ESPN "courage award" goes to a transvestite

He was a decent choice. What hes doing is helping people who 41% attempt suicide at least once because of people who are evil and closed minded about them, like those above.
He is a whack job and undeserving, shame on espn, and you.

Can you spare a few moments to preach to us about the way you view life?
You wouldn't care. Bruce Jenner is a nut job, undeserving of the award.
"Jenner should get the sports award for courage because an estimated 41% of like minded perverts attempt suicide". Left wing logic at it's most skewed. First of all everyone knows that Jenner's award has nothing to do with sports. His award is a political statement. Jenner is a multi millionaire and a celebrity who can afford the best in clothes, makeup experts and surgeons who are willing to make a buck by cutting off body parts . His/her new image should cause even more suicides among degenerates who could never hope to look like a movie star either male or female. Jenner is now a political symbol supported by pop-culture and the liberal media and anybody who calls him a fraud and a freak does so at his peril because the screaming perverts on the left will take your freaking job and your life if you dare to cross them. I'm sure former jocks who have crossed over to become timid ESPN suits are well aware of the power structure.
When Jenner was announced at the "award show" and got up you could immediately see it was a man in a dress. The camera personnel was kind enough not to show Jenner trying to navigate the stage in high heels but the kicker was the voice. Jenner looked and sounded so damn creepy that the audience was stunned.
He was a decent choice. What hes doing is helping people who 41% attempt suicide at least once because of people who are evil and closed minded about them, like those above.

What Bruce Jenner is doing is helping 1 person. Bruce Jenner. He's laughing all the way to the bank.
Mockeries like this cheapen the award.
Was he courageous when he killed someone?
Think about it, probably hundreds of award winning High School and college athletes have joined the Military to defend their Country and some come back wounded or in a box and ESPN presents it's "courage award" to a 65 year old transvestite now known as Catlin Jenner. How freaking insulting. No wonder today's kids are confused.
They are confused as to why you are confused, they understand completely...
If "It" would have gotten his salami sliced off.......the liberals would have gone into a religious like frenzy of adoration. ..... :lol: :lol:

Thatsa pepperoni!!
Think about it, probably hundreds of award winning High School and college athletes have joined the Military to defend their Country and some come back wounded or in a box and ESPN presents it's "courage award" to a 65 year old transvestite now known as Catlin Jenner. How freaking insulting. No wonder today's kids are confused.
They are confused as to why you are confused, they understand completely...

I'm confused as to why you think they are confused about why you think I am confused. High School athletes are genuine heroes when they join the Military while perverts who are former athletes and like to dress up as women are ...well....perverts. Anybody confused?
What a joke. He doesn't deserve the award at all.
Think about it, probably hundreds of award winning High School and college athletes have joined the Military to defend their Country and some come back wounded or in a box and ESPN presents it's "courage award" to a 65 year old transvestite now known as Catlin Jenner. How freaking insulting. No wonder today's kids are confused.
They are confused as to why you are confused, they understand completely...

I'm confused as to why you think they are confused about why you think I am confused. High School athletes are genuine heroes when they join the Military while perverts who are former athletes and like to dress up as women are ...well....perverts. Anybody confused?
So I am a hero, never thought of it that whey, but it wasn't a job it was an adventure, in play land...

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