Even a plurality of Democrats want to move on from Obama


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
The poor dear Obambam. EVERYONE is sick of him. He should get a clue. Being a thug just isn't cutting it anymore :eusa_dance:

The conventional wisdom inside the beltway and on the sets of cable news outlets is that the Democratic Party has grown, perhaps inexorably, more liberal over the course of the Obama era. It is not hard to find liberal Democrats who believe that the Obama presidency failed to meet their expectations. As it happens, though, a new McClatchy-Marist survey found that a plurality of Democrats agree that it is time to move on from the Obama era of Democratic governance.

According to that survey, 47 percent of Democrats agree that “It’s more important to have a Democratic nominee for president who will move in a different direction.” 45 percent would contend, however, that “It’s more important to have a Democratic nominee for president who will continue President Obama’s policies.”

Some might say that this is a virtual tie, and the margin of error for this subgroup of 462 Democratic and Democrat-leaning respondents (4.6 percent) renders this finding easily dismissed. When you dig a bit deeper into this poll’s results, however, this survey becomes a bit more interesting.

President Obama’s fiercest critics on the left are, well, on the left… The far-left. Those who proudly count themselves members of the Elizabeth Warren Wing of the Democratic Party often echo the Massachusetts senator’s criticisms of the president as too close to those in the banking sector of the economy.

“They protected Wall Street. Not families who were losing their homes,” Warren said of the Obama administration in an interview with Salon. “Not people who lost their jobs. Not young people who were struggling to get an education. And it happened over and over and over.”

ALL of it here:
Even a plurality of Democrats want to move on from Obama Hot Air
Almost as good as that american spring article from last year steph.

The fact is people are going back to work and the hiring of college grads and hiring for those with an education and training is very strong. The people who will not see the benefits are those without an education or basic training in the skills needed in today's economy Those people will permanently be left behind as an under sub class no matter how strong the economy gets or who is president.

This is where all the WHITE hot rage is coming from and focused on Obama.
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Define a plurality Staph. Oh, and it will still be a Democrat that ya'll will hate...maybe not quite as deeply or as viscerally as ya'll hate the black guy, but the hate will still be there.

The folks that didn't get to hate on the Clintons in the 90s are absolutely frothing at the chance now.
Here ya go. this should help that Obama out. He and his party has a REAL war going on women in the country.


56,023,000: Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force
March 6, 2015 - 11:07 AM
By Ali Meyer

(CNSNews.com) - A record 56,023,000 women, age 16 years and over, were not in the labor force in February.

Not only was that a record high, but it's also the first time the number has exceeded 56 million, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

To be counted as ‘not in the labor force,’ according to the BLS, one must not have a job or have looked for one in the past four weeks. In January 2015, there were 55,756,000 women not in the labor force, which means that 267,000 women dropped out of the labor force since then.

The labor force participation rate, which is the percentage of those who are participating in the labor force by either having a job or looking for one in the past four weeks, declined in February.

According to the BLS, 56.7 percent of women were participating in the labor force in February, a drop from 56.8 percent in January. In the last year, since February 2014, the labor force participation rate for women has fluctuated within a range of 56.6 percent to 57.2 percent, and February’s percentage of 56.7 falls on the low end of that scale.

The BLS labor force numbers begin with the nation’s civilian noninstitutional population, which consists of all people 16 years or older who were not in the military or an institution. For women, that number was 129,252,000. Of those people, there were 73,230,000 women in the labor force, meaning they participated by either having a job or looking for one. This brings the participation rate to 56.7 percent.

Of those 73,230,000 women participating in the labor force, 69,291,000 had a job in February, and 3,939,000 did not - making them the nation’s unemployed.

ALL of it here:
56 023 000 Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force CNS News
Here ya go. this should help that Obama out. He and his party has a REAL war going on women in the country.


56,023,000: Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force
March 6, 2015 - 11:07 AM
By Ali Meyer

(CNSNews.com) - A record 56,023,000 women, age 16 years and over, were not in the labor force in February.

Not only was that a record high, but it's also the first time the number has exceeded 56 million, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

To be counted as ‘not in the labor force,’ according to the BLS, one must not have a job or have looked for one in the past four weeks. In January 2015, there were 55,756,000 women not in the labor force, which means that 267,000 women dropped out of the labor force since then.

The labor force participation rate, which is the percentage of those who are participating in the labor force by either having a job or looking for one in the past four weeks, declined in February.

According to the BLS, 56.7 percent of women were participating in the labor force in February, a drop from 56.8 percent in January. In the last year, since February 2014, the labor force participation rate for women has fluctuated within a range of 56.6 percent to 57.2 percent, and February’s percentage of 56.7 falls on the low end of that scale.

The BLS labor force numbers begin with the nation’s civilian noninstitutional population, which consists of all people 16 years or older who were not in the military or an institution. For women, that number was 129,252,000. Of those people, there were 73,230,000 women in the labor force, meaning they participated by either having a job or looking for one. This brings the participation rate to 56.7 percent.

Of those 73,230,000 women participating in the labor force, 69,291,000 had a job in February, and 3,939,000 did not - making them the nation’s unemployed.

ALL of it here:
56 023 000 Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force CNS News

Such white hot rage
I love when the OP lays into people for posting from left wing hacks sites and than links consistently to Hot Air. Too funny.
I think the people spoke this loud and clear by giving Republicans the Majority of Congress. about time

Working Class Gives Up On Obama, Fears Job Losses

ALL of it here:
Working Class Gives Up On Obama Fears Big Job Losses IBD TIPP Poll - Investors.com

Steph...in 2008 57% of Americans voted and President Obama won in an electoral landslide. In 2012 it was 55% and, again, President Obama won in an electoral landslide. In 2014 only 34% of the country voted and only 19% voted for Republicans. Tell us again about this "loud and clear" fantasy...

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