Evangelicals have lost their way, there is no going back for them.

2 Timothy 3
1But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good, 4traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!

6They are the kind who worm their way into households....

seems to describe our president to a T.

And our society, for the most part!

I would ask, would Jesus, if walking the Earth today, support a man like Trump to be his flock's government leader?

Trump is everything Jesus/God taught us NOT to be......

So I will never, ever understand the support of such a man from anyone who proclaims to be a follower of Christ....??

It just defies everything we have been taught, about God, and about Jesus.... :(
Anyone sent is a scourge to those who live to and abide in the evil ways of the world but then where do individuals draw that line to say what is evil? That is why it has to be a personal relationship with the spirit in them.

Personally I believe Trump is the person chosen for this time. It would behoove all that love the concept of liberty to pray for our leadership that they do the Father's will and get this nation back to its core instead of following with and going along with those who wish to destroy it.

Chosen by the Christian right , elites, and some of the ignorant working poor, those who think the ACA and Obamacare are diffident things, and who think the days of coal are back.
"Some of the working poor"? What's the percentage now of working poor in the country?

We had the discussion on forcing healthcare insurance before. Nothing has changed. The money monster justify forcing their crap on everyone in all aspects so they can get that cut of everyone else's labor and money regardless of whether it is good for everyone or not. ACA was a disaster before it was ever initiated and the greedy money changers and their lackey politicians were already in the wings to catch their windfall for pushing it through. It did not provide healthcare for everyone it merely drove up the cost for all and turned more corruption loose. Bankers and the greedy at the top don't care who they get a cut from. To them it doesn't matter if you are Catholic, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Atheist or some other religious denomination. Most don't care if your straight, queer, male, female, unknown, what color your skin is or how many holes you've pierced into your self to wear their goods on your body. It is the overall percentage of what they can get in return for their efforts and payoffs that they look at. Rook and crook by any means is the order of the day for borrower and lender. Just sign the agreement that you'll be a debtor and their slave, wallah your in. That part has never changed. When the people fall for the programming the people are letting them and encouraging it all because people want to live beyond their means.

We need to keep the Separation of Church and State and the Evans and Fundamentalists are so scared they are blurring the line. You guys without realizing it are killing Christianity.
Faith doesn't mean one has to be totally oblivious to political policies that are affecting their lives. Not everyone is going to play like Ostriches while a few are working at their back doors looking for a way to get in. The Soros types are banking on y'all staying at each others throats so you won't see what is happening all around you.

You think the devil can't play a harp?

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