Europe Laments, "Trump is Right"

that's for anyone else in the universe who may stumble upon this thread.. :coffee:
I signed the petition to ban Trump and it wasnt just a Muslim thing.
To ban a person for having and stating an opinion is a GREAT example of why the colonies kicked the crap out of your forefathers. That is a Facist move, and you should be ashamed, though I am sure you are not.
Well firstly nobody thought that a ban would come out of this process. Secondly, there are some people whose behaviour falls well short of acceptable and any community should have the right to exclude them.
Whether or not you thought the petition would be successfull is irrelevent. Support of an idea is support of an idea. If I where to publicly support everyone having the same standard of living, regardless of their contribution (or lack there of), it would be fair to say that I am a Communist. If you support a Facist petition, one could surmise that you are a Facist. I, however, give you the benifit of the doubt, and merely attack your action, not make a blanket statement about your political leanings.

You said, "...there are some people whose behaviour falls well short of acceptable and any community should have the right to exclude them." And yet you have a problem with Trump suggesting just that. Typical leftwing double standard.
The difference being that trump has already behaved badly, my Muslim friends and neighbours have done nothing wrong.
Great! Now tell your Muslim friends to straighten out their "problem" within their religion. Might want to also mention to ease up on their women, too... Islam has issues with women's rights if 'ya didn't notice, damned muslim sympathizer
I cant engage with you. It demeans me.
"Banning a Person because of an opinion is totally different from banning a group of people who have a PROVEN record of violence, and a stated agenda of desroying you."

Fallacy of false equivalency is well represented above.

The great majority of Muslims don't do violence.

Has Trump done violence?

Religion cannot be a basis in America for banning people. If it were, we would have gotten rid of the Presbyterians long time ago.

It seems our government officials, with the backing of the justice system, can justify just about anything when it comes to banning. They can ban books, music, pictures, statues, certain words, and even languages, etc... when they find it fits their political agenda. I'm sure with enough motivation and political hoop-jumping that our government officials can find a reason to ban a religion from being practiced in the United States.



Why has religion become so important? If Christians were running amok on the same scale as muslims within Europe, the powers that be would crucify these fanatics.....rightfully, so.
Honestly, Tommy......I really sympathize for England, France and the rest of Europe. You have all become available targets for terrorism and a twisted version of Islam - Mohammedism. I feel the supposed power structure within Islam has not done enough to curb this twisted idealogue, and their inability to send a clear global message defining Islam. I always hear, "One has to learn about Islam", I have to educate myself according to the needs of muslims? I have more productive goals to achieve rather than spend my time analyzing a particular religion that abuses women.
I bring up my CONSPIRACY which is that 'islam' is better than any other religion for any government to have in place . islam is submission and in a government like iran the submission is to the state of iran and the will of 'allah' which is whatever iran says that it is . Crazy conspiracy , maybe but look how Western governments seems to be pushing islam on the people of Europe . And the people of Europe seem to be throwing away the old time morality and religion of Christianity so this is Western governments chance to adopt 'islam' IMO . ------------------------------------------------------------------- also , I read somewhere that Christianity was adopted in Russia many hundreds of years ago because the Czar or king at the time didn't think that he could successfully stop the drinking of alcohol amongst the Russian people . ----------- just my Conspiracy and just a comment .
yep , maybe , makes me glad that I am older . I'd hate to be a pacifist euro kid going to school with the aggressive hordes that are being unleashed on the euros . Same goes for the USA to some extent especially with public schools , mothers , wussy fathers , experts pushing nonviolence and no fighting or seld defense at any cost .
So,.....doggie, share with me your much needed enlightenment and rare intellect. I'm in great need of understanding 'ya judgmental basatge!
So,.....doggie, share with me your much needed enlightenment and rare intellect. I'm in great need of understanding 'ya judgmental basatge!

You certainly do keep sniffing at my heels for somebody who is supposed to be new here.

I do appreciate your little fanboi act, but perhaps you can branch out a bit instead of just following one person around, k?
So,.....doggie, share with me your much needed enlightenment and rare intellect. I'm in great need of understanding 'ya judgmental basatge!

You certainly do keep sniffing at my heels for somebody who is supposed to be new here.

I do appreciate your little fanboi act, but perhaps you can branch out a bit instead of just following one person around, k?

"Here" is where? Do you own this domain? Definitely not sniffing you about, my dearie...Just responding to your projective and disparaging judgement. You're immediately getting personal. Do you have an insecurity complex? Are you offended? People seem to want to be negative and assume....You don't have to like a particular opinion, but that opinion doesn't define a persons entire persona,

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