EU economy grew faster than US last year

Europe doesn’t have the huge burden of carrying dead weight like the US does. Blacks and Latinos are so uneducated, have the highest rate standards of crime, and don’t produce as much as others. It’s a great drain on an economy that most of Europe doesn’t have to deal with.
It’s a great drain on an economy that most of Europe doesn’t have to deal with.
Yet... Europe is seeing an influx of migration from Africa not only of fleeing Christians from Persecution but the Radical Muslims who are chasing said Christians. These blacks have no skills, so become very burdensome on their new Countries, and in many no go zones, welfare is rampant. Soon White Europe will be non existent as the Radicals of the Left and Islam are killing their own people off. If Hitlery would of been elected the United States would be the same.

EUROPE'S NO-GO ZONES: List of 900 EU areas where police have 'LOST CONTROL' to migrants
EUROPE has nearly a thousand 'no-go' areas where authorities have simply lost control due to the high number of immigrants, it was sensationally claimed tonight.
These are the same people who take trucks and cars and run over innocent men, women and children in the name of Allah.. The stupidity of the liberal, knows no bounds.


Europe doesn’t have the huge burden of carrying dead weight like the US does. Blacks and Latinos are so uneducated, have the highest rate standards of crime, and don’t produce as much as others. It’s a great drain on an economy that most of Europe doesn’t have to deal with.

The US policies are responsible for making people “dead weight”. Your insistence that the middle class supplement the incomes of low wage workers through earned income credits and food stamps instead of raising the minimum wage, has created this mess.

Wrong. Low IQ types keep themselves at the bottom. Giving such people a higher minimum wage in no way creates more wealth. It’s completely artificial and all it does is cause
inflation to correct it.

Inflation? Just wait til the tax cuts start to strain the the deficit grows, inflation will follow. A matter of months...
As the deficit grows from 9 trillion to 19.5 trillion dollars under Obama? Love how you suddenly get Conservative with budget, when a Republican gets in office, while your homey Obumbler taxed the shit out of US and still increased the debt by 9.5 trillion.. Why should we listen to stupid fucks like you, when your side definitely screwed the pooch with all those taxes, that didn't fucking work other than taking from the middle class and made the uber liberal RICH, much RICHER.


Europe doesn’t have the huge burden of carrying dead weight like the US does. Blacks and Latinos are so uneducated, have the highest rate standards of crime, and don’t produce as much as others. It’s a great drain on an economy that most of Europe doesn’t have to deal with.
It’s a great drain on an economy that most of Europe doesn’t have to deal with.
Yet... Europe is seeing an influx of migration from Africa not only of fleeing Christians from Persecution but the Radical Muslims who are chasing said Christians. These blacks have no skills, so become very burdensome on their new Countries, and in many no go zones, welfare is rampant. Soon White Europe will be non existent as the Radicals of the Left and Islam are killing their own people off. If Hitlery would of been elected the United States would be the same.

EUROPE'S NO-GO ZONES: List of 900 EU areas where police have 'LOST CONTROL' to migrants
EUROPE has nearly a thousand 'no-go' areas where authorities have simply lost control due to the high number of immigrants, it was sensationally claimed tonight.
These are the same people who take trucks and cars and run over innocent men, women and children in the name of Allah.. The stupidity of the liberal, knows no bounds.

View attachment 174193

And the EU still grew more economically than the US. Please stick to the thread topic.

Europe doesn’t have the huge burden of carrying dead weight like the US does. Blacks and Latinos are so uneducated, have the highest rate standards of crime, and don’t produce as much as others. It’s a great drain on an economy that most of Europe doesn’t have to deal with.

The US policies are responsible for making people “dead weight”. Your insistence that the middle class supplement the incomes of low wage workers through earned income credits and food stamps instead of raising the minimum wage, has created this mess.

Wrong. Low IQ types keep themselves at the bottom. Giving such people a higher minimum wage in no way creates more wealth. It’s completely artificial and all it does is cause
inflation to correct it.

Inflation? Just wait til the tax cuts start to strain the the deficit grows, inflation will follow. A matter of months...
As the deficit grows from 9 trillion to 19.5 trillion dollars under Obama? Love how you suddenly get Conservative with budget, when a Republican gets in office, while your homey Obumbler taxed the shit out of US and still increased the debt by 9.5 trillion.. Why should we listen to stupid fucks like you, when your side definitely screwed the pooch with all those taxes, that didn't fucking work other than taking from the middle class and made the uber liberal RICH, much RICHER.

I didn’t “suddenly get conservative”, I’ve always been a fiscal conservative.

Obama was handed an economy in economic freefall, shedding 500,000 jobs a month, and two expensive and useless wars. Had he cut the deficit, you wouldn’t have a country today. It would have descended into debts and economic chaos.

Every economy in the first world used deficit spending to prevent the recession from worsening, and like every other first world country, he used the stimulus of government spending to save your economy.

But Obama also reduced the deficit and had it down to less than one billion dollars before Trump’s election. Trump, who bills himself as the “King of Debt”, is now running the US economy the same way he ran his businesses, leading up to his 7 bankruptcies.
Europe doesn’t have the huge burden of carrying dead weight like the US does. Blacks and Latinos are so uneducated, have the highest rate standards of crime, and don’t produce as much as others. It’s a great drain on an economy that most of Europe doesn’t have to deal with.

The US policies are responsible for making people “dead weight”. Your insistence that the middle class supplement the incomes of low wage workers through earned income credits and food stamps instead of raising the minimum wage, has created this mess.

Wrong. Low IQ types keep themselves at the bottom. Giving such people a higher minimum wage in no way creates more wealth. It’s completely artificial and all it does is cause
inflation to correct it.

Inflation? Just wait til the tax cuts start to strain the the deficit grows, inflation will follow. A matter of months...
As the deficit grows from 9 trillion to 19.5 trillion dollars under Obama? Love how you suddenly get Conservative with budget, when a Republican gets in office, while your homey Obumbler taxed the shit out of US and still increased the debt by 9.5 trillion.. Why should we listen to stupid fucks like you, when your side definitely screwed the pooch with all those taxes, that didn't fucking work other than taking from the middle class and made the uber liberal RICH, much RICHER.

I didn’t “suddenly get conservative”, I’ve always been a fiscal conservative.

Obama was handed an economy in economic freefall, shedding 500,000 jobs a month, and two expensive and useless wars. Had he cut the deficit, you wouldn’t have a country today. It would have descended into debts and economic chaos.

Every economy in the first world used deficit spending to prevent the recession from worsening, and like every other first world country, he used the stimulus of government spending to save your economy.

But Obama also reduced the deficit and had it down to less than one billion dollars before Trump’s election. Trump, who bills himself as the “King of Debt”, is now running the US economy the same way he ran his businesses, leading up to his 7 bankruptcies.

If Obama had listened to Republicans and used the Great Bush Recession as a time to balance the budget, we would have been thrown into a full Depression
Europe doesn’t have the huge burden of carrying dead weight like the US does. Blacks and Latinos are so uneducated, have the highest rate standards of crime, and don’t produce as much as others. It’s a great drain on an economy that most of Europe doesn’t have to deal with.

The US policies are responsible for making people “dead weight”. Your insistence that the middle class supplement the incomes of low wage workers through earned income credits and food stamps instead of raising the minimum wage, has created this mess.

Wrong. Low IQ types keep themselves at the bottom. Giving such people a higher minimum wage in no way creates more wealth. It’s completely artificial and all it does is cause
inflation to correct it.

Inflation? Just wait til the tax cuts start to strain the the deficit grows, inflation will follow. A matter of months...
As the deficit grows from 9 trillion to 19.5 trillion dollars under Obama? Love how you suddenly get Conservative with budget, when a Republican gets in office, while your homey Obumbler taxed the shit out of US and still increased the debt by 9.5 trillion.. Why should we listen to stupid fucks like you, when your side definitely screwed the pooch with all those taxes, that didn't fucking work other than taking from the middle class and made the uber liberal RICH, much RICHER.

I didn’t “suddenly get conservative”, I’ve always been a fiscal conservative.

Obama was handed an economy in economic freefall, shedding 500,000 jobs a month, and two expensive and useless wars. Had he cut the deficit, you wouldn’t have a country today. It would have descended into debts and economic chaos.

Every economy in the first world used deficit spending to prevent the recession from worsening, and like every other first world country, he used the stimulus of government spending to save your economy.

But Obama also reduced the deficit and had it down to less than one billion dollars before Trump’s election. Trump, who bills himself as the “King of Debt”, is now running the US economy the same way he ran his businesses, leading up to his 7 bankruptcies.

Did you vote for Obama, because of White Guilt the first time or the Fundamental Transformation of America, with Shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready and the 1 tilllion dollars cash for clunkers act? Did you vote for Obummber the second time knowing that it was he, lunatic Nancy Pelosi, and Dirty Harry Reid that enacted the Unaffordable Care Act that was supposed to save you $2,500 but added about 3 trillion dollars to the debt? SUUURRRREEEE<Sarcasm> you are a fiscal conservative, and you are also a lying bitch.
Europe doesn’t have the huge burden of carrying dead weight like the US does. Blacks and Latinos are so uneducated, have the highest rate standards of crime, and don’t produce as much as others. It’s a great drain on an economy that most of Europe doesn’t have to deal with.

The US policies are responsible for making people “dead weight”. Your insistence that the middle class supplement the incomes of low wage workers through earned income credits and food stamps instead of raising the minimum wage, has created this mess.

Wrong. Low IQ types keep themselves at the bottom. Giving such people a higher minimum wage in no way creates more wealth. It’s completely artificial and all it does is cause
inflation to correct it.

Inflation? Just wait til the tax cuts start to strain the the deficit grows, inflation will follow. A matter of months...
As the deficit grows from 9 trillion to 19.5 trillion dollars under Obama? Love how you suddenly get Conservative with budget, when a Republican gets in office, while your homey Obumbler taxed the shit out of US and still increased the debt by 9.5 trillion.. Why should we listen to stupid fucks like you, when your side definitely screwed the pooch with all those taxes, that didn't fucking work other than taking from the middle class and made the uber liberal RICH, much RICHER.

I didn’t “suddenly get conservative”, I’ve always been a fiscal conservative.

Obama was handed an economy in economic freefall, shedding 500,000 jobs a month, and two expensive and useless wars. Had he cut the deficit, you wouldn’t have a country today. It would have descended into debts and economic chaos.

Every economy in the first world used deficit spending to prevent the recession from worsening, and like every other first world country, he used the stimulus of government spending to save your economy.

But Obama also reduced the deficit and had it down to less than one billion dollars before Trump’s election. Trump, who bills himself as the “King of Debt”, is now running the US economy the same way he ran his businesses, leading up to his 7 bankruptcies.

Funny how the deficit was down to 1 billion dollars, yet 9.5 trillion dollars were added under his watch, while the FED had printed 4 trillion dollars of FAUX money that someone still has to pay for...Yep, stupid is as stupid does and they vote Democrat..
wasting good money after bad?

How so?
China brings jobs to America and expands the tax base.
fossil fuels are simply that; why do they need a subsidy that could be used for something else.

What subsidy?
The gov makes more off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do.
Are you on the right wing?

Fossil Fuel Subsidies & Finance - Oil Change International

Yep...and I worked in the oil industry for a large portion of my career.
why does a fossil fuel sector need subsidies over a renewable energy sector, as any form of priority?
This country is gonna wake up a decade from now, just as we did with NAFTA and find ourselves on the outside looking in and white conservative mf's who rally for these bills, are gonna try and blame as they did with NAFTA, every gotdamned body but their sorry white ass's. We're gonna wake up and find the isolationist old mf's dead and gone, and the rest of us stuck in the 1930's with no trade partners, coal stacks all over the country, because we killed solar jobs with Trumps tarriffs and the rich sitting on top of the country's neck...ALL BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAD AGAIN, A FUCKIN HISSY FIT, BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO ALLOW OTHERS INTO THEIR GOOD OL BOY CLUB......MAY THEY ALL ROT IN HELL...AND YOU WILL!!
The Europeans are looking to expand trade in all parts of the world. Whereas the Trump admin is moving more and more toward an isolationist stance that will cost the US dearly in the long run as Asia, the Pacific Rim Nations, and Europe expand trade with each other. You look at what China is doing, and you see who will be the world's leading nation in 2030. Thank you, Trump and GOP for your blinding the nation.
I guess you never studied history? That the United States all by itself has more resources than all the rest of the world? Which is why all the rest of the World wants to take what is ours by deception through redistribution of wealth with Climate Change. Shut the fucking borders, get our house in order, create out own goods, Make America Great Again.. Oh yeah, and send the worthless bed wetting liberals to Cuba.
We don't have but 1% bauxite deposits..
This country is gonna wake up a decade from now, just as we did with NAFTA and find ourselves on the outside looking in and white conservative mf's who rally for these bills, are gonna try and blame as they did with NAFTA, every gotdamned body but their sorry white ass's. We're gonna wake up and find the isolationist old mf's dead and gone, and the rest of us stuck in the 1930's with no trade partners, coal stacks all over the country, because we killed solar jobs with Trumps tarriffs and the rich sitting on top of the country's neck...ALL BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAD AGAIN, A FUCKIN HISSY FIT, BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO ALLOW OTHERS INTO THEIR GOOD OL BOY CLUB......MAY THEY ALL ROT IN HELL...AND YOU WILL!!
Even amongst whites it is an elite club or aristocrats that get the nod by the amount of value they be worth..
This country is gonna wake up a decade from now, just as we did with NAFTA and find ourselves on the outside looking in and white conservative mf's who rally for these bills, are gonna try and blame as they did with NAFTA, every gotdamned body but their sorry white ass's. We're gonna wake up and find the isolationist old mf's dead and gone, and the rest of us stuck in the 1930's with no trade partners, coal stacks all over the country, because we killed solar jobs with Trumps tarriffs and the rich sitting on top of the country's neck...ALL BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAD AGAIN, A FUCKIN HISSY FIT, BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO ALLOW OTHERS INTO THEIR GOOD OL BOY CLUB......MAY THEY ALL ROT IN HELL...AND YOU WILL!!
Even amongst whites it is an elite club or aristocrats that get the nod by the amount of value they be worth..
Jeff Bezos Owner of Amazon and the Washington Post(Compost) flaming liberal elite. Richest man in the world pays minimum wage to employees.
Bill Gates Owner of Microsoft and MSN - flaming liberal elite. Avoids paying taxes because of his charitable foundation.
Warren Buffet Owner of Berkshire Hathaway flaming liberal who had Obama nix the Keystone pipeline so his railroads could make him billions more. Avoids paying the same tax rate as his secretary(who pays more) but then tell US that we don't pay enough in taxes..
Seems that under Obumbler, the RICH got more RICHER while the middle class was squeezed into poverty.. Yet you are still stupid as fuck and don't realize that those working have gotten more of their money back, while fucks like you on welfare didn't. Want more, get a fucking job.
This country is gonna wake up a decade from now, just as we did with NAFTA and find ourselves on the outside looking in and white conservative mf's who rally for these bills, are gonna try and blame as they did with NAFTA, every gotdamned body but their sorry white ass's. We're gonna wake up and find the isolationist old mf's dead and gone, and the rest of us stuck in the 1930's with no trade partners, coal stacks all over the country, because we killed solar jobs with Trumps tarriffs and the rich sitting on top of the country's neck...ALL BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAD AGAIN, A FUCKIN HISSY FIT, BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO ALLOW OTHERS INTO THEIR GOOD OL BOY CLUB......MAY THEY ALL ROT IN HELL...AND YOU WILL!!
Even amongst whites it is an elite club or aristocrats that get the nod by the amount of value they be worth..
Jeff Bezos Owner of Amazon and the Washington Post(Compost) flaming liberal elite. Richest man in the world pays minimum wage to employees.
Bill Gates Owner of Microsoft and MSN - flaming liberal elite. Avoids paying taxes because of his charitable foundation.
Warren Buffet Owner of Berkshire Hathaway flaming liberal who had Obama nix the Keystone pipeline so his railroads could make him billions more. Avoids paying the same tax rate as his secretary(who pays more) but then tell US that we don't pay enough in taxes..
Seems that under Obumbler, the RICH got more RICHER while the middle class was squeezed into poverty.. Yet you are still stupid as fuck and don't realize that those working have gotten more of their money back, while fucks like you on welfare didn't. Want more, get a fucking job.
It's been going on since the age of inflation during Carter, where in the hell were you then? Welfare, prove I live on welfare assmunch..
This country is gonna wake up a decade from now, just as we did with NAFTA and find ourselves on the outside looking in and white conservative mf's who rally for these bills, are gonna try and blame as they did with NAFTA, every gotdamned body but their sorry white ass's. We're gonna wake up and find the isolationist old mf's dead and gone, and the rest of us stuck in the 1930's with no trade partners, coal stacks all over the country, because we killed solar jobs with Trumps tarriffs and the rich sitting on top of the country's neck...ALL BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAD AGAIN, A FUCKIN HISSY FIT, BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO ALLOW OTHERS INTO THEIR GOOD OL BOY CLUB......MAY THEY ALL ROT IN HELL...AND YOU WILL!!
Even amongst whites it is an elite club or aristocrats that get the nod by the amount of value they be worth..
Jeff Bezos Owner of Amazon and the Washington Post(Compost) flaming liberal elite. Richest man in the world pays minimum wage to employees.
Bill Gates Owner of Microsoft and MSN - flaming liberal elite. Avoids paying taxes because of his charitable foundation.
Warren Buffet Owner of Berkshire Hathaway flaming liberal who had Obama nix the Keystone pipeline so his railroads could make him billions more. Avoids paying the same tax rate as his secretary(who pays more) but then tell US that we don't pay enough in taxes..
Seems that under Obumbler, the RICH got more RICHER while the middle class was squeezed into poverty.. Yet you are still stupid as fuck and don't realize that those working have gotten more of their money back, while fucks like you on welfare didn't. Want more, get a fucking job.
It's been going on since the age of inflation during Carter, where in the hell were you then? Welfare, prove I live on welfare assmunch..
I assume you are a welfare recipient because of the way you hate the tax break for those that do work. If you are working, then since you are a liberal, you must give the tax break back to the government, thus helping pay down the debt, making President Trump look good, or you could keep the tax break and spend the money or invest it, thus helping the economy and paying the debt down with increased tax revenues, thus making President Trump look good. Seems that no matter what you do, President Trump is going to look good and you libtards are going to look more the fool. President Trump is a genius at trolling you libs..
This country is gonna wake up a decade from now, just as we did with NAFTA and find ourselves on the outside looking in and white conservative mf's who rally for these bills, are gonna try and blame as they did with NAFTA, every gotdamned body but their sorry white ass's. We're gonna wake up and find the isolationist old mf's dead and gone, and the rest of us stuck in the 1930's with no trade partners, coal stacks all over the country, because we killed solar jobs with Trumps tarriffs and the rich sitting on top of the country's neck...ALL BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAD AGAIN, A FUCKIN HISSY FIT, BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO ALLOW OTHERS INTO THEIR GOOD OL BOY CLUB......MAY THEY ALL ROT IN HELL...AND YOU WILL!!
Even amongst whites it is an elite club or aristocrats that get the nod by the amount of value they be worth..
Jeff Bezos Owner of Amazon and the Washington Post(Compost) flaming liberal elite. Richest man in the world pays minimum wage to employees.
Bill Gates Owner of Microsoft and MSN - flaming liberal elite. Avoids paying taxes because of his charitable foundation.
Warren Buffet Owner of Berkshire Hathaway flaming liberal who had Obama nix the Keystone pipeline so his railroads could make him billions more. Avoids paying the same tax rate as his secretary(who pays more) but then tell US that we don't pay enough in taxes..
Seems that under Obumbler, the RICH got more RICHER while the middle class was squeezed into poverty.. Yet you are still stupid as fuck and don't realize that those working have gotten more of their money back, while fucks like you on welfare didn't. Want more, get a fucking job.
It's been going on since the age of inflation during Carter, where in the hell were you then? Welfare, prove I live on welfare assmunch..
Thanks for avoiding the truth that Obama and his liberal elites took you for the fool and raped your wallets...

This country is gonna wake up a decade from now, just as we did with NAFTA and find ourselves on the outside looking in and white conservative mf's who rally for these bills, are gonna try and blame as they did with NAFTA, every gotdamned body but their sorry white ass's. We're gonna wake up and find the isolationist old mf's dead and gone, and the rest of us stuck in the 1930's with no trade partners, coal stacks all over the country, because we killed solar jobs with Trumps tarriffs and the rich sitting on top of the country's neck...ALL BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAD AGAIN, A FUCKIN HISSY FIT, BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO ALLOW OTHERS INTO THEIR GOOD OL BOY CLUB......MAY THEY ALL ROT IN HELL...AND YOU WILL!!
Even amongst whites it is an elite club or aristocrats that get the nod by the amount of value they be worth..
Jeff Bezos Owner of Amazon and the Washington Post(Compost) flaming liberal elite. Richest man in the world pays minimum wage to employees.
Bill Gates Owner of Microsoft and MSN - flaming liberal elite. Avoids paying taxes because of his charitable foundation.
Warren Buffet Owner of Berkshire Hathaway flaming liberal who had Obama nix the Keystone pipeline so his railroads could make him billions more. Avoids paying the same tax rate as his secretary(who pays more) but then tell US that we don't pay enough in taxes..
Seems that under Obumbler, the RICH got more RICHER while the middle class was squeezed into poverty.. Yet you are still stupid as fuck and don't realize that those working have gotten more of their money back, while fucks like you on welfare didn't. Want more, get a fucking job.
It's been going on since the age of inflation during Carter, where in the hell were you then? Welfare, prove I live on welfare assmunch..
I assume you are a welfare recipient because of the way you hate the tax break for those that do work. If you are working, then since you are a liberal, you must give the tax break back to the government, thus helping pay down the debt, making President Trump look good, or you could keep the tax break and spend the money or invest it, thus helping the economy and paying the debt down with increased tax revenues, thus making President Trump look good. Seems that no matter what you do, President Trump is going to look good and you libtards are going to look more the fool. President Trump is a genius at trolling you libs..
I don't pay taxes, I know how to do play tax avoision like the big boys(I run my own company and have for 35 years)....I couldn't give two shitz about your theories on how people live cause I could give a fuck about how you live, earn a living, shit or what you wear.. I really don't give any fuck whatsoever.. I have a life to live and judging how everyone else lives is not my bag....Fuck you and your sanctimonious ego and the rest of your elitist so called christian conservatives/gop...You have and will continue to kiss my ass 'cause I won't play your game or the dems....

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