Eric Trump spilled the beans on Dad ..

when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

I think Donald picked the wrong week to stop snorting cocaine.
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Poor little regressive, just can't remember anything for more than 2 seconds, can ya? Trump said at the debate he would release his taxes, against his lawyers advice, if the hildabitch produced the 33,000 emails she deleted. He's always said he would release them when the audit was completed, he gave her a challenge to get him to release them sooner, now, what will she do? Your contention that Eric spilled any beans is as usual pure bullshit, it was consistent with what's been said before.


I'll release my tax returns after the audit

I'll release my tax returns if Hillary releases her emails ..

too fucking dumb to figure that one out ain't cha Gomer ?

I'm sorry you're incapable of following events as they occur, maybe more omega 3s would help.
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

I am? I'm not going to vote for Trump no matter what he releases or doesn't release. I oppose his anti-capitalist policies. Where is the "double standard" in that, selfie girl?

I do love it though. You think that pointing out your double standard is a double standard while your having different standards for your candidate and Trump isn't. Can't make up the airhead that you actually are

When you ask that the Democrat candidate release her speech transcripts, but you don't ask that of any other presidential candidate, that is THE DEFINITION OF DOUBLE STANDARD, Einstein.

You have the self awareness of a toad.

Classic. I asked the Democrat shill who was whining about Trump's taxes because of course Trump is hiding something or he'd release them, but Hillary isn't by refusing to release her speeches. We can just trust her.

I wasn't demanding her speeches, I was responding to the hypocrite. Hypocrisy you're OK with, just don't respond to hypocrisy, that according to you is hypocrisy.

Go play on facebook or whatever the kids are using for communications these days, bimbo
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

I am? I'm not going to vote for Trump no matter what he releases or doesn't release. I oppose his anti-capitalist policies. Where is the "double standard" in that, selfie girl?

I do love it though. You think that pointing out your double standard is a double standard while your having different standards for your candidate and Trump isn't. Can't make up the airhead that you actually are

When you ask that the Democrat candidate release her speech transcripts, but you don't ask that of any other presidential candidate, that is THE DEFINITION OF DOUBLE STANDARD, Einstein.

You have the self awareness of a toad.

Classic. I asked the Democrat shill who was whining about Trump's taxes because of course Trump is hiding something or he'd release them, but Hillary isn't by refusing to release her speeches. We can just trust her.

I wasn't demanding her speeches, I was responding to the hypocrite. Hypocrisy you're OK with, just don't respond to hypocrisy, that according to you is hypocrisy.

Go play on facebook or whatever the kids are using for communications these days, bimbo

It's been a tradition for presidential candidates to release their taxes for years. Speech transcripts are just another hoop only Hillary must jump through, and YOU are the one who brought it big dummy.
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

So, you added an incorrect headline to a video. You've been around the Hillary crown too long.

In this video, it points out. Lester Holt interrupted Trump 41 times and Hillary 7 times Fair?
There were no follow up question for Hillary but several, some wrong for Trump. Fair?
Much tougher on Trump, no questions on Benghazi, emails, Foundation Donors without reporting them, Fair?
Stop & Frisk is not unconstitutional, but Holt insisted it was....Fair?
Hillary failed Bar Exam.. Right!
Trump opposed Iraq War but Holt insisted he did and was wrong Fair?

Where's the Lies????
Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

I am? I'm not going to vote for Trump no matter what he releases or doesn't release. I oppose his anti-capitalist policies. Where is the "double standard" in that, selfie girl?

I do love it though. You think that pointing out your double standard is a double standard while your having different standards for your candidate and Trump isn't. Can't make up the airhead that you actually are

When you ask that the Democrat candidate release her speech transcripts, but you don't ask that of any other presidential candidate, that is THE DEFINITION OF DOUBLE STANDARD, Einstein.

You have the self awareness of a toad.

Classic. I asked the Democrat shill who was whining about Trump's taxes because of course Trump is hiding something or he'd release them, but Hillary isn't by refusing to release her speeches. We can just trust her.

I wasn't demanding her speeches, I was responding to the hypocrite. Hypocrisy you're OK with, just don't respond to hypocrisy, that according to you is hypocrisy.

Go play on facebook or whatever the kids are using for communications these days, bimbo

It's been a tradition for presidential candidates to release their taxes for years. Speech transcripts are just another hoop only Hillary must jump through, and YOU are the one who brought it big dummy.

Trump has stood in front of audiences and given as many speeches as Clinton has ... just more RW horseshit deflecting from the issues.
Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

I am? I'm not going to vote for Trump no matter what he releases or doesn't release. I oppose his anti-capitalist policies. Where is the "double standard" in that, selfie girl?

I do love it though. You think that pointing out your double standard is a double standard while your having different standards for your candidate and Trump isn't. Can't make up the airhead that you actually are

When you ask that the Democrat candidate release her speech transcripts, but you don't ask that of any other presidential candidate, that is THE DEFINITION OF DOUBLE STANDARD, Einstein.

You have the self awareness of a toad.

Classic. I asked the Democrat shill who was whining about Trump's taxes because of course Trump is hiding something or he'd release them, but Hillary isn't by refusing to release her speeches. We can just trust her.

I wasn't demanding her speeches, I was responding to the hypocrite. Hypocrisy you're OK with, just don't respond to hypocrisy, that according to you is hypocrisy.

Go play on facebook or whatever the kids are using for communications these days, bimbo

It's been a tradition for presidential candidates to release their taxes for years. Speech transcripts are just another hoop only Hillary must jump through, and YOU are the one who brought it big dummy.
Why is it fair for one side to release information and not for the other? There's Congressional hearings that have concluded she was not forthright in giving emails under subpeona, she lied again and again (Which is not in the Video, compliments of Comey)
You are too much. Why are you in the tank for Hillary when it is proven that she has no integrity?
Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

I am? I'm not going to vote for Trump no matter what he releases or doesn't release. I oppose his anti-capitalist policies. Where is the "double standard" in that, selfie girl?

I do love it though. You think that pointing out your double standard is a double standard while your having different standards for your candidate and Trump isn't. Can't make up the airhead that you actually are

When you ask that the Democrat candidate release her speech transcripts, but you don't ask that of any other presidential candidate, that is THE DEFINITION OF DOUBLE STANDARD, Einstein.

You have the self awareness of a toad.

Classic. I asked the Democrat shill who was whining about Trump's taxes because of course Trump is hiding something or he'd release them, but Hillary isn't by refusing to release her speeches. We can just trust her.

I wasn't demanding her speeches, I was responding to the hypocrite. Hypocrisy you're OK with, just don't respond to hypocrisy, that according to you is hypocrisy.

Go play on facebook or whatever the kids are using for communications these days, bimbo

It's been a tradition for presidential candidates to release their taxes for years. Speech transcripts are just another hoop only Hillary must jump through, and YOU are the one who brought it big dummy.

Trump has stood in front of audiences and given as many speeches as Clinton has ... just more RW horseshit deflecting from the issues.
They are all video'd and he would probably welcome them be reviewed on air again. Better than an expensive ad.
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Like Lester Holt asked him why he didnt release his taxes he said:

...because of Audit
...Because of lawyers said not too

Then said he would release them if Hillary produced her emails. Lester then asked "So its negotiable?"

Trump: Oh, uh no....Umm Audit....Uh
basically, like always, you fked up the quotes. why am I not surprised. now what it is it he actually said, pull the statement from the transcripts instead of making up lies.
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...
Hillary has released far more medical information than Trump has, and yes it is completely up to date.Has Trump released any of his speeches, so why should Hillary.
I believe Hillary has released every email she has except for those which were accidentally deleted.
Hillary has released tax returns, why hasn't Trump?????????????????
accidentally, :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:conveniently accidentally, right?
Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

I am? I'm not going to vote for Trump no matter what he releases or doesn't release. I oppose his anti-capitalist policies. Where is the "double standard" in that, selfie girl?

I do love it though. You think that pointing out your double standard is a double standard while your having different standards for your candidate and Trump isn't. Can't make up the airhead that you actually are

When you ask that the Democrat candidate release her speech transcripts, but you don't ask that of any other presidential candidate, that is THE DEFINITION OF DOUBLE STANDARD, Einstein.

You have the self awareness of a toad.

Classic. I asked the Democrat shill who was whining about Trump's taxes because of course Trump is hiding something or he'd release them, but Hillary isn't by refusing to release her speeches. We can just trust her.

I wasn't demanding her speeches, I was responding to the hypocrite. Hypocrisy you're OK with, just don't respond to hypocrisy, that according to you is hypocrisy.

Go play on facebook or whatever the kids are using for communications these days, bimbo

It's been a tradition for presidential candidates to release their taxes for years. Speech transcripts are just another hoop only Hillary must jump through, and YOU are the one who brought it big dummy.
Why is it fair for one side to release information and not for the other? There's Congressional hearings that have concluded she was not forthright in giving emails under subpeona, she lied again and again (Which is not in the Video, compliments of Comey)
You are too much. Why are you in the tank for Hillary when it is proven that she has no integrity?

exactly ..

Indeed, Trump once bragged that in 2006 the company paid him $2.5 million for a single speech. And last year when Trump filed a financial disclosure with the Federal Election Commission, three ACN speeches/appearances from 2014 and 2015 were listed among his income. Trump pocketed $450,000 for each one.

Why are Trump’s ACN six-figure paychecks a big deal? And why, if Hillary Clinton had spent years hyping a company as suspicious as ACN, would there probably already have been Republican-led congressional hearings into that relationship?

so I want to see copies of Trumps speeches too, dont you jackson?
Here's how I see it, if trump is a tax cheat theIRS will find out and he will go to prison. If trump is not a tax cheat and he has followed all the laws that the rich, wealthy politicians have written then who cares?
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


Hillary hasn't released half her e-mails, she hasn't released her speeches to Wall Street, she hasn't released her updated medical records since she started passing out, and you're whining that ... Trump ... doesn't release his taxes?

This a standard for you? Not ...

Has Donald Trump released his speeches to the controversial (ACN) marketing company, who's been accused of ripping people off? Did you ask to see the speech transcripts from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or Carly Fiorina?

Has Donald Trump released all of his medical records?

Hillary has released 39 yrs of tax returns. Where are Donald's?

It appears you are the one with double standards.

So, you added an incorrect headline to a video. You've been around the Hillary crown too long.

In this video, it points out. Lester Holt interrupted Trump 41 times and Hillary 7 times Fair?
There were no follow up question for Hillary but several, some wrong for Trump. Fair?
Much tougher on Trump, no questions on Benghazi, emails, Foundation Donors without reporting them, Fair?
Stop & Frisk is not unconstitutional, but Holt insisted it was....Fair?
Hillary failed Bar Exam.. Right!
Trump opposed Iraq War but Holt insisted he did and was wrong Fair?

Where's the Lies????

Calm down, Benghazi...LOL You've beat that poor dead horse enough.

Trump repeats wrong claim that he opposed Iraq War
when questioned last night after the VP debate ...

"Will your Father release his tax returns"

Eric ... " Yes, after the audit is complete"

15 seconds later ... bla bla bla

Eric ... " what about the emails Hillary is hiding?"

"we' will release the tax returns as soon as she releases her emails"


wait one fucking minute junior !! ...

the returns are being AUDITED,, how in hell can you release them if Clinton shows her emails ?????

smoke and mirrors 24/7 from the Trump camp.


we already know that even if the Donald were being audited, he could still release his tax returns.

and we still haven't seen any proof that the lying slob is under audit.
Last edited:
Here's how I see it, if trump is a tax cheat theIRS will find out and he will go to prison. If trump is not a tax cheat and he has followed all the laws that the rich, wealthy politicians have written then who cares?

we know he's violated the laws regarding his foundation and payment of bills through the foundation and funneling income through it. we also know he bribed two prosecutors at least one of them with funds from the foundation....and we know he uses the foundation to settle his personal debts
Here's how I see it, if trump is a tax cheat theIRS will find out and he will go to prison. If trump is not a tax cheat and he has followed all the laws that the rich, wealthy politicians have written then who cares?

we know he's violated the laws regarding his foundation and payment of bills through the foundation and funneling income through it. we also know he bribed two prosecutors at least one of them with funds from the foundation....and we know he uses the foundation to settle his personal debts
Wow, he should be in handcuffs by this evening. Unless it's bullshit.
Here's how I see it, if trump is a tax cheat theIRS will find out and he will go to prison. If trump is not a tax cheat and he has followed all the laws that the rich, wealthy politicians have written then who cares?

we know he's violated the laws regarding his foundation and payment of bills through the foundation and funneling income through it. we also know he bribed two prosecutors at least one of them with funds from the foundation....and we know he uses the foundation to settle his personal debts
Wow, he should be in handcuffs by this evening. Unless it's bullshit.

The state atty general of ny ordered his foundation to stop raising money. It will take a little
Longer than overnight to get an indictment

One would hope you know that.

And if you don't know that what I said is true, you should probably start reading
Some legitimate sources.
Here's how I see it, if trump is a tax cheat theIRS will find out and he will go to prison. If trump is not a tax cheat and he has followed all the laws that the rich, wealthy politicians have written then who cares?

we know he's violated the laws regarding his foundation and payment of bills through the foundation and funneling income through it. we also know he bribed two prosecutors at least one of them with funds from the foundation....and we know he uses the foundation to settle his personal debts
Wow, he should be in handcuffs by this evening. Unless it's bullshit.

he's under investigation ,, the NYAG made him shut down the foundation.

nothing will come out of this until after the election.

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