Esper: Trump Wanted to Shoot Protesters

no it can't that's a fking lie. destroying a business is destroying lives. go fk off now.
This is a discussion board if you just want to hear your own voice you should be talking to just yourself. Go f*** yourself I'm
Property can be replaced, life cannot. Supposedly Americans value life, at least they're supposed to. That's why 46% of the people are pro Life and 55% of the population doesn't believe in the death penalty. The reason for life has less people believing it is because people believe in women more. They actually exist, they are actually here, they are real people not fetuses.
hey, I got a better idea, if it's just property and life can't be replaced, why try and steal it and risk death? It seems your objective is criminal based not victim based. strange.
Or could it be that the Republicans are just worse, we see how devious they are in creating Nazi type of laws, in restricting voter access I mean they are definitely anti people unless you're rich. Then they don't want you to pay any taxes because they're hoping for the third time is the charm in the trickle down theory it has never paid off yet.
You continue fabricating bullshit. Your entire argument is nothing but scripted DNC talking points you've been fed by those networks. You need to get out in the real world and see how it actually works.

Republicans haven't created any laws that prevent any legally eligible voter from voting.

In most states today early voting goes on for 3-5 weeks and in every state there is absentee voting for those who still can't manage to get to the polls.

Republicans almost to a man and woman just understand that falsely inflating wages does nothing but discourage hiring costing us jobs in the long run. Less than 8% of the public works for minimum wage and those are people for the most part that have no other job experience or skills. They are literally getting paid to learn skills and how to be a valuable employee worth more than minimum wage.

Even more importantly the more you falsely inflate wages the more jobs are going to be eliminated completely by automation.
Then America wouldn't be the great nation it is.
You have absolutely no basis for that claim.

All we accomplished in the end to to guarantee that eventually a majority of the lazy and ignorant would find a way to vote themselves other people's money.

We were a great nation when we had a common morality and work ethic where people took pride in their accomplishments and strived to make the country an every better place for the next generation all of which have been destroyed by the democratic party in the last half century.
Trump claims that he's a leader. Why didn't he address the problem of police brutality?
He decried it when we saw it blatantly in cases like George Floyd's Murder.

Just what else was he supposed to do exactly? Local/State policing are not within the purview of the Federal Gov't.
He decried it when we saw it blatantly in cases like George Floyd's Murder.

Just what else was he supposed to do exactly? Local/State policing are not within the purview of the Federal Gov't.
Trump threw out the Taskforce for 21st Century Policing.
Completely irrelevant. She wasn't shot for being a druggie, she was shot for being the first to breech the final barrier between the mob and the Speaker's Lobby.
Yes. She was part of a crowded mob who were breaking windows.
Yes. She was part of a crowded mob who were breaking windows.
No, they were breaking through the doors to The Speaker's lobby by breaking out the windows in the doors and beside them.

She was only shot when she attempted to climb through and at least got her head and torso past the barrier with no signs of backing down so she was quite properly and lawfully shot.

If she had succeeded the rest of the mob would likely have followed and many more of them would then have been shot so his choice did the least harm in a very difficult situation.

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