EU to vote on porn ban

It isn't porn, it's the erosion of people's Freedoms to be able to decide for themselves. Well I don't condone porn, I do condone the Right of people to sell it.

So your ok with porn but not people selling it?:confused:
Psssh, being anti-porn isn't a Muslim thing. :rolleyes: I had a Christian poster tell me porn kills. The Catholic church teaches that masturbation is a sin, that's its better to have sex with a prostitute than to masturbate.
Psssh, being anti-porn isn't a Muslim thing. :rolleyes: I had a Christian poster tell me porn kills. The Catholic church teaches that masturbation is a sin, that's its better to have sex with a prostitute than to masturbate.

This may be true but I don't see any Christian countries banning porn and making it illegal, not yet anyways.
Psssh, being anti-porn isn't a Muslim thing. :rolleyes: I had a Christian poster tell me porn kills. The Catholic church teaches that masturbation is a sin, that's its better to have sex with a prostitute than to masturbate.

This may be true but I don't see any Christian countries banning porn and making it illegal, not yet anyways.


The dominate religion in the EU is Christianity. Last I checked there were no Muslim nations in the EU.
Psssh, being anti-porn isn't a Muslim thing. :rolleyes: I had a Christian poster tell me porn kills. The Catholic church teaches that masturbation is a sin, that's its better to have sex with a prostitute than to masturbate.

This may be true but I don't see any Christian countries banning porn and making it illegal, not yet anyways.


The dominate religion in the EU is Christianity. Last I checked there were no Muslim nations in the EU.

The argument is the porn ban has come up because of the rising influence of their growing Muslim population, you don't think this is true? there are already Sharia courts popping up in England and no drinking zones where Muslims live.
This may be true but I don't see any Christian countries banning porn and making it illegal, not yet anyways.


The dominate religion in the EU is Christianity. Last I checked there were no Muslim nations in the EU.

The argument is the porn ban has come up because of the rising influence of their growing Muslim population, you don't think this is true? there are already Sharia courts popping up in England and no drinking zones where Muslims live.

Less then 5% of the entire population of the EU is Muslim. The fear of "rising Muslim influence" is just that, a fear. Not based in reality.
Psssh, being anti-porn isn't a Muslim thing. :rolleyes: I had a Christian poster tell me porn kills. The Catholic church teaches that masturbation is a sin, that's its better to have sex with a prostitute than to masturbate.

This may be true but I don't see any Christian countries banning porn and making it illegal, not yet anyways.


The dominate religion in the EU is Christianity. Last I checked there were no Muslim nations in the EU.

Europe prides itself on its progressive secularism.

?All states in Europe are moving towards secularism? ? EHF President

That's their intent but through immigration and a lopsided birth rate, muslims are gaining ground in becoming a minority with a significant enough percentage to make its influence felt.

If this was being done by Christians, you could bet that the police would be making mass arrests. The public would be screaming that those Christians need to be put in their place. These public displays would not continue.

European porn ban rejected ? barely | Fox News

It was rejected. Also, it was a non binding proposal that would have simply laid down recommendations and had no power to enforce any of it.

It was barely rejected, it will come again and again and again, as many times as is necessary. After the recommendations will come the laws. Just like the US. First you have recommendations, then you get the laws. Especially as fundamentalism grows and becomes even more significant.

It would be different if the muslims coming to Europe or born in Europe were becoming more secular and European, but they aren't. They are instead attracting converts to fundamentalism.

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