Establishment Media Blackout: Journalist Targeted for Being White Tragically Dies

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Americans need to arm themselves and prepare. We are being over thrown at the behest of the DemonRAT Party, they want to rule like South America. George Soros and the DemonRATS are spending the money on those coming in Caravans from South America. There is no room for Americans in America any longer

A shocking racial hate crime has killed a man who lived his life trying to help others, but the details in the case mean there will be no riots, and you probably won’t hear his name mentioned on the national news.

A 55-year-old journalist and volunteer first responder was attacked from behind before being dragged into a parking lot in New Jersey. Then, his assailant stole the man’s car and used it to drive over the victim’s head, leaving him gravely injured.

The assault occurred in May, but the victim remained on life support until his death on Thursday. To make the horrific attack even worse, authorities believe the journalist was targeted and ultimately killed because of his skin color.

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