Europe Surges Far Past USA In Covid Cases!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
Even as Democrats and Biden/Harris make their main case for election the alleged failures of the Trump Administration for not doing more sooner, faster, better with perfect 20/20 hindsight, with Joe promising that he'll "get things under control," Europe, Germany and elsewhere, who have been touted for months by the Democrats as the role model that we should have been followed reel as new Covid cases surge.

Europe, the once great white hope of the DNC to use to blame Trump for Covid is now seeing 100,000 new cases a day as they issue curfews, lockdowns, close schools and cancel surgeries. Germany is setting new daily records. I ask you, WHAT IS THE CASE for electing Joe Biden again when Trump had the best economy going before this hit and now we see that the rest of the world is faring no better, even worse than us, Covid-wise?

What new round of BS and lies will the Democrats foist on the nation this time?

As usual, COVID is in charge.

Once again, EU responds with tough measures when the data dictates.

As opposed to our leader who mocks those who take COVID seriously
Moral of the story

Europe eased up and COVID came roaring back
The Democrats think if we close down the country completely long enough the virus will go away or Biden will be elected then he will magically make the vaccine appear
As usual, COVID is in charge.

Once again, EU responds with tough measures when the data dictates.

As opposed to our leader who mocks those who take COVID seriously

Nah. The Dems called in a hoax. Trump took it quite seriously.

I'm sure you remember how the Dems laughed at Trump when he wanted to stop some flights into the US. Hell, they called him a racist. They sure proved what a hoax they thought the virus is.

Oh and lets not forget Pelousy telling everyone the virus was nothing and not to worry about it. I'd say she thought it was a hoax as well.

I'd say the Dems didn't take it seriously at all till people started dying.
That's it keep on downplaying the virus..That is what is going to usher in a blue wave...
A blue wave will destroy our economy as business and consumer confidence collapses. You can't tax and spend your way to confidence.

They don't care. What the Left is saying that they WELCOME living under Biden-Harris' new socialist America.

They can't wait for the restrictions, heavy regulations and control of their lives!
The Democrats think if we close down the country completely long enough the virus will go away or Biden will be elected then he will magically make the vaccine appear

Here's some words from a doctor buddy of mine on the ongoing vaccine trials:

It's pretty common to have a hold put on a Phase 3 trial.. They need to sort it out and figure out whether or not the vaccine really had anything to do with it.

And one thing people don't understand is that in this kind of case the hold goes on before they even know if the sick person even got the experimental vaccine. There's about a 50% chance that they are one of the control group but since these Phase 3 trials all appear to be double-blinded trials neither the researchers nor the participants know whether or not they got the vaccine - usually until after the trial is complete. In a case of illness like this they'll work to un-blind this individual and take a look at whether they got the vaccine and why they got/felt ill.

Double-blind is how you want to do these trials. It's how you want to do all medical studies (but some simply can't be done that way). But it is difficult because no one knows if it is working until after the whole trial is done, the data is nearly completely gathered and then they un-blind things so that they can then put together the difference the virus made.

I heard a report on the radio this evening that one or two of the vaccines appear to be something like 75-90% effective but for a variety of reasons I doubt we really have enough good data to show that. They might have some decent data from the Phase 2 trials but it is in the Phase 3 that you are highly likely to get the statistical power to really give a good estimate of the effectiveness.

Even after the Phase 3 trial and if they say that it is 90% effective I won't totally believe that. They won't be lying but to a certain degree you have to discount it because it will have been 90% effective under the conditions which were studied (and will be relatively random). Even if you have pretty good immunity and will handle any low-dose inoculation with the Covid-19 virus, if you get a massive dose of the virus I would expect the immune system to be at least partially over-whelmed and while I'd tend to expect survival, they could be quite symptomatic.

In some ways this stuff isn't all that complex but in others it is. One of the big things is that while we increasingly think in digital/binary terms our bodies and a huge portion of our normal lives are effectively analog. So you don't get to really say that someone has no immunity or that they have absolute immunity for most illnesses.

One example? We all know about chickenpox. Some of us are old enough to have attended chickenpox parties. You got chickenpox and you were immune - no more worries (until you got shingles!). But I've known two kids (they're grown and gone now) who had chickenpox three times!

Remember that we're effectively analog. Most of the stuff where they say that you are either this or that just isn't true - it's somewhere between the absolutes although you can be pretty darned close to one of the absolute limits.
Moral of the story

Europe eased up and COVID came roaring back

And? How long will they continue to fight the virus in this way? Can it be sustained, or are they just putting off the inevitable?


They will continue to fight this way until we have an effective COVID vaccine. It is the only tool in our toolbox

Question: How long will Republicans continue to deny COVID is a problem and refuse to follow COVID protocols?

Answer: Until Biden is elected
As usual, COVID is in charge.

Once again, EU responds with tough measures when the data dictates.

As opposed to our leader who mocks those who take COVID seriously

COVID is in charge, except in the US where its all Trump's fault according to Democrats. If COVID doesn't kill you locking everybody down will.
As usual, COVID is in charge.

Once again, EU responds with tough measures when the data dictates.

As opposed to our leader who mocks those who take COVID seriously

COVID is in charge, except in the US where its all Trump's fault according to Democrats. If COVID doesn't kill you locking everybody down will.

The US has four times the death rate our population would warrant.

We can directly correlate that to Trumps defiance of Social Distancing and Masks.
Moral of the story

Europe eased up and COVID came roaring back

And? How long will they continue to fight the virus in this way? Can it be sustained, or are they just putting off the inevitable?


They will continue to fight this way until we have an effective COVID vaccine. It is the only tool in our toolbox

Question: How long will Republicans continue to deny COVID is a problem and refuse to follow COVID protocols?

Answer: Until Biden is elected

Question: Since the Reps never denied Covid was a problem and the Dems did. Hell they called in a hoax. How long will the Dems deny Covid is a problem??

Answer: Until Trump is re-elected
Moral of the story

Europe eased up and COVID came roaring back

And? How long will they continue to fight the virus in this way? Can it be sustained, or are they just putting off the inevitable?


They will continue to fight this way until we have an effective COVID vaccine. It is the only tool in our toolbox

Question: How long will Republicans continue to deny COVID is a problem and refuse to follow COVID protocols?

Answer: Until Biden is elected

Question: Since the Reps never denied Covid was a problem and the Dems did. Hell they called in a hoax. How long will the Dems deny Covid is a problem??

Answer: Until Trump is re-elected
According to Trump

COVID would be over by Easter
The Summer heat would kill it
It will disappear lIke a miracle
He would have a vaccine in three months
COVID is no worse than the flu
Moral of the story

Europe eased up and COVID came roaring back

And? How long will they continue to fight the virus in this way? Can it be sustained, or are they just putting off the inevitable?


They will continue to fight this way until we have an effective COVID vaccine. It is the only tool in our toolbox

Question: How long will Republicans continue to deny COVID is a problem and refuse to follow COVID protocols?

Answer: Until Biden is elected

Question: Since the Reps never denied Covid was a problem and the Dems did. Hell they called in a hoax. How long will the Dems deny Covid is a problem??

Answer: Until Trump is re-elected
According to Trump

COVID would be over by Easter
The Summer heat would kill it
It will disappear lIke a miracle
He would have a vaccine in three months
COVID is no worse than the flu

Nice thoughts. And the flue has been mistaken for Covid. I'm sure you think Biden would cure all and we all know you were hoping for more deaths so you could blame Trump instead of the Chinese.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO.
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