Evangelicals' Prayers for GOP: Good Things Come To Those Who Rape


Evangelicals are very, very happy with the idiot trump, an admitted sex offender, he represents their oppressive religious agenda well, like themselves he feels no empathy for...anyone.

Evangelicals also voted for ephebophile Roy Moore at the same percentage they turned out for the idiot trump. God's laws don't apply to him or any other sexual deviant with an (R) after his name on a ballot. (ephebophile: Men and women who are sexually attracted to adolescents who have started puberty and are generally between the ages of 13-16 depending on the start of puberty.)

For decades rational Americans have seen the religious right bend and twist Christian scripture to conform with their hatred, racism, bigotry, and misogyny.

But conservative Christians’ hypocrisy hit new lows with the idiot trump’s presidential campaign. And fell to even lower points after he moved himself and his corrupt swamp rats into the White House and various federal agencies.

Given the criminals and sexual predators they choose to represent them in all levels of government, conservative Christians cannot deny their prayers ask their god that only good things come to those who rape. Evangelical has become synonymous with deplorable.

The responses to this OP from the righteous righties will only confirm what has been written above.






Ya, they prayed for the Kennedy drunks and the Clintons eh ?
Bill Clinton actually paid off our debt and gave us a decade of prosperity!

He didn’t have to pay off Porn Stars to have sex with him,either!

Actually Clinton is a rapist and sexual harasser.
Clinton's mortgage policies are what caused the Great Recession.
Millions of hard working middle class Americans suffered because of Clinton's backwards liberal economic policies.


GW Bush,his 2 wars,tax cuts for the wealthy and down right negligence caused the deepest recession since the depression.

It is totally amazing how you believe everything said about Clinton, but excuse that lying,cheating,stealing thug now in the WhiteHouse.

Not to mention Evangelicals destroying the Religion they pretend to have.

And now,Trump is well on the way to a worse recession than the one Bush/ Cheney caused.

Stop acting stupid, Bill IS a serial sexual predator. It's just that he is YOUR Serial Sexual Predator so it's ok. Dumb Bit*h.

Clinton is not my anything! I did not like what he did.

But if you want stupid, any fool that still complains about Clinton, who has not been in office since 2000, yet still supports the Porn loving idiot in the WH, who is not just morally corrupt but has the vocabulary of a 4TH grader boasting and lying about how smart he is proves to me just how ignorant of facts you really are!

Now,how do you like my run on sentence?

Have a nice day!

Oh so you agree that his impeachment SHOULD have been upheld in the Senate. Good.

No,I agree with the Senate. Clinton was doing a fine job as President.
Actually Clinton is a rapist and sexual harasser.
Clinton's mortgage policies are what caused the Great Recession.
Millions of hard working middle class Americans suffered because of Clinton's backwards liberal economic policies.


GW Bush,his 2 wars,tax cuts for the wealthy and down right negligence caused the deepest recession since the depression.

It is totally amazing how you believe everything said about Clinton, but excuse that lying,cheating,stealing thug now in the WhiteHouse.

Not to mention Evangelicals destroying the Religion they pretend to have.

And now,Trump is well on the way to a worse recession than the one Bush/ Cheney caused.

Stop acting stupid, Bill IS a serial sexual predator. It's just that he is YOUR Serial Sexual Predator so it's ok. Dumb Bit*h.

Clinton is not my anything! I did not like what he did.

But if you want stupid, any fool that still complains about Clinton, who has not been in office since 2000, yet still supports the Porn loving idiot in the WH, who is not just morally corrupt but has the vocabulary of a 4TH grader boasting and lying about how smart he is proves to me just how ignorant of facts you really are!

Now,how do you like my run on sentence?

Have a nice day!

Oh so you agree that his impeachment SHOULD have been upheld in the Senate. Good.

No,I agree with the Senate. Clinton was doing a fine job as President.

He lied to the Nation and he perjured himself. I knew you were a hack, I just wanted you to put it out there in the open.
In June they are meeting with trump to express their concerns about things like trumps behavior and stormy Daniels. They’re worried it’s going to cost them votes. Maybe trump needs to go on tv and apologize for past descretions even if it’s as insincere as his inauguration speech he sounded believable.

Has he accepted this proposed meeting? Somehow I doubt if he will.
He knows those guys will vote for him no matter.
All Americans are Muslims??? You sure about that??


How did Muslims come into it? I never mentioned Muslims specifically. It's only the Republican Party that allowed itself to be dominated by a weird sect of "Christians." Your comment is BS. Americans are atheists, agnostics, Christians of a variety of sects and denominations, Jews, Muslims, Pagans, Wiccans, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, animists, the whole lot. Why did the moron currently in the Oval Office invite only those "religious leaders" who were "conservative" protestants?

BTW: whatever beef the people in your sect have with the Muslim faith is not understandable, and you folks own it completely.

It is insane and bigoted to consider the GOP dominated by Christians. If that was true, neither McCain, nor Romney would have been the nominees.

No. The GOP is dominated by right-wing Christian cults. The dumbshits who won't own up to what sect the are and just say "Christian." Both McCain and Romney are Christians of various denominations. Then the cult members voted for a man who has admitted, and bragged about a lifetime of sexual immorality, not to mention being a sexual predator and voyeur, and accused child molester, over a life-long practicing Methodist.

You haven't explained what the thing is with your cult with regard to Muslims.

Bbbut! Trump was converted. He was healed ,I tell ya!

Didn’t you see that bunch of Eeevangelicals Christians in the Oval Office a prayin’ and laying on Of hands?

Truly a collection of babboons, singing hallelujah and rattling their tambourines. What a joke.

And you libs wonder why Evangelicals think you are hostile...

In June they are meeting with trump to express their concerns about things like trumps behavior and stormy Daniels. They’re worried it’s going to cost them votes. Maybe trump needs to go on tv and apologize for past descretions even if it’s as insincere as his inauguration speech he sounded believable.

Has he accepted this proposed meeting? Somehow I doubt if he will.
He knows those guys will vote for him no matter.
How did Muslims come into it? I never mentioned Muslims specifically. It's only the Republican Party that allowed itself to be dominated by a weird sect of "Christians." Your comment is BS. Americans are atheists, agnostics, Christians of a variety of sects and denominations, Jews, Muslims, Pagans, Wiccans, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, animists, the whole lot. Why did the moron currently in the Oval Office invite only those "religious leaders" who were "conservative" protestants?

BTW: whatever beef the people in your sect have with the Muslim faith is not understandable, and you folks own it completely.

It is insane and bigoted to consider the GOP dominated by Christians. If that was true, neither McCain, nor Romney would have been the nominees.

No. The GOP is dominated by right-wing Christian cults. The dumbshits who won't own up to what sect the are and just say "Christian." Both McCain and Romney are Christians of various denominations. Then the cult members voted for a man who has admitted, and bragged about a lifetime of sexual immorality, not to mention being a sexual predator and voyeur, and accused child molester, over a life-long practicing Methodist.

You haven't explained what the thing is with your cult with regard to Muslims.

Bbbut! Trump was converted. He was healed ,I tell ya!

Didn’t you see that bunch of Eeevangelicals Christians in the Oval Office a prayin’ and laying on Of hands?

Truly a collection of babboons, singing hallelujah and rattling their tambourines. What a joke.

And you libs wonder why Evangelicals think you are hostile...


They know we aren't hostile. In fact many of them agree with us on fiscal issues. They just think we are hostile to fetus'.

I dated a Pentecostal for a minute. They are crazy

In June they are meeting with trump to express their concerns about things like trumps behavior and stormy Daniels. They’re worried it’s going to cost them votes. Maybe trump needs to go on tv and apologize for past descretions even if it’s as insincere as his inauguration speech he sounded believable.

Has he accepted this proposed meeting? Somehow I doubt if he will.
He knows those guys will vote for him no matter.
It is insane and bigoted to consider the GOP dominated by Christians. If that was true, neither McCain, nor Romney would have been the nominees.

No. The GOP is dominated by right-wing Christian cults. The dumbshits who won't own up to what sect the are and just say "Christian." Both McCain and Romney are Christians of various denominations. Then the cult members voted for a man who has admitted, and bragged about a lifetime of sexual immorality, not to mention being a sexual predator and voyeur, and accused child molester, over a life-long practicing Methodist.

You haven't explained what the thing is with your cult with regard to Muslims.

Bbbut! Trump was converted. He was healed ,I tell ya!

Didn’t you see that bunch of Eeevangelicals Christians in the Oval Office a prayin’ and laying on Of hands?

Truly a collection of babboons, singing hallelujah and rattling their tambourines. What a joke.

And you libs wonder why Evangelicals think you are hostile...


They know we aren't hostile. In fact many of them agree with us on fiscal issues. They just think we are hostile to fetus'.

I dated a Pentecostal for a minute. They are crazy

You might not be hostile. Plenty of your lefty buddies are.

GW Bush,his 2 wars,tax cuts for the wealthy and down right negligence caused the deepest recession since the depression.

It is totally amazing how you believe everything said about Clinton, but excuse that lying,cheating,stealing thug now in the WhiteHouse.

Not to mention Evangelicals destroying the Religion they pretend to have.

And now,Trump is well on the way to a worse recession than the one Bush/ Cheney caused.

Stop acting stupid, Bill IS a serial sexual predator. It's just that he is YOUR Serial Sexual Predator so it's ok. Dumb Bit*h.

Clinton is not my anything! I did not like what he did.

But if you want stupid, any fool that still complains about Clinton, who has not been in office since 2000, yet still supports the Porn loving idiot in the WH, who is not just morally corrupt but has the vocabulary of a 4TH grader boasting and lying about how smart he is proves to me just how ignorant of facts you really are!

Now,how do you like my run on sentence?

Have a nice day!

Oh so you agree that his impeachment SHOULD have been upheld in the Senate. Good.

No,I agree with the Senate. Clinton was doing a fine job as President.

He lied to the Nation and he perjured himself. I knew you were a hack, I just wanted you to put it out there in the open.

Apparently the Senate agreed with me! Suck it up bro. That was 20 years ago.
You better be sweating out what is happening now,instead of still fantasizing about Monica. Clue,she is middle aged now.
Stop acting stupid, Bill IS a serial sexual predator. It's just that he is YOUR Serial Sexual Predator so it's ok. Dumb Bit*h.

Clinton is not my anything! I did not like what he did.

But if you want stupid, any fool that still complains about Clinton, who has not been in office since 2000, yet still supports the Porn loving idiot in the WH, who is not just morally corrupt but has the vocabulary of a 4TH grader boasting and lying about how smart he is proves to me just how ignorant of facts you really are!

Now,how do you like my run on sentence?

Have a nice day!

Oh so you agree that his impeachment SHOULD have been upheld in the Senate. Good.

No,I agree with the Senate. Clinton was doing a fine job as President.

He lied to the Nation and he perjured himself. I knew you were a hack, I just wanted you to put it out there in the open.

Apparently the Senate agreed with me! Suck it up bro. That was 20 years ago.
You better be sweating out what is happening now,instead of still fantasizing about Monica. Clue,she is middle aged now.

I have always loved how the truly devout are always capable of compartmentalizing the sins of their own. The Senate played Politics, nothing more. I have nothing to "sweat out" honey. I know where it's headed and I know the game that is being played.
Clinton is not my anything! I did not like what he did.

But if you want stupid, any fool that still complains about Clinton, who has not been in office since 2000, yet still supports the Porn loving idiot in the WH, who is not just morally corrupt but has the vocabulary of a 4TH grader boasting and lying about how smart he is proves to me just how ignorant of facts you really are!

Now,how do you like my run on sentence?

Have a nice day!

Oh so you agree that his impeachment SHOULD have been upheld in the Senate. Good.

No,I agree with the Senate. Clinton was doing a fine job as President.

He lied to the Nation and he perjured himself. I knew you were a hack, I just wanted you to put it out there in the open.

Apparently the Senate agreed with me! Suck it up bro. That was 20 years ago.
You better be sweating out what is happening now,instead of still fantasizing about Monica. Clue,she is middle aged now.

I have always loved how the truly devout are always capable of compartmentalizing the sins of their own. The Senate played Politics, nothing more. I have nothing to "sweat out" honey. I know where it's headed and I know the game that is being played.

Well, sweetie pie, I am glad you figured that out!
Oh so you agree that his impeachment SHOULD have been upheld in the Senate. Good.

No,I agree with the Senate. Clinton was doing a fine job as President.

He lied to the Nation and he perjured himself. I knew you were a hack, I just wanted you to put it out there in the open.

Apparently the Senate agreed with me! Suck it up bro. That was 20 years ago.
You better be sweating out what is happening now,instead of still fantasizing about Monica. Clue,she is middle aged now.

I have always loved how the truly devout are always capable of compartmentalizing the sins of their own. The Senate played Politics, nothing more. I have nothing to "sweat out" honey. I know where it's headed and I know the game that is being played.

Well, sweetie pie, I am glad you figured that out!

Too bad you're still caught up in the game honey, but take heart the awakening is happening. We still lose, but at least more people are waking up every day.

Evangelicals are very, very happy with the idiot trump, an admitted sex offender, he represents their oppressive religious agenda well, like themselves he feels no empathy for...anyone.

Evangelicals also voted for ephebophile Roy Moore at the same percentage they turned out for the idiot trump. God's laws don't apply to him or any other sexual deviant with an (R) after his name on a ballot. (ephebophile: Men and women who are sexually attracted to adolescents who have started puberty and are generally between the ages of 13-16 depending on the start of puberty.)

For decades rational Americans have seen the religious right bend and twist Christian scripture to conform with their hatred, racism, bigotry, and misogyny.

But conservative Christians’ hypocrisy hit new lows with the idiot trump’s presidential campaign. And fell to even lower points after he moved himself and his corrupt swamp rats into the White House and various federal agencies.

Given the criminals and sexual predators they choose to represent them in all levels of government, conservative Christians cannot deny their prayers ask their god that only good things come to those who rape. Evangelical has become synonymous with deplorable.

The responses to this OP from the righteous righties will only confirm what has been written above.






Weinstein, Weiner, Bill Clinton and the authors of the #METOO movement are DemoKKKrat perverts you twisted brother!!


Bill Clinton actually paid off our debt and gave us a decade of prosperity!

He didn’t have to pay off Porn Stars to have sex with him,either!
Where do you get this nonsense that Bill Clinton paid off our debt?

Evangelicals are very, very happy with the idiot trump, an admitted sex offender, he represents their oppressive religious agenda well, like themselves he feels no empathy for...anyone.

Evangelicals also voted for ephebophile Roy Moore at the same percentage they turned out for the idiot trump. God's laws don't apply to him or any other sexual deviant with an (R) after his name on a ballot. (ephebophile: Men and women who are sexually attracted to adolescents who have started puberty and are generally between the ages of 13-16 depending on the start of puberty.)

For decades rational Americans have seen the religious right bend and twist Christian scripture to conform with their hatred, racism, bigotry, and misogyny.

But conservative Christians’ hypocrisy hit new lows with the idiot trump’s presidential campaign. And fell to even lower points after he moved himself and his corrupt swamp rats into the White House and various federal agencies.

Given the criminals and sexual predators they choose to represent them in all levels of government, conservative Christians cannot deny their prayers ask their god that only good things come to those who rape. Evangelical has become synonymous with deplorable.

The responses to this OP from the righteous righties will only confirm what has been written above.





You must have ulcers to carry that much hatred around with you.
You might not be hostile. Plenty of your lefty buddies are.

Of course Trumpling - Anyone you disagrees with your posts is either a faggot and/ or part of the "Deep State""

You are a dutiful Trump clown and enabler of a coming Autocracy

Be Proud! :rolleyes-41:
No,I agree with the Senate. Clinton was doing a fine job as President.

He lied to the Nation and he perjured himself. I knew you were a hack, I just wanted you to put it out there in the open.

Apparently the Senate agreed with me! Suck it up bro. That was 20 years ago.
You better be sweating out what is happening now,instead of still fantasizing about Monica. Clue,she is middle aged now.

I have always loved how the truly devout are always capable of compartmentalizing the sins of their own. The Senate played Politics, nothing more. I have nothing to "sweat out" honey. I know where it's headed and I know the game that is being played.

Well, sweetie pie, I am glad you figured that out!

Too bad you're still caught up in the game honey, but take heart the awakening is happening. We still lose, but at least more people are waking up every day.

So now we have Cohen raided by New York, too. How about that? Enough to get your mind off Monica? Bank fraud no less. And Trump can not pardon state charges.

Trump seems just a little bit shook up over this one!:)

Well he bomb Syria? Fire Sessions? Or Rosenstein? Or Mueller?

Stay tuned!

Evangelicals are very, very happy with the idiot trump, an admitted sex offender, he represents their oppressive religious agenda well, like themselves he feels no empathy for...anyone.

Evangelicals also voted for ephebophile Roy Moore at the same percentage they turned out for the idiot trump. God's laws don't apply to him or any other sexual deviant with an (R) after his name on a ballot. (ephebophile: Men and women who are sexually attracted to adolescents who have started puberty and are generally between the ages of 13-16 depending on the start of puberty.)

For decades rational Americans have seen the religious right bend and twist Christian scripture to conform with their hatred, racism, bigotry, and misogyny.

But conservative Christians’ hypocrisy hit new lows with the idiot trump’s presidential campaign. And fell to even lower points after he moved himself and his corrupt swamp rats into the White House and various federal agencies.

Given the criminals and sexual predators they choose to represent them in all levels of government, conservative Christians cannot deny their prayers ask their god that only good things come to those who rape. Evangelical has become synonymous with deplorable.

The responses to this OP from the righteous righties will only confirm what has been written above.






Weinstein, Weiner, Bill Clinton and the authors of the #METOO movement are DemoKKKrat perverts you twisted brother!!


Bill Clinton actually paid off our debt and gave us a decade of prosperity!

He didn’t have to pay off Porn Stars to have sex with him,either!
Where do you get this nonsense that Bill Clinton paid off our debt?

It came to her in a Wet Dream. He is her favorite Serial Sexual Predator.

I am not the one who can not stop thinking about Clinton and Monica. You guys are.

This mess we have in Congress ,the WH and Investigation that is occurring now.
Evangelicals are very, very hypocritical and inconsistent.

Their unwarranted support of Trump – a bigot, racist, liar, and misogynist – runs counter to Christian doctrine and dogma, his bigotry and hate directed toward immigrants being one of many examples.

Aside from you being a stone cold liar and gutless one at that what is good for the Clinton goose is good for the Trump gander.
You might not be hostile. Plenty of your lefty buddies are.

Of course Trumpling - Anyone you disagrees with your posts is either a faggot and/ or part of the "Deep State""

You are a dutiful Trump clown and enabler of a coming Autocracy

Be Proud! :rolleyes-41:

Well, that was a big helping of crazy.

One of the other leftards, just referred to Christians as "baboons".

The Hostility on the Left to Christianity is deep and widespread.
You might not be hostile. Plenty of your lefty buddies are.

Of course Trumpling - Anyone you disagrees with your posts is either a faggot and/ or part of the "Deep State""

You are a dutiful Trump clown and enabler of a coming Autocracy

Be Proud! :rolleyes-41:

Well, that was a big helping of crazy.
One of the other leftards, just referred to Christians as "baboons".
The Hostility on the Left to Christianity is deep and widespread.

The right referred to these Christians as baboons for many years - Classy

You might not be hostile. Plenty of your lefty buddies are.

Of course Trumpling - Anyone you disagrees with your posts is either a faggot and/ or part of the "Deep State""

You are a dutiful Trump clown and enabler of a coming Autocracy

Be Proud! :rolleyes-41:

Well, that was a big helping of crazy.
One of the other leftards, just referred to Christians as "baboons".
The Hostility on the Left to Christianity is deep and widespread.

The right referred to these Christians as baboons for many years - Classy


1."The Right" did not such thing, liar.

2. And are you denying that whoever made that photoshop was hostile to the Obamas? Because otherwise, you just supported my point, that calling someone a baboon is a sign of hostility.
You might not be hostile. Plenty of your lefty buddies are.

Of course Trumpling - Anyone you disagrees with your posts is either a faggot and/ or part of the "Deep State""

You are a dutiful Trump clown and enabler of a coming Autocracy

Be Proud! :rolleyes-41:

Well, that was a big helping of crazy.
One of the other leftards, just referred to Christians as "baboons".
The Hostility on the Left to Christianity is deep and widespread.

The right referred to these Christians as baboons for many years - Classy


1."The Right" did not such thing, liar.

2. And are you denying that whoever made that photoshop was hostile to the Obamas? Because otherwise, you just supported my point, that calling someone a baboon is a sign of hostility.
The right did no such thing? You know that's a flat out lie.

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