Europe to ditch US dollar in payments for Iranian oil

The US can’t flood the world with oil. We are e in 21th place
We could if we started to drill baby drill.....that's what I meant when I said Trump just might do it....all of the off shore oil in our waters could swell our stockpiles...

You mean "drill baby drill" for everyplace EXCEPT where his golf course looks out over the water.

California claims bias in Trump's offshore drilling plan

President Donald Trump announced in early January that he plans to open more than 90 percent of America’s coast to offshore drilling. Now, two separate bills in Congress meant to ease environmental restrictions on submarine oil exploration could come up for a vote in the next few days and help reignite the debate over offshore drilling.

The declaration was met with howls of protest from almost every coastal state governor in both parties.

The outrage grew even louder a week later, when Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced that Florida alone would be exempt from the policy. For many politicians and private citizens, the announcement, which followed a meeting between Zinke and Florida Gov. Rick Scott, a Republican, smacked of political favoritism for a swing state that went for Trump in the presidential election.
The European Union is planning to switch payments to the euro for its oil purchases from Iran, eliminating US dollar transactions, a diplomatic source told RIA Novosti.

Europe to ditch US dollar in payments for Iranian oil – source

Well isn't that special a global collapse would wake up leftist, but all the blame would fall upon Trump LOL
of course it would fall on Trump, he's the one spitting in their face...
why even bother with a statement like that. That seems like a lot of work to prove what the literate already know. BUt god bless ya for it!
BUt God helps you are going to be just day you will understand how wrong you are...
America first! that is the key...all else is failure...
Ufortunately life is just not as simple as drill baby drill.Come up ith etter before cowning peole moron!
Rambunctious, post: 19943215
America first! that is the key...all else is failure...

You put America last when you want to recklessly proceed fast as hell to expensive offshore drilling, violating states rights, just so Trumpo can believe he is tougher than Obama on Iran.

Truth is Trumpo is stupid and Obama was smart, right and plenty tough on Iran with allies. Trumpo has lost the most important allies on Iran, UK, Germany and France,

They will stay in the deal because Iran is complying and ignore Trumpo and his stupid nowhere sanctions.

Losers are American Corporations and their employees.

Putting America’s Stupids First is bad for America and the entire world.
You put America last when you want to recklessly proceed fast as hell to expensive offshore drilling, violating states rights, just so Trumpo can believe he is tougher than Obama on Iran.

Truth is Trumpo is stupid and Obama was smart, right and plenty tough on Iran with allies. Trumpo has lost the most important allies on Iran, UK, Germany and France,

They will stay in the deal because Iran is complying and ignore Trumpo and his stupid nowhere sanctions.

Losers are American Corporations and their employees.

Putting America’s Stupids First is bad for America and the entire world.
Trump is removing any evidence that Obama was ever our president...Ummmm who did you say was smarter? When you lead by executive order because you are a political coward like Obama your presidency can be written off with a pen....
The OP is an RT fake news media attack on the US.

Note who posted it, please.

Actually Jake, just like I do with most posts that the OP puts out, I Google the information to see if it is true, and in this case, it is. But, it's not quite what the OP is saying it is. First, Europe is just CONSIDERING this, they haven't done it yet, and the news was first reported by Sputnik, which is a Russian paper, and it is the source for this information.

EU Could Switch To Euros In Oil Trade With Iran |

The European Union (EU) is considering switching to euros instead of U.S. dollars in the oil trade with Iran, Sputnik reported on Wednesday, quoting a diplomatic source.

Europe—collectively one of Iran’s biggest oil customers after China and India—is trying to salvage the Iran nuclear deal after President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the pact and paved the way to renewed sanctions on Iran, including on its energy sector and crude oil sales.
Even conidering is scary, I believe there is another deal between russia and china where this has alredy been done.This is how it starts!

If you work off data more than a year old as with your proven reserves list and compound that error by relying on Sputnik yeah if both of those are definitive statements about what is happening, which they ain't then it is scary.

You might be right. Trump has caused us to lose standing in the eyes of a lot of other countries, and China and Russia seem to be poised to take over as world leaders.
We lose the currency standard and have no manfacturing here, we could be looking at a situation where we could not afford chinese goods and no ability to make them here!
The OP is an RT fake news media attack on the US.

Note who posted it, please.

Actually Jake, just like I do with most posts that the OP puts out, I Google the information to see if it is true, and in this case, it is. But, it's not quite what the OP is saying it is. First, Europe is just CONSIDERING this, they haven't done it yet, and the news was first reported by Sputnik, which is a Russian paper, and it is the source for this information.

EU Could Switch To Euros In Oil Trade With Iran |

The European Union (EU) is considering switching to euros instead of U.S. dollars in the oil trade with Iran, Sputnik reported on Wednesday, quoting a diplomatic source.

Europe—collectively one of Iran’s biggest oil customers after China and India—is trying to salvage the Iran nuclear deal after President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the pact and paved the way to renewed sanctions on Iran, including on its energy sector and crude oil sales.
Even conidering is scary, I believe there is another deal between russia and china where this has alredy been done.This is how it starts!

You might be right. Trump has caused us to lose standing in the eyes of a lot of other countries, and China and Russia seem to be poised to take over as world leaders.
We lose the currency standard and have no manfacturing here, we could be looking at a situation where we could not afford chinese goods and no ability to make them here!
Ufortunately life is just not as simple as drill baby drill.Come up ith etter before cowning peole moron!
US shale oil will surge to nearly 7 million barrels a day next month: Dept. of Energy forecast
You are no getting it.The real worry is not oil! It s the switch in reserves standard that is scary. Currently over 60% of all cash reserves are in US dollar. If that standard changes. the US dollar devalues rapidly which means 60% of every ones savings one earth just devalued rapidly. This single change is worry some, but the real worry is that this is a trend where the dollar is no longer the reserve standard. The people who were arguing that this was not only possible but was likely quoted steps like this to be the begining.
You put America last when you want to recklessly proceed fast as hell to expensive offshore drilling, violating states rights, just so Trumpo can believe he is tougher than Obama on Iran.

Truth is Trumpo is stupid and Obama was smart, right and plenty tough on Iran with allies. Trumpo has lost the most important allies on Iran, UK, Germany and France,

They will stay in the deal because Iran is complying and ignore Trumpo and his stupid nowhere sanctions.

Losers are American Corporations and their employees.

Putting America’s Stupids First is bad for America and the entire world.
Trump is removing any evidence that Obama was ever our president...Ummmm who did you say was smarter? When you lead by executive order because you are a political coward like Obama your presidency can be written off with a pen....

Hate to tell you dude, but MOST of Trump's leadership has been by EO. The only 2 things he did without an EO was the tax bill, and the SCOTUS appointment.
The European Union is planning to switch payments to the euro for its oil purchases from Iran, eliminating US dollar transactions, a diplomatic source told RIA Novosti.

Europe to ditch US dollar in payments for Iranian oil – source

Well isn't that special a global collapse would wake up leftist, but all the blame would fall upon Trump LOL

As well it should, the EU never violated the Iran agreement. Falls right on Trump.
Hate to tell you dude, but MOST of Trump's leadership has been by EO. The only 2 things he did without an EO was the tax bill, and the SCOTUS appointment
He is just getting started....EO's can always be made law at anytime...
Hate to tell you dude, but MOST of Trump's leadership has been by EO. The only 2 things he did without an EO was the tax bill, and the SCOTUS appointment
He is just getting started....EO's can always be made law at anytime...

You don't know how government works, do you? The only way an EO can become a law is if Congress puts it in a bill and passes it.

And, Congress isn't really working well with Trump right now, even though the GOP has a majority in both houses.
You don't know how government works, do you? The only way an EO can become a law is if Congress puts it in a bill and passes it.

And, Congress isn't really working well with Trump right now, even though the GOP has a majority in both houses.
I know how Government works Popeye...and I know the never Trumpers are leaving in droves from the house...they will be replaced by Trumpkins.....Trump will win...he always does...
Rambunctious, post: 19943169
We could if we started to drill baby drill.....that's what I meant when I said Trump just might do it....all of the off shore oil in our waters could swell our stockpiles...

Swelling stockpiles is not flooding the global market in order to lower prices to remove competitor oil producing nations. You are a fool if you think Trumpo can lead the U.S. to the rank of top global oil producer in the world.
Swelling stockpiles is not flooding the global market in order to lower prices to remove competitor oil producing nations. You are a fool if you think Trumpo can lead the U.S. to the rank of top global oil producer in the world
Notfooledby......Its about controlling the price with oil production and distribution...
The OP is a fake: the EU is not ditching the US dollar in payments for Iranian oil.
Doesn't matter.

A quarter of all global trade is currently transacted in currencies that aren't dollars.

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