ESPN Has A Hardon For Johnny Manziel


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I was watching the highlights this morning on the Texas A&M game against Rice. Manziel received an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for taunting after throwing for his 3rd TD in the second half. Seemed like the Rice players were taunting Manziel and Manziel was telling them to look at the scoreboard and just STFU. Instead the ref threw the flag on Manziel. Manziel was walking away and the opposing player was followiing him, taunting him. When Manziel pointed at the scoreboard only then did the ref throw the flag.

Johnny Manziel penalized after gesturing to opponents - ESPN

ESPN sports announcers were yelling about benching Manziel because he was exchanging taunts with the other teams players. One of the Defensive Linemen for the other team was acting like he was signing autographs in one exchange. It seemed like the taunting was pretty even.

Manziel is a fiery player, and whenever he comes on the field it picks up the rest of the team. He gets special treatment because he is special. Because of this players on other teams will try to taunt him because they can't beat him.

This appears to have shades of the Tim Tebow situation. ESPN gets a burr under their butts about a player and they do everything in their power to try to tarnish, if not destroy them during their broadcasts. It's an example of journalistic malpractice, trying to become the story rather than simply reporting the story. They all have opinions but to be honest, the best thing they can do is STFU and move on. Instead they spent half of their broadcasts talking about one player. In baseball it's ARod. In college football, because of the NCAA signature scandal, it's Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel. These people are doing everything the can to remove the joy out of sports making it just as negative as their coverage of politics. Frankly, I'm getting fed up with it.

[ame=]Johnny Manziel Taunting Penalty vs Rice - YouTube[/ame]

It's clear that some feel that Manziel got away with something and they are dead set on punishing him. The ref, the other team's players, and even the announcers. Plenty of jealousy to go around.
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I lived in Houston when I was a kid. My dad taught at U of H. I seem to remember a cheer the student body yelled during their games against Rice...

"What comes out of a Chinaman's ass?" "Riiiice!"

I'm betting they no longer use that cheer...

Anyway, what can you say about Manziel? The young man has mad skills, some people can't help but try to tear him down. Here's to a Heisman repeat...


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