EU economy grew faster than US last year

This country is gonna wake up a decade from now, just as we did with NAFTA and find ourselves on the outside looking in and white conservative mf's who rally for these bills, are gonna try and blame as they did with NAFTA, every gotdamned body but their sorry white ass's. We're gonna wake up and find the isolationist old mf's dead and gone, and the rest of us stuck in the 1930's with no trade partners, coal stacks all over the country, because we killed solar jobs with Trumps tarriffs and the rich sitting on top of the country's neck...ALL BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAD AGAIN, A FUCKIN HISSY FIT, BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO ALLOW OTHERS INTO THEIR GOOD OL BOY CLUB......MAY THEY ALL ROT IN HELL...AND YOU WILL!!
Even amongst whites it is an elite club or aristocrats that get the nod by the amount of value they be worth..
Jeff Bezos Owner of Amazon and the Washington Post(Compost) flaming liberal elite. Richest man in the world pays minimum wage to employees.
Bill Gates Owner of Microsoft and MSN - flaming liberal elite. Avoids paying taxes because of his charitable foundation.
Warren Buffet Owner of Berkshire Hathaway flaming liberal who had Obama nix the Keystone pipeline so his railroads could make him billions more. Avoids paying the same tax rate as his secretary(who pays more) but then tell US that we don't pay enough in taxes..
Seems that under Obumbler, the RICH got more RICHER while the middle class was squeezed into poverty.. Yet you are still stupid as fuck and don't realize that those working have gotten more of their money back, while fucks like you on welfare didn't. Want more, get a fucking job.
It's been going on since the age of inflation during Carter, where in the hell were you then? Welfare, prove I live on welfare assmunch..
Thanks for avoiding the truth that Obama and his liberal elites took you for the fool and raped your wallets...

View attachment 174215
My value increased during the recession, depends what basket you put your eggs into...My value will increase under Trump...It won't stop for me until death because I know what to buy and what to do with it. Sitting here on my 43 acre home I can tell you I suffer from no need to go to work if I don't wanna..
This country is gonna wake up a decade from now, just as we did with NAFTA and find ourselves on the outside looking in and white conservative mf's who rally for these bills, are gonna try and blame as they did with NAFTA, every gotdamned body but their sorry white ass's. We're gonna wake up and find the isolationist old mf's dead and gone, and the rest of us stuck in the 1930's with no trade partners, coal stacks all over the country, because we killed solar jobs with Trumps tarriffs and the rich sitting on top of the country's neck...ALL BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAD AGAIN, A FUCKIN HISSY FIT, BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO ALLOW OTHERS INTO THEIR GOOD OL BOY CLUB......MAY THEY ALL ROT IN HELL...AND YOU WILL!!
Even amongst whites it is an elite club or aristocrats that get the nod by the amount of value they be worth..
Jeff Bezos Owner of Amazon and the Washington Post(Compost) flaming liberal elite. Richest man in the world pays minimum wage to employees.
Bill Gates Owner of Microsoft and MSN - flaming liberal elite. Avoids paying taxes because of his charitable foundation.
Warren Buffet Owner of Berkshire Hathaway flaming liberal who had Obama nix the Keystone pipeline so his railroads could make him billions more. Avoids paying the same tax rate as his secretary(who pays more) but then tell US that we don't pay enough in taxes..
Seems that under Obumbler, the RICH got more RICHER while the middle class was squeezed into poverty.. Yet you are still stupid as fuck and don't realize that those working have gotten more of their money back, while fucks like you on welfare didn't. Want more, get a fucking job.
It's been going on since the age of inflation during Carter, where in the hell were you then? Welfare, prove I live on welfare assmunch..
Thanks for avoiding the truth that Obama and his liberal elites took you for the fool and raped your wallets...

View attachment 174215
My value increased during the recession, depends what basket you put your eggs into...My value will increase under Trump...It won't stop for me until death because I know what to buy and what to do with it. Sitting here on my 43 acre home I can tell you I suffer from no need to go to work if I don't wanna..
Damn, you sure act like the typical liberal who avoids paying his fair share and being equal with the rest of the poor, yet then demand the rest of US pay more in taxes. You must be the typical liberal hypocrite..and fucking insane also.

The US policies are responsible for making people “dead weight”. Your insistence that the middle class supplement the incomes of low wage workers through earned income credits and food stamps instead of raising the minimum wage, has created this mess.

Wrong. Low IQ types keep themselves at the bottom. Giving such people a higher minimum wage in no way creates more wealth. It’s completely artificial and all it does is cause
inflation to correct it.

Inflation? Just wait til the tax cuts start to strain the the deficit grows, inflation will follow. A matter of months...
As the deficit grows from 9 trillion to 19.5 trillion dollars under Obama? Love how you suddenly get Conservative with budget, when a Republican gets in office, while your homey Obumbler taxed the shit out of US and still increased the debt by 9.5 trillion.. Why should we listen to stupid fucks like you, when your side definitely screwed the pooch with all those taxes, that didn't fucking work other than taking from the middle class and made the uber liberal RICH, much RICHER.

I didn’t “suddenly get conservative”, I’ve always been a fiscal conservative.

Obama was handed an economy in economic freefall, shedding 500,000 jobs a month, and two expensive and useless wars. Had he cut the deficit, you wouldn’t have a country today. It would have descended into debts and economic chaos.

Every economy in the first world used deficit spending to prevent the recession from worsening, and like every other first world country, he used the stimulus of government spending to save your economy.

But Obama also reduced the deficit and had it down to less than one billion dollars before Trump’s election. Trump, who bills himself as the “King of Debt”, is now running the US economy the same way he ran his businesses, leading up to his 7 bankruptcies.

Funny how the deficit was down to 1 billion dollars, yet 9.5 trillion dollars were added under his watch, while the FED had printed 4 trillion dollars of FAUX money that someone still has to pay for...Yep, stupid is as stupid does and they vote Democrat..
This country is gonna wake up a decade from now, just as we did with NAFTA and find ourselves on the outside looking in and white conservative mf's who rally for these bills, are gonna try and blame as they did with NAFTA, every gotdamned body but their sorry white ass's. We're gonna wake up and find the isolationist old mf's dead and gone, and the rest of us stuck in the 1930's with no trade partners, coal stacks all over the country, because we killed solar jobs with Trumps tarriffs and the rich sitting on top of the country's neck...ALL BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAD AGAIN, A FUCKIN HISSY FIT, BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO ALLOW OTHERS INTO THEIR GOOD OL BOY CLUB......MAY THEY ALL ROT IN HELL...AND YOU WILL!!
Even amongst whites it is an elite club or aristocrats that get the nod by the amount of value they be worth..
Jeff Bezos Owner of Amazon and the Washington Post(Compost) flaming liberal elite. Richest man in the world pays minimum wage to employees.
Bill Gates Owner of Microsoft and MSN - flaming liberal elite. Avoids paying taxes because of his charitable foundation.
Warren Buffet Owner of Berkshire Hathaway flaming liberal who had Obama nix the Keystone pipeline so his railroads could make him billions more. Avoids paying the same tax rate as his secretary(who pays more) but then tell US that we don't pay enough in taxes..
Seems that under Obumbler, the RICH got more RICHER while the middle class was squeezed into poverty.. Yet you are still stupid as fuck and don't realize that those working have gotten more of their money back, while fucks like you on welfare didn't. Want more, get a fucking job.
It's been going on since the age of inflation during Carter, where in the hell were you then? Welfare, prove I live on welfare assmunch..
Thanks for avoiding the truth that Obama and his liberal elites took you for the fool and raped your wallets...

View attachment 174215
My value increased during the recession, depends what basket you put your eggs into...My value will increase under Trump...It won't stop for me until death because I know what to buy and what to do with it. Sitting here on my 43 acre home I can tell you I suffer from no need to go to work if I don't wanna..
300 million plus people in this country and its your kind calling all the shots in the Trump administration.....there but by the grace of God, can all you worship today, be gone 2mar....chump!!
Even amongst whites it is an elite club or aristocrats that get the nod by the amount of value they be worth..
Jeff Bezos Owner of Amazon and the Washington Post(Compost) flaming liberal elite. Richest man in the world pays minimum wage to employees.
Bill Gates Owner of Microsoft and MSN - flaming liberal elite. Avoids paying taxes because of his charitable foundation.
Warren Buffet Owner of Berkshire Hathaway flaming liberal who had Obama nix the Keystone pipeline so his railroads could make him billions more. Avoids paying the same tax rate as his secretary(who pays more) but then tell US that we don't pay enough in taxes..
Seems that under Obumbler, the RICH got more RICHER while the middle class was squeezed into poverty.. Yet you are still stupid as fuck and don't realize that those working have gotten more of their money back, while fucks like you on welfare didn't. Want more, get a fucking job.
It's been going on since the age of inflation during Carter, where in the hell were you then? Welfare, prove I live on welfare assmunch..
Thanks for avoiding the truth that Obama and his liberal elites took you for the fool and raped your wallets...

View attachment 174215
My value increased during the recession, depends what basket you put your eggs into...My value will increase under Trump...It won't stop for me until death because I know what to buy and what to do with it. Sitting here on my 43 acre home I can tell you I suffer from no need to go to work if I don't wanna..
300 million plus people in this country and its your kind calling all the shots in the Trump administration.....there but by the grace of God, can all you worship today, be gone 2mar....chump!!
If they are my kind why is weed illegal and hookers are locked up?
Jeff Bezos Owner of Amazon and the Washington Post(Compost) flaming liberal elite. Richest man in the world pays minimum wage to employees.
Bill Gates Owner of Microsoft and MSN - flaming liberal elite. Avoids paying taxes because of his charitable foundation.
Warren Buffet Owner of Berkshire Hathaway flaming liberal who had Obama nix the Keystone pipeline so his railroads could make him billions more. Avoids paying the same tax rate as his secretary(who pays more) but then tell US that we don't pay enough in taxes..
Seems that under Obumbler, the RICH got more RICHER while the middle class was squeezed into poverty.. Yet you are still stupid as fuck and don't realize that those working have gotten more of their money back, while fucks like you on welfare didn't. Want more, get a fucking job.
It's been going on since the age of inflation during Carter, where in the hell were you then? Welfare, prove I live on welfare assmunch..
Thanks for avoiding the truth that Obama and his liberal elites took you for the fool and raped your wallets...

View attachment 174215
My value increased during the recession, depends what basket you put your eggs into...My value will increase under Trump...It won't stop for me until death because I know what to buy and what to do with it. Sitting here on my 43 acre home I can tell you I suffer from no need to go to work if I don't wanna..
300 million plus people in this country and its your kind calling all the shots in the Trump administration.....there but by the grace of God, can all you worship today, be gone 2mar....chump!!
If they are my kind why is weed illegal and hookers are locked up?
Shit I don't know, why does Trump look Orange?
It's been going on since the age of inflation during Carter, where in the hell were you then? Welfare, prove I live on welfare assmunch..
Thanks for avoiding the truth that Obama and his liberal elites took you for the fool and raped your wallets...

View attachment 174215
My value increased during the recession, depends what basket you put your eggs into...My value will increase under Trump...It won't stop for me until death because I know what to buy and what to do with it. Sitting here on my 43 acre home I can tell you I suffer from no need to go to work if I don't wanna..
300 million plus people in this country and its your kind calling all the shots in the Trump administration.....there but by the grace of God, can all you worship today, be gone 2mar....chump!!
If they are my kind why is weed illegal and hookers are locked up?
Shit I don't know, why does Trump look Orange?
Why did the 1/2 white community agitator, who threw his white grandma under the bus, look black? While chumming up with the Whites up there in Martha's vineyard?
Even amongst whites it is an elite club or aristocrats that get the nod by the amount of value they be worth..
Jeff Bezos Owner of Amazon and the Washington Post(Compost) flaming liberal elite. Richest man in the world pays minimum wage to employees.
Bill Gates Owner of Microsoft and MSN - flaming liberal elite. Avoids paying taxes because of his charitable foundation.
Warren Buffet Owner of Berkshire Hathaway flaming liberal who had Obama nix the Keystone pipeline so his railroads could make him billions more. Avoids paying the same tax rate as his secretary(who pays more) but then tell US that we don't pay enough in taxes..
Seems that under Obumbler, the RICH got more RICHER while the middle class was squeezed into poverty.. Yet you are still stupid as fuck and don't realize that those working have gotten more of their money back, while fucks like you on welfare didn't. Want more, get a fucking job.
It's been going on since the age of inflation during Carter, where in the hell were you then? Welfare, prove I live on welfare assmunch..
Thanks for avoiding the truth that Obama and his liberal elites took you for the fool and raped your wallets...

View attachment 174215
My value increased during the recession, depends what basket you put your eggs into...My value will increase under Trump...It won't stop for me until death because I know what to buy and what to do with it. Sitting here on my 43 acre home I can tell you I suffer from no need to go to work if I don't wanna..
Damn, you sure act like the typical liberal who avoids paying his fair share and being equal with the rest of the poor, yet then demand the rest of US pay more in taxes. You must be the typical liberal hypocrite..and fucking insane also.

View attachment 174218
I really don't care what you think or suppose since your negative outlook on all except yourself lead you to your own form of dementia..
Wow, if the E.U. beat a 2,000 point gain in the DOW last year I wonder how they did during the eight (long) stagnant Hussein years.
Jeff Bezos Owner of Amazon and the Washington Post(Compost) flaming liberal elite. Richest man in the world pays minimum wage to employees.
Bill Gates Owner of Microsoft and MSN - flaming liberal elite. Avoids paying taxes because of his charitable foundation.
Warren Buffet Owner of Berkshire Hathaway flaming liberal who had Obama nix the Keystone pipeline so his railroads could make him billions more. Avoids paying the same tax rate as his secretary(who pays more) but then tell US that we don't pay enough in taxes..
Seems that under Obumbler, the RICH got more RICHER while the middle class was squeezed into poverty.. Yet you are still stupid as fuck and don't realize that those working have gotten more of their money back, while fucks like you on welfare didn't. Want more, get a fucking job.
It's been going on since the age of inflation during Carter, where in the hell were you then? Welfare, prove I live on welfare assmunch..
Thanks for avoiding the truth that Obama and his liberal elites took you for the fool and raped your wallets...

View attachment 174215
My value increased during the recession, depends what basket you put your eggs into...My value will increase under Trump...It won't stop for me until death because I know what to buy and what to do with it. Sitting here on my 43 acre home I can tell you I suffer from no need to go to work if I don't wanna..
Damn, you sure act like the typical liberal who avoids paying his fair share and being equal with the rest of the poor, yet then demand the rest of US pay more in taxes. You must be the typical liberal hypocrite..and fucking insane also.

View attachment 174218
I really don't care what you think or suppose since your negative outlook on all except yourself lead you to your own form of dementia..
I am only out for me and my family, the rest of you can go to fucking hell. If you cant make it in the world today, then you deserve all the MISERY and POVERTY that you liberals vote for...The rest of US who can make it on our own, don't need your worthless drugged stupidity..
How so?
China brings jobs to America and expands the tax base.
fossil fuels are simply that; why do they need a subsidy that could be used for something else.

What subsidy?
The gov makes more off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do.
Are you on the right wing?

Fossil Fuel Subsidies & Finance - Oil Change International

Yep...and I worked in the oil industry for a large portion of my career.
why does a fossil fuel sector need subsidies over a renewable energy sector, as any form of priority?

Why does renewable energy get subsidies?
Oh yeah....because they'd fail without them.

Debunking Myths About Federal Oil & Gas Subsidies
fossil fuels are simply that; why do they need a subsidy that could be used for something else.

What subsidy?
The gov makes more off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do.
Are you on the right wing?

Fossil Fuel Subsidies & Finance - Oil Change International

Yep...and I worked in the oil industry for a large portion of my career.
why does a fossil fuel sector need subsidies over a renewable energy sector, as any form of priority?

Why does renewable energy get subsidies?
Oh yeah....because they'd fail without them.

Debunking Myths About Federal Oil & Gas Subsidies
It is new technology that is improving everyday.
What subsidy?
The gov makes more off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do.
Are you on the right wing?

Fossil Fuel Subsidies & Finance - Oil Change International

Yep...and I worked in the oil industry for a large portion of my career.
why does a fossil fuel sector need subsidies over a renewable energy sector, as any form of priority?

Why does renewable energy get subsidies?
Oh yeah....because they'd fail without them.

Debunking Myths About Federal Oil & Gas Subsidies
It is new technology that is improving everyday.

Yeah....Solyndra really made leaps and bounds.

Yep...and I worked in the oil industry for a large portion of my career.
why does a fossil fuel sector need subsidies over a renewable energy sector, as any form of priority?

Why does renewable energy get subsidies?
Oh yeah....because they'd fail without them.

Debunking Myths About Federal Oil & Gas Subsidies
It is new technology that is improving everyday.

Yeah....Solyndra really made leaps and bounds.
Sinking costs in new technologies still helps advance progress and science.

Fossil fuels also produce pollution.
Yep...and I worked in the oil industry for a large portion of my career.
why does a fossil fuel sector need subsidies over a renewable energy sector, as any form of priority?

Why does renewable energy get subsidies?
Oh yeah....because they'd fail without them.

Debunking Myths About Federal Oil & Gas Subsidies
It is new technology that is improving everyday.

Yeah....Solyndra really made leaps and bounds.
Sinking costs in new technologies still helps advance progress and science.

Fossil fuels also produce pollution.

Let the market decide.
I'm not opposed to renewables just the cost to American taxpayers.
why does a fossil fuel sector need subsidies over a renewable energy sector, as any form of priority?

Why does renewable energy get subsidies?
Oh yeah....because they'd fail without them.

Debunking Myths About Federal Oil & Gas Subsidies
It is new technology that is improving everyday.

Yeah....Solyndra really made leaps and bounds.
Sinking costs in new technologies still helps advance progress and science.

Fossil fuels also produce pollution.

Let the market decide.
I'm not opposed to renewables just the cost to American taxpayers.
No more toxic spills with solar; that is cost saving the right wing doesn't like to pay for, anyway.
Why does renewable energy get subsidies?
Oh yeah....because they'd fail without them.

Debunking Myths About Federal Oil & Gas Subsidies
It is new technology that is improving everyday.

Yeah....Solyndra really made leaps and bounds.
Sinking costs in new technologies still helps advance progress and science.

Fossil fuels also produce pollution.

Let the market decide.
I'm not opposed to renewables just the cost to American taxpayers.
No more toxic spills with solar; that is cost saving the right wing doesn't like to pay for, anyway.

Why'll that may be,it's still not efficient enough nor is it ready to be a mainstream source of power.
It is new technology that is improving everyday.

Yeah....Solyndra really made leaps and bounds.
Sinking costs in new technologies still helps advance progress and science.

Fossil fuels also produce pollution.

Let the market decide.
I'm not opposed to renewables just the cost to American taxpayers.
No more toxic spills with solar; that is cost saving the right wing doesn't like to pay for, anyway.

Why'll that may be,it's still not efficient enough nor is it ready to be a mainstream source of power.
It isn't the only one. Wind and geothermal energies are also being advanced.

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