
Euthanasia works IF you want to die. For those who don't want to die it isn't a mercy at all. When my husband was in the hospital he was so afraid of being killed (in his best interests) we put up a sign over his bed "Do not kill".

Did they kill him?

I had to keep an eagle eye on them to make sure they didn't. They knew I had a lawsuit in the wings. There was no DNR on file for a reason. The hospital badgered me to let them kill him but I knew that wasn't what he wanted. When they couldn't get agreement from me, they badgered his daughter who shut them down by saying she knew what her father's wishes were and they weren't for her to be making decisions. What they wanted was to get an empty bed as soon as possible.

The hosp did not badger you to kill him.

Oh please do not inject yourself into a very personal and painful experience. What you want to be real isn't real. It's just what you want.
Euthanasia works IF you want to die. For those who don't want to die it isn't a mercy at all. When my husband was in the hospital he was so afraid of being killed (in his best interests) we put up a sign over his bed "Do not kill".

Did they kill him?

I had to keep an eagle eye on them to make sure they didn't. They knew I had a lawsuit in the wings. There was no DNR on file for a reason. The hospital badgered me to let them kill him but I knew that wasn't what he wanted. When they couldn't get agreement from me, they badgered his daughter who shut them down by saying she knew what her father's wishes were and they weren't for her to be making decisions. What they wanted was to get an empty bed as soon as possible.

So, they didn't kill him. He made his wishes known and those wishes were honored. Why did your husband get his wishes and my father not get his?

I was there to threaten them. Otherwise he would have been expediently executed. When my mother in law was in the hospital dying, my husband authorized disconnecting her life support and she was gone in ten minutes.

That's not the issue however. The issue is that once euthanasia is legalized it expands, it creates more categories of those who should be killed. It stops being the decision of the person and their family and becomes the decision of whatever is the power. It turns us all into pets with the government the owner making veterinary decisions on who should live and who should die. There is a steady escalation with an ever expanding pool of unwilling candidates. That's what's wrong with legalizing euthanasia.

No. It doesn't. And I see no reason why people need to suffer needlessly just because you are paranoid.
We get it. You hate liberals.

She hates granny even more.

Indeed, it would seem that she would demand that her beloved family members suffer what she would never force on the family dog.
If you're against euthanasia, don't do it to yourself, but please leave everyone else alone, their life isn't your call.

Nor is it the 'call' of many so sentenced.

Learn to read,
Euthanasia is what you do to a terminally sick person. Or an animal, including those on death row. The rest is called murder.

...unless government does it.
What are you talking about? The death penalty?

For some reason, some, like you, insist on misinterpreting the thread.

Euthanasia, once accepted by individuals who cannot see beyond their keyboard, used by those without a belief in the sanctity of human life, as a way to kill those for whom they have no use.

"In a place where wood is chopped, splinters must fall, and there is no avoiding this."
SS-Gruppenführerund Generalleutnant der Polizei Heinrich Müller

By 'splinters,' he was referring to human beings.

Throughout this thread there have been examples of people put to death...not with their consent.

Euthanasia is state endorsed murder.
We get it. You hate liberals.

She hates granny even more.

Indeed, it would seem that she would demand that her beloved family members suffer what she would never force on the family dog.
If you're against euthanasia, don't do it to yourself, but please leave everyone else alone, their life isn't your call.

Nor is it the 'call' of many so sentenced.

Learn to read,
Euthanasia is what you do to a terminally sick person. Or an animal, including those on death row. The rest is called murder.

...unless government does it.
What are you talking about? The death penalty?

For some reason, some, like you, insist on misinterpreting the thread.

Euthanasia, once accepted by individuals who cannot see beyond their keyboard, used by those without a belief in the sanctity of human life, as a way to kill those for whom they have no use.

"In a place where wood is chopped, splinters must fall, and there is no avoiding this."
SS-Gruppenführerund Generalleutnant der Polizei Heinrich Müller

By 'splinters,' he was referring to human beings.

Throughout this thread there have been examples of people put to death...not with their consent.

Euthanasia is state endorsed murder.
More like state endorsed suicide
We get it. You hate liberals.

She hates granny even more.

Indeed, it would seem that she would demand that her beloved family members suffer what she would never force on the family dog.
Nor is it the 'call' of many so sentenced.

Learn to read,
Euthanasia is what you do to a terminally sick person. Or an animal, including those on death row. The rest is called murder.

...unless government does it.
What are you talking about? The death penalty?

For some reason, some, like you, insist on misinterpreting the thread.

Euthanasia, once accepted by individuals who cannot see beyond their keyboard, used by those without a belief in the sanctity of human life, as a way to kill those for whom they have no use.

"In a place where wood is chopped, splinters must fall, and there is no avoiding this."
SS-Gruppenführerund Generalleutnant der Polizei Heinrich Müller

By 'splinters,' he was referring to human beings.

Throughout this thread there have been examples of people put to death...not with their consent.

Euthanasia is state endorsed murder.
More like state endorsed suicide

Suicide....when a stranger decides when you are to die?

I see a dictionary in your future.
What is morality with God?

Answer: It is whatever YOU think it is with someone else to blame it on.

Let's pretend that you actually have the ability to form a considered opinion based on the thread to which you've- seemingly- responded.

Do you imagine that believers would endorse euthanasia?

I was responding to a post. Believers in what? A believer in personal freedom, for example, would not deny someone the right to decide their own fate. Can you be more specific?


A more careful reading would reveal that it is murder when any of those in charge decide on when the killing should take place.

"Believers in what?"

Don't pretend density.

Yes, believers in what? Is that too difficult a question? I know all kinds of believers and I don't want to assume we are talking about the same thing.

By "careful" I am guess you mean "selective". If someone is dying slowly from a painful disease and they beg you to help them end their suffering, that is euthanasia. To deny them the right to make that decision, to deny them that mercy, and then call it moral? I'm not quite sure what to call that.

Can't you read the words right in front of you????

Someone else pulls the plug because they decided you've been in the hospital bed long enough.

Here it is again, dope:

"A Reutersnews article that was written by Anthony Boadle and published on March 28 has reported that Dr. Virginia Soares de Souza has been charged with 7 counts of murder and may have killed 300 patients in order to, reportedly, “free-up” beds. (Doesn’t that sound familier) It has been suggested that de Souza could be one of the world’s worst serial killers.

Several years ago I heard a talk by a Dutch physician who did euthanasia. He referred to the patients who werenearing death, but not dying quickly, as “bed blockers.”I was shocked that he suggested, so plainly, how euthanasia was solvingthe problem of the “bed blocker”."
Doctor Killed 300 Patients in Euthanasia to Free Up Hospital Beds

Is there any argument you don't have a non-representative anecdote to try to support it?
We get it. You hate liberals.

She hates granny even more.

Indeed, it would seem that she would demand that her beloved family members suffer what she would never force on the family dog.
Euthanasia is what you do to a terminally sick person. Or an animal, including those on death row. The rest is called murder.

...unless government does it.
What are you talking about? The death penalty?

For some reason, some, like you, insist on misinterpreting the thread.

Euthanasia, once accepted by individuals who cannot see beyond their keyboard, used by those without a belief in the sanctity of human life, as a way to kill those for whom they have no use.

"In a place where wood is chopped, splinters must fall, and there is no avoiding this."
SS-Gruppenführerund Generalleutnant der Polizei Heinrich Müller

By 'splinters,' he was referring to human beings.

Throughout this thread there have been examples of people put to death...not with their consent.

Euthanasia is state endorsed murder.
More like state endorsed suicide

Suicide....when a stranger decides when you are to die?

I see a dictionary in your future.

You and your family are strangers?
We get it. You hate liberals.

She hates granny even more.

Indeed, it would seem that she would demand that her beloved family members suffer what she would never force on the family dog.
Euthanasia is what you do to a terminally sick person. Or an animal, including those on death row. The rest is called murder.

...unless government does it.
What are you talking about? The death penalty?

For some reason, some, like you, insist on misinterpreting the thread.

Euthanasia, once accepted by individuals who cannot see beyond their keyboard, used by those without a belief in the sanctity of human life, as a way to kill those for whom they have no use.

"In a place where wood is chopped, splinters must fall, and there is no avoiding this."
SS-Gruppenführerund Generalleutnant der Polizei Heinrich Müller

By 'splinters,' he was referring to human beings.

Throughout this thread there have been examples of people put to death...not with their consent.

Euthanasia is state endorsed murder.
More like state endorsed suicide

Suicide....when a stranger decides when you are to die?

I see a dictionary in your future.

Are you willing to fund with taxpayer money enough of the cost of care of the elderly so that no one would ever have a reason to deny life extending medical care for financial reasons?
I was responding to a post. Believers in what? A believer in personal freedom, for example, would not deny someone the right to decide their own fate. Can you be more specific?

Another reason to push for medical research to prove spiritual healing and make it an accessible choice for all people.

If there was a cure for cancer, shouldn't a patient have that knowledge
in deciding whether or not to choose euthanasia?

Isn't denying that knowledge and access to treatment to a patient
somehow negligent if not malpractice?

This issue of malpractice was brought up in a book by Dr. Larry Dorsey:
at what point is there enough proof or even a CHANCE that spiritual healing prayer can cure or possibly cure
so many different illnesses and conditions,
that it could be considered negligence or malpractice to refuse access to such options to patients.
You and your family are strangers?

Hi rightwinger: Maybe PC means cases like Terri Schaivo where
the state gave power to her ex-husband with a conflict of interest in seeing her die,
to make the decision for her to starve to death
when there was NO WRITTEN PROOF OR DIRECTIVE of her beliefs
and her family was refused their request to take custody and use donations
to cover her medical care in keeping with their beliefs.

Because the guardian was still "legally" her husband, the state recognized his authority over hers.
So yes, you could consider him "family"
but I don't see how one person can overrule all the other "family"
in the case where nothing was in writing and the decision was faith based.

Since it was a spiritual/religious issue, the state had no authority to decide
for someone else, and it should have been a consensus among the family
to prevent from abusing state authority to "establish a faith-based decision."

Terri lost her battle because politically it was painted in the media as
prolife vs. right to choose death,
when in fact, it was women's right to choose not be dictated by someone
who is no longer her husband (he started a family with another woman)
but is only statutory by law in writing as "legally her husband."

Had this been a women's rights issue against domestic abuse
maybe the outcome woudl be different.

Because because the Christian prolife is so hated and demonized
in this country, that's why the public does not question this case.

It doesn't help the "liberal agenda." this is why people like PC are
so furious at liberal hypocrites, cases like this that lose all credibility.

If you ask me, both sides lost this case for Terri.
The prolife people alienated the women's groups that might have
stood up for Terri, so the politics that killed her is equally their fault.
Just a pawn in a media game that everyone used for their own agenda.
Shameful and sad!
We get it. You hate liberals.

She hates granny even more.

Indeed, it would seem that she would demand that her beloved family members suffer what she would never force on the family dog.
If you're against euthanasia, don't do it to yourself, but please leave everyone else alone, their life isn't your call.

Nor is it the 'call' of many so sentenced.

Learn to read,
Euthanasia is what you do to a terminally sick person. Or an animal, including those on death row. The rest is called murder.

...unless government does it.
What are you talking about? The death penalty?

For some reason, some, like you, insist on misinterpreting the thread.

Euthanasia, once accepted by individuals who cannot see beyond their keyboard, used by those without a belief in the sanctity of human life, as a way to kill those for whom they have no use.

"In a place where wood is chopped, splinters must fall, and there is no avoiding this."
SS-Gruppenführerund Generalleutnant der Polizei Heinrich Müller

By 'splinters,' he was referring to human beings.

Throughout this thread there have been examples of people put to death...not with their consent.

Euthanasia is state endorsed murder.
Geez. stop living in the past. If I have a terminal illness and want to die, and need a doctor to help me, that's not euthanasia, that's MY CHOICE!

What Hitler did was murder on a grand scale, not euthanasia.

Religious objections to social policy are just an opinion based on fantasy.
We get it. You hate liberals.

She hates granny even more.

Indeed, it would seem that she would demand that her beloved family members suffer what she would never force on the family dog.
...unless government does it.
What are you talking about? The death penalty?

For some reason, some, like you, insist on misinterpreting the thread.

Euthanasia, once accepted by individuals who cannot see beyond their keyboard, used by those without a belief in the sanctity of human life, as a way to kill those for whom they have no use.

"In a place where wood is chopped, splinters must fall, and there is no avoiding this."
SS-Gruppenführerund Generalleutnant der Polizei Heinrich Müller

By 'splinters,' he was referring to human beings.

Throughout this thread there have been examples of people put to death...not with their consent.

Euthanasia is state endorsed murder.
More like state endorsed suicide

Suicide....when a stranger decides when you are to die?

I see a dictionary in your future.

Are you willing to fund with taxpayer money enough of the cost of care of the elderly so that no one would ever have a reason to deny life extending medical care for financial reasons?
The real question is: why does Polchic think that she should be able to force her views on another person's life?
She hates granny even more.

Indeed, it would seem that she would demand that her beloved family members suffer what she would never force on the family dog.
What are you talking about? The death penalty?

For some reason, some, like you, insist on misinterpreting the thread.

Euthanasia, once accepted by individuals who cannot see beyond their keyboard, used by those without a belief in the sanctity of human life, as a way to kill those for whom they have no use.

"In a place where wood is chopped, splinters must fall, and there is no avoiding this."
SS-Gruppenführerund Generalleutnant der Polizei Heinrich Müller

By 'splinters,' he was referring to human beings.

Throughout this thread there have been examples of people put to death...not with their consent.

Euthanasia is state endorsed murder.
More like state endorsed suicide

Suicide....when a stranger decides when you are to die?

I see a dictionary in your future.

Are you willing to fund with taxpayer money enough of the cost of care of the elderly so that no one would ever have a reason to deny life extending medical care for financial reasons?
The real question is: why does Polchic think that she should be able to force her views on another person's life?

Clearly you are clueless about how euthanasia has been used by state governments.

"Am Spiegelgrund was the name of a children's clinic in Vienna where hundreds of children were killed under the Nazi Regime Children's Euthanasia Program.

Hitler's "Final Solution" was the order for the genocide of Jews in Europe. There were also manyeuthanasia centres in Germany and Austria for people suffering from mental diseases or handicaps :Bergen Belsen, Birkenau, and most infamous Auschwitz. But not just adults were killed. Children were "mercifully" sent to Children's Hospitals. The most prominent of these was the Kinderspital (Children's Clinic) am Spiegelgrund in Vienna."
Am Spiegelgrund clinic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Left thrives because there are lots of individuals as stupid as you are.

They use words like 'euthanasia' hoping you will believe it to be as benign as you believe it to be....
...and they use it in an entirely different way.
For some reason, some, like you, insist on misinterpreting the thread.

Euthanasia, once accepted by individuals who cannot see beyond their keyboard, used by those without a belief in the sanctity of human life, as a way to kill those for whom they have no use.

"In a place where wood is chopped, splinters must fall, and there is no avoiding this."
SS-Gruppenführerund Generalleutnant der Polizei Heinrich Müller

By 'splinters,' he was referring to human beings.

Throughout this thread there have been examples of people put to death...not with their consent.

Euthanasia is state endorsed murder.
More like state endorsed suicide

The question was, are you willing to spend enough taxpayer money to assure that no one of any age ever dies because they couldn't afford medical care?

Suicide....when a stranger decides when you are to die?

I see a dictionary in your future.

Are you willing to fund with taxpayer money enough of the cost of care of the elderly so that no one would ever have a reason to deny life extending medical care for financial reasons?
The real question is: why does Polchic think that she should be able to force her views on another person's life?

Clearly you are clueless about how euthanasia has been used by state governments.

"Am Spiegelgrund was the name of a children's clinic in Vienna where hundreds of children were killed under the Nazi Regime Children's Euthanasia Program.

Hitler's "Final Solution" was the order for the genocide of Jews in Europe. There were also manyeuthanasia centres in Germany and Austria for people suffering from mental diseases or handicaps :Bergen Belsen, Birkenau, and most infamous Auschwitz. But not just adults were killed. Children were "mercifully" sent to Children's Hospitals. The most prominent of these was the Kinderspital (Children's Clinic) am Spiegelgrund in Vienna."
Am Spiegelgrund clinic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Left thrives because there are lots of individuals as stupid as you are.

They use words like 'euthanasia' hoping you will believe it to be as benign as you believe it to be....
...and they use it in an entirely different way.
For some reason, some, like you, insist on misinterpreting the thread.

Euthanasia, once accepted by individuals who cannot see beyond their keyboard, used by those without a belief in the sanctity of human life, as a way to kill those for whom they have no use.

"In a place where wood is chopped, splinters must fall, and there is no avoiding this."
SS-Gruppenführerund Generalleutnant der Polizei Heinrich Müller

By 'splinters,' he was referring to human beings.

Throughout this thread there have been examples of people put to death...not with their consent.

Euthanasia is state endorsed murder.
More like state endorsed suicide

Suicide....when a stranger decides when you are to die?

I see a dictionary in your future.

Are you willing to fund with taxpayer money enough of the cost of care of the elderly so that no one would ever have a reason to deny life extending medical care for financial reasons?
The real question is: why does Polchic think that she should be able to force her views on another person's life?

Clearly you are clueless about how euthanasia has been used by state governments.

"Am Spiegelgrund was the name of a children's clinic in Vienna where hundreds of children were killed under the Nazi Regime Children's Euthanasia Program.

Hitler's "Final Solution" was the order for the genocide of Jews in Europe. There were also manyeuthanasia centres in Germany and Austria for people suffering from mental diseases or handicaps :Bergen Belsen, Birkenau, and most infamous Auschwitz. But not just adults were killed. Children were "mercifully" sent to Children's Hospitals. The most prominent of these was the Kinderspital (Children's Clinic) am Spiegelgrund in Vienna."
Am Spiegelgrund clinic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Left thrives because there are lots of individuals as stupid as you are.

They use words like 'euthanasia' hoping you will believe it to be as benign as you believe it to be....
...and they use it in an entirely different way.

For some reason, some, like you, insist on misinterpreting the thread.

Euthanasia, once accepted by individuals who cannot see beyond their keyboard, used by those without a belief in the sanctity of human life, as a way to kill those for whom they have no use.

"In a place where wood is chopped, splinters must fall, and there is no avoiding this."
SS-Gruppenführerund Generalleutnant der Polizei Heinrich Müller

By 'splinters,' he was referring to human beings.

Throughout this thread there have been examples of people put to death...not with their consent.

Euthanasia is state endorsed murder.
More like state endorsed suicide

Suicide....when a stranger decides when you are to die?

I see a dictionary in your future.

Are you willing to fund with taxpayer money enough of the cost of care of the elderly so that no one would ever have a reason to deny life extending medical care for financial reasons?
The real question is: why does Polchic think that she should be able to force her views on another person's life?

Clearly you are clueless about how euthanasia has been used by state governments.

"Am Spiegelgrund was the name of a children's clinic in Vienna where hundreds of children were killed under the Nazi Regime Children's Euthanasia Program.

Hitler's "Final Solution" was the order for the genocide of Jews in Europe. There were also manyeuthanasia centres in Germany and Austria for people suffering from mental diseases or handicaps :Bergen Belsen, Birkenau, and most infamous Auschwitz. But not just adults were killed. Children were "mercifully" sent to Children's Hospitals. The most prominent of these was the Kinderspital (Children's Clinic) am Spiegelgrund in Vienna."
Am Spiegelgrund clinic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Left thrives because there are lots of individuals as stupid as you are.

They use words like 'euthanasia' hoping you will believe it to be as benign as you believe it to be....
...and they use it in an entirely different way.
Potato - potawto, you're living in the past. Anyways, the Holocaust has used up all its sympathy cards in the past 70 years, time to move on, nobody cares anymore. :D

These days, euthanasia is about a personal end of life situation. Please try to keep up to the times. :D
You and your family are strangers?

Hi rightwinger: Maybe PC means cases like Terri Schaivo where
the state gave power to her ex-husband with a conflict of interest in seeing her die,
to make the decision for her to starve to death
when there was NO WRITTEN PROOF OR DIRECTIVE of her beliefs
and her family was refused their request to take custody and use donations
to cover her medical care in keeping with their beliefs.

Because the guardian was still "legally" her husband, the state recognized his authority over hers.
So yes, you could consider him "family"
but I don't see how one person can overrule all the other "family"
in the case where nothing was in writing and the decision was faith based.

Since it was a spiritual/religious issue, the state had no authority to decide
for someone else, and it should have been a consensus among the family
to prevent from abusing state authority to "establish a faith-based decision."

Terri lost her battle because politically it was painted in the media as
prolife vs. right to choose death,
when in fact, it was women's right to choose not be dictated by someone
who is no longer her husband (he started a family with another woman)
but is only statutory by law in writing as "legally her husband."

Had this been a women's rights issue against domestic abuse
maybe the outcome woudl be different.

Because because the Christian prolife is so hated and demonized
in this country, that's why the public does not question this case.

It doesn't help the "liberal agenda." this is why people like PC are
so furious at liberal hypocrites, cases like this that lose all credibility.

If you ask me, both sides lost this case for Terri.
The prolife people alienated the women's groups that might have
stood up for Terri, so the politics that killed her is equally their fault.
Just a pawn in a media game that everyone used for their own agenda.
Shameful and sad! don't understand the idea at all.

Progressives and big government give bureaucrats and technocrats control over the lives of others.
And rather than consider opposing views.....they do what their power allows them to do.
And hide behind words like 'euthanasia.'

One brand of Liberal government, communism, slaughtered over 100 million human beings in the last century.

"Nowak's film exposes the systematic practice of euthanasia - so-called "assisted death" - on disabled babies and children that took place during the Second World War. While there were undoubtedly many physicians and nurses involved in such crimes throughout the Third Reich,A Perfectly Normal Doctor focuses on Nazi doctor and psychologist Heinrich Gross, who was at one time in charge of an Austrian hospital where 800 children were killed.

Everyday language, even if informed by terms borrowed from the social sciences and psychology, tends to fall short when describing horrors perpetrated by people in positions of responsibility who are entrusted with caring for others, not harming them
Dr. Heinrich Gross A perfectly psychopathic doctor -- Puppet Masters --

The documentary, Ein ganz normaler Arzt('A perfectly normal doctor', is available on this site: Dr. Heinrich Gross A perfectly psychopathic doctor -- Puppet Masters --
Don't need a god to have morals and ethics. Secular humanism does just fine absent God while remaining very moral and ethical.

Without a point of reference who's to say what is "moral" or "ethical?" Under a system of humanism anything goes. What's right for you isn't necessarily right for me so why should YOU determine (or a group of "you"s) get to determine what I should consider moral or ethical? What do you do when one group of Secular Humanist totally disagree with another group of Humanists? Who's way is the right way?
Don't need a god to have morals and ethics. Secular humanism does just fine absent God while remaining very moral and ethical.

Without a point of reference who's to say what is "moral" or "ethical?" Under a system of humanism anything goes. What's right for you isn't necessarily right for me so why should YOU determine (or a group of "you"s) get to determine what I should consider moral or ethical? What do you do when one group of Secular Humanist totally disagree with another group of Humanists? Who's way is the right way?

Nice to see you again, Sandy

Your response....I don't believe that he is bright enough to understand the concept.
  1. If there's no God - making ourselves the source of ethics for everybody, or declaring that nobody can be the source of ethics for anybody, and therefore morality is, again, purely subjective.
  2. Reason supports a lot of things, as for example, a very liberal position on abortion. If there is no God, "Love your neighbor as yourself" is just a good idea. That's why it is written, incidentally, in Leviticus, "Love your neighbor as yourself, I am God." I, God, tell you to be decent to other people. Dennis Prager

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