Europe is only fucking over their own people with Sanctions on Russia.

You are killing Ukrainians. We support the right of Ukraine to choose its own destiny. You are not "weeding out the terror," you are causing terror by bombings of cities and the deaths of innocents.
I liked it when someone said here that Americans are stupid, at least half of them.
But maybe it's just CNN that makes others believe that you are. I can even assume that you are a loving father or whachamacallit now, that you really care for those suffering in Ukraine at the moment, but why the heck there hasn't been a squeak from you when those same Ukrainians only from Donbass suffered for eight years, 15000 of them dead now?
I liked it when someone said here that Americans are stupid, at least half of them.
But maybe it's just CNN that makes others believe that you are. I can even assume that you are a loving father or whachamacallit now, that you really care for those suffering in Ukraine at the moment, but why the heck there hasn't been a squeak from you when those same Ukrainians only from Donbass suffered for eight years, 15000 of them dead now?
There were roughly 13,000 casualties in the War in Donbas. A war instigated by Russia to aid the breakaway oblasks of Donetsk and Luhansk following the Russian annexation of Crimea. Putin's military involvement is responsible for those deaths not to mention the deaths of 298 passengers on Malaysia Airline Flight 17.

Putin seeks Ukraine as just another area to rob for his kleptomania regime.
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There were roughly 13,000 casualties in the War in Donbas. A war instigated by Russia to aid the breakaway oblasks of Donetsk and Luhansk following the Russian annexation of Crimea. Putin's policies are responsible for those deaths not to mention the deaths of 298 passengers on Malaysia Airline Flight 17.

Putin seeks Ukraine as just another area to rob for his kleptomania regime. Why do you insist in being a Putin Mizhik?
You are confusing cause and effect. Maidan aka the coup was the cause the rest the effect. Why do you think they broke away all of a sudden?
That's ridiculous, but lets see how you can't and won't even try to prove it.
You need to watch for subtle Putin Propagandist. They will try their best to say sanctions on Russia are hurting the west more than Russia...which is BS.
Germans especially should enjoy thrir high gas prices and energy bills and can thank thrir chancellor Scholz for that.

Gazprom is now redirecting gas to China via mongolia. They will make for grest costumers.
Russian Propaganda 101

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