Evangelicals have lost their way, there is no going back for them.

2 Timothy 3
1But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good, 4traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!

6They are the kind who worm their way into households....

seems to describe our president to a T.

And our society, for the most part!

I would ask, would Jesus, if walking the Earth today, support a man like Trump to be his flock's government leader?

Trump is everything Jesus/God taught us NOT to be......

So I will never, ever understand the support of such a man from anyone who proclaims to be a follower of Christ....??

It just defies everything we have been taught, about God, and about Jesus.... :(
Anyone sent is a scourge to those who live to and abide in the evil ways of the world but then where do individuals draw that line to say what is evil? That is why it has to be a personal relationship with the spirit in them.

Personally I believe Trump is the person chosen for this time. It would behoove all that love the concept of liberty to pray for our leadership that they do the Father's will and get this nation back to its core instead of following with and going along with those who wish to destroy it.
I pray for you for endorsing the total opposite of Jesus' teachings. You are a fraud and an abomination. How dare you use christ to support evil!
The Lord created evil and good and both serve him so what's your problem with that? No one gets to deny God his glory even if they think they can.
2 Timothy 3
1But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good, 4traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!

6They are the kind who worm their way into households....

seems to describe our president to a T.

And our society, for the most part!

I would ask, would Jesus, if walking the Earth today, support a man like Trump to be his flock's government leader?

Trump is everything Jesus/God taught us NOT to be......

So I will never, ever understand the support of such a man from anyone who proclaims to be a follower of Christ....??

It just defies everything we have been taught, about God, and about Jesus.... :(

I would answer, that Jesus would be just as unimpressed with the government of today, as he was with the government of the time, and would ignore government today, just like he did 2,000 years ago.. Salvation is not a group thing. Individuals are saved on their own merits, and not on the merits of the group they are associated with.
Jesus would be disgusted with the fake govt leader we have today and would absolutely call him out on his many sins. You are using Jesus' ignorance of roman govt as an excuse to support a vile person. You are a disgusting person for that, Jesus would agree.
Evangelicals are pretty bad. They claim religion and do the opposite, basically fakes. They can be dangerous they are very cult like.

I would argue that the danger you worry about should be your own ignorance. Why would you, or anyone else, worry about strangers who fail to live up to the religion they claim to adhere to? When you decide whether you are speaking about evangelicals as a whole, or individually, you might find your way to intelligent discussion on the subject.
2 Timothy 3
1But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good, 4traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!

6They are the kind who worm their way into households....

seems to describe our president to a T.

And our society, for the most part!

I would ask, would Jesus, if walking the Earth today, support a man like Trump to be his flock's government leader?

Trump is everything Jesus/God taught us NOT to be......

So I will never, ever understand the support of such a man from anyone who proclaims to be a follower of Christ....??

It just defies everything we have been taught, about God, and about Jesus.... :(
Anyone sent is a scourge to those who live to and abide in the evil ways of the world but then where do individuals draw that line to say what is evil? That is why it has to be a personal relationship with the spirit in them.

Personally I believe Trump is the person chosen for this time. It would behoove all that love the concept of liberty to pray for our leadership that they do the Father's will and get this nation back to its core instead of following with and going along with those who wish to destroy it.
I pray for you for endorsing the total opposite of Jesus' teachings. You are a fraud and an abomination. How dare you use christ to support evil!
The Lord created evil and good and both serve him so what's your problem with that? No one gets to deny God his glory even if they think they can.
So you serve evil?
lol another rubbish thread. Evangelicals have grown exponentially since the 1960's, and are still growing; it's the 'mainstream' sellouts that are losing congregations. Nothing to see here, just neurotic mentally ill people seeking validation for their insanity and deviant fetishism.
Yes. The denominations are dying, but bible believing spirit filled churches are healthy and increasing.

The "Word Of Faith" independents are leading the pack, at least they were a couple of years ago, don't know about now. The Evangelical Catholic denominations are doing much better than the 'old' Churches are, too, I believe. Asa real grass roots activist, this has been great news for me; the volunteerism of these evangelicals is wonderful to behold and greatly needed. Most' progressives' and 'social justice warriors' don't show up and don't give a shit about helping real people and can't be bothered.
All a very interesting tale.
Evangelicals are pretty bad. They claim religion and do the opposite, basically fakes. They can be dangerous they are very cult like.

I would argue that the danger you worry about should be your own ignorance. Why would you, or anyone else, worry about strangers who fail to live up to the religion they claim to adhere to? When you decide whether you are speaking about evangelicals as a whole, or individually, you might find your way to intelligent discussion on the subject.
I worry about false profits like yourself who endorse evil in the name of the lord.
2 Timothy 3
1But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good, 4traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!

6They are the kind who worm their way into households....

seems to describe our president to a T.

And our society, for the most part!

I would ask, would Jesus, if walking the Earth today, support a man like Trump to be his flock's government leader?

Trump is everything Jesus/God taught us NOT to be......

So I will never, ever understand the support of such a man from anyone who proclaims to be a follower of Christ....??

It just defies everything we have been taught, about God, and about Jesus.... :(
Anyone sent is a scourge to those who live to and abide in the evil ways of the world but then where do individuals draw that line to say what is evil? That is why it has to be a personal relationship with the spirit in them.

Personally I believe Trump is the person chosen for this time. It would behoove all that love the concept of liberty to pray for our leadership that they do the Father's will and get this nation back to its core instead of following with and going along with those who wish to destroy it.
I pray for you for endorsing the total opposite of Jesus' teachings. You are a fraud and an abomination. How dare you use christ to support evil!
The Lord created evil and good and both serve him so what's your problem with that? No one gets to deny God his glory even if they think they can.
So you serve evil?
Perhaps in your mind. There is only One I serve but apparently you lack understanding or the ability to perceive that. That is a personal issue you will have to take up within your self first.
2 Timothy 3
1But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good, 4traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!

6They are the kind who worm their way into households....

seems to describe our president to a T.

And our society, for the most part!

I would ask, would Jesus, if walking the Earth today, support a man like Trump to be his flock's government leader?

Trump is everything Jesus/God taught us NOT to be......

So I will never, ever understand the support of such a man from anyone who proclaims to be a follower of Christ....??

It just defies everything we have been taught, about God, and about Jesus.... :(

I would answer, that Jesus would be just as unimpressed with the government of today, as he was with the government of the time, and would ignore government today, just like he did 2,000 years ago.. Salvation is not a group thing. Individuals are saved on their own merits, and not on the merits of the group they are associated with.
Jesus would be disgusted with the fake govt leader we have today and would absolutely call him out on his many sins. You are using Jesus' ignorance of roman govt as an excuse to support a vile person. You are a disgusting person for that, Jesus would agree.

Nonsense! Jesus knows that we are all sinners, and that we all fall short of the glory of God. Nor, was Jesus ignorant of the roman government. Government, of any kind, was not part of his mission here on earth. He came to offer us a means to salvation, and that means applies to everyone, including Trump.
2 Timothy 3
1But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good, 4traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!

6They are the kind who worm their way into households....

seems to describe our president to a T.

And our society, for the most part!

I would ask, would Jesus, if walking the Earth today, support a man like Trump to be his flock's government leader?

Trump is everything Jesus/God taught us NOT to be......

So I will never, ever understand the support of such a man from anyone who proclaims to be a follower of Christ....??

It just defies everything we have been taught, about God, and about Jesus.... :(
Anyone sent is a scourge to those who live to and abide in the evil ways of the world but then where do individuals draw that line to say what is evil? That is why it has to be a personal relationship with the spirit in them.

Personally I believe Trump is the person chosen for this time. It would behoove all that love the concept of liberty to pray for our leadership that they do the Father's will and get this nation back to its core instead of following with and going along with those who wish to destroy it.
I pray for you for endorsing the total opposite of Jesus' teachings. You are a fraud and an abomination. How dare you use christ to support evil!
The Lord created evil and good and both serve him so what's your problem with that? No one gets to deny God his glory even if they think they can.
So you serve evil?
Perhaps in your mind. There is only One I serve but apparently you lack understanding or the ability to perceive that. That is a personal issue you will have to take up within your self first.
No not my mind. Reality. You have endorsed an evil person, and need to accept your sin and repent. Jesus would not ignore this and blame it on "perception".
Evangelicals are pretty bad. They claim religion and do the opposite, basically fakes. They can be dangerous they are very cult like.

I would argue that the danger you worry about should be your own ignorance. Why would you, or anyone else, worry about strangers who fail to live up to the religion they claim to adhere to? When you decide whether you are speaking about evangelicals as a whole, or individually, you might find your way to intelligent discussion on the subject.
I worry about false profits like yourself who endorse evil in the name of the lord.

Profits? LOL
Anyone sent is a scourge to those who live to and abide in the evil ways of the world but then where do individuals draw that line to say what is evil? That is why it has to be a personal relationship with the spirit in them.

Personally I believe Trump is the person chosen for this time. It would behoove all that love the concept of liberty to pray for our leadership that they do the Father's will and get this nation back to its core instead of following with and going along with those who wish to destroy it.
I pray for you for endorsing the total opposite of Jesus' teachings. You are a fraud and an abomination. How dare you use christ to support evil!
The Lord created evil and good and both serve him so what's your problem with that? No one gets to deny God his glory even if they think they can.
So you serve evil?
Perhaps in your mind. There is only One I serve but apparently you lack understanding or the ability to perceive that. That is a personal issue you will have to take up within your self first.
No not my mind. Reality. You have endorsed an evil person, and need to accept your sin and repent. Jesus would not ignore this and blame it on "perception".
Sorry I do not allow you or any other earth bound spirit to dictate what my sin is or what I should repent for. Go suck an egg.
Evangelicals are pretty bad. They claim religion and do the opposite, basically fakes. They can be dangerous they are very cult like.

I would argue that the danger you worry about should be your own ignorance. Why would you, or anyone else, worry about strangers who fail to live up to the religion they claim to adhere to? When you decide whether you are speaking about evangelicals as a whole, or individually, you might find your way to intelligent discussion on the subject.
I worry about false profits like yourself who endorse evil in the name of the lord.

Profits? LOL
Anyone sent is a scourge to those who live to and abide in the evil ways of the world but then where do individuals draw that line to say what is evil? That is why it has to be a personal relationship with the spirit in them.

Personally I believe Trump is the person chosen for this time. It would behoove all that love the concept of liberty to pray for our leadership that they do the Father's will and get this nation back to its core instead of following with and going along with those who wish to destroy it.
I pray for you for endorsing the total opposite of Jesus' teachings. You are a fraud and an abomination. How dare you use christ to support evil!
The Lord created evil and good and both serve him so what's your problem with that? No one gets to deny God his glory even if they think they can.
So you serve evil?
Perhaps in your mind. There is only One I serve but apparently you lack understanding or the ability to perceive that. That is a personal issue you will have to take up within your self first.
No not my mind. Reality. You have endorsed an evil person, and need to accept your sin and repent. Jesus would not ignore this and blame it on "perception".

Look at you trying to talk for Jesus....hint: He would be really upset with you for doing that
I pray for you for endorsing the total opposite of Jesus' teachings. You are a fraud and an abomination. How dare you use christ to support evil!
The Lord created evil and good and both serve him so what's your problem with that? No one gets to deny God his glory even if they think they can.
So you serve evil?
Perhaps in your mind. There is only One I serve but apparently you lack understanding or the ability to perceive that. That is a personal issue you will have to take up within your self first.
No not my mind. Reality. You have endorsed an evil person, and need to accept your sin and repent. Jesus would not ignore this and blame it on "perception".
Sorry I do not allow you or any other earth bound spirit to dictate what my sin is or what I should repent for. Go suck an egg.
You endorse an evil conman who has no respect for the Lord or Jesus' teachings. You are a pharisee
Evangelicals are pretty bad. They claim religion and do the opposite, basically fakes. They can be dangerous they are very cult like.

I would argue that the danger you worry about should be your own ignorance. Why would you, or anyone else, worry about strangers who fail to live up to the religion they claim to adhere to? When you decide whether you are speaking about evangelicals as a whole, or individually, you might find your way to intelligent discussion on the subject.
I worry about false profits like yourself who endorse evil in the name of the lord.

I am not a prophet, I do not endorse evil, and I do nothing in the name of the lord except pray for his blessing. I have sins of my own to worry about, and I try to let others worry about their own sins.

Unless you are without sin, you should be careful about throwing stones at others.
I pray for you for endorsing the total opposite of Jesus' teachings. You are a fraud and an abomination. How dare you use christ to support evil!
The Lord created evil and good and both serve him so what's your problem with that? No one gets to deny God his glory even if they think they can.
So you serve evil?
Perhaps in your mind. There is only One I serve but apparently you lack understanding or the ability to perceive that. That is a personal issue you will have to take up within your self first.
No not my mind. Reality. You have endorsed an evil person, and need to accept your sin and repent. Jesus would not ignore this and blame it on "perception".

Look at you trying to talk for Jesus....hint: He would be really upset with you for doing that
A lot of peeps do that.

And many think they are doing God a favor when they kill the prophets. Just keep in mind that all who follow lies are simply given over to their own evil. We are seeing a lot of that go down these days. Shame to see it all but that is the way it works.
I pray for you for endorsing the total opposite of Jesus' teachings. You are a fraud and an abomination. How dare you use christ to support evil!
The Lord created evil and good and both serve him so what's your problem with that? No one gets to deny God his glory even if they think they can.
So you serve evil?
Perhaps in your mind. There is only One I serve but apparently you lack understanding or the ability to perceive that. That is a personal issue you will have to take up within your self first.
No not my mind. Reality. You have endorsed an evil person, and need to accept your sin and repent. Jesus would not ignore this and blame it on "perception".

Look at you trying to talk for Jesus....hint: He would be really upset with you for doing that
Have you read the bible? Jesus would be disgusted with evangelicals. Churches for profit, sow a seed of money? Endorsing a president who is one of the worst sinners alive. You know nothing of Jesus.
The Lord created evil and good and both serve him so what's your problem with that? No one gets to deny God his glory even if they think they can.
So you serve evil?
Perhaps in your mind. There is only One I serve but apparently you lack understanding or the ability to perceive that. That is a personal issue you will have to take up within your self first.
No not my mind. Reality. You have endorsed an evil person, and need to accept your sin and repent. Jesus would not ignore this and blame it on "perception".
Sorry I do not allow you or any other earth bound spirit to dictate what my sin is or what I should repent for. Go suck an egg.
You endorse an evil conman who has no respect for the Lord or Jesus' teachings. You are a pharisee
So you say and you evidently follow along faithfully with the father of lies as you do not know me, who I am or the One who sends me.
The Lord created evil and good and both serve him so what's your problem with that? No one gets to deny God his glory even if they think they can.
So you serve evil?
Perhaps in your mind. There is only One I serve but apparently you lack understanding or the ability to perceive that. That is a personal issue you will have to take up within your self first.
No not my mind. Reality. You have endorsed an evil person, and need to accept your sin and repent. Jesus would not ignore this and blame it on "perception".

Look at you trying to talk for Jesus....hint: He would be really upset with you for doing that
A lot of peeps do that.

And many think they are doing God a favor when they kill the prophets. Just keep in mind that all who follow lies are simply given over to their own evil. We are seeing a lot of that go down these days. Shame to see it all but that is the way it works.

This is silliness anyway, there are no perfect humans, we are all with sin. In the last election you had a choice of basically two candidates, both of them as bad as each other in the sin department
Evangelicals are pretty bad. They claim religion and do the opposite, basically fakes. They can be dangerous they are very cult like.

I would argue that the danger you worry about should be your own ignorance. Why would you, or anyone else, worry about strangers who fail to live up to the religion they claim to adhere to? When you decide whether you are speaking about evangelicals as a whole, or individually, you might find your way to intelligent discussion on the subject.
I worry about false profits like yourself who endorse evil in the name of the lord.

I am not a prophet, I do not endorse evil, and I do nothing in the name of the lord except pray for his blessing. I have sins of my own to worry about, and I try to let others worry about their own sins.

Unless you are without sin, you should be careful about throwing stones at others.
I am not without sin, however you are not either, and you are ignoring some of Jesus' word for your own interpretation of religion. We all need to follow all of his words.

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