ESPN could have chosen a wounded war veteran for their COURAGE AWARD

1. GOt it. THose you judge to be inferior do not deserve Full Citizenship RIghts.

2. Lots of people don't vote for their short term economic interests. YOu don't ridicule rich libs who vote against tax cutting republicans.

First, the SLackjaws are voting against their own LONG-TERM economic interests. The GOP has been dismantling the American Middle Class for 40 years now, and it all started with Nixon's "Southern Strategy" of picking up Slackjaws in the south who were upset about Civil Rights Legistlation letting black people use the same bathrooms.

Second, rich libs understand that the rich NEED to pay their fair share in taxes. Roads need to get paved and kids need to be educated. so they are voting in their own best interests.

3. Got it. Religious people are stupid. YOu just judged the majority of the world to be inferior. Question: is this as bad as being intellectually inferior? SHould religious people not be allowed to vote either? Should we restrict religious people from immigrating?

I think the two things are intertwined. Religion and Ignorance go hand and hand. And it would be nice if these people didn't vote, because they manage to fuck it up.

4. Dude. When the Northern Armies invaded the South, it wasn't just the Rich who suffered. Your dismissal of their motives is more a result of your bigotry, than a justification.

Uh, the South Started the War, not the North. They attacked Fort Sumter.

1. Do you believe in Free Trade?

2. The Southern Strategy is a myth. THe SOuth started voting GOP when it's Middle Class grew, not when the Dems switched to pro-civil rights, and the GOP has never given racists ANY policy as a reason to support them.

3. Religion serves a purpose in society. It encourages cooperation between non-related people. The modern world you are a product of was built by religious people.

4. How or who started it is irrelevant to my post. It was not just the Southern Rich who suffered. Southern soldiers fought out of nationalism, to defend their nation, as they saw it. Just like the Northern soldiers who fought, and died so that the Union would be maintained.

5. Really? YOu think that the rich libs vote to support high taxes because they think there will be an economic return to them? Nonsense. Their motives are not economic, they are moral reasons. And yet, though their moral reasons trump their economic ones, you don't ridicule them.
1. Do you believe in Free Trade?

NO. It's a terrible idea. When you make the effort to provide your workers and consumers with product, environmental and labor protections, and then make trade deals with countries that pretty much grease their machinery with child labor, you've nullified your own laws and your own nationhood.

shame on politicians of both parties who think this is a good idea.

2. The Southern Strategy is a myth. THe SOuth started voting GOP when it's Middle Class grew, not when the Dems switched to pro-civil rights, and the GOP has never given racists ANY policy as a reason to support them.

Let's review, shall we?

1964- LBJ signs the civil rights act. Five southern states vote for Goldwater along with Goldwater's home state of Arizona. the other 44 states vote for LBJ, because Goldwater was nuts.

1968- George Wallace runs as an anti-Civil Rights Democrat, Nixon first employs the "Southern Strategy". Wallace takes the 5 states Goldwater took, but Nixon picked up FL, VA, SC, NC TN and KY... Southern States that had voted Solidly Democratic since the civil War.

1972- Nixon runs against progressivism and civil rights. He takes the whole of the South. and except for Jimmy Carter picking up a few Southern states in 1976 and Clinton picking up a few because Perot split the White vote, they've voted Republican ever since.

3. Religion serves a purpose in society. It encourages cooperation between non-related people. The modern world you are a product of was built by religious people.

Religion has never done anything good in the whole of human history, not once, not even by accident. Religion is the worst thing that ever happened to the human race, and it should probably be treated like a mental illness.

"There's an invisible man in the sky who will do terrible things to me if I don't do what he wants!"

Man, how does that not sound nuts?

4. How or who started it is irrelevant to my post. It was not just the Southern Rich who suffered. Southern soldiers fought out of nationalism, to defend their nation, as they saw it. Just like the Northern soldiers who fought, and died so that the Union would be maintained.

So the Southern Soldiers fought an unwinnable War for a stupid reason. That's almost Darwinistic.

5. Really? YOu think that the rich libs vote to support high taxes because they think there will be an economic return to them? Nonsense. Their motives are not economic, they are moral reasons. And yet, though their moral reasons trump their economic ones, you don't ridicule them.

Well,f irst, their reasons really are "Moral", unlike stupid inbreds in the South who fight for slavery or fight to keep gays from getting married.

Second, of course, there is an economic return in having strong infrastructure and a social safety net. smart rich people get this.
1. Do you believe in Free Trade?

NO. It's a terrible idea. When you make the effort to provide your workers and consumers with product, environmental and labor protections, and then make trade deals with countries that pretty much grease their machinery with child labor, you've nullified your own laws and your own nationhood.

shame on politicians of both parties who think this is a good idea.

2. The Southern Strategy is a myth. THe SOuth started voting GOP when it's Middle Class grew, not when the Dems switched to pro-civil rights, and the GOP has never given racists ANY policy as a reason to support them.

Let's review, shall we?

1964- LBJ signs the civil rights act. Five southern states vote for Goldwater along with Goldwater's home state of Arizona. the other 44 states vote for LBJ, because Goldwater was nuts.

1968- George Wallace runs as an anti-Civil Rights Democrat, Nixon first employs the "Southern Strategy". Wallace takes the 5 states Goldwater took, but Nixon picked up FL, VA, SC, NC TN and KY... Southern States that had voted Solidly Democratic since the civil War.

1972- Nixon runs against progressivism and civil rights. He takes the whole of the South. and except for Jimmy Carter picking up a few Southern states in 1976 and Clinton picking up a few because Perot split the White vote, they've voted Republican ever since.

3. Religion serves a purpose in society. It encourages cooperation between non-related people. The modern world you are a product of was built by religious people.

4. How or who started it is irrelevant to my post. It was not just the Southern Rich who suffered. Southern soldiers fought out of nationalism, to defend their nation, as they saw it. Just like the Northern soldiers who fought, and died so that the Union would be maintained.

So the Southern Soldiers fought an unwinnable War for a stupid reason. That's almost Darwinistic.

5. Really? YOu think that the rich libs vote to support high taxes because they think there will be an economic return to them? Nonsense. Their motives are not economic, they are moral reasons. And yet, though their moral reasons trump their economic ones, you don't ridicule them.

Well,f irst, their reasons really are "Moral", unlike stupid inbreds in the South who fight for slavery or fight to keep gays from getting married.

Second, of course, there is an economic return in having strong infrastructure and a social safety net. smart rich people get this.

1. I also do not support Free Trade. But many do. INdeed, the Free Traders in the GOP seem to have won the argument as the Dems have joined in. BUT, these people on both sides of the aisle, north, south and west, believe and can reasonable defend their position as being in their best economic interests.

2. Nixon did not run against Civil Rights. He desegregated more Southern Schools than anyone. He started the first significant AA in federal hiring.

3. Lots of wars are unwinnable. Were the Poles stupid for fighting against the Nazi/Soviet invasion of their country? Stupid? Fighting for the independence of your nation is stupid?

4. Moral is a judgement call. You agree with the moral reasons of rich libs. YOu disagree with the moral reasons of middle class SOutherns. But you only slam one of them for voting against their economic interests. That's nothing but partisanship on your part, maybe with some bigotry thrown in.

5. ANd the long range economic return is NOT why rich libs vote for higher taxes. It a moral reason.
1. I also do not support Free Trade. But many do. INdeed, the Free Traders in the GOP seem to have won the argument as the Dems have joined in. BUT, these people on both sides of the aisle, north, south and west, believe and can reasonable defend their position as being in their best economic interests.

I think that we are starting to see both parties question free trade, if the fact that the Fast Track didn't get approved shows.

2. Nixon did not run against Civil Rights. He desegregated more Southern Schools than anyone. He started the first significant AA in federal hiring.

In short, he didn't fight the fights that were already lost. He did, however, openly appeal to the Bubba Rednecks.

The thing is, however, that it no longer works. non-whites are a large enough part of the electorate to where just appealling to white people is no longer a winning strategy.

3. Lots of wars are unwinnable. Were the Poles stupid for fighting against the Nazi/Soviet invasion of their country? Stupid? Fighting for the independence of your nation is stupid?

the Poles WOULD have been stupid if the rest of the world decided to not get involved. (I would argue it was also stupid of the Polish Colonels to resist Hitler's demand for returning the Danzig Corridor.)

4. Moral is a judgement call. You agree with the moral reasons of rich libs. YOu disagree with the moral reasons of middle class SOutherns. But you only slam one of them for voting against their economic interests. That's nothing but partisanship on your part, maybe with some bigotry thrown in.

First, their "Moral Reason" are based on bigotry, homophobia and superstition. that's what makes it contemptable. Secondly, at the end of the day, they got played.

The "Stupids" voted for Bush in 2004 because them Homos made them soooo mad getting married. So we got Bush, we got an escalation of the War in the Middle East, we got the Great recession, we got a bunch of the South Wrecked because Bush didn't run FEMA properly. So the South paid a heavy price for their "morals'.

And at the end of the day, the Queers are going to end up getting married, anyway. Because big businesses, the rich assholes who really run the GOP, ran a cost benefit analysis and realized gay marriage was in their best economic interests. (Gay workers who are happy are more productive, and buy more shit.)

5. ANd the long range economic return is NOT why rich libs vote for higher taxes. It a moral reason.

Uh, yeah, actually it is. sorry. They don't exclude each other.
1. I also do not support Free Trade. But many do. INdeed, the Free Traders in the GOP seem to have won the argument as the Dems have joined in. BUT, these people on both sides of the aisle, north, south and west, believe and can reasonable defend their position as being in their best economic interests.

I think that we are starting to see both parties question free trade, if the fact that the Fast Track didn't get approved shows.

2. Nixon did not run against Civil Rights. He desegregated more Southern Schools than anyone. He started the first significant AA in federal hiring.

In short, he didn't fight the fights that were already lost. He did, however, openly appeal to the Bubba Rednecks.

The thing is, however, that it no longer works. non-whites are a large enough part of the electorate to where just appealling to white people is no longer a winning strategy.

3. Lots of wars are unwinnable. Were the Poles stupid for fighting against the Nazi/Soviet invasion of their country? Stupid? Fighting for the independence of your nation is stupid?

the Poles WOULD have been stupid if the rest of the world decided to not get involved. (I would argue it was also stupid of the Polish Colonels to resist Hitler's demand for returning the Danzig Corridor.)

4. Moral is a judgement call. You agree with the moral reasons of rich libs. YOu disagree with the moral reasons of middle class SOutherns. But you only slam one of them for voting against their economic interests. That's nothing but partisanship on your part, maybe with some bigotry thrown in.

First, their "Moral Reason" are based on bigotry, homophobia and superstition. that's what makes it contemptable. Secondly, at the end of the day, they got played.

The "Stupids" voted for Bush in 2004 because them Homos made them soooo mad getting married. So we got Bush, we got an escalation of the War in the Middle East, we got the Great recession, we got a bunch of the South Wrecked because Bush didn't run FEMA properly. So the South paid a heavy price for their "morals'.

And at the end of the day, the Queers are going to end up getting married, anyway. Because big businesses, the rich assholes who really run the GOP, ran a cost benefit analysis and realized gay marriage was in their best economic interests. (Gay workers who are happy are more productive, and buy more shit.)

5. ANd the long range economic return is NOT why rich libs vote for higher taxes. It a moral reason.

Uh, yeah, actually it is. sorry. They don't exclude each other.

1. I hope so. BUt the people who support it, are not bad people. They aren't even dumb. They are just mistaken.

2. Really? So HOW did Nixon openly appeal to "bubba rednecks"? Good use of regional slur btw.

3. Good point. The Polish leadership did something you consider stupid. The Polish soldiers could fight to defend their country or let the Nazis have a free hand. History is full of such unpleasant examples. I have never heard anyone ridicule the Poles for fighting an unwinnable war. Are you saying the Polish Soldiers were dumb to fight the invading Nazis and COmmunists?

4. If you believe everything the libs media tells you. Who insisted on all those blacks being moved BACK to their below sea level homes so that New Orleans could remain a "chocolate city"? THe dem mayor that's who. Dem voting base more important than black lives, sort of a pattern with the left.

5. I didn't say they did exclude each other. But long term economic return is not the reason rich libs vote for high taxes.
3. Good point. The Polish leadership did something you consider stupid. The Polish soldiers could fight to defend their country or let the Nazis have a free hand. History is full of such unpleasant examples. I have never heard anyone ridicule the Poles for fighting an unwinnable war. Are you saying the Polish Soldiers were dumb to fight the invading Nazis and COmmunists?

actually, a lot of people ridiculed the Poles. They fought tanks with men on horseback!

Nowhere near as stupid at the Bubba Rednecks fighting to keep slavery though. That's a special brand of stupid.

4. If you believe everything the libs media tells you. Who insisted on all those blacks being moved BACK to their below sea level homes so that New Orleans could remain a "chocolate city"? THe dem mayor that's who. Dem voting base more important than black lives, sort of a pattern with the left.

Yawn, guy, the point was, Bush appointed a horse show guy to run FEMA. He sent the LANG off to fight in Iraq when they should have been home helping. He cut funding to levy improvements.
3. Good point. The Polish leadership did something you consider stupid. The Polish soldiers could fight to defend their country or let the Nazis have a free hand. History is full of such unpleasant examples. I have never heard anyone ridicule the Poles for fighting an unwinnable war. Are you saying the Polish Soldiers were dumb to fight the invading Nazis and COmmunists?

actually, a lot of people ridiculed the Poles. They fought tanks with men on horseback!

Nowhere near as stupid at the Bubba Rednecks fighting to keep slavery though. That's a special brand of stupid.

4. If you believe everything the libs media tells you. Who insisted on all those blacks being moved BACK to their below sea level homes so that New Orleans could remain a "chocolate city"? THe dem mayor that's who. Dem voting base more important than black lives, sort of a pattern with the left.

Yawn, guy, the point was, Bush appointed a horse show guy to run FEMA. He sent the LANG off to fight in Iraq when they should have been home helping. He cut funding to levy improvements.

1. They also fought tanks with tanks. It wasn't reliance on horses that doomed Poland in a war against Nazi Germany AND the Soviet Union. People fight to defend their homes and homelands. That you don't have this feeling is one thing. That you insist that it is stupid is another.

2. National Guard units fight in wars. You bitch about FEMA but don't mention Nagin or Blanco. And you don't comment on the great idea of rebuilding and occupying residential areas below sea level.

Your reasons for your bigotry seem circular. And when challenged you drop it. If Nixon openly appealed to "Bubba Rednecks" then it should be easy to post a link showing that.

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