--of Bush.

They are willfully ignorant, pushing this blatant lie to inflame racial tensions. They are exploiting race is a desperate attempt to save face. Grasping at straws while the clock count downs to the midterm election--praying the GOP does not retake the Senate and the additional subpoena power that comes with that.
The noose, as it were, is tightening. The truth is going to come out. Holder and Obama are both on record lying about what and when they knew details of Fast and Furious. Nothing adds up in that case--nothing makes sense. The rationale of allowing that operation to continue in the face of agents telling Justice that guns were crossing into Mexico--and no one has been held responsible. In just one year the ATF allowed 2,000 assault weapons to be purchased by known criminals with absolutely no way of tracking them--for what reason? Who authorized it?

AG Holder asks for appeal in Fast and Furious case holding him in contempt | Fox News

eric holder never ranted.... that would be ijit gohmert and his asparagus.

but feel free to point out where what the attorney general said isn't true.

oh wait... you can't.

Oops. If you had bothered to read the link you wouldn't look like a total pwned idiot. Of course even if you did read the link you'd still look like one.

Eric Holder Feb 2013: ‘Contempt Vote Didn’t Have Huge Impact On Me’

Republicans have every reason to believe that being held in contempt is not “a big deal” to Eric Holder based on Eric Holder’s own words. In an exclusive interview with ABC News’ Pierre Thomas on February 27, 2013, Holder was asked about how he reacted when House Republicans voted with 17 Democrats to hold him in contempt of Congress over the ATF’s “Fast and Furious” gun running scandal.

“It’s something that I think was unfortunate,” Holder said. “I think it’s a result of this kind of partisan sport that I think we engage in here in Washington far too often.”

Holder said the votes it didn’t bother him, considering who cast them.

“But I have to tell you that for me to really be affected by what happened,I’d have to have respect for the people who voted in that way,”Holder told ABC News. “And I didn’t, so it didn’t have that huge an impact on me.”
After watching and listening to Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) comment to the Attorney General, he needed to stop him and put the record straight.
Gohmert was so out of line.

hence the AG's statement that never has an AG had to deal with garbage like that. and never has a president had to deal with the garbage this president has to deal with.

but in rightwingnuthackworld anyone to the left of atilla the hun isn't allowed to defend against their insanity.
After watching and listening to Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) comment to the Attorney General, he needed to stop him and put the record straight.
Gohmert was so out of line.

Once again, one of the leaders of ad hominem strikes again!
Nothing of substance only personal attack.

you noticed, eh?

forgive him, he's got nothing else

How was Gohmert out of line? Holder has refused to turn over emails and other documents. He has been held in contempt for it. He has dismissed the contempt move. He has failed to prosecute any criminal action by this administration.
You're an ignorant dolt, as well as an asshole.

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