Esper: Trump Wanted to Shoot Protesters

Okay big redneck. I understand exactly what idiotic group you represent and you wear it proud. Good for you.
look, the insults are coming out now. backed into the corner and the pressures on. His true kkk self of pandering is exposed.
I was very disappointed that Trump didn't diffuse the situation with BLM. Instead of threatening to shoot them he should have listened to their concerns about police brutality. He dismissed them. How stupid.
Actually he tried to send the National gardens in to stop them. But the liberal governors and mayor's wouldn't have it.
I guess you didn't see the same video I did. The last guy was pleading with him to drop the gun. To stop shooting people.
you really need to call all the jurors and tell them they were wrong and then how you saw it and only your decision is allowed.
you've personally known trump? right internet cowboy. right. you know fking nothing.
Sorry you have trouble reading and comprehending.No, I never said that. I said I know of trump since the Atlantic City catastrophe. My mother's cousins were truck farmers in New Jersey. trump cost them a fortune and ruined their lives. He did this to thousands of people there and for the most part got away with it.
Sorry you have trouble reading and comprehending.No, I never said that. I said I know of trump since the Atlantic City catastrophe. My mother's cousins were truck farmers in New Jersey. trump cost them a fortune and ruined their lives. He did this to thousands of people there and for the most part got away with it.
son, it's really quite obvious you didn't proof read what you posted. I get it, now you're humiliated since you stepped into doggie doo doo. too fking bad internet cowboy. You know nothing about trump. All you know is what someone posted or said in the media. See, I don't trust them. Trump definitely can be an asshole, no argument from me. But he has americans backs. And that speaks volumes for me. Go listen to your 48 year loser in the white house and know he stated racist things over and over and over.

read your words from your post and it will call you a liar.
Actually he tried to send the National gardens in to stop them. But the liberal governors and mayor's wouldn't have it.
That would have only made matters worse cuz their cause was justified. The company looting and destruction by a few in the many is always unfortunate. The fax reveal the truth in all of the black lives matter protest over 10,000 were arrested for violence and mayhem. Over half a million people participated in the protests. So the bad guys in those protests and monitor 1%.
I've known Trump since he almost destroyed Atlantic City,
Hey stann, here are your words from post #170. you therefore lied in post #185. drop mic, now go away little liar.
That would have only made matters worse cuz their cause was justified. The company looting and destruction by a few in the many is always unfortunate. The fax reveal the truth in all of the black lives matter protest over 10,000 were arrested for violence and mayhem. Over half a million people participated in the protests. So the bad guys in those protests and monitor 1%.
Their cause was justified? Lol SHM
That would have only made matters worse cuz their cause was justified.
what was the cause? And what made looting justified? Come on liar, what you got?

Stann can't stand by his own words, liar.
son, it's really quite obvious you didn't proof read what you posted. I get it, now you're humiliated since you stepped into doggie doo doo. too fking bad internet cowboy. You know nothing about trump. All you know is what someone posted or said in the media. See, I don't trust them. Trump definitely can be an asshole, no argument from me. But he has americans backs. And that speaks volumes for me. Go listen to your 48 year loser in the white house and know he stated racist things over and over and over.

read your words from your post and it will call you a liar.
trump has got you totally fooled. Unfortunately the guy has a charismatic appeal to some people who are ignorant about him. trump has only one love in his life and that is himself; he proves that almost daily when he boasts about himself.
trump has got you totally fooled. Unfortunately the guy has a charismatic appeal to some people who are ignorant about him. trump has only one love in his life and that is himself; he proves that almost daily when he boasts about himself.
naw, see con fk, you lied, Post 170 does not match post #185. You're a liar, nothing more is genuine nor should it be allowed.
I totally understand rednecks do not understand why blacks complain about what they've been put through in this country and are still being put through.
match was won, you lied, and about trump, and again insulting others. wow, you have no integrity I see. can't admit you lied. liar.
Oh you believe redneck is a slur? No idiot you and your leftists cohorts keep showing you have no common sense.
Redneck is a derogatory term for someone who is ignorant ( and usually arrogant about it ) just like you are. Try to have a good day, I plan on it. And by the way, I have very thick skin. Your insults don't amount to a hill of beans because they're based on your ignorance and arrogance.
naw, see con fk, you lied, Post 170 does not match post #185. You're a liar, nothing more is genuine nor should it be allowed.
There's no conflict there you like I said you can't read or comprehend very well. I explained why I knew there was nothing to like about trump. A tiger doesn't change his stripes and trump's been a bad guy his whole life. He's cheated everyone in his life, his wives, his children, anyone who puts their faith in him. That's what con men do. And there's plenty of fools around to follow him.

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