Ethnomathematics - De-colonizing and de-privileging white mathematics


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Here is an article on the de-colonization of Mathematics from a professor in South Africa. It focuses on critically addressing the over-emphasis on deductive reasoning and empiricism in Western Mathematics.

Here is an interesting quote:

“Colonial education replaced indigenous math without any critical comparison,” he said in an email exchange in which he promoted the benefits of his methodology in the teaching of such subjects as calculus and geometry. Over the last decade, he has led workshops in normal mathematics to teachers and university students in India, Iran, and Malaysia.

Centering mathematics around deductive proof, as formal mathematics does, is mistaken, according to Raju. He argues that an overreliance on pure reason can lead to false knowledge: if the premises from which the reasoning begins are false, then so too is the knowledge."

Here is a link to the entire article.

In South Africa, 'Decolonizing' Mathematics

Here is another video titled "Science Must Fall" that proposes a similar revolution in Science.

Somehow, this just doesn't add up?

Here is an article on the de-colonization of Mathematics from a professor in South Africa. It focuses on critically addressing the over-emphasis on deductive reasoning and empiricism in Western Mathematics.

Here is an interesting quote:

“Colonial education replaced indigenous math without any critical comparison,” he said in an email exchange in which he promoted the benefits of his methodology in the teaching of such subjects as calculus and geometry. Over the last decade, he has led workshops in normal mathematics to teachers and university students in India, Iran, and Malaysia.

Centering mathematics around deductive proof, as formal mathematics does, is mistaken, according to Raju. He argues that an overreliance on pure reason can lead to false knowledge: if the premises from which the reasoning begins are false, then so too is the knowledge."

Here is a link to the entire article.

In South Africa, 'Decolonizing' Mathematics

Here is another video titled "Science Must Fall" that proposes a similar revolution in Science.

One thing's for sure, there’s no way I’d cross a bridge built on non-deductive principles.
I’d also be interested to know how one can identify ‘false reason’ without using deduction.
Indeed, none of this adds up including the assertion deductive reasoning was the exclusive property of Western mathematics. Oh well, sillyness knows no boundaries.
This is why some people never seem to advance, and actually "devolve"
It’s only one reason, there are far, far too many, the French de-constructionist movement being one of them. The list could go on and on and include a frightenly high percentage of ‘isms’.
Then we have 19th century irrationalism claiming to ‘enrich' life by expanding it beyond the rational to its 'fuller dimensions'. Rooted in an awareness of the ‘uniqueness' of human experience, irrationalism stressed the dimensions of feeling, instinct, and will as over and against reason. (Excuse all the quotation marks but this really is silly stuff.)
Again we run into that unique problem philosophers love to trigger. The meaning of ‘will’ in this context isn’t quite the same and the one Schopenhaur gleefully threw around when useing the term ‘will’. in his ’The World as Will and Representaion' Or is it?
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