ESPN could have chosen a wounded war veteran for their COURAGE AWARD

YOur inability to respect the motivations of your enemies is a sign of a narrow mind.

THe fact that you view your fellow Americans as your enemies is a sign of a extremely partisan mind.

Actually, I don't see them as my fellow Americans. I see them as a lot of dead weight, inbred idiots who keep us from advancing and have since the very beginning, when they insisted on a bad constitution to protect their right to slaves.

If you feel that way about those that inhabit the South, you would be happier today had the South seceded and no longer a part of your country.
If you feel that way about those that inhabit the South, you would be happier today had the South seceded and no longer a part of your country.

I'd be happy if they would man up and admit they were wrong.

Flying the Stars and Bars would be like Modern Germans flying the Swastika like that was something to be proud of.

The Germans have the good taste to be embarrassed about that part of their past.

The South? They all fondly talk about Grandpappy Beauregard who fought in the "War Between the States".

Thank you for admitting that.

Do you realize that you are a bigot?

No, not at all. The Red States are a drag on the country and have been throughout our history.

Broad, sweeping generalizations against a whole culture of people....

Applying the negative characteristics of stereotypes to all the individuals of a group...

Are you ignorant of the massive contributions SOutherns have made to our nation, or are you just denying them to support your hatred?

Is any of this causing any cognitive dissonance, or is your denial to strong?
If you feel that way about those that inhabit the South, you would be happier today had the South seceded and no longer a part of your country.

I'd be happy if they would man up and admit they were wrong.

Flying the Stars and Bars would be like Modern Germans flying the Swastika like that was something to be proud of.

The Germans have the good taste to be embarrassed about that part of their past.

The South? They all fondly talk about Grandpappy Beauregard who fought in the "War Between the States".

Note how nothing in his post actually answered your question.

Because he CAN'T admit that you are right.

He needs to demonize the SOuth for attempting Secession so he can't admit that he would be happy if they left.

It would deprive him of one of his primary excuses for his hate.
Or the uplifting but sad story of the courageous woman that fought a losing battle with cancer as she struggled to play college basketball.

But no, ESPN chose the chickenshit PC way out and picked the freakshow instead.

Want to see a real courageous hero ?

Anger over ESPN's decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award instead of basketball star Lauren Hill
  • Caitlyn Jenner, 65, will be awarded the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPY event in Los Angeles on July 15
  • But some criticized the decision, saying that Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball star who died of cancer in April, should have won instead
  • There were also rumors that Jenner had been named as the winner ahead of wounded war vet Noah Galloway, who was a runner up
  • ESPN denied there was a runner up and said it was proud to honor Jenner for starting 'a constructive dialogue about progress and acceptance'

While Caitlyn Jenner will be honored with an ESPY courage award next month for coming out as transgender, some critics believe other, more deserving candidates have been overlooked.

Twitter users questioned why Jenner, who introduced herself as Caitlyn on the cover of Vanity Fair this week, will receive the honor instead of Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball player who lost her battle with brain cancer in April.

'Elective surgery isn't courage or bravery,' one Twitter user named Kristin wrote on Wednesday. 'Fighting brain cancer with grace and dignity at 19 is. Lauren is most deserving.'

'I googled courage,' added Brandon Saho of Fox19 as he shared a photograph of the teenager and used the hashtag 'LaurenHillEspy'.

Read more: ESPN s decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award sparks anger Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

For someone like Jenner, there is no courage in making a spectacle out of yourself.
Broad, sweeping generalizations against a whole culture of people....

Applying the negative characteristics of stereotypes to all the individuals of a group...

Are you ignorant of the massive contributions SOutherns have made to our nation, or are you just denying them to support your hatred?

Is any of this causing any cognitive dissonance, or is your denial to strong?

You know what, Hitler came up with the Autobahn, but the other stuff kind of blot that out.

We are STILL paying for the South and their backwardness. What happened in that town in Texas shows that.

Note how nothing in his post actually answered your question.

Because he CAN'T admit that you are right.

He needs to demonize the SOuth for attempting Secession so he can't admit that he would be happy if they left.

It would deprive him of one of his primary excuses for his hate.

I would be happy if they admitted they were wrong, and made amends.
Broad, sweeping generalizations against a whole culture of people....

Applying the negative characteristics of stereotypes to all the individuals of a group...

Are you ignorant of the massive contributions SOutherns have made to our nation, or are you just denying them to support your hatred?

Is any of this causing any cognitive dissonance, or is your denial to strong?

You know what, Hitler came up with the Autobahn, but the other stuff kind of blot that out.

We are STILL paying for the South and their backwardness. What happened in that town in Texas shows that.

Note how nothing in his post actually answered your question.

Because he CAN'T admit that you are right.

He needs to demonize the SOuth for attempting Secession so he can't admit that he would be happy if they left.

It would deprive him of one of his primary excuses for his hate.

I would be happy if they admitted they were wrong, and made amends.

Got it, you don't realize you are a bigot.

Did you vote for Bill Clinton?
Got it, you don't realize you are a bigot.

Did you vote for Bill Clinton?

No, never did. For those who came in late, I voted Republican in every election between 1980 and 2008.

Then Bush fucked up everything, and I stopped voting Republican. But the Bubba Redneck states are keeping the GOP alive.
Got it, you don't realize you are a bigot.

Did you vote for Bill Clinton?

No, never did. For those who came in late, I voted Republican in every election between 1980 and 2008.

Then Bush fucked up everything, and I stopped voting Republican. But the Bubba Redneck states are keeping the GOP alive.

Did you hate the South before you became a Dem?
Or the uplifting but sad story of the courageous woman that fought a losing battle with cancer as she struggled to play college basketball.

But no, ESPN chose the chickenshit PC way out and picked the freakshow instead.

Want to see a real courageous hero ?

Anger over ESPN's decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award instead of basketball star Lauren Hill
  • Caitlyn Jenner, 65, will be awarded the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPY event in Los Angeles on July 15
  • But some criticized the decision, saying that Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball star who died of cancer in April, should have won instead
  • There were also rumors that Jenner had been named as the winner ahead of wounded war vet Noah Galloway, who was a runner up
  • ESPN denied there was a runner up and said it was proud to honor Jenner for starting 'a constructive dialogue about progress and acceptance'

While Caitlyn Jenner will be honored with an ESPY courage award next month for coming out as transgender, some critics believe other, more deserving candidates have been overlooked.

Twitter users questioned why Jenner, who introduced herself as Caitlyn on the cover of Vanity Fair this week, will receive the honor instead of Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball player who lost her battle with brain cancer in April.

'Elective surgery isn't courage or bravery,' one Twitter user named Kristin wrote on Wednesday. 'Fighting brain cancer with grace and dignity at 19 is. Lauren is most deserving.'

'I googled courage,' added Brandon Saho of Fox19 as he shared a photograph of the teenager and used the hashtag 'LaurenHillEspy'.

Read more: ESPN s decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award sparks anger Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

For someone like Jenner, there is no courage in making a spectacle out of yourself.

Well said.
Got it, you don't realize you are a bigot.

Did you vote for Bill Clinton?

No, never did. For those who came in late, I voted Republican in every election between 1980 and 2008.

Then Bush fucked up everything, and I stopped voting Republican. But the Bubba Redneck states are keeping the GOP alive.

Did you hate the South before you became a Dem?

For some democrats, hating the south is a...genetic trait.
Not a big fan of democracy I take it?

I think it's fine, if you only let the intelligent vote.

Mmm, intelligence tests for full citizenship rights? Good, good...

What would you call the second class citizens who don't pass the tests to vote? Peasants? And you assume that Southern Whites would be the ones to mostly fail? LOL.

I think you were right to go to the dems, that is where you belong.

Well, you've admitted to being a bigot, and anti-democratic.

NOt sure what else we have to talk about...

Thanks you for your honesty. MOst libs lie about these feelings. They worry that admitting them would rob them of credibility.
For some democrats, hating the south is a...genetic trait.

Your right. Hating Inbred, Bible thumping, Slavery apologizing Rednecks is a truly congenital survival skill.

Why are you lying now?

You've been so honest.

You know that no one is apologizing for slavery. Why would anyone? THey didn't do it.

Link to support your bigoted claim that incest is more common in the South.

And of course, there is nothing wrong with being religious.

Just because it is a different culture than yours is not reason enough to look down on them.

It is funny when libs talk about diversity.
Mmm, intelligence tests for full citizenship rights? Good, good...

What would you call the second class citizens who don't pass the tests to vote? Peasants? And you assume that Southern Whites would be the ones to mostly fail? LOL.

I think White Southerners are the most piss-ignorant people in the country.

Because they are.

And of course, there is nothing wrong with being religious.

Actually, there's EVERYTHING wrong with being religious. It's the FUCKING 21st CENTURY, Dude. We don't need to be praying to Bronze Age Sky Pixies.

Just because it is a different culture than yours is not reason enough to look down on them.

It is funny when libs talk about diversity.

I never talk about "Diversity". Nor am I really a "lib".

My problem with the Slack-jawed Bubbas isn't their culture.

It's that these fuckers are so piss stupid they keep voting against things that are in their- and my- economic interests.

So the rich get their tax cuts, their deregulation, their free trade and their right to work because they've managed to convince the dumb-ass Slack-Jawed assholes who fly the Confederate Flag like that's something to be proud of that Jesus is against the gays and civil rights.

Just like 150 years ago, the ancestors of these dumb-ass slackjaws all went out and got slaughtered by the thousands because a few rich people convinced them they were fighting for "States RIghts" and "The Southern Way of Life".

These people need to be utterly crushed for their stupidity. It's what we should have done 150 years ago.
Mmm, intelligence tests for full citizenship rights? Good, good...

What would you call the second class citizens who don't pass the tests to vote? Peasants? And you assume that Southern Whites would be the ones to mostly fail? LOL.

I think White Southerners are the most piss-ignorant people in the country.

Because they are.

And of course, there is nothing wrong with being religious.

Actually, there's EVERYTHING wrong with being religious. It's the FUCKING 21st CENTURY, Dude. We don't need to be praying to Bronze Age Sky Pixies.

Just because it is a different culture than yours is not reason enough to look down on them.

It is funny when libs talk about diversity.

I never talk about "Diversity". Nor am I really a "lib".

My problem with the Slack-jawed Bubbas isn't their culture.

It's that these fuckers are so piss stupid they keep voting against things that are in their- and my- economic interests.

So the rich get their tax cuts, their deregulation, their free trade and their right to work because they've managed to convince the dumb-ass Slack-Jawed assholes who fly the Confederate Flag like that's something to be proud of that Jesus is against the gays and civil rights.

Just like 150 years ago, the ancestors of these dumb-ass slackjaws all went out and got slaughtered by the thousands because a few rich people convinced them they were fighting for "States RIghts" and "The Southern Way of Life".

These people need to be utterly crushed for their stupidity. It's what we should have done 150 years ago.

1. GOt it. THose you judge to be inferior do not deserve Full Citizenship RIghts.

2. Lots of people don't vote for their short term economic interests. YOu don't ridicule rich libs who vote against tax cutting republicans.

3. Got it. Religious people are stupid. YOu just judged the majority of the world to be inferior. Question: is this as bad as being intellectually inferior? SHould religious people not be allowed to vote either? Should we restrict religious people from immigrating?

4. Dude. When the Northern Armies invaded the South, it wasn't just the Rich who suffered. Your dismissal of their motives is more a result of your bigotry, than a justification.
1. GOt it. THose you judge to be inferior do not deserve Full Citizenship RIghts.

2. Lots of people don't vote for their short term economic interests. YOu don't ridicule rich libs who vote against tax cutting republicans.

First, the SLackjaws are voting against their own LONG-TERM economic interests. The GOP has been dismantling the American Middle Class for 40 years now, and it all started with Nixon's "Southern Strategy" of picking up Slackjaws in the south who were upset about Civil Rights Legistlation letting black people use the same bathrooms.

Second, rich libs understand that the rich NEED to pay their fair share in taxes. Roads need to get paved and kids need to be educated. so they are voting in their own best interests.

3. Got it. Religious people are stupid. YOu just judged the majority of the world to be inferior. Question: is this as bad as being intellectually inferior? SHould religious people not be allowed to vote either? Should we restrict religious people from immigrating?

I think the two things are intertwined. Religion and Ignorance go hand and hand. And it would be nice if these people didn't vote, because they manage to fuck it up.

4. Dude. When the Northern Armies invaded the South, it wasn't just the Rich who suffered. Your dismissal of their motives is more a result of your bigotry, than a justification.

Uh, the South Started the War, not the North. They attacked Fort Sumter.

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