Evangelical devotion to Trump

I see your point.

But why endorse Trump over a true Christian like Mike Pence
Pence is a man with true Christian values, is loyal to his wife, humble, doesn’t swear, actually READS the Bible and doesn’t use it as a prop.
I would vote for Pence, however, he doesn't seem to have the backbone to stand up to the Democrats. If the choice was Pence or Biden, it would be a no braner.
I would vote for Pence, however, he doesn't seem to have the backbone to stand up to the Democrats. If the choice was Pence or Biden, it would be a no braner.
But why did fundamentalist Christians who value Christian values support Trump over a real Christian like Pence?
But why did fundamentalist Christians who value Christian values support Trump over a real Christian like Pence?
For the same reason. Pence may be a better person and a better Christian but he also may get walked all over and not get anything done. Trump's and Pence's political ideologies are very similar.

I tend to vote for the person who I feel will get the job done implementing the policies which I support. I don't just vote for the popular kid or the one that I think is the coolest. That is childish.
I would vote for Pence, however, he doesn't seem to have the backbone to stand up to the Democrats.
More importantly, Pence had the backbone to stand up to Trump on J6,2021. Pence broke up the seven state fake elector criminal conspiracy that Trump believed was going to give him a second term.

Ralph Reed seems weird to be backing Trump over Pence.in 113,000 churches.

The anti-Christ has gained control of that many churches so sad.

The Guardian reported Saturday that Ralph Reed, who is the founder and chair of the far-right Faith & Freedom Coalition, has promised to deliver millions of evangelical voters to Trump's side in the handful of battleground states that will decide the November election, calling it "the biggest turnout of Christian voters in American history." This includes a promise to knock on 10 million doors of conservative Christian households, to make 10 million phone calls to drive voter turnout, send 25 million text messages and have 30 million voter guides placed in approximately 113,000 churches
OK and MAGA= hate , stupidity and lies. it is a clear choice. No one who supports a anti Christ can call themselves a Christian. MAGA is a clown act by very stupid people. haters all, cruel ugly and mean. Enemy's of this great country , Basically pond scum.
I can read the same rant by the KKK describing black people.
True, but they have gotten much worse under senile joe. Trump had the border secure and american citizens safe. But we all understand the dems reason for open borders--------------their goal from the beginning has been to turn them into dem voters no matter what the impact and cost to our country and citizens.
Your ass is dumped , can't handle issues on your own, Have to cry to others. Your a wimp and I'll make sure everyone knows it.
I would vote for Pence, however, he doesn't seem to have the backbone to stand up to the Democrats. If the choice was Pence or Biden, it would be a no braner.
You worms ,you can't support a Anti Christ and claim to be a Christian, There has been no American politician closer to Hitler then Trump, he is America's Hitler, give him the same time that Hitler had and shitpants would do as Hitler did. His Speeches are word for word the same as Hitlers.
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More importantly, Pence had the backbone to stand up to Trump on J6,2021. Pence broke up the seven state fake elector criminal conspiracy that Trump believed was going to give him a second term.

Ralph Reed seems weird to be backing Trump over Pence.in 113,000 churches.

The anti-Christ has gained control of that many churches so sad.

The Guardian reported Saturday that Ralph Reed, who is the founder and chair of the far-right Faith & Freedom Coalition, has promised to deliver millions of evangelical voters to Trump's side in the handful of battleground states that will decide the November election, calling it "the biggest turnout of Christian voters in American history." This includes a promise to knock on 10 million doors of conservative Christian households, to make 10 million phone calls to drive voter turnout, send 25 million text messages and have 30 million voter guides placed in approximately 113,000 churches
Any claimed Christian who votes for Trump is in no way a Christian , no one can support a anti Christ and say they are a christian.
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But why did fundamentalist Christians who value Christian values support Trump over a real Christian like Pence?
Because these "Christians" have their priorities. Political victories over their commitment to their religion.

They've allowed this one guy has set Christianity back a long way. They've sold their soul. That's their choice.
I would vote for Pence, however, he doesn't seem to have the backbone to stand up to the Democrats. If the choice was Pence or Biden, it would be a no braner.
Pence is a joke, no one can align with Trump and be a person who deserves respect from anyone. You support a traitor you are a traitor.
Because these "Christians" have their priorities. Political victories over their commitment to their religion.

They've allowed this one guy has set Christianity back a long way. They've sold their soul. That's their choice.
No one who has commitment to their religion votes for any MAGA. They are the people that the anti Christ will make his army out of , to fight against God and his angels.
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No one who has commitment to their religion votes for any MAGA. They are the people that the anti Christ will make his army out of , to fight against God and his angels.
Oh the fucking drama. Pride month is fighting against God.
your juvenile desperation is noted. Trump is winning and will be president again while senile joe goes off to a rest home for the rest of his days.
Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, disrupt the peaceful transfer of power; Trump is a criminal, coward, and convicted felon.

Trump is utterly unfit to hold any public office, and you want to put this treasonous, corrupt criminal back in office.
No , your God and leader shitpants is a joke , the guy shits in his pants all day long from taking to much drugs , They had a diaper changing crew for him on his TV program and the diaper changers said the hardest part was getting him out of his girdle , he was strapped in like it was a straight jacket. He is like standing next to a open cesspool he stinks so bad. Rapist 34 Felony convictions, attempted overthrow of our government and democracy to force himself in as a dictator. He had it planned months before the election. He is a traitor to this country as is everyone of his followers. It is a clear Choice between a guy who has spent all his life believing in our democracy and one who plans on being a dictator if people are stupid enough to elect him. At this point I have to believe that his followers want him as a dictator for life also. Either they do or they are the stupidest humans in the history of the world. MAGA=hate, stupidity and lies.
nothing in your idiotic post is true about Trump, but the shit pants part is definitely true of senile joe. your masters are lying to you and you are too dumb to realize it.
Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, disrupt the peaceful transfer of power; Trump is a criminal, coward, and convicted felon.

Trump is utterly unfit to hold any public office, and you want to put this treasonous, corrupt criminal back in office.
which candidate has taken bribes from foreign powers? which one has lied to the people for 50 years? which one is clearly senile? Which one is funded by hate-america criminals like Soros? Which one is owned by China? Hint: Not Trump.

Trump built a very successful construction business and employed more minorities and women in high paying jobs than any other comparable company.

"I oppose integration because it would create a racial jungle" Biden
Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, disrupt the peaceful transfer of power; Trump is a criminal, coward, and convicted felon.

Trump is utterly unfit to hold any public office, and you want to put this treasonous, corrupt criminal back in office.
Shitpants and his followers are traitors to this country , they simply are this country's biggest threat and enemy.
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We understand, you have no pics of Michael/MIchelle when pregnant.
No, clearly you are far too dense and uneducated to understand.

It's not the world's job to disprove every delusional mental shart that squirts out of your mouth. Most peope learn this when they are children.

I don't make the rules.

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