Ethno-Nationalist Putin Uses the Language of Genocide

Polish Culture Minister Piotr Glinsky demanded that the Monument of Gratitude to the Red Army, located near the border of Poland with Russia, be immediately demolished.
I remind you that 600 thousand Soviet soldiers died during the liberation of Poland from the nazis
Polish russophobes can even light the Auschwitz furnaces in they want and climb into them, to spite Russia.
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Because this is what the ethno-Nationalists want, and why they side with Putin and not American and Western values.

I can already predict there will be close to 50 African-Americans killed hundreds shot this weekend and Democrat run cities. What do we do with democrats?
Because this is what the ethno-Nationalists want, and why they side with Putin and not American and Western values.

Polish Culture Minister Piotr Glinsky demanded that the Monument of Gratitude to the Red Army, located near the border of Poland with Russia, be immediately demolished.
I remind you that 600 thousand Soviet soldiers died during the liberation of Poland from the nazis
Polish russophobes can even light the Auschwitz furnaces in they want and climb into them, to spite Russia.

Nice selective recollection of history.

The Russians have never been the good guys.
Former prisoners of the illegal prison of the Aidar battalion in the village of Polovinkino, liberated by the forces of the LPR NM, visited their places of detention and torture for the first time and were able to tell about the crimes committed by nationalists, the correspondent of Donbass Today reports.

Fighters of the nationalist battalion "Aidar" abducted people and kept them in secret prisons. This was told by former prisoners who were subjected to terrible torture. According to one of the prisoners, Ivan Maslov, Aidar members interrogated prisoners in the "torture room", beating and using various methods of force.
Expect to see it soon on the TV screens of the West! Maybe not.
Definition of FASCISM:
"governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism."

Yep, Putin is a FASCIST.
Sounds a lot like Twinkle Toes Zelensky. Didn't he just purge a few generals, Hitler style?
Sounds a lot like Twinkle Toes Zelensky. Didn't he just purge a few generals, Hitler style?
Zelensky's military does NOT execute innocent civilians Hitler-style, like Putin's military does.
Zelensky has the respect of nearly ALL the democratic western world, unlike the war criminal Putin.
Are you a Russian ahole Nationalist like Putin? Is that why you support him?
Zelensky's military does NOT execute innocent civilians Hitler-style, like Putin's military does.
Zelensky has the respect of nearly ALL the democratic western world, unlike the war criminal Putin.
Are you a Russian ahole Nationalist like Putin? Is that why you support him?
Oh please, Azov and friends have been killing civilians for over eight years in Donbas.

The corrupt monkey in Kiev is a drama queen clown. If so-called leaders respect that scumbag, all more reason to leave NATO and leave this problem to the Europeans.

I get it, I don't agree with you so in your infantile mind I must be 'one of them'. Grow up.
Which American and Western values, specifically, are you referencing, Toro?

  • Self-determination
  • Sanctity of borders
  • Freedom
  • Democracy
  • Rule of law
I wish I could say that I thought you'd be smart enough to figure it out by yourself ...

But anti-American conspiracy theories 24/7 derp derp derp derp
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  • Self-determination
  • Sanctity of borders
  • Freedom
  • Democracy
I wish I could say that I thought you'd be smart enough to figure it out by yourself ...

But anti-American conspiracy theories 24/7 derp derp derp derp
Yet Biden follows none of values. Go figure.

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