Ethics Expert Shaub: “Trump Is A 'Wannabe Autocrat' “. No Sh!t?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

(Note: For conservatives who do not understand, autocrat is defined as: an absolute ruler. It is NOT a political party based on car enthusiasts as many conservatives have said when defending Trump.)

After the idiot Trump retweeted an image depicting CNN’s blood on the sole of his shoe, former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, Walter Shaub referred to the idiot-in-chief as a “wannabe autocrat”.

Shaub’s assessment is spot on, as anyone who lives in reality realized long before the Russian hackers made it possible for the idiot Trump to become POTUS.

Those who have shown their support for the idiot Trump and are comfortable with his autocratic aspirations, have no right to call themselves patriotic Americans.

While these uninformed people assert their devotion to the Constitution, their opposition to the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment contradict their claims. Their eagerness to relinquish many of the other rights and privileges the Framers' included in the Constitution is worrisome to real Americans. In addition to relinquishing their constitutional rights, their willingness to capitulate to the power-mad billionaires prove these ignorant individuals have no understanding of the Founding Fathers' insight and motives when they drafted the Constitution.

Nearly two-and-a-half centuries ago the Founders' wisdom and experience of that era enabled them to predict and guard against the infiltration and takeover of our government by the super-rich.

Unfortunately, that takeover by the super-rich gained a strong foothold during the last two decades of the twentieth century. It is a takeover made possible by those who denied, and continue to deny the truth of the reality surrounding them.

Today, the wealth of the few has taken nearly all power from the people. Regardless of party affiliation, the opinions of the vast majority of average voters are swayed by innuendo and rumors rather than actual facts and records of the candidates. This innuendo and the spread of falsehoods against candidates beneficial to average Americans was and is paid for by the super-rich, and those who are unable to separate fact from fiction.

The idiot Trump continues to see himself as a dictator supported by the people, making it possible for him to successfully discredit the departments and institutions established to protect our democracy. This only proves a well known fact again and again, that despite all evidence to the contrary, if a stupid person is asked if they are, indeed stupid, they will answer with a resounding “NO.” The idiot Trump denies his stupidity and just like the idiot Dubya, is a convenient tool being used by the super-rich to finally accomplish their takeover.

The “purge of political enemies” now being sought by Republican Rep. Francis Rooney, namely the upper ranks of the FBI (who are doing their job investigating crime), is another step used by those engineering a takeover, and who must avoid close scrutiny of any kind.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness in the conservatives' responses to this thread. (Written posts, ratings, memes, etc.)


(Note: For conservatives who do not understand, autocrat is defined as: an absolute ruler. It is NOT a political party based on car enthusiasts as many conservatives have said when defending Trump.)

After the idiot Trump retweeted an image depicting CNN’s blood on the sole of his shoe, former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, Walter Shaub referred to the idiot-in-chief as a “wannabe autocrat”.

Shaub’s assessment is spot on, as anyone who lives in reality realized long before the Russian hackers made it possible for the idiot Trump to become POTUS.

Those who have shown their support for the idiot Trump and are comfortable with his autocratic aspirations, have no right to call themselves patriotic Americans.

While these uninformed people assert their devotion to the Constitution, their opposition to the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment contradict their claims. Their eagerness to relinquish many of the other rights and privileges the Framers' included in the Constitution is worrisome to real Americans. In addition to relinquishing their constitutional rights, their willingness to capitulate to the power-mad billionaires prove these ignorant individuals have no understanding of the Founding Fathers' insight and motives when they drafted the Constitution.

Nearly two-and-a-half centuries ago the Founders' wisdom and experience of that era enabled them to predict and guard against the infiltration and takeover of our government by the super-rich.

Unfortunately, that takeover by the super-rich gained a strong foothold during the last two decades of the twentieth century. It is a takeover made possible by those who denied, and continue to deny the truth of the reality surrounding them.

Today, the wealth of the few has taken nearly all power from the people. Regardless of party affiliation, the opinions of the vast majority of average voters are swayed by innuendo and rumors rather than actual facts and records of the candidates. This innuendo and the spread of falsehoods against candidates beneficial to average Americans was and is paid for by the super-rich, and those who are unable to separate fact from fiction.

The idiot Trump continues to see himself as a dictator supported by the people, making it possible for him to successfully discredit the departments and institutions established to protect our democracy. This only proves a well known fact again and again, that despite all evidence to the contrary, if a stupid person is asked if they are, indeed stupid, they will answer with a resounding “NO.” The idiot Trump denies his stupidity and just like the idiot Dubya, is a convenient tool being used by the super-rich to finally accomplish their takeover.

The “purge of political enemies” now being sought by Republican Rep. Francis Rooney, namely the upper ranks of the FBI (who are doing their job investigating crime), is another step used by those engineering a takeover, and who must avoid close scrutiny of any kind.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness in the conservatives' responses to this thread. (Written posts, ratings, memes, etc.)


And yet almost every EO he's written has been to undo a autocratic order that your hero, the obummer wrote. Trump is returning the USA back to the rule of law. I think your ethics "expert" needs to go back to school.
Conservatives will of course defend Trump’s autocratic aspirations because they themselves are authoritarians who seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

How about you progressives explain how undoing autocratic dictates, as Trump has been doing, is autocratic.

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