Even Fox News....


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
....is beginning to really piss me off. All the media seems to continuously talk about the 'Russians hacking the election'. The Russians did NOT hack the election. They hacked the DNC server. Stupid ass John Podesta gave out his own password.

Wikileaks revealed emails that neither the DNC nor stupid ass Podesta have denied are authentic. Neither Russia nor Wikileaks authored the emails. NOBODY hacked into our voting machines or tabulations of votes.

Wikileaks did us a favor by exposing the TRUTH that was being deliberately concealed by the Democrats.

And the Democrats gripe about their fantasy that Russia influenced OUR election yet give a pass to the Jew-hater, Obama for his blatant effort to defeat Bibi Netanyahu in the Israeli election.

So it's okay for our Muslim-sympathizer, Jew-hater, piece of shit President to actually interfere with another country's election, but it is earthshaking and totally unacceptable that Wikileaks exposed the truth about the Democrats prior to our election.

Such hypocrisy is albeit expected from the dishonest Democrats.

However, one thing should be clear and evident to all US citizens:


Hillary lost the election because she wrote off some key states where she and Obama had created a lot of JOBLESSNESS. That and the fact that people in most of the nation do not want Obama's shit any longer. It is only the liberal cesspools of California, New York and a sprinkling of other spots that wanted the continuation of our march toward socialism and eventual moral and financial bankruptcy.
to all disgruntled democrats and other supporters of Hellcat -----calm yourselves----
its only four years
:lol: "The Russians didn't hack the election --- they hacked the DNC server!" :rofl:

"Guns don't kill people --- bullets kill people!"

"I didn't rob the bank --- I robbed the teller!"

"I didn't hack your account -- I hacked your password!"

Bridge must be out between the two brain hemispheres....
Why the big push to get the Ds to accept their own incompetence? If they don't correct for their total failure they will keep repeating and destroy themselves, which is a goodness thing, they being evil in every way.
....is beginning to really piss me off. All the media seems to continuously talk about the 'Russians hacking the election'. The Russians did NOT hack the election. They hacked the DNC server. Stupid ass John Podesta gave out his own password.

Wikileaks revealed emails that neither the DNC nor stupid ass Podesta have denied are authentic. Neither Russia nor Wikileaks authored the emails. NOBODY hacked into our voting machines or tabulations of votes.

Wikileaks did us a favor by exposing the TRUTH that was being deliberately concealed by the Democrats.

And the Democrats gripe about their fantasy that Russia influenced OUR election yet give a pass to the Jew-hater, Obama for his blatant effort to defeat Bibi Netanyahu in the Israeli election.

So it's okay for our Muslim-sympathizer, Jew-hater, piece of shit President to actually interfere with another country's election, but it is earthshaking and totally unacceptable that Wikileaks exposed the truth about the Democrats prior to our election.

Such hypocrisy is albeit expected from the dishonest Democrats.

However, one thing should be clear and evident to all US citizens:


Hillary lost the election because she wrote off some key states where she and Obama had created a lot of JOBLESSNESS. That and the fact that people in most of the nation do not want Obama's shit any longer. It is only the liberal cesspools of California, New York and a sprinkling of other spots that wanted the continuation of our march toward socialism and eventual moral and financial bankruptcy.

There is not even proof the Russians hacked the DNC servers. The so-called "experts" have looked at it... someone did hack or phish DNC servers... and they think, or it appears to have Russian signatures. It COULD be some geek in his basement who just made it LOOK like Russian hacking. Congress has been requesting whatever evidence is available and those who've made these allegations won't even respond.

What may have influenced or affected the election results was the information that was revealed through Wikileaks. But lots of things can influence an election, that's basically what an election is all about. You don't need to explain or justify why Hillary lost and Trump won, that's the outcome and it doesn't really matter why it happened. No one interfered with the voting apparatus, no Russians (or anyone else) compromised the integrity and security of the systems. They all operate independently at the state level and are not connected to anything online. Each county and precinct has it's own certified officials who tabulate the votes and report, there is no possible way for any outside entity to compromise this system.

It is inherently dangerous what the left is attempting to do here. This needs to be made clear and conscientious Americans need to speak out against it. They are actively engaging in an attempt to subvert the integrity of the system for democracy. It's a radical departure from sanity and it cannot be allowed to go unchallenged or we risk losing civilized society. When the people lose faith in the legitimacy of the system, it's all over for us, we devolve quickly into anarchy. Many of them are egging this on in the short term to de-legitimize Trump's presidency but the long-term consequences are unacceptable.
Hillary lost the election because she wrote off some key states where she and Obama had created a lot of JOBLESSNESS

Rilly? Ya mean Jeep really did move to China?
They did open a plant there-
Jeep Cherokee production begins in China
Is it for China? Yes, but rather than export from here they opened there.

Actually they re-opened a plant they had shut down. While at the same time expanding in Ohio and Michigan.

That's why Romney lost those two states including his own home state --- people who lived there knew better.

Romney must have known better too --- his own father literally used to CEO the company. Took a failing business and turned it around to the point where it was healthy enough to start producing in China ----- in 1983. And yet when presented the reality I just stated, he doubled down and bet on ignorance. That strategy failed. Good thing too.
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Fox news is largely a Bushy network......a little less so since giggles with the oversize earrings is leaving. They love McCain and Lindsey and anything Bush!
And the Democrats gripe about their fantasy that Russia influenced OUR election yet give a pass to the Jew-hater, Obama for his blatant effort to defeat Bibi Netanyahu in the Israeli election.

Such hypocrisy!

Hillary lost because she was a piss poor candidate! She was dishonest! Her corruption has been exposed. She is just about as worthless as the Jew-hater, Obama! Just about...
No one interfered with the voting apparatus, no Russians (or anyone else) compromised the integrity and security of the systems. They all operate independently at the state level and are not connected to anything online. Each county and precinct has it's own certified officials who tabulate the votes and report, there is no possible way for any outside entity to compromise this system.

----- then how come Rump kept yammering about the election being "rigged"?


Having it both ways: Priceless.

It is inherently dangerous what the left is attempting to do here. This needs to be made clear and conscientious Americans need to speak out against it. They are actively engaging in an attempt to subvert the integrity of the system for democracy. It's a radical departure from sanity and it cannot be allowed to go unchallenged or we risk losing civilized society. When the people lose faith in the legitimacy of the system, it's all over for us, we devolve quickly into anarchy. Many of them are egging this on in the short term to de-legitimize Trump's presidency but the long-term consequences are unacceptable.

Yyyyeah and uh, rejecting our own intelligence somehow isn't "losing faith in the legitimacy of the system".

Again, "Having it both ways" ----- well, you know.
....is beginning to really piss me off. All the media seems to continuously talk about the 'Russians hacking the election'. The Russians did NOT hack the election. They hacked the DNC server. Stupid ass John Podesta gave out his own password.

The way the light reflects off of the tears streaming down your face is magical
----- then how come Rump kept yammering about the election being "rigged"?

I don't know.. I can't defend some of the thing's he says... they're stupid.

Yyyyeah and uh, rejecting our own intelligence somehow isn't "losing faith in the legitimacy of the system".

There's nothing to reject. No evidence has been submitted.
:lol: "The Russians didn't hack the election --- they hacked the DNC server!" :rofl:

"Guns don't kill people --- bullets kill people!"

"I didn't rob the bank --- I robbed the teller!"

"I didn't hack your account -- I hacked your password!"

Bridge must be out between the two brain hemispheres....
"Hillary will win by a landslide."

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