Et Tu, Lindsey?

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
For awhile it looked like the Senator from S.C. may have climbed aboard the Trump Train. Now we know he's fallen back under the spell of John McCain and his democRAT pals. The first betrayal was teaming up with Durbin to con Trump on their immigration reform package....a billion for the Wall, and full amnesty with Lindsey shrieking that the president "had to close this deal". Trump just stared at him, realizing a round of golf hadn't turned Graham in his favor. And now he warns Trump that firing Mueller will get him impeached while teaming up with Flake to ask for a hearing on the McCabe firing, which is particularly bizarre: :tinfoil:


You Guys Were On the Committee That Investigated This

Graham and Flake will no doubt remember letters their own committee chair sent to former FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, demanding answers to questions about McCabe’s relationship with the Clinton Foundation and his failure to be recused from Clinton’s email investigation.

Also, Maybe Read Headlines Sometime

Graham is concerned that firing McCabe for leaking might be politically motivated, but just last year, after leaks of President Donald Trump’s conversations with foreign leaders, Sessions said he was going to be much tougher on leaking, emphasizing that anyone found guilty would be “held accountable.” “We are taking a stand,” Sessions said. “This culture of leaks must stop.”

At the time, Graham said these leaks were a “disservice to the president.” Sen. Bob Corker said he hoped the Trump administration would “fire every single person” who leaks sensitive information. It seems Sessions has done exactly what he said he was going to do.

Graham Calls For McCabe Firing Inquiry. Has He Paid Any Attention?
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Graham has been saying from the beginning that firing Mueller would lead to Trump’s impeachment.

It’s good to see a Republican Senator abiding by the rule of law.

It’s too bad so many Trump worshippers don’t think the same.
Graham has been saying from the beginning that firing Mueller would lead to Trump’s impeachment.

It’s good to see a Republican Senator abiding by the rule of law.

It’s too bad so many Trump worshippers don’t think the same.

Mueller's Folly has nothing to do with the "rule of law"....he's leading a weaponized FBI to nullify the Trump election and avenge his butt-boy Comey's firing....nothing else.
Lindsey's minder is squeezing his prostate again. I guess they brought him in and showed him those pics again. Whatever it is, the info they have on him must be pretty damned good.
Graham has been saying from the beginning that firing Mueller would lead to Trump’s impeachment.

It’s good to see a Republican Senator abiding by the rule of law.

It’s too bad so many Trump worshippers don’t think the same.

What law would Trump break if he fired Mueller? Be specific.
For awhile it looked like the Senator from S.C. may have climbed aboard the Trump Train. Now we know he's fallen back under the spell of John McCain and his democRAT pals. The first betrayal was teaming up with Durbin to con Trump on their immigration reform package....a billion for the Wall, and full amnesty with Lindsey shrieking that the president "had to close this deal". Trump just stared at him, realizing a round of golf hadn't turned Graham in his favor. And now he warns Trump that firing Mueller will get him impeached while teaming up with Flake to ask for a hearing on the McCabe firing, which is particularly bizarre: :tinfoil:


You Guys Were On the Committee That Investigated This

Graham and Flake will no doubt remember letters their own committee chair sent to former FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, demanding answers to questions about McCabe’s relationship with the Clinton Foundation and his failure to be recused from Clinton’s email investigation.

Also, Maybe Read Headlines Sometime

Graham is concerned that firing McCabe for leaking might be politically motivated, but just last year, after leaks of President Donald Trump’s conversations with foreign leaders, Sessions said he was going to be much tougher on leaking, emphasizing that anyone found guilty would be “held accountable.” “We are taking a stand,” Sessions said. “This culture of leaks must stop.”

At the time, Graham said these leaks were a “disservice to the president.” Sen. Bob Corker said he hoped the Trump administration would “fire every single person” who leaks sensitive information. It seems Sessions has done exactly what he said he was going to do.

Graham Calls For McCabe Firing Inquiry. Has He Paid Any Attention?

Graham himself is becoming particularly bizarre.
I don't get what the voters in South Carolina see in the little fruitcake....all he's ever been is McCain's valet and who knows what else.
Graham himself is becoming particularly bizarre.

He's lost without Mac telling him what to do, how to vote. And he knows that Trump is transactional and doesn't punish betrayers while they can still be useful to him.
Trumpbots are a minority - Trump is a world champion Liar & POS

LG is playing to the majority - the voters with standards and moral guidelines ...

too deep for you Russian bitches to fathom isn't it.

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