Escalating and Permanent Damage to The economy


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
How close are we to this? Question I posed to one of my customers. He is a small businessman whose family has launched and sold 2 popular retail hair care product lines many would recognize with decades of experience navigating the ups and downs of the economy. Currently concentrating on Salon side until his non-compete expires. His immediate response was we are already there. According to his distributers a large number of Salons will never re-open. No way to quantify what that number is right now but it will continue to grow. The further this goes, the but....but we were saving lives excuse will fall on deaf ears. I dont see how those who advocate this think this will play to their favor.
How close are we to this? Question I posed to one of my customers. He is a small businessman whose family has launched and sold 2 popular retail hair care product lines many would recognize with decades of experience navigating the ups and downs of the economy. Currently concentrating on Salon side until his non-compete expires. His immediate response was we are already there. According to his distributers a large number of Salons will never re-open. No way to quantify what that number is right now but it will continue to grow. The further this goes, the but....but we were saving lives excuse will fall on deaf ears. I dont see how those who advocate this think this will play to their favor.
This disaster will keep unfolding in front of us for awhile. Beyond that I'm concerned that this virus and it's misguided response has dampened entrepreneurship. I hope that's not the case but who would venture out there now with a new business knowing that you could have all of your customers yanked away from you instantly?
Many red states are starting to open up already & doing it safely!

Liberal states don't care if you suffer or die as long as it might make Trump look bad. Look at MI, NY and los angeles.
The slow death of childcare centers nationwide may have a domino effect across the economy, experts say. Entrepreneurs like Antico or Gladstone will face financial hardship, but so will the roughly 1.1 million people, 96% of whom are women and 40% of whom are people of color, who tend to make very low wages caring for other people’s kids. Mass closures will also have a ripple effect on communities and parents, who depend on daycare centers to go to work and support their families. Without access to affordable and convenient childcare, many parents—mostly mothers—will find it increasingly untenable, financially and logistically, to work outside the home. It’s an eventuality that could cripple women’s advancement in the workplace, exacerbate inequality, and put a drag on the U.S. economic recovery.
As the shutdown drags on, New York officials fear that half the city’s smallest businesses are going to fail. Restaurants, bars, shops and salons will become boarded-up storefronts. Neighborhoods will feel like ghost towns.

It’s a grim prospect, yet officials seem ready to let it happen. Why an added month of lockdown will devastate New York small businesses

Cuomo and DeBlasio are hoping to destroy the NY economy and are well on their way to succeeding.
The slow death of childcare centers nationwide may have a domino effect across the economy, experts say. Entrepreneurs like Antico or Gladstone will face financial hardship, but so will the roughly 1.1 million people, 96% of whom are women and 40% of whom are people of color, who tend to make very low wages caring for other people’s kids. Mass closures will also have a ripple effect on communities and parents, who depend on daycare centers to go to work and support their families. Without access to affordable and convenient childcare, many parents—mostly mothers—will find it increasingly untenable, financially and logistically, to work outside the home. It’s an eventuality that could cripple women’s advancement in the workplace, exacerbate inequality, and put a drag on the U.S. economic recovery.
Are these caretakers US citizens or Illegals?
If they are Illegals, they can go home.
The slow death of childcare centers nationwide may have a domino effect across the economy, experts say. Entrepreneurs like Antico or Gladstone will face financial hardship, but so will the roughly 1.1 million people, 96% of whom are women and 40% of whom are people of color, who tend to make very low wages caring for other people’s kids. Mass closures will also have a ripple effect on communities and parents, who depend on daycare centers to go to work and support their families. Without access to affordable and convenient childcare, many parents—mostly mothers—will find it increasingly untenable, financially and logistically, to work outside the home. It’s an eventuality that could cripple women’s advancement in the workplace, exacerbate inequality, and put a drag on the U.S. economic recovery.
Are these caretakers US citizens or Illegals?
If the are Illegals, they can go home.
One they profiled ....I would bet yes.
How close are we to this? Question I posed to one of my customers. He is a small businessman whose family has launched and sold 2 popular retail hair care product lines many would recognize with decades of experience navigating the ups and downs of the economy. Currently concentrating on Salon side until his non-compete expires. His immediate response was we are already there. According to his distributers a large number of Salons will never re-open. No way to quantify what that number is right now but it will continue to grow. The further this goes, the but....but we were saving lives excuse will fall on deaf ears. I dont see how those who advocate this think this will play to their favor.

It's well known that socialists destroys economies. One way to recover is to get rid of socialists. Free helicopter rides, perhaps.

The last presidential election was most interesting in my lifetime. Beside rigged polls, rigged votes, rigged media, Democrats still lost, and are gone mad. Typical for all socialists, they're capable to destroy everything, including themselves, if that will bring down the system they hate.

At the moment, we have lefties destroying our cities, and over next two months, we're going to see Democrats, and their handlers in The Davos Crowd, pursuing the biggest lie since global warming. They're preparing the ground, and lining up for the the only outcome acceptable to them, and that is contested election which would ignite the push for a coup, right after they lose on November 3rd.

Democrats isn't even hiding it anymore, they're openly talking about it, as it is obvious, while setting one false flag after another, with the narrative that is preparing whole country for this course of action. Just as with Hillary, they're rigging the polls to show Biden ahead in nearly every one of them, and still they cannot produce the lead, or lie, big enough that will ensure the win in their favor. As polls are shifting in Trump's favor, Democrats are scrambling all over to produce fairy tales about Joe Biden mental state... Instead of promising cure for cancer, he should be praying for cure for dementia, because the way it looks, he won't last much longer.

You gotta give it to Democrats, and their determination to destroy everything that is in their way. The single most important factor for Trump's re-election was strong economy, so Democrats decided to destroy it. They couldn't do it on federal level, so they did in locally, in states and cities they have power. They ignited violence from the young people who are disproportionally affected by the economic destruction and ideologically aligned with academic left, by using their favorite subjects, racism and hatred for the rich. And it worked for them, because Democrats were all on board with it, every single one ignored the violence, defended the rioters, and supported it every step of the way. And the worse from them is yet to come.

Looking at the way the Democrats have positioned themselves for this election it is clear that they are preparing the field for this outcome after election day. They used the lockdowns to create an mob ready to protest as long they need them to, and they will do it because they have nothing else to do and little hope for the future. They also structured all financial aid to the middle class the run out during the height of the election campaign while blocking any further assistance even though the Treasury Dept. raised nearly $2 trillion to deploy as support and stimulus. They used media to stoked fear over COVID-19 to push as many voters to consider mailing their votes in (or create the illusion that is what will happen) to delay certification of the election on election night.

The only thing that didn't go their way so far is Trump who didn't act as they predicted he would. He has governed this chaos exactly the way a majority of Americans want him to, , he stayed out of State's affairs and even though he has the authority to do so, he’s refrained from sending Federal troops into rioting cities, laying bare just how much local authorities are aiding the violence. He didn’t institute national lockdowns and restrictions, so Democrats had to act on it themselves, which caused them to look authoritarian and plain stupid in eyes of Americans. Trump offered aid to states and allowed the data to eventually vindicate him to the point where even the CDC is now backtracking on how dangerous the virus actually is.

Democrats thought they had him (this time) and yet again, they were wrong, and nothing drives them more crazy and willing to double down, or triple down, than handing a win to Trump, as they did so many times in four years. They've never been more desperate, and more dangerous, and that is why I think that worse is about to come. Brace for the impact, the self destructing Democrats are about to explode.
How close are we to this? Question I posed to one of my customers. He is a small businessman whose family has launched and sold 2 popular retail hair care product lines many would recognize with decades of experience navigating the ups and downs of the economy. Currently concentrating on Salon side until his non-compete expires. His immediate response was we are already there. According to his distributers a large number of Salons will never re-open. No way to quantify what that number is right now but it will continue to grow. The further this goes, the but....but we were saving lives excuse will fall on deaf ears. I dont see how those who advocate this think this will play to their favor.

It's well known that socialists destroys economies. One way to recover is to get rid of socialists. Free helicopter rides, perhaps.

The last presidential election was most interesting in my lifetime. Beside rigged polls, rigged votes, rigged media, Democrats still lost, and are gone mad. Typical for all socialists, they're capable to destroy everything, including themselves, if that will bring down the system they hate.

At the moment, we have lefties destroying our cities, and over next two months, we're going to see Democrats, and their handlers in The Davos Crowd, pursuing the biggest lie since global warming. They're preparing the ground, and lining up for the the only outcome acceptable to them, and that is contested election which would ignite the push for a coup, right after they lose on November 3rd.

Democrats isn't even hiding it anymore, they're openly talking about it, as it is obvious, while setting one false flag after another, with the narrative that is preparing whole country for this course of action. Just as with Hillary, they're rigging the polls to show Biden ahead in nearly every one of them, and still they cannot produce the lead, or lie, big enough that will ensure the win in their favor. As polls are shifting in Trump's favor, Democrats are scrambling all over to produce fairy tales about Joe Biden mental state... Instead of promising cure for cancer, he should be praying for cure for dementia, because the way it looks, he won't last much longer.

You gotta give it to Democrats, and their determination to destroy everything that is in their way. The single most important factor for Trump's re-election was strong economy, so Democrats decided to destroy it. They couldn't do it on federal level, so they did in locally, in states and cities they have power. They ignited violence from the young people who are disproportionally affected by the economic destruction and ideologically aligned with academic left, by using their favorite subjects, racism and hatred for the rich. And it worked for them, because Democrats were all on board with it, every single one ignored the violence, defended the rioters, and supported it every step of the way. And the worse from them is yet to come.

Looking at the way the Democrats have positioned themselves for this election it is clear that they are preparing the field for this outcome after election day. They used the lockdowns to create an mob ready to protest as long they need them to, and they will do it because they have nothing else to do and little hope for the future. They also structured all financial aid to the middle class the run out during the height of the election campaign while blocking any further assistance even though the Treasury Dept. raised nearly $2 trillion to deploy as support and stimulus. They used media to stoked fear over COVID-19 to push as many voters to consider mailing their votes in (or create the illusion that is what will happen) to delay certification of the election on election night.

The only thing that didn't go their way so far is Trump who didn't act as they predicted he would. He has governed this chaos exactly the way a majority of Americans want him to, , he stayed out of State's affairs and even though he has the authority to do so, he’s refrained from sending Federal troops into rioting cities, laying bare just how much local authorities are aiding the violence. He didn’t institute national lockdowns and restrictions, so Democrats had to act on it themselves, which caused them to look authoritarian and plain stupid in eyes of Americans. Trump offered aid to states and allowed the data to eventually vindicate him to the point where even the CDC is now backtracking on how dangerous the virus actually is.

Democrats thought they had him (this time) and yet again, they were wrong, and nothing drives them more crazy and willing to double down, or triple down, than handing a win to Trump, as they did so many times in four years. They've never been more desperate, and more dangerous, and that is why I think that worse is about to come. Brace for the impact, the self destructing Democrats are about to explode.

Very interesting post!

How close are we to this? Question I posed to one of my customers. He is a small businessman whose family has launched and sold 2 popular retail hair care product lines many would recognize with decades of experience navigating the ups and downs of the economy. Currently concentrating on Salon side until his non-compete expires. His immediate response was we are already there. According to his distributers a large number of Salons will never re-open. No way to quantify what that number is right now but it will continue to grow. The further this goes, the but....but we were saving lives excuse will fall on deaf ears. I dont see how those who advocate this think this will play to their favor.

It's well known that socialists destroys economies. One way to recover is to get rid of socialists. Free helicopter rides, perhaps.

The last presidential election was most interesting in my lifetime. Beside rigged polls, rigged votes, rigged media, Democrats still lost, and are gone mad. Typical for all socialists, they're capable to destroy everything, including themselves, if that will bring down the system they hate.

At the moment, we have lefties destroying our cities, and over next two months, we're going to see Democrats, and their handlers in The Davos Crowd, pursuing the biggest lie since global warming. They're preparing the ground, and lining up for the the only outcome acceptable to them, and that is contested election which would ignite the push for a coup, right after they lose on November 3rd.

Democrats isn't even hiding it anymore, they're openly talking about it, as it is obvious, while setting one false flag after another, with the narrative that is preparing whole country for this course of action. Just as with Hillary, they're rigging the polls to show Biden ahead in nearly every one of them, and still they cannot produce the lead, or lie, big enough that will ensure the win in their favor. As polls are shifting in Trump's favor, Democrats are scrambling all over to produce fairy tales about Joe Biden mental state... Instead of promising cure for cancer, he should be praying for cure for dementia, because the way it looks, he won't last much longer.

You gotta give it to Democrats, and their determination to destroy everything that is in their way. The single most important factor for Trump's re-election was strong economy, so Democrats decided to destroy it. They couldn't do it on federal level, so they did in locally, in states and cities they have power. They ignited violence from the young people who are disproportionally affected by the economic destruction and ideologically aligned with academic left, by using their favorite subjects, racism and hatred for the rich. And it worked for them, because Democrats were all on board with it, every single one ignored the violence, defended the rioters, and supported it every step of the way. And the worse from them is yet to come.

Looking at the way the Democrats have positioned themselves for this election it is clear that they are preparing the field for this outcome after election day. They used the lockdowns to create an mob ready to protest as long they need them to, and they will do it because they have nothing else to do and little hope for the future. They also structured all financial aid to the middle class the run out during the height of the election campaign while blocking any further assistance even though the Treasury Dept. raised nearly $2 trillion to deploy as support and stimulus. They used media to stoked fear over COVID-19 to push as many voters to consider mailing their votes in (or create the illusion that is what will happen) to delay certification of the election on election night.

The only thing that didn't go their way so far is Trump who didn't act as they predicted he would. He has governed this chaos exactly the way a majority of Americans want him to, , he stayed out of State's affairs and even though he has the authority to do so, he’s refrained from sending Federal troops into rioting cities, laying bare just how much local authorities are aiding the violence. He didn’t institute national lockdowns and restrictions, so Democrats had to act on it themselves, which caused them to look authoritarian and plain stupid in eyes of Americans. Trump offered aid to states and allowed the data to eventually vindicate him to the point where even the CDC is now backtracking on how dangerous the virus actually is.

Democrats thought they had him (this time) and yet again, they were wrong, and nothing drives them more crazy and willing to double down, or triple down, than handing a win to Trump, as they did so many times in four years. They've never been more desperate, and more dangerous, and that is why I think that worse is about to come. Brace for the impact, the self destructing Democrats are about to explode.

Very interesting post!


Thanks, PC.

Leftists usually can't argue these things. That's why they rarely join these threads. Regardless of their constant barking in other threads, they can't argue that 45 out of 50 State Governors did not force COVID infected patients into nursing homes. And those five who did, Governors of NY, PA, NJ, CA, and MI, all Democrats, have 40% of all COVID deaths in whole country. That's no accident, it looks more like premeditated acts.

Eventually, reality and crisis fatigue sets in, people adjust to the new circumstances and the worst parts of their fear abates. And even if they don’t look at the new data, they realize enough costs have been born and it’s time to move on with our lives. That’s what is now showing up in the polling data, even though it is still highly suspect. And this puts Trump in the driver’s seat for the November election. As of today, the election looks like it is his to lose. And yet the Democrats insist that the election will not be resolved on election day. Why would anyone say that? In fact, it’s obvious they are prepping the narrative that Trump will only appear to win on election night but, in fact, the torrent of mail in ballots will change the outcome of the election over the next few days, or weeks, or as much time is needed to find enough ballots to take the win away from Trump.

Of course, this would fly in the face of decades of electoral statistics where the outcome of the election is almost certainly decided by the time 25% of the votes have been counted and a run-rate to completion can be calculated. And with article like this one, they're preparing us for what they are planning all along. What they're saying is that it’s highly likely that President Trump will appear to have won, potentially in a landslide, on election night, even if he ultimately loses when all the votes are counted.

Exclusive: Dem group warns of apparent Trump Election Day landslide
Way more Democrats will vote by mail than Republicans, due to fears of the coronavirus, and it will take days if not weeks to tally these. This means Trump, thanks to Republicans doing almost all of their voting in person, could hold big electoral college and popular vote leads on election night…

… By the numbers: Under one of the group’s modeling scenarios, Trump could hold a projected lead of 408-130 electoral votes on election night, if only 15% of the vote by mail (VBM) ballots had been counted.

They know they're going to lose big, but they won't concede. Just as they were dragging Russia collusion investigation, and impeachment process, and doing everything they could to prevent Trump from governing, they will do the same after this election. Only difference is, when they lose, they're going to unleash their mob, their rioters, and we'll see much more violence than in recent months. They;re already setting the stage for that, by organizing 50 day protest in Lafayette Square in Washington D.C., apparently to protest President Trump "stealing the election". This is a ready made recipe for an orgy of violence in the nation’s capital to create a false flag event which reflects badly on Trump. Think snipers on rooftops shooting both protestors and cops similar to what happened on the Kiev back in 2014.

So why in D.C.? Well, because D.C. is not a state, it's not governed by the same rules as states where Governors are in Charge, its controlled by leftist mayor who already expressed her support for protests, and the way I see it, she's hoping for more, as long it's against Trump, and he'll make sure it will be. Just like Cuomo said few days ago in a press conference " Trump better bring an army if he plans to set foot in his state", which is equivalent to sedition, and that case can be made by nearly every major Democrat for statements made in the past six months. As I said, Democrats are preparing for this for a long time, and it will be ugly.
How close are we to this? Question I posed to one of my customers. He is a small businessman whose family has launched and sold 2 popular retail hair care product lines many would recognize with decades of experience navigating the ups and downs of the economy. Currently concentrating on Salon side until his non-compete expires. His immediate response was we are already there. According to his distributers a large number of Salons will never re-open. No way to quantify what that number is right now but it will continue to grow. The further this goes, the but....but we were saving lives excuse will fall on deaf ears. I dont see how those who advocate this think this will play to their favor.
How many working women and flaming homos are out of work ?.....great job progressive morons !
Thoughtful....and may be an explanation for our future.

Perhaps It is so interesting to me, because I am a pessimist about that future.

They own the 'factories' that manufacture evil, the Leftist agendas: the schools and the media.

Sadly, I see no way to change that.

We should simply continue to light that one candle, in the hopes of illuminating the darkness in the minds of so many. Keep on.
Thoughtful....and may be an explanation for our future.

Perhaps It is so interesting to me, because I am a pessimist about that future.

They own the 'factories' that manufacture evil, the Leftist agendas: the schools and the media.

Sadly, I see no way to change that.

We should simply continue to light that one candle, in the hopes of illuminating the darkness in the minds of so many. Keep on.

As I said earlier, leftists won't rest until they've been given free helicopter rides.

After all, that's what they're planning for all of us who voted and still support President Trump. For the past four years they've been planning how to take the elections away from the voters, because voters cannot be trusted to decide elections. For the past four years they've been saying that 63 million of us mindlessly elected fascist dictator over most qualified candidate ever, and to prevent from happening again, if necessary, they're going to either stop us from voting, or redirect our votes to their candidate. Listen to their own words...

Thoughtful....and may be an explanation for our future.

Perhaps It is so interesting to me, because I am a pessimist about that future.

They own the 'factories' that manufacture evil, the Leftist agendas: the schools and the media.

Sadly, I see no way to change that.

We should simply continue to light that one candle, in the hopes of illuminating the darkness in the minds of so many. Keep on.

As I said earlier, leftists won't rest until they've been given free helicopter rides.

After all, that's what they're planning for all of us who voted and still support President Trump. For the past four years they've been planning how to take the elections away from the voters, because voters cannot be trusted to decide elections. For the past four years they've been saying that 63 million of us mindlessly elected fascist dictator over most qualified candidate ever, and to prevent from happening again, if necessary, they're going to either stop us from voting, or redirect our votes to their candidate. Listen to their own words...

Unfortunately, evil doesn't always least in the short run.
The statement, 'black lives matter' is pre-emptive violence, pre-emptive racism. It reifies itself first, makes victims-scapegoats first, at the expense of all other lives and races. It is selfish rather than self-interested, as most Americans have traditionally been, whereas the latter does not want free stuff but works to improve its business capabilities. blm-antifa is the lie of anti-democracy in your face with Chicago grills. The flip-side of fascism is eye-pain, the eye-pain of destroyed cities. Boycott biden-harris, blm-antifa, chinese culinary promiscuity viruses. For more on the flip-side of fascism, see www. Pasquinelli, Libidinal Parasites. For more on communism, see Storch, Red Chicago.

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