ESPN could have chosen a wounded war veteran for their COURAGE AWARD

Or the uplifting but sad story of the courageous woman that fought a losing battle with cancer as she struggled to play college basketball.

But no, ESPN chose the chickenshit PC way out and picked the freakshow instead.

Want to see a real courageous hero ?

Anger over ESPN's decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award instead of basketball star Lauren Hill
  • Caitlyn Jenner, 65, will be awarded the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPY event in Los Angeles on July 15
  • But some criticized the decision, saying that Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball star who died of cancer in April, should have won instead
  • There were also rumors that Jenner had been named as the winner ahead of wounded war vet Noah Galloway, who was a runner up
  • ESPN denied there was a runner up and said it was proud to honor Jenner for starting 'a constructive dialogue about progress and acceptance'

While Caitlyn Jenner will be honored with an ESPY courage award next month for coming out as transgender, some critics believe other, more deserving candidates have been overlooked.

Twitter users questioned why Jenner, who introduced herself as Caitlyn on the cover of Vanity Fair this week, will receive the honor instead of Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball player who lost her battle with brain cancer in April.

'Elective surgery isn't courage or bravery,' one Twitter user named Kristin wrote on Wednesday. 'Fighting brain cancer with grace and dignity at 19 is. Lauren is most deserving.'

'I googled courage,' added Brandon Saho of Fox19 as he shared a photograph of the teenager and used the hashtag 'LaurenHillEspy'.

Read more: ESPN s decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award sparks anger Daily Mail Online
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If giving an award for courage, making public that you're gonna live the rest of your life as the opposite sex trumps someone who was unlucky in battle. All respect, but you're not a hero or brave just because you got shot or blown up.

Maybe not, but to then persevere by learning to dance with a severe disability and be in front of a worldwide audience stripped down to where they see it all, is pretty damn awesome.
Wow, not one goddamned reply from anyone.

Guess you'd all rather talk about how evil the Duggar's are.

Uh, yeah, the Duggars hid a pedophile in their home and exposed their own children to him. They are evil.

That said, I think that there were probably more worthy people to get that award. But then no one would have paid attention if they gotten it. Who has even heard of this award before Whatever he's calling himself Jenner got it? I hadn't.
Who gives a rat's fucking ass about the Duggars
I watch ESPN, mostly SportsCenter. Most of the time I have the sound off. I know my sports, I don't need some egotistical motor mouth to tell me what I can clearly see.
Oh and yeah, the OP is 100% correcto! :cheers2:
No more sports center for me...
Not for years. Those idiot talking heads make me sick with their incessant self promoting, insertion of their opinion about everything and the overall politicizing of every issue in the world of sports.
If I want to see highlights. I mostly go on line to see them
If Im watching tv, I go to the specific service ( NFL Network, NHL Network, MLB Network, Golf Channel) and watch highlights there.

Oh yeah, then there's that option too. And I watch those with the sound off too! :blahblah:
ESPN has been a far left wing pay tv service ever since it was bought by Disney Corp.
Those fuckers have been editorializing sports stories for years. I never watch any of the shows. Only the actual sporting events.
They are all left wing hacks.

What a joyless creature you must be see politics in everything.

You're a slave aren't you?

Um, no.

No more sports center for me...
Not for years. Those idiot talking heads make me sick with their incessant self promoting, insertion of their opinion about everything and the overall politicizing of every issue in the world of sports.

You mean like when Rush Limbaugh said that promoting a certain quarterback was a case of "affirmative action"?
My knowledge of history gives me an edge. Any honest historian will tell you that BOTH sides fought to preserve slavery, though it wasn't near to being the driving issue of the war.

Okay, History you learned right after they told you about the Talking Snakes doesn't count.

Honest historians would tell you the rise of the Republican Party - an anti-slavery party - caused the South to try to secede.

THe issue that starts a war is often not the reason people fight.

Lincoln was clear the NOrth was fighting to preserve the Union.

The South was fighting to protect their homeland.

NOw, slavery was very important to some groups on both sides, but that was not what motivated those doing the fighting.
THe issue that starts a war is often not the reason people fight.

Lincoln was clear the NOrth was fighting to preserve the Union.

The South was fighting to protect their homeland.

NOw, slavery was very important to some groups on both sides, but that was not what motivated those doing the fighting.

They weren't fighting to protect their "homeland". They were fighting to retain slavery, because they realized that it would be outlawed on a federal level.

Now, yeah, all the dumbass Cleetuses who died fighting for slavery didn't have a stake in the war. So they were told stuff about defending their homeland against the damned Yankee.

As opposed to their descendents, who vote against their own economic interests because of Jesus and because they hate gays.

Maybe stupid is genetic.
THe issue that starts a war is often not the reason people fight.

Lincoln was clear the NOrth was fighting to preserve the Union.

The South was fighting to protect their homeland.

NOw, slavery was very important to some groups on both sides, but that was not what motivated those doing the fighting.

They weren't fighting to protect their "homeland". They were fighting to retain slavery, because they realized that it would be outlawed on a federal level.

Now, yeah, all the dumbass Cleetuses who died fighting for slavery didn't have a stake in the war. So they were told stuff about defending their homeland against the damned Yankee.

As opposed to their descendents, who vote against their own economic interests because of Jesus and because they hate gays.

Maybe stupid is genetic.

Just because you don't feel any loyalty to your nation, doesn't mean that other people who do are stupid.

The SOuthern Troops were motivated by nationalism, same as the northern troops.
Just because you don't feel any loyalty to your nation, doesn't mean that other people who do are stupid.

The SOuthern Troops were motivated by nationalism, same as the northern troops.

I was in the army for 11 years, so yeah, loyalty to my nation isn't in question.

The difference is, I see a difference between "My country" and "the interests of rich people".

The Southern troops fought because they were fucking stupid. We need to put that in the history books, and carve the word "STUPID" on every Confederate memorial in the country.
Just because you don't feel any loyalty to your nation, doesn't mean that other people who do are stupid.

The SOuthern Troops were motivated by nationalism, same as the northern troops.

I was in the army for 11 years, so yeah, loyalty to my nation isn't in question.

The difference is, I see a difference between "My country" and "the interests of rich people".

The Southern troops fought because they were fucking stupid. We need to put that in the history books, and carve the word "STUPID" on every Confederate memorial in the country.

Okay, that's going a bit too far. How about getting back on topic.
ESPN has been a far left wing pay tv service ever since it was bought by Disney Corp.
Those fuckers have been editorializing sports stories for years. I never watch any of the shows. Only the actual sporting events.
They are all left wing hacks.

What a joyless creature you must be see politics in everything.

You're a slave aren't you?

Um, no.

No more sports center for me...
Not for years. Those idiot talking heads make me sick with their incessant self promoting, insertion of their opinion about everything and the overall politicizing of every issue in the world of sports.

You mean like when Rush Limbaugh said that promoting a certain quarterback was a case of "affirmative action"?
Oh right. So now we're going down that road?.....Take what you do then accuse others of doing it.
Ok...ESPN does not meld politics into their commentary.....I have some water front real estate in Scottsdale, AZ..Interested? you're not a slave( to the corporation/company/rich guy that owns the company)......So why all the endless vitriol on being "cheated"?.....
You are so very much a shit dumpster. That has never been emptied....
Just because you don't feel any loyalty to your nation, doesn't mean that other people who do are stupid.

The SOuthern Troops were motivated by nationalism, same as the northern troops.

I was in the army for 11 years, so yeah, loyalty to my nation isn't in question.

The difference is, I see a difference between "My country" and "the interests of rich people".

The Southern troops fought because they were fucking stupid. We need to put that in the history books, and carve the word "STUPID" on every Confederate memorial in the country.

YOur inability to respect the motivations of your enemies is a sign of a narrow mind.

THe fact that you view your fellow Americans as your enemies is a sign of a extremely partisan mind.
Oh right. So now we're going down that road?.....Take what you do then accuse others of doing it.
Ok...ESPN does not meld politics into their commentary.....I have some water front real estate in Scottsdale, AZ..Interested?

oh, i'm sure they do. Limbaugh's problem was he promised to put a lid on his obnoxiousness, and then broke that right out the gate. you're not a slave( to the corporation/company/rich guy that owns the company)......So why all the endless vitriol on being "cheated"?.....
You are so very much a shit dumpster. That has never been emptied....

Uh, guy, I think you are a little confused. I had an agreement with my employer. I kept up my end, they cheated me on mine. (The last one, not the current one). Now I support stronger government to keep them from doing that.

Do I ask the question again?
Look, the only people keeping the story alive are media morons trying to sell tabloids and you libs who believe you've found a connection to politics....

Yeah, the thing was, you guys tauted these fools when they were spewing the homophobic stuff, and GOP POliticians couldn't wait to kiss their pinky rings. Until they got caught hiding their pedophile kid.
YOur inability to respect the motivations of your enemies is a sign of a narrow mind.

THe fact that you view your fellow Americans as your enemies is a sign of a extremely partisan mind.

Actually, I don't see them as my fellow Americans. I see them as a lot of dead weight, inbred idiots who keep us from advancing and have since the very beginning, when they insisted on a bad constitution to protect their right to slaves.
Oh right. So now we're going down that road?.....Take what you do then accuse others of doing it.
Ok...ESPN does not meld politics into their commentary.....I have some water front real estate in Scottsdale, AZ..Interested?

oh, i'm sure they do. Limbaugh's problem was he promised to put a lid on his obnoxiousness, and then broke that right out the gate. you're not a slave( to the corporation/company/rich guy that owns the company)......So why all the endless vitriol on being "cheated"?.....
You are so very much a shit dumpster. That has never been emptied....

Uh, guy, I think you are a little confused. I had an agreement with my employer. I kept up my end, they cheated me on mine. (The last one, not the current one). Now I support stronger government to keep them from doing that.

Do I ask the question again?
Look, the only people keeping the story alive are media morons trying to sell tabloids and you libs who believe you've found a connection to politics....

Yeah, the thing was, you guys tauted these fools when they were spewing the homophobic stuff, and GOP POliticians couldn't wait to kiss their pinky rings. Until they got caught hiding their pedophile kid.
Limbaugh?...Obfuscation....Limbaugh gets paid to render his opinion on the events of the day. ESPN hosts are supposed to report/describe events of the sporting world. Games and such. No politics.
Right....They cheated you....Where in your agreement was it stated where your issue was open ended and the cost to the employer unlimited? Newsflash...EVERY insurance policy has coverage limits. No insurance company underwriter that wanted to keep his or her job would ever permit an unlimited policy.
Government is not going to be your personal crying towel....
Limbaugh?...Obfuscation....Limbaugh gets paid to render his opinion on the events of the day. ESPN hosts are supposed to report/describe events of the sporting world. Games and such. No politics.

Except that wasn't what Limbaugh was being paid by ESPN to do, and he did it anyway. which is why his gig there lasted I think one show. Kind of sad, the fat man has always wanted to break into the mainstream, but his behavior makes him so toxic he can't. And now his radio show if failing miserably, because no one wants their products associated with it.

Right....They cheated you....Where in your agreement was it stated where your issue was open ended and the cost to the employer unlimited? Newsflash...EVERY insurance policy has coverage limits. No insurance company underwriter that wanted to keep his or her job would ever permit an unlimited policy.

That's a good argument as to why we should get businesses out of the health care game, but it's not a good excuse for them to not provide the coverage they promised to provide. Again, they paid out a settlement, they knew they were in the wrong.

Government is not going to be your personal crying towel....

Nor do I expect it to be. I expect it to even the playing field between the rich and the rest of us.
YOur inability to respect the motivations of your enemies is a sign of a narrow mind.

THe fact that you view your fellow Americans as your enemies is a sign of a extremely partisan mind.

Actually, I don't see them as my fellow Americans. I see them as a lot of dead weight, inbred idiots who keep us from advancing and have since the very beginning, when they insisted on a bad constitution to protect their right to slaves.


Thank you for admitting that.

Do you realize that you are a bigot?

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