Evaluating Donald Trump's Claim That The 2020 Election Was Stolen From Him

You've been brainwashed.

Look here - you're on a Russia trip. Why is that?

EVERYONE (and their brother) does this. The Iranians do it, the Koreans do it, the Arabs do it, the Israelis do it - why are you picking on the Russians?

I'll tell you why.

It's because Russia is the only one the lying MSM told you about.

Those fuckers LIE - by omission mostly. They're not giving you a true or accurate picture.

They're only giving you sound bites so you'll get upset about Russia Russia Russia
They didn't have to lie to me about anything.....

I watched it.... All of Trump's anti American comments while supporting and praising and groveling to Putin..... Your ears and eyes must have been covered...?

I remember thinking to myself, and even posting such observations on this site....like, Why in the hell isn't the CIA or FBI or Homeland Security investigating this guy's obvious allegiance and favoritism towards Russia? I thought our govt was derelict in their constitutional duty to protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic, because there was no evidence of an investigation going on during Trumps campaigning period!! :eek:

This was before he won! And long before we ever found out about the FBI cross fire hurricane investigation was even known about!

In all's honesty, Trump turned heads of both Republicans and Democrats, and perhaps anyone brought up during the Cold war, during his campaign, due to his own comments and own changes made to the republican platform on the Ukraine, thus Russia, and his defense of Putin's murders of journalists and political opponents in homeland and abroad, and hiring of Putin sympathizers like Manafort as his campaign manager...and a whole slew of advisors with Russian ties.....

And suspiciously selling a $40 million dollar mansion in Boca Raton to a Russian Oligarch close to Putin, for $95 million just 4 years after Trump purchased it... With no repairs or reconstruction by Trump....

Anyone, would see this as weird, or think...what in the heck is THAT all about?

An Oligarch that ended up being indicted in the Mueller investigation, I believe....

So trust me, a LOT was going on, right before our very eyes.... Enough so, for anyone, paying any kind of attention to Trumps words and actions, would in the very least, be curious about his admiration and praise of Putin and his other actions like asking Russia, allegedly as a joke, to hack Clinton for additional emails of hers...they would be highly rewarded by the press...crapola!
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In just one situation, the Russians interfered by stealing emails of one presidential candidate and political party, and handing them over to the candidate they wanted to win in our presidential election,
No, the Russians released the damning DNC emails to the public via Wikileaks. They didn’t send it to the RNC or Donald Trump.

It’s No wonder you’re wrong here, you have bogus information

Instead of blaming the Russians for exposing corruption, why don’t you blame the people who participated in the corruption?
They didn't have to lie to me about anything.....

I watched it.... All of Trump's anti American comments while supporting and praising and groveling to Putin..... Your ears and eyes must have been covered...?

I remember thinking to myself, and even posting such observations on this site....like, Why in the hell isn't the CIA or FBI or Homeland Security investigating this guy's obvious allegiance and favoritism towards Russia? I thought our govt was derelict in their constitutional duty to protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic, because there was no evidence of an investigation going on during Trumps campaigning period!! :eek:

This was before he won! And long before we ever found out about the FBI cross fire hurricane investigation was even known about!

In all's honesty, Trump turned heads of both Republicans and Democrats, and perhaps anyone brought up during the Cold war, during his campaign, due to his own comments and own changes made to the republican platform on the Ukraine, thus Russia, and his defense of Putin's murders of journalists and political opponents in homeland and abroad, and hiring of Putin sympathizers like Manafort as his campaign manager...and a whole slew of advisors with Russian ties.....

And suspiciously selling a $40 million dollar mansion in Boca Raton to a Russian Oligarch close to Putin, for $95 million just 4 years after Trump purchased it... With no repairs or reconstruction by Trump....

Anyone, would see this as weird, or think...what in the heck is THAT all about?

An Oligarch that ended up being indicted in the Mueller investigation, I believe....

So trust me, a LOT was going on, right before our very eyes.... Enough so, for anyone, paying any kind of attention to Trumps words and actions, would in the very least, be curious about his admiration and praise of Putin and his other actions like asking Russia, allegedly as a joke, to hack Clinton for additional emails of hers...they would be highly rewarded by the press...crapola!
Yes, we know. You don't understand Mr Trump.

But guess what - no one suffered personally because of Donald Trump.

But EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN is suffering because of the Democrats

Unless you're so filthy rich you don't have to care.

Gulliani and Trump said one thing in front of the court house and then went inside and said something completely different. Asking that they votes be thrown out on procedural grounds, and the court said they had no standing.

That's why Gulliani and Powell got disbarred.

You cannot reason with these people. You're wasting your time.

This Country is becoming a lost cause thanks to Trump & these cultists so you're better off just preparing for the nightmare that's coming if Trump & his scumbag lackeys take over.
You cannot reason with these people. You're wasting your time.

Translation: no one's buying your leftard bullshit.

This Country is becoming a lost cause

Is that so.

Well, y'know.... $7 gas, 10% inflation, Stalinists in DC... you'd have to be a bigger man than Joe Biden to fix all that.

thanks to Trump & these cultists so you're better off just preparing for the nightmare that's coming if Trump & his scumbag lackeys take over.

Yes. The righties intend to be your worst nightmare, that much is clear. Can't say you don't deserve it. Couldn't happen to a scumbaggier bunch of scumbags
To prove Trump is "lying", you must prove he knows his claim is false.
A bunch of judges who rule his side does not have standing to sue is not proof on the merits.
Judges who disqualify his suit on procedural errors proves nothing about the truth.
Why are you guys so obsessed with everything Trump? Inflation is out of control and all you can think about is Trump, Trump, Trump.
No, the Russians released the damning DNC emails to the public via Wikileaks. They didn’t send it to the RNC or Donald Trump.

It’s No wonder you’re wrong here, you have bogus information

Instead of blaming the Russians for exposing corruption, why don’t you blame the people who participated in the corruption?

You need to inform yourself....

Guccifer was communicating with Roger Stone about the emails he stole before giving them to Wikileaks, and Roger Stone was getting from wiki- leaks AHEAD of their release to the public, stolen email content due to be released, and called Trump with the content before his rallies every night....

Trump used Clinton/DNC wiki leaks 166 times in his rallies in just the month of October prior to the election.
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So it seems the OP thinks that unless you can tell what Trump actually knows, you can’t prove he is lying.

So basically, unless Trump admits he is lying, it is not a lie.
Don’t forget, he can declassify things with his mind alone. God only knows what he could do with evidence of fraud, if he had any.
Yes and the FBI was asked where it is now and they have no idea, Try and keep up.

Dumbfuck, you said it was "never found." That utter nonsense as Hillary had it and turned it over to the FBI, who then inspected it.
You're beyond fucked in the head, FruitLoops. Even when you're proven wrong, you still cling to your nonsensical conspiracy theories.
Can you manage to ever say anything different? Why are you always trolling me? You must be very worried.

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