Even after watching the debate, Putin be rootin' for Biden.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Now I don't want to hear any of you Bidenistas screaming "cheap fake" or "RT disinformation." This story is from Reuters, not the Gateway Pundit, ok?

It makes sense if you think about it: Despots of a feather flock together, ya know.

Putin says he thinks Trump is sincere about ending Ukraine war​

ASTANA (Reuters) -Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday he believed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was sincere about wanting to end the war in Ukraine, but that he did not know how Trump planned to do so if elected.

Putin, speaking at a news conference in Kazakhstan at the end of a regional security conference, commented after being asked about Trump’s statements that he could end the Ukraine war swiftly if he won the White House race on Nov. 5.

“The fact that Mr Trump, as a presidential candidate, declares that he is ready and wants to stop the war in Ukraine, we take this completely seriously,” Putin said...

...Asked what he made of the first televised debate between Trump and President Joe Biden, Putin said he had seen fragments.

Putin has said several times said that he feels Biden is preferable as the future U.S. president to Trump for Russia, even after Biden cast the Kremlin chief as a "crazy SOB" though some of his remarks have been ambiguous.

Asked on Thursday if his publicly stated preference for Biden had changed after the debate, Putin said: “Nothing has changed. Did we not know what could come? We knew.”

“I saw some fragments,” Putin said. “But I have enough to do.”


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