ESPN could have chosen a wounded war veteran for their COURAGE AWARD

Actually they were put into place before the Civil War in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio as a mainstay against runaway slaves settling in those states. The racism of Northern states nearly rivaled for sheer oppression the slavery of the South. Nobody had the moral authority in that war.

Well, no, the NOrth did in that hundreds of thousands of white people fought and died to end slavery.

The South was immoral because hundreds of thousands of white people died so a few rich assholes could keep owning slaves.
If you think thousands of men fought for slavery, you got an advanced case of ass-brain that can't be cured. Your hate will continue to blind you regardless of the facts.

Saint Michael, you do realize the South fought to preserve slavery, right ?
Oh trust me you don't want to open that can of worms with SMDT.
My knowledge of history gives me an edge. Any honest historian will tell you that BOTH sides fought to preserve slavery, though it wasn't near to being the driving issue of the war.
Actually they were put into place before the Civil War in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio as a mainstay against runaway slaves settling in those states. The racism of Northern states nearly rivaled for sheer oppression the slavery of the South. Nobody had the moral authority in that war.

Well, no, the NOrth did in that hundreds of thousands of white people fought and died to end slavery.

The South was immoral because hundreds of thousands of white people died so a few rich assholes could keep owning slaves.
If you think thousands of men fought for slavery, you got an advanced case of ass-brain that can't be cured. Your hate will continue to blind you regardless of the facts.

Saint Michael, you do realize the South fought to preserve slavery, right ?
Oh trust me you don't want to open that can of worms with SMDT.
My knowledge of history gives me an edge. Any honest historian will tell you that BOTH sides fought to preserve slavery, though it wasn't near to being the driving issue of the war.
You can skew some facts, and completely ignore ones you don't like all you like. History will remember otherwise.
Actually they were put into place before the Civil War in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio as a mainstay against runaway slaves settling in those states. The racism of Northern states nearly rivaled for sheer oppression the slavery of the South. Nobody had the moral authority in that war.

Well, no, the NOrth did in that hundreds of thousands of white people fought and died to end slavery.

The South was immoral because hundreds of thousands of white people died so a few rich assholes could keep owning slaves.
If you think thousands of men fought for slavery, you got an advanced case of ass-brain that can't be cured. Your hate will continue to blind you regardless of the facts.

Saint Michael, you do realize the South fought to preserve slavery, right ?
Oh trust me you don't want to open that can of worms with SMDT.
My knowledge of history gives me an edge. Any honest historian will tell you that BOTH sides fought to preserve slavery, though it wasn't near to being the driving issue of the war.
So why did you just contradict yourself then and say this.....

If you think thousands of men fought for slavery, you got an advanced case of ass-brain that can't be cured.
Or the uplifting but sad story of the courageous woman that fought a losing battle with cancer as she struggled to play college basketball.

But no, ESPN chose the chickenshit PC way out and picked the freakshow instead.

Want to see a real courageous hero ?

Anger over ESPN's decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award instead of basketball star Lauren Hill
  • Caitlyn Jenner, 65, will be awarded the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPY event in Los Angeles on July 15
  • But some criticized the decision, saying that Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball star who died of cancer in April, should have won instead
  • There were also rumors that Jenner had been named as the winner ahead of wounded war vet Noah Galloway, who was a runner up
  • ESPN denied there was a runner up and said it was proud to honor Jenner for starting 'a constructive dialogue about progress and acceptance'

While Caitlyn Jenner will be honored with an ESPY courage award next month for coming out as transgender, some critics believe other, more deserving candidates have been overlooked.

Twitter users questioned why Jenner, who introduced herself as Caitlyn on the cover of Vanity Fair this week, will receive the honor instead of Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball player who lost her battle with brain cancer in April.

'Elective surgery isn't courage or bravery,' one Twitter user named Kristin wrote on Wednesday. 'Fighting brain cancer with grace and dignity at 19 is. Lauren is most deserving.'

'I googled courage,' added Brandon Saho of Fox19 as he shared a photograph of the teenager and used the hashtag 'LaurenHillEspy'.

Read more: ESPN s decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award sparks anger Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

If giving an award for courage, making public that you're gonna live the rest of your life as the opposite sex trumps someone who was unlucky in battle. All respect, but you're not a hero or brave just because you got shot or blown up.
Gotta stop romanticizing and glamourizing war and violence. Start calling it what it is, earning a living murdering other people freeing your inner primate.
Well, no, the NOrth did in that hundreds of thousands of white people fought and died to end slavery.

The South was immoral because hundreds of thousands of white people died so a few rich assholes could keep owning slaves.
If you think thousands of men fought for slavery, you got an advanced case of ass-brain that can't be cured. Your hate will continue to blind you regardless of the facts.

Saint Michael, you do realize the South fought to preserve slavery, right ?
Oh trust me you don't want to open that can of worms with SMDT.
My knowledge of history gives me an edge. Any honest historian will tell you that BOTH sides fought to preserve slavery, though it wasn't near to being the driving issue of the war.
So why did you just contradict yourself then and say this.....

If you think thousands of men fought for slavery, you got an advanced case of ass-brain that can't be cured.
Because that isn't even remotely what the war was fought over. But on the issue of slavery, all states were equally guilty. It was a lucrative industry for the entire country.
Or the uplifting but sad story of the courageous woman that fought a losing battle with cancer as she struggled to play college basketball.

But no, ESPN chose the chickenshit PC way out and picked the freakshow instead.

Want to see a real courageous hero ?

Anger over ESPN's decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award instead of basketball star Lauren Hill
  • Caitlyn Jenner, 65, will be awarded the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPY event in Los Angeles on July 15
  • But some criticized the decision, saying that Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball star who died of cancer in April, should have won instead
  • There were also rumors that Jenner had been named as the winner ahead of wounded war vet Noah Galloway, who was a runner up
  • ESPN denied there was a runner up and said it was proud to honor Jenner for starting 'a constructive dialogue about progress and acceptance'

While Caitlyn Jenner will be honored with an ESPY courage award next month for coming out as transgender, some critics believe other, more deserving candidates have been overlooked.

Twitter users questioned why Jenner, who introduced herself as Caitlyn on the cover of Vanity Fair this week, will receive the honor instead of Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball player who lost her battle with brain cancer in April.

'Elective surgery isn't courage or bravery,' one Twitter user named Kristin wrote on Wednesday. 'Fighting brain cancer with grace and dignity at 19 is. Lauren is most deserving.'

'I googled courage,' added Brandon Saho of Fox19 as he shared a photograph of the teenager and used the hashtag 'LaurenHillEspy'.

Read more: ESPN s decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award sparks anger Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
I'm not sure you understand the award.
Or the uplifting but sad story of the courageous woman that fought a losing battle with cancer as she struggled to play college basketball.

But no, ESPN chose the chickenshit PC way out and picked the freakshow instead.

Want to see a real courageous hero ?

Anger over ESPN's decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award instead of basketball star Lauren Hill
  • Caitlyn Jenner, 65, will be awarded the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPY event in Los Angeles on July 15
  • But some criticized the decision, saying that Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball star who died of cancer in April, should have won instead
  • There were also rumors that Jenner had been named as the winner ahead of wounded war vet Noah Galloway, who was a runner up
  • ESPN denied there was a runner up and said it was proud to honor Jenner for starting 'a constructive dialogue about progress and acceptance'

While Caitlyn Jenner will be honored with an ESPY courage award next month for coming out as transgender, some critics believe other, more deserving candidates have been overlooked.

Twitter users questioned why Jenner, who introduced herself as Caitlyn on the cover of Vanity Fair this week, will receive the honor instead of Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball player who lost her battle with brain cancer in April.

'Elective surgery isn't courage or bravery,' one Twitter user named Kristin wrote on Wednesday. 'Fighting brain cancer with grace and dignity at 19 is. Lauren is most deserving.'

'I googled courage,' added Brandon Saho of Fox19 as he shared a photograph of the teenager and used the hashtag 'LaurenHillEspy'.

Read more: ESPN s decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award sparks anger Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

If giving an award for courage, making public that you're gonna live the rest of your life as the opposite sex trumps someone who was unlucky in battle. All respect, but you're not a hero or brave just because you got shot or blown up.
Our combat veterans are real heroes. They exude more manhood in a day than you will your entire pathetic, eventless, pointless life.
My knowledge of history gives me an edge. Any honest historian will tell you that BOTH sides fought to preserve slavery, though it wasn't near to being the driving issue of the war.

Okay, History you learned right after they told you about the Talking Snakes doesn't count.

Honest historians would tell you the rise of the Republican Party - an anti-slavery party - caused the South to try to secede.
Or the uplifting but sad story of the courageous woman that fought a losing battle with cancer as she struggled to play college basketball.

But no, ESPN chose the chickenshit PC way out and picked the freakshow instead.

Want to see a real courageous hero ?

Anger over ESPN's decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award instead of basketball star Lauren Hill
  • Caitlyn Jenner, 65, will be awarded the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPY event in Los Angeles on July 15
  • But some criticized the decision, saying that Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball star who died of cancer in April, should have won instead
  • There were also rumors that Jenner had been named as the winner ahead of wounded war vet Noah Galloway, who was a runner up
  • ESPN denied there was a runner up and said it was proud to honor Jenner for starting 'a constructive dialogue about progress and acceptance'

While Caitlyn Jenner will be honored with an ESPY courage award next month for coming out as transgender, some critics believe other, more deserving candidates have been overlooked.

Twitter users questioned why Jenner, who introduced herself as Caitlyn on the cover of Vanity Fair this week, will receive the honor instead of Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball player who lost her battle with brain cancer in April.

'Elective surgery isn't courage or bravery,' one Twitter user named Kristin wrote on Wednesday. 'Fighting brain cancer with grace and dignity at 19 is. Lauren is most deserving.'

'I googled courage,' added Brandon Saho of Fox19 as he shared a photograph of the teenager and used the hashtag 'LaurenHillEspy'.

Read more: ESPN s decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award sparks anger Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
ESPN has been a far left wing pay tv service ever since it was bought by Disney Corp.
Those fuckers have been editorializing sports stories for years. I never watch any of the shows. Only the actual sporting events.
They are all left wing hacks.
My knowledge of history gives me an edge. Any honest historian will tell you that BOTH sides fought to preserve slavery, though it wasn't near to being the driving issue of the war.

Okay, History you learned right after they told you about the Talking Snakes doesn't count.

Honest historians would tell you the rise of the Republican Party - an anti-slavery party - caused the South to try to secede.
You're a slave aren't you?
If you think thousands of men fought for slavery, you got an advanced case of ass-brain that can't be cured. Your hate will continue to blind you regardless of the facts.

Saint Michael, you do realize the South fought to preserve slavery, right ?
Oh trust me you don't want to open that can of worms with SMDT.
My knowledge of history gives me an edge. Any honest historian will tell you that BOTH sides fought to preserve slavery, though it wasn't near to being the driving issue of the war.
So why did you just contradict yourself then and say this.....

If you think thousands of men fought for slavery, you got an advanced case of ass-brain that can't be cured.
Because that isn't even remotely what the war was fought over. But on the issue of slavery, all states were equally guilty. It was a lucrative industry for the entire country.
If thats not what they fought the war over why did they make speeches saying that was why? Were they trying to trick people?
Or the uplifting but sad story of the courageous woman that fought a losing battle with cancer as she struggled to play college basketball.

But no, ESPN chose the chickenshit PC way out and picked the freakshow instead.

Want to see a real courageous hero ?

Anger over ESPN's decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award instead of basketball star Lauren Hill
  • Caitlyn Jenner, 65, will be awarded the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPY event in Los Angeles on July 15
  • But some criticized the decision, saying that Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball star who died of cancer in April, should have won instead
  • There were also rumors that Jenner had been named as the winner ahead of wounded war vet Noah Galloway, who was a runner up
  • ESPN denied there was a runner up and said it was proud to honor Jenner for starting 'a constructive dialogue about progress and acceptance'

While Caitlyn Jenner will be honored with an ESPY courage award next month for coming out as transgender, some critics believe other, more deserving candidates have been overlooked.

Twitter users questioned why Jenner, who introduced herself as Caitlyn on the cover of Vanity Fair this week, will receive the honor instead of Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old basketball player who lost her battle with brain cancer in April.

'Elective surgery isn't courage or bravery,' one Twitter user named Kristin wrote on Wednesday. 'Fighting brain cancer with grace and dignity at 19 is. Lauren is most deserving.'

'I googled courage,' added Brandon Saho of Fox19 as he shared a photograph of the teenager and used the hashtag 'LaurenHillEspy'.

Read more: ESPN s decision to award Caitlyn Jenner ESPY courage award sparks anger Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

If giving an award for courage, making public that you're gonna live the rest of your life as the opposite sex trumps someone who was unlucky in battle. All respect, but you're not a hero or brave just because you got shot or blown up.
Our combat veterans are real heroes. They exude more manhood in a day than you will your entire pathetic, eventless, pointless life.
You blow enough white ones to know all about what exudes from their manhood.
I watch ESPN, mostly SportsCenter. Most of the time I have to sound off. I know my sports, I don't need some egotistical motor mouth to tell me what I can clearly see.
Oh and yeah, the OP is 100% correcto! :cheers2:
No more sports center for me...
Not for years. Those idiot talking heads make me sick with their incessant self promoting, insertion of their opinion about everything and the overall politicizing of every issue in the world of sports.
If I want to see highlights. I mostly go on line to see them
If Im watching tv, I go to the specific service ( NFL Network, NHL Network, MLB Network, Golf Channel) and watch highlights there.

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