
Botswana had to start from NOTHING, and that within the last 30 years! Poland has a history going back CENTURIES! I think you don't have the IQ to carry on a educated discussion!

Poland had it's nation stripped from it quite a few times, and did so with quite the brutality.
So, such a statement is ridiculous on your part.
Poles also had to rebuild their nation from scratch.

Poland had nearly half the Per Capita Income GDP of Botswana in 1990, now Poland has nearly double the Per Capita Income GDP as Botswana.

This isn't surprising because of the damages done to Poland by Nazis, and Soviets.

GDP per capita (current US$) | Data

Yes, and it has a history going back centuries. Catch up "genius". You are trying to compare a nation that has been around for less than 40 years with a nation that has been around in some guise or other for HUNDREDS of years. That has a national identity going back longer than that! You aren't helping your argument in the slightest!

I'd refer to Estonia once again, like in the previous comment.

By your logic, Estonia should be way behind in intellectual factors, due to being a new nation that was colonized by the Socialist Soviet Union until 1992.

But, that's not the case.

Once again Estonia had its own way of doing things, it has a long ethnic history going back centuries and even though the Soviets tried to eradicate it they failed.

By your own logic Estonia should be behind in intellectual factors, being oppressed, under Communist rule, and only gaining independence in 1992?

Estonia's PISA scores are now #1 in Europe.

How could anything but ethnicity explain this away?
The fact that similar Finland was long been #1 in Europe in PISA scores is very telling.
In spite of the fact of Finland, and Estonia having different nations, and histories, they seem to be similar in intelligence.
Could ethnic heritage have something to do with it?

It can't be education funding either, because Estonia having a more modest income than Western Europe, means less education funding.

Estonian identity has been around for centuries. Do you not know your Baltic State history? The first time Estonia enters into the medieval histories is around 500 A.D. They sent a mission to Theodoric the Great in Italy around the year 600 IIRC. They are a group of people with an identity that the Soviets tried to eradicate. And they failed.
Poland had it's nation stripped from it quite a few times, and did so with quite the brutality.
So, such a statement is ridiculous on your part.
Poles also had to rebuild their nation from scratch.

Poland had nearly half the Per Capita Income GDP of Botswana in 1990, now Poland has nearly double the Per Capita Income GDP as Botswana.

This isn't surprising because of the damages done to Poland by Nazis, and Soviets.

GDP per capita (current US$) | Data

Yes, and it has a history going back centuries. Catch up "genius". You are trying to compare a nation that has been around for less than 40 years with a nation that has been around in some guise or other for HUNDREDS of years. That has a national identity going back longer than that! You aren't helping your argument in the slightest!

I'd refer to Estonia once again, like in the previous comment.

By your logic, Estonia should be way behind in intellectual factors, due to being a new nation that was colonized by the Socialist Soviet Union until 1992.

But, that's not the case.

Once again Estonia had its own way of doing things, it has a long ethnic history going back centuries and even though the Soviets tried to eradicate it they failed.

By your own logic Estonia should be behind in intellectual factors, being oppressed, under Communist rule, and only gaining independence in 1992?

Estonia's PISA scores are now #1 in Europe.

How could anything but ethnicity explain this away?
The fact that similar Finland was long been #1 in Europe in PISA scores is very telling.
In spite of the fact of Finland, and Estonia having different nations, and histories, they seem to be similar in intelligence.
Could ethnic heritage have something to do with it?

It can't be education funding either, because Estonia having a more modest income than Western Europe, means less education funding.

Estonian identity has been around for centuries. Do you not know your Baltic State history? The first time Estonia enters into the medieval histories is around 500 A.D. They sent a mission to Theodoric the Great in Italy around the year 600 IIRC. They are a group of people with an identity that the Soviets tried to eradicate. And they failed.

As if there were no people in Botswana's prehistory?

Estonia has basically been a people, without a country until 1992, unless you count the brief period after WW1, where Estonia was a country for a few years, before becoming the Soviet colony.
Yes, and it has a history going back centuries. Catch up "genius". You are trying to compare a nation that has been around for less than 40 years with a nation that has been around in some guise or other for HUNDREDS of years. That has a national identity going back longer than that! You aren't helping your argument in the slightest!

I'd refer to Estonia once again, like in the previous comment.

By your logic, Estonia should be way behind in intellectual factors, due to being a new nation that was colonized by the Socialist Soviet Union until 1992.

But, that's not the case.

Once again Estonia had its own way of doing things, it has a long ethnic history going back centuries and even though the Soviets tried to eradicate it they failed.

By your own logic Estonia should be behind in intellectual factors, being oppressed, under Communist rule, and only gaining independence in 1992?

Estonia's PISA scores are now #1 in Europe.

How could anything but ethnicity explain this away?
The fact that similar Finland was long been #1 in Europe in PISA scores is very telling.
In spite of the fact of Finland, and Estonia having different nations, and histories, they seem to be similar in intelligence.
Could ethnic heritage have something to do with it?

It can't be education funding either, because Estonia having a more modest income than Western Europe, means less education funding.

Estonian identity has been around for centuries. Do you not know your Baltic State history? The first time Estonia enters into the medieval histories is around 500 A.D. They sent a mission to Theodoric the Great in Italy around the year 600 IIRC. They are a group of people with an identity that the Soviets tried to eradicate. And they failed.

As if there were no people in Botswana's prehistory?

Estonia has basically been a country, without a country until 1992, unless you count the brief period after WW1, where Estonia was a country for a few years, before becoming the Soviet colony.

Estonia has had a national identity for over 1000 years. That's the point. When they were under Soviet rule they defied the laws of the Soviets and continued to do things there way wherever possible. They have been CIVILIZED for centuries. The black nations have not been. They were stuck with tribal rule for millenia. Then they were fodder for the imperialistic Carthaginians, Phoenicians, Romans, Egyptians, British, French, etc. They have rarely been able to rule themselves because they have usually been a colony of some vast empire.

Just like the Poles, the Hungarians, the Lithuanians, and the Jutes, Angles, Brigantes, and Belgae before them. It is the nature of mankind to conquer people. For the longest time mankind was pretty dumb. You can't have high IQ's without a good supply of food. Your genes set the stage for you to have a high IQ. But, if you don't get the proper nourishment at an early age you never develop to your potential. That is a simple fact.

You conflate abuse and neglect with IQ potential. That's just dumb. You further compound your logic fail by comparing peoples with long national or ethnic history's who then became civilized long ago, with peoples who have no national history, and who's tribal history is murky at best, but who have been under the thumb of groups of people who found it beneficial to keep them dumb.
I'd refer to Estonia once again, like in the previous comment.

By your logic, Estonia should be way behind in intellectual factors, due to being a new nation that was colonized by the Socialist Soviet Union until 1992.

But, that's not the case.

Once again Estonia had its own way of doing things, it has a long ethnic history going back centuries and even though the Soviets tried to eradicate it they failed.

By your own logic Estonia should be behind in intellectual factors, being oppressed, under Communist rule, and only gaining independence in 1992?

Estonia's PISA scores are now #1 in Europe.

How could anything but ethnicity explain this away?
The fact that similar Finland was long been #1 in Europe in PISA scores is very telling.
In spite of the fact of Finland, and Estonia having different nations, and histories, they seem to be similar in intelligence.
Could ethnic heritage have something to do with it?

It can't be education funding either, because Estonia having a more modest income than Western Europe, means less education funding.

Estonian identity has been around for centuries. Do you not know your Baltic State history? The first time Estonia enters into the medieval histories is around 500 A.D. They sent a mission to Theodoric the Great in Italy around the year 600 IIRC. They are a group of people with an identity that the Soviets tried to eradicate. And they failed.

As if there were no people in Botswana's prehistory?

Estonia has basically been a country, without a country until 1992, unless you count the brief period after WW1, where Estonia was a country for a few years, before becoming the Soviet colony.

Estonia has had a national identity for over 1000 years. That's the point. When they were under Soviet rule they defied the laws of the Soviets and continued to do things there way wherever possible. They have been CIVILIZED for centuries. The black nations have not been. They were stuck with tribal rule for millenia. Then they were fodder for the imperialistic Carthaginians, Phoenicians, Romans, Egyptians, British, French, etc. They have rarely been able to rule themselves because they have usually been a colony of some vast empire.

Just like the Poles, the Hungarians, the Lithuanians, and the Jutes, Angles, Brigantes, and Belgae before them. It is the nature of mankind to conquer people. For the longest time mankind was pretty dumb. You can't have high IQ's without a good supply of food. Your genes set the stage for you to have a high IQ. But, if you don't get the proper nourishment at an early age you never develop to your potential. That is a simple fact.

You conflate abuse and neglect with IQ potential. That's just dumb. You further compound your logic fail by comparing peoples with long national or ethnic history's who then became civilized long ago, with peoples who have no national history, and who's tribal history is murky at best, but who have been under the thumb of groups of people who found it beneficial to keep them dumb.

Arguably the British empire was more positive for Botswana, than the Soviet empire was for Estonia.
Furthermore Estonia broke away from the yolk for independence later.
So, that wouldn't give Botswana a head start?

But, by your own ideals Estonia should not be #1 in Europe's PISA scores.
Because Estonia lacks national identity historically, was oppressed, and brutalized, by a Socialist Communist regime

Like with Finns, the success of Estonia in PISA scores seem to have a genetic explanation.

Estonians, Finns, and Lithuanians all fall as "Very Northern European" in DNA PCA plots like this below.
(As for Lithuania's PISA scores being more modest, much of their elite was Polonized, or assimilated to Poland)

I'd refer to Estonia once again, like in the previous comment.

By your logic, Estonia should be way behind in intellectual factors, due to being a new nation that was colonized by the Socialist Soviet Union until 1992.

But, that's not the case.

Once again Estonia had its own way of doing things, it has a long ethnic history going back centuries and even though the Soviets tried to eradicate it they failed.

By your own logic Estonia should be behind in intellectual factors, being oppressed, under Communist rule, and only gaining independence in 1992?

Estonia's PISA scores are now #1 in Europe.

How could anything but ethnicity explain this away?
The fact that similar Finland was long been #1 in Europe in PISA scores is very telling.
In spite of the fact of Finland, and Estonia having different nations, and histories, they seem to be similar in intelligence.
Could ethnic heritage have something to do with it?

It can't be education funding either, because Estonia having a more modest income than Western Europe, means less education funding.

Estonian identity has been around for centuries. Do you not know your Baltic State history? The first time Estonia enters into the medieval histories is around 500 A.D. They sent a mission to Theodoric the Great in Italy around the year 600 IIRC. They are a group of people with an identity that the Soviets tried to eradicate. And they failed.

As if there were no people in Botswana's prehistory?

Estonia has basically been a country, without a country until 1992, unless you count the brief period after WW1, where Estonia was a country for a few years, before becoming the Soviet colony.

You further compound your logic fail by comparing peoples with long national or ethnic history's who then became civilized long ago, with peoples who have no national history, and who's tribal history is murky at best, but who have been under the thumb of groups of people who found it beneficial to keep them dumb.

By all your logic Greeks, an Italians should be #1 in Europe's PISA scores.

They have national identity going back to ancient Greece, and Romans.

Furthermore, neither of these countries were ever Communist.

In the case of Italy it wasn't brutalized, like many Eastern European nations including Estonia.

So, why aren't Italians, and Greeks with more wealth, more historic national identity, less brutalization, oppression, and Socialism doing better than Estonia in PISA which has all these worse obstacles?
I'd refer to Estonia once again, like in the previous comment.

By your logic, Estonia should be way behind in intellectual factors, due to being a new nation that was colonized by the Socialist Soviet Union until 1992.

But, that's not the case.

Once again Estonia had its own way of doing things, it has a long ethnic history going back centuries and even though the Soviets tried to eradicate it they failed.

By your own logic Estonia should be behind in intellectual factors, being oppressed, under Communist rule, and only gaining independence in 1992?

Estonia's PISA scores are now #1 in Europe.

How could anything but ethnicity explain this away?
The fact that similar Finland was long been #1 in Europe in PISA scores is very telling.
In spite of the fact of Finland, and Estonia having different nations, and histories, they seem to be similar in intelligence.
Could ethnic heritage have something to do with it?

It can't be education funding either, because Estonia having a more modest income than Western Europe, means less education funding.

Estonian identity has been around for centuries. Do you not know your Baltic State history? The first time Estonia enters into the medieval histories is around 500 A.D. They sent a mission to Theodoric the Great in Italy around the year 600 IIRC. They are a group of people with an identity that the Soviets tried to eradicate. And they failed.

As if there were no people in Botswana's prehistory?

Estonia has basically been a country, without a country until 1992, unless you count the brief period after WW1, where Estonia was a country for a few years, before becoming the Soviet colony.

The black nations have not been. They were stuck with tribal rule for millenia. Then they were fodder for the imperialistic Carthaginians, Phoenicians, Romans, Egyptians, British, French, etc. They have rarely been able to rule themselves because they have usually been a colony of some vast empire.

Arguably the position of Estonia as "Fodder" is worse than the whole of Africa.

That while Sub-Saharan Africa was mostly untouched by non-African imperialists in the Medieval, and Renaissance periods, the same doesn't hold true for Estonia.
The Scramble for Africa mostly happened in the 1800's.

The Scramble for Estonia started in the Medieval era, when Danes, and Teutonic / Livonian Order Germans overtook little Estonia.

Oh? Might want to read up on your history there, Sub Saharan Africa has been a treasure chest since ancient Egypt.
Once again Estonia had its own way of doing things, it has a long ethnic history going back centuries and even though the Soviets tried to eradicate it they failed.

By your own logic Estonia should be behind in intellectual factors, being oppressed, under Communist rule, and only gaining independence in 1992?

Estonia's PISA scores are now #1 in Europe.

How could anything but ethnicity explain this away?
The fact that similar Finland was long been #1 in Europe in PISA scores is very telling.
In spite of the fact of Finland, and Estonia having different nations, and histories, they seem to be similar in intelligence.
Could ethnic heritage have something to do with it?

It can't be education funding either, because Estonia having a more modest income than Western Europe, means less education funding.

Estonian identity has been around for centuries. Do you not know your Baltic State history? The first time Estonia enters into the medieval histories is around 500 A.D. They sent a mission to Theodoric the Great in Italy around the year 600 IIRC. They are a group of people with an identity that the Soviets tried to eradicate. And they failed.

As if there were no people in Botswana's prehistory?

Estonia has basically been a country, without a country until 1992, unless you count the brief period after WW1, where Estonia was a country for a few years, before becoming the Soviet colony.

You further compound your logic fail by comparing peoples with long national or ethnic history's who then became civilized long ago, with peoples who have no national history, and who's tribal history is murky at best, but who have been under the thumb of groups of people who found it beneficial to keep them dumb.

By all your logic Greeks, an Italians should be #1 in Europe's PISA scores.

They have national identity going back to ancient Greece, and Romans.

Furthermore, neither of these countries were ever Communist.

In the case of Italy it wasn't brutalized, like many Eastern European nations including Estonia.

So, why aren't Italians, and Greeks with more wealth, more historic national identity, less brutalization, oppression, and Socialism doing better than Estonia in PISA which has all these worse obstacles?

They weren't? Might want to read up on your history again.
By your own logic Estonia should be behind in intellectual factors, being oppressed, under Communist rule, and only gaining independence in 1992?

Estonia's PISA scores are now #1 in Europe.

How could anything but ethnicity explain this away?
The fact that similar Finland was long been #1 in Europe in PISA scores is very telling.
In spite of the fact of Finland, and Estonia having different nations, and histories, they seem to be similar in intelligence.
Could ethnic heritage have something to do with it?

It can't be education funding either, because Estonia having a more modest income than Western Europe, means less education funding.

Estonian identity has been around for centuries. Do you not know your Baltic State history? The first time Estonia enters into the medieval histories is around 500 A.D. They sent a mission to Theodoric the Great in Italy around the year 600 IIRC. They are a group of people with an identity that the Soviets tried to eradicate. And they failed.

As if there were no people in Botswana's prehistory?

Estonia has basically been a country, without a country until 1992, unless you count the brief period after WW1, where Estonia was a country for a few years, before becoming the Soviet colony.

You further compound your logic fail by comparing peoples with long national or ethnic history's who then became civilized long ago, with peoples who have no national history, and who's tribal history is murky at best, but who have been under the thumb of groups of people who found it beneficial to keep them dumb.

By all your logic Greeks, an Italians should be #1 in Europe's PISA scores.

They have national identity going back to ancient Greece, and Romans.

Furthermore, neither of these countries were ever Communist.

In the case of Italy it wasn't brutalized, like many Eastern European nations including Estonia.

So, why aren't Italians, and Greeks with more wealth, more historic national identity, less brutalization, oppression, and Socialism doing better than Estonia in PISA which has all these worse obstacles?

They weren't? Might want to read up on your history again.

You claim that Carthaginians, and Phoenicians had conquered Africa?
They hardly touched the bulk of it.
The Scramble for Africa mostly happened in the 1800's.

The Scramble for Estonia started in the Medieval era, when Danes, and Teutonic / Livonian Order Germans overtook little Estonia.

Oh? Might want to read up on your history there, Sub Saharan Africa has been a treasure chest since ancient Egypt.

Much of Sub-Saharan Africa was arguably as primitive as it was, because of lack of contact with Eurasia, when Western European colonists found Sub Saharan Africans they found a people without even the invention of the wheel.
The Scramble for Africa mostly happened in the 1800's.

The Scramble for Estonia started in the Medieval era, when Danes, and Teutonic / Livonian Order Germans overtook little Estonia.

Oh? Might want to read up on your history there, Sub Saharan Africa has been a treasure chest since ancient Egypt.

Much of Sub-Saharan Africa was arguably as primitive as it was, because of lack of contact with Eurasia, when Western European colonists found Sub Saharan Africans they found a people without even the invention of the wheel.

It was as primitive as it was because it was a constant source of raw material for every Nile Delta and Indo Eurasian empire that could get there to harvest the goods. At some point there was a genius who figured out how to do things better than the other guy. For a while all humans were living in the same terrible conditions. For most of humanity it has been a hard scrabble existence.

For MOST of the Victorian age the average IQ of the Europeans was below 100. Why do you think they made such stupid decisions in war making and just general life. The Romanovs were powerfully stupid people, otherwise Russia would have never fallen to the Bolsheviks.

A few people made inventions though that radically altered the lifestyles of their people. One of those is better food production. Europe now has a higher IQ because they have been eating better for over a century. Most of the rest of the world hasn't been. It takes time for nutrition to work its magic. Just think, once upon a time the Middle Eastern Arabs were the leading lights of knowledge. For centuries if you wanted to go to a university you had to go to the Middle East.

Then assholes took over and look where they are now.
Estonian identity has been around for centuries. Do you not know your Baltic State history? The first time Estonia enters into the medieval histories is around 500 A.D. They sent a mission to Theodoric the Great in Italy around the year 600 IIRC. They are a group of people with an identity that the Soviets tried to eradicate. And they failed.

As if there were no people in Botswana's prehistory?

Estonia has basically been a country, without a country until 1992, unless you count the brief period after WW1, where Estonia was a country for a few years, before becoming the Soviet colony.

You further compound your logic fail by comparing peoples with long national or ethnic history's who then became civilized long ago, with peoples who have no national history, and who's tribal history is murky at best, but who have been under the thumb of groups of people who found it beneficial to keep them dumb.

By all your logic Greeks, an Italians should be #1 in Europe's PISA scores.

They have national identity going back to ancient Greece, and Romans.

Furthermore, neither of these countries were ever Communist.

In the case of Italy it wasn't brutalized, like many Eastern European nations including Estonia.

So, why aren't Italians, and Greeks with more wealth, more historic national identity, less brutalization, oppression, and Socialism doing better than Estonia in PISA which has all these worse obstacles?

They weren't? Might want to read up on your history again.

You claim that Carthaginians, and Phoenicians had conquered Africa?
They hardly touched the bulk of it.

Never said they conquered it. I said they harvested it for its raw materials and enslaved the people. MOST of mankind lives within a few miles of the oceans of the world. It is only with the recent inventions of trains and cars etc. that mankind has moved into the interior of the various continents of the world.
The Scramble for Africa mostly happened in the 1800's.

The Scramble for Estonia started in the Medieval era, when Danes, and Teutonic / Livonian Order Germans overtook little Estonia.

Oh? Might want to read up on your history there, Sub Saharan Africa has been a treasure chest since ancient Egypt.

Much of Sub-Saharan Africa was arguably as primitive as it was, because of lack of contact with Eurasia, when Western European colonists found Sub Saharan Africans they found a people without even the invention of the wheel.

For MOST of the Victorian age the average IQ of the Europeans was below 100. Why do you think they made such stupid decisions in war making and just general life. The Romanovs were powerfully stupid people, otherwise Russia would have never fallen to the Bolsheviks.

Actually, the IQ of Britain was about 80 by today's standards in the 1940's .

This was before the welfare state, or huge production from malnutrition so of course many people were victims of malnutrition.

Not to mention education back then was much poorer.

As for the Bolsheviks, they got a minority of the vote from Russia.

It just happens to be Germany heavily weakened Russia from WW1, and a lot of financing from Western, and Jewish bankers had given the Bolsheviks an advantage.
As if there were no people in Botswana's prehistory?

Estonia has basically been a country, without a country until 1992, unless you count the brief period after WW1, where Estonia was a country for a few years, before becoming the Soviet colony.

You further compound your logic fail by comparing peoples with long national or ethnic history's who then became civilized long ago, with peoples who have no national history, and who's tribal history is murky at best, but who have been under the thumb of groups of people who found it beneficial to keep them dumb.

By all your logic Greeks, an Italians should be #1 in Europe's PISA scores.

They have national identity going back to ancient Greece, and Romans.

Furthermore, neither of these countries were ever Communist.

In the case of Italy it wasn't brutalized, like many Eastern European nations including Estonia.

So, why aren't Italians, and Greeks with more wealth, more historic national identity, less brutalization, oppression, and Socialism doing better than Estonia in PISA which has all these worse obstacles?

They weren't? Might want to read up on your history again.

You claim that Carthaginians, and Phoenicians had conquered Africa?
They hardly touched the bulk of it.

Never said they conquered it. I said they harvested it for its raw materials and enslaved the people. MOST of mankind lives within a few miles of the oceans of the world. It is only with the recent inventions of trains and cars etc. that mankind has moved into the interior of the various continents of the world.

Much of the slavery came from Africans trading their slaves to Arabs, or Europeans.

As for resources I'd like to see a source for widespread non-Sub-Saharan influences before the Scramble for Africa?
You further compound your logic fail by comparing peoples with long national or ethnic history's who then became civilized long ago, with peoples who have no national history, and who's tribal history is murky at best, but who have been under the thumb of groups of people who found it beneficial to keep them dumb.

By all your logic Greeks, an Italians should be #1 in Europe's PISA scores.

They have national identity going back to ancient Greece, and Romans.

Furthermore, neither of these countries were ever Communist.

In the case of Italy it wasn't brutalized, like many Eastern European nations including Estonia.

So, why aren't Italians, and Greeks with more wealth, more historic national identity, less brutalization, oppression, and Socialism doing better than Estonia in PISA which has all these worse obstacles?

They weren't? Might want to read up on your history again.

You claim that Carthaginians, and Phoenicians had conquered Africa?
They hardly touched the bulk of it.

Never said they conquered it. I said they harvested it for its raw materials and enslaved the people. MOST of mankind lives within a few miles of the oceans of the world. It is only with the recent inventions of trains and cars etc. that mankind has moved into the interior of the various continents of the world.

Much of the slavery came from Africans trading their slaves to Arabs, or Europeans.

As for resources I'd like to see a source for widespread non-Sub-Saharan influences before the Scramble for Africa?

Which merely reinforces my point. Thank you. The only reason why white Europeans have higher IQs now is because they have benefited from over a century of good nutrition. That's it. White people are not inherently smarter. They are just fed better.
The Scramble for Africa mostly happened in the 1800's.

The Scramble for Estonia started in the Medieval era, when Danes, and Teutonic / Livonian Order Germans overtook little Estonia.

Oh? Might want to read up on your history there, Sub Saharan Africa has been a treasure chest since ancient Egypt.

Much of Sub-Saharan Africa was arguably as primitive as it was, because of lack of contact with Eurasia, when Western European colonists found Sub Saharan Africans they found a people without even the invention of the wheel.

For MOST of the Victorian age the average IQ of the Europeans was below 100. Why do you think they made such stupid decisions in war making and just general life. The Romanovs were powerfully stupid people, otherwise Russia would have never fallen to the Bolsheviks.

Actually, the IQ of Britain was about 80 by today's standards in the 1940's .

This was before the welfare state, or huge production from malnutrition so of course many people were victims of malnutrition.

Not to mention education back then was much poorer.

As for the Bolsheviks, they got a minority of the vote from Russia.

It just happens to be Germany heavily weakened Russia from WW1, and a lot of financing from Western, and Jewish bankers had given the Bolsheviks an advantage.

Wrong. It stopped being that low around the year 1905-1910. Then, as nutrition increased the IQ correspondingly went up.
By all your logic Greeks, an Italians should be #1 in Europe's PISA scores.

They have national identity going back to ancient Greece, and Romans.

Furthermore, neither of these countries were ever Communist.

In the case of Italy it wasn't brutalized, like many Eastern European nations including Estonia.

So, why aren't Italians, and Greeks with more wealth, more historic national identity, less brutalization, oppression, and Socialism doing better than Estonia in PISA which has all these worse obstacles?

They weren't? Might want to read up on your history again.

You claim that Carthaginians, and Phoenicians had conquered Africa?
They hardly touched the bulk of it.

Never said they conquered it. I said they harvested it for its raw materials and enslaved the people. MOST of mankind lives within a few miles of the oceans of the world. It is only with the recent inventions of trains and cars etc. that mankind has moved into the interior of the various continents of the world.

Much of the slavery came from Africans trading their slaves to Arabs, or Europeans.

As for resources I'd like to see a source for widespread non-Sub-Saharan influences before the Scramble for Africa?

Which merely reinforces my point. Thank you. The only reason why white Europeans have higher IQs now is because they have benefited from over a century of good nutrition. That's it. White people are not inherently smarter. They are just fed better.

While I certainly don't deny that environment including malnutrition impacts IQ.

There's no reason to believe Communist countries with higher levels of malnutrition would have scored higher IQ's than African Americans.

Furthermore according to this study Malnourished Koreans scored a 102 IQ, while well nourished Koreans scored a 112 IQ.
(Sure that's a sizable 10 point IQ gap, but it still beats the IQ of much of the Western Whites ironically)

The Handbook of International Adoption Medicine
They weren't? Might want to read up on your history again.

You claim that Carthaginians, and Phoenicians had conquered Africa?
They hardly touched the bulk of it.

Never said they conquered it. I said they harvested it for its raw materials and enslaved the people. MOST of mankind lives within a few miles of the oceans of the world. It is only with the recent inventions of trains and cars etc. that mankind has moved into the interior of the various continents of the world.

Much of the slavery came from Africans trading their slaves to Arabs, or Europeans.

As for resources I'd like to see a source for widespread non-Sub-Saharan influences before the Scramble for Africa?

Which merely reinforces my point. Thank you. The only reason why white Europeans have higher IQs now is because they have benefited from over a century of good nutrition. That's it. White people are not inherently smarter. They are just fed better.

While I certainly don't deny that environment including malnutrition impacts IQ.

There's no reason to believe Communist countries with higher levels of malnutrition would have scored higher IQ's than African Americans.

Furthermore according to this study Malnourished Koreans scored a 102 IQ, while well nourished Koreans scored a 112 IQ.
(Sure that's a sizable 10 point IQ gap, but it still beats the IQ of much of the Western Whites ironically)

The Handbook of International Adoption Medicine

They started from a higher point than the Africans did, and then drove their collective IQ's down, that's what happens under socialism, and now, the IQ levels are coming back up. It takes time for nourishment to work its magic.

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