Even Gerorge Bush Senior is voting for Clinton

Ya but you are a loser , supporting a loser and what brings you together is hate for anything that Fox tells you to hate.

I don't watch Fox ya zit-pocked little turd.....get a job instead of wasting mommy's bandwidth insulting your betters.
I doubt that many Republicans will be voting for president. They don't have a candidate in the race.

We have Trump and that's all we need....he's slapping your crimed-up old psychopath around like a crack whore.
Nothing on this forum is going to have any effect on Hillary's win. The clowns here will simply drop their posts on Trump and focus full time to bashing Clinton 45.

Business as usual.
Ya because they have nothing they are able to support with proof about anything these Clowns have to contribute. These are the ultimate losers in out society, supporting the right here. They are the bottom feeders and I enjoy making fools out of them. You have your own Nazi group here supporting your bullshit so you should be happy with that, Support from the dumbest of our population.
Translation = WAAAaaaaa WaaaaWaaaa ... the mean Wepubwicans are ebil ....waaaaaaaaaaa
You see these bottom feeders that can't support one thing they say about Clinton, are scum bags, look at how they react when they get beaten in a thread. Not one fact.
Of course Bush Senior will vote for her.
She is the only progressive running and all progressives stick up for each other, as long as they are the ones in control and have the power.
I recognize most these names here, these are at scum level and you get the best all telling comments from these types of haters
Of course Bush Senior will vote for her.
She is the only progressive running and all progressives stick up for each other, as long as they are the ones in control and have the power.
Why would anyone want a president that will only look backwards. when our future is in front of us. The best Bumper Sticker for the regressive party is"forever backwards"
You see these bottom feeders that can't support one thing they say about Clinton, are scum bags, look at how they react when they get beaten in a thread. Not one fact.
Beating your meat and crying victory won't work either. The fact that the FBI has come out and said she screwed up big time, was not accurate with statements and said to the congressional committee that she lied. You boys pretending all is well is just stupid. Lying and smearing is all leftists ever have.
Of course Bush Senior will vote for her.
She is the only progressive running and all progressives stick up for each other, as long as they are the ones in control and have the power.
Why would anyone want a president that will only look backwards. when our future is in front of us. The best Bumper Sticker for the regressive party is"forever backwards"
First time we agree. Democrats want to go back to a tyrannical kingdom. So rabid with power these days they can no longer even tolerate disagreement.
Nothing on this forum is going to have any effect on Hillary's win. The clowns here will simply drop their posts on Trump and focus full time to bashing Clinton 45.

Business as usual.

When have we ever stopped bashing the lying corrupt Hillary? We have been doing it since Al Gore invented the internet.

George Bush always was a squishy Republican with no real principles. His betrayal says more about him than it does Trump.
This (the OP) is old news. The Clinton's and Bush's have always been tight.
Since she comes from a family which are Dems, and she is a Dem, I imagine Laura Bush also voted for Obama.

Means nothing to me who they vote for.
Nothing on this forum is going to have any effect on Hillary's win. The clowns here will simply drop their posts on Trump and focus full time to bashing Clinton 45.

Business as usual.
Ya because they have nothing they are able to support with proof about anything these Clowns have to contribute. These are the ultimate losers in out society, supporting the right here. They are the bottom feeders and I enjoy making fools out of them. You have your own Nazi group here supporting your bullshit so you should be happy with that, Support from the dumbest of our population.
Nothing is going to change because of this election. The mouth-breathers will continue to be consumed with fear and hatred. That's how they felt when they were high school age and they haven't matured emotionally or intellectually since then. They may see themselves as agents of change but they're insignificant. They're the fly in the room, the faint but detectable odor of rot. Their rantings make normal people look around, idly wishing for a window to be opened for fresh air.

And so much of that energy is wasted. All the noise they can muster is like the jackhammer down the street, noticeable but in the background, easy to tune out. Their handlers are making a fortune keeping them riled up, keeping money circulating through the economy, so it's not all bad. No one ever lost money betting on fear and hatred.

They do lose the popular vote, though. Every time.
The mouth-breathers will continue to be consumed with fear and hatred. That's how they felt when they were high school age and they haven't matured emotionally or intellectually since then. They may see themselves as agents of change but they're insignificant. They're the fly in the room, the faint but detectable odor of rot. Their rantings make normal people look around, idly wishing for a window to be opened for fresh air.
Sounds like you got your ass handed to you in high school and you are trying to make up for it here.

Sounds like it speaks volumes but so many haters have taken over the conservative party, that they are by far the majority of that party now. So you say they aren't the hate party, hell I can prove it with one word, TRUMP!
I live in a very Conservative Christian district, how Conservative Christian? Bachmann was our representative. I'm watching all these fake Christians conservatives High fiving each other and trying to sell the same hate as their party. They are frothing at the mouth with the same bile that the party is trying to sell. Hate for everything that the blind side of the Bible tells them to hate.
Actually you are wrong, when he was asked personally. He said he isn't going to say who he is voting for. Stop lying.
Sorry loser he said it to a room of 40 people ignoramus
As the sources say, but he said himself he won't reveal to the public who he will vote for. Liberal desperation is amusing.
Come on hero, just one thing you can prove about Hillary that some one should care about.

33,000 deleted emails, most of them about her influence-peddling getting her partner in crime fat speaking fees. She has also destroyed evidence of her espionage for Clinturd Foundation clients like the Saudis to stop the Keystone XL pipeline. She's guilty of treason, espionage, obstruction of justice, and probably the murder of Vince Foster. Anything else you'd like to know, pinhead?
Only the missing factor, proof.

Plenty of proof...she's been protected by the Obozo's DOJ for his political "legacy"...ie doubling the national debt, losing two wars that were won, and making us the laughingstock of the world by bowing to tyrants and cowardice to stop ISIS and Iran in their tracks. The whole democrat party is now a criminal cabal that should be taken down by RICO statutes.

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