Eric Trump spilled the beans on Dad ..

when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...
Hillary has released far more medical information than Trump has, and yes it is completely up to date.Has Trump released any of his speeches, so why should Hillary.
I believe Hillary has released every email she has except for those which were accidentally deleted.
Hillary has released tax returns, why hasn't Trump?????????????????
Accidently????? With bleach bit? LMAO!!! You are such a tool. {chuckling....}
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...
Hillary has released far more medical information than Trump has, and yes it is completely up to date.Has Trump released any of his speeches, so why should Hillary.
I believe Hillary has released every email she has except for those which were accidentally deleted.
Hillary has released tax returns, why hasn't Trump?????????????????
Accidently????? With bleach bit? LMAO!!! You are such a tool. {chuckling....}
Did you ever give a shyte when Bush "lost" millions of emails? You are nothing but a hypocrite
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...


So, you don't want to compare the two? I dare ya...let's compare to see who is more trustworthy....
Trump will lose every time when it comes to trustworthiness.
What was illegal about his taxes? When did he put US security at risk? When did he lie?
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...


So, you don't want to compare the two? I dare ya...let's compare to see who is more trustworthy....
Trump will lose every time when it comes to trustworthiness.
What was illegal about his taxes? When did he put US security at risk? When did he lie?
We don't know what if anything is illegal about trumps taxes since he refuses to release them. When did trump lie? It all began early on when he told us that he was so rich that he would self fund his own campaign and not be beholden to anyone. How has that worked out. Since then he has lied every time he opens his mouth
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Poor little regressive, just can't remember anything for more than 2 seconds, can ya? Trump said at the debate he would release his taxes, against his lawyers advice, if the hildabitch produced the 33,000 emails she deleted. He's always said he would release them when the audit was completed, he gave her a challenge to get him to release them sooner, now, what will she do? Your contention that Eric spilled any beans is as usual pure bullshit, it was consistent with what's been said before.
Trump's Chumps are positively schizophrenic.

On the one hand, they bleev Hillary's emails have been hacked.

On the other hand, they demand Hillary's emails be released, and Trump has asked Russia to hack Hillary's emails.


How do their heads not explode from all the schizoid shit up in there?
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Poor little regressive, just can't remember anything for more than 2 seconds, can ya? Trump said at the debate he would release his taxes, against his lawyers advice, if the hildabitch produced the 33,000 emails she deleted. He's always said he would release them when the audit was completed, he gave her a challenge to get him to release them sooner, now, what will she do? Your contention that Eric spilled any beans is as usual pure bullshit, it was consistent with what's been said before.
There are any number of years of trump taxes that are not being reviewed by the IRS. Whats his excuse for not releasing those
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.

Trumps tax returns are irrelevant
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.

Trumps tax returns are irrelevant
because you say so? Every candidate has released theirs and the only reason trump hasn't is that he has much to much to hide
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...
Hillary has released far more medical information than Trump has, and yes it is completely up to date.Has Trump released any of his speeches, so why should Hillary.
I believe Hillary has released every email she has except for those which were accidentally deleted.
Hillary has released tax returns, why hasn't Trump?????????????????

Haven't been keeping up with the news, have you? Trump released his doctor note, Hillary's hiding on the medical front.

What Trump speeches are you referring to?

And how did Hillary "accidentally" delete e-mails using bit bleach software?
Hillary released a full medical report, Trump released almost nothing, a total joke.
You seem so upset with emails of Hillary that were deleted, but when Bush lost millions of them, I am sure you never said a word, never demanded to see them

Just stop. Her last meaningful release was over a year ago
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...


So, you don't want to compare the two? I dare ya...let's compare to see who is more trustworthy....
Trump will lose every time when it comes to trustworthiness.

Well, most of the time. But not "every time." For example, he's way more trustworthy than Hillary
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

I am? I'm not going to vote for Trump no matter what he releases or doesn't release. I oppose his anti-capitalist policies. Where is the "double standard" in that, selfie girl?

I do love it though. You think that pointing out your double standard is a double standard while your having different standards for your candidate and Trump isn't. Can't make up the airhead that you actually are
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Poor little regressive, just can't remember anything for more than 2 seconds, can ya? Trump said at the debate he would release his taxes, against his lawyers advice, if the hildabitch produced the 33,000 emails she deleted. He's always said he would release them when the audit was completed, he gave her a challenge to get him to release them sooner, now, what will she do? Your contention that Eric spilled any beans is as usual pure bullshit, it was consistent with what's been said before.


I'll release my tax returns after the audit

I'll release my tax returns if Hillary releases her emails ..

too fucking dumb to figure that one out ain't cha Gomer ?
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Poor little regressive, just can't remember anything for more than 2 seconds, can ya? Trump said at the debate he would release his taxes, against his lawyers advice, if the hildabitch produced the 33,000 emails she deleted. He's always said he would release them when the audit was completed, he gave her a challenge to get him to release them sooner, now, what will she do? Your contention that Eric spilled any beans is as usual pure bullshit, it was consistent with what's been said before.
There are any number of years of trump taxes that are not being reviewed by the IRS. Whats his excuse for not releasing those

Of course if he did that, you regressives would still be bitching and claim old returns aren't relevant and still demand current returns. You'd do this because you want the issue, not the returns.
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

I am? I'm not going to vote for Trump no matter what he releases or doesn't release. I oppose his anti-capitalist policies. Where is the "double standard" in that, selfie girl?

I do love it though. You think that pointing out your double standard is a double standard while your having different standards for your candidate and Trump isn't. Can't make up the airhead that you actually are

When you ask that the Democrat candidate release her speech transcripts, but you don't ask that of any other presidential candidate, that is THE DEFINITION OF DOUBLE STANDARD, Einstein.

You have the self awareness of a toad.
You see the let's talk about these lies and so much more:

Stance on LGBT issues
She's a progressive - moderate"
Lies about emails - in the hands of State Dept?
Libya emails 67 before attack 795 After (cover up)
emawils between Bill and Hillary ? LMAO
Fault of Wall Street
Fault of homebuyers
Top Contributers included Big Banks
She helped rebuild New york after 9/11?
She says "Shame on you, Obama!" when talking about healthcare
Support of Nafta, helped pass it

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